>mfw I see the state of posting on 4channel/tv/

>(loudly, to everyone): Let me have your attention for a moment. So you’re talking about what? You’re talking about [he puts out his cigarette] bitching about that meme you made, some son of a bitch that doesn’t want to buy, somebody that doesn’t want what you’re memeing, some broad you’re trying to get to post her tits, and so forth.

Attached: BrassBallsWeigh.jpg (819x498, 174K)

>Put. That coffee. Down! Coffee’s for effort posters only.
>Do you think I’m fucking with you?

Attached: fuck.jpg (920x613, 375K)

>Let’s post about something important. Are they all here?
>Well, I’m solving the captcha anyway.

Attached: you.jpg (920x389, 185K)

>You call yourself a memester, you son of a bitch?
>Oh, have I got your attention now?

Attached: thats.jpg (920x389, 239K)

>You can’t meme the leads you’re given, you can’t post shit, you ARE shit. Hit the bricks, pal, and beat it, ’cause you are going out!
>“The leads are weak.” Fucking leads are weak? Your memes are weak.
>You know why, Mister? ’Cause you drove a ishit to get here tonight; I drove an $80,000 water cooled shitpost mainframe.
>Because only one thing counts in this life! Get those (You)'s on the reply which is updated! You hear me, you fucking faggots?

Attached: my.jpg (920x389, 168K)

>(to everyone, after spinning over a blackboard that has two sets of letters on it, “ICBM”): I-C-B-M. I, I; C, Close; B, Better; M, Memes. I Close Better Memes. I Close Better Memes!
>Got That You New Faggots?

Attached: name.jpg (920x389, 150K)

>I can go out there tonight with the materials you got, meme myself $15,000! Tonight! In two posts!
>Why am I here? I came here because Mitch and Murray asked me to. They asked me for a favor. I said, the real favor, follow my advice and sage your fucking ass because a loser is a loser.

Attached: faggots.jpg (920x389, 170K)

Attached: Lookbutdonttouchfaggots.jpg (970x514, 35K)

I dont have to sit here and listen to asshole... who is this guy anyway

Youre weak hit the bricks pal youre fired.

>who is this guy anyway

>Well thats easy.. just look at the filenames Pal, you faggot.

Attached: Pal.jpg (1200x520, 259K)

hey this guy serious right now?

Attached: XMIWRADBNNBMJCQHHBLPADV3SA.jpg (800x450, 34K)

Ya, whackjob said hes from downtown.. m000t and murray. I don't buy it

t. Steakknives winner


Attached: Feed-and-Seed-Store-Red-Oak-II-Missouri-20120827-MG-0428-29-30.jpg (750x499, 366K)

Hey OP. You just cost me 6000$. 6000$ and one Cadillac. That's right. What are you gonna do about it? What are you gonna do about it....asshole.

This movie is so amazing.

You think you can close a fucking meme with that? I piss on that.

jesus christ what a loser

Go home and play with your kids, you're fired, beat it.

The leads are weak. Give me better leads.

This shits weak. You're just replacing words with "meme." I saw a baneposter do this proper years ago and it was EXCELLENT!

>being this butthurt over having to put the coffee down

It takes brass balls to sell shitposts in this world economy sir