20 years old? He's basically a pedo
Who gives a fuck
Roasties are so predictable.
>older man dates younger women
>older woman dates younger men
You go grrrl! Mama's still got it! Work it sister!
I wonder if Leo has some sort of minor deformation on his penis. Like a mole size of a quarter, or urethra hole in the side of the tip.
I guess he would be bit proud of it. Do you think it has affected his career?
Under 20 or over 40 is my rule. Anything else is most likely some bitch wanting to get married lmao
Not counting Italian girls who you should never date as long as you have knives at your place
>Paula Froelich
>age 45
lmfao post wall roasties
>may 2018
'ello 'ello 'ello wot's goin' on 'ere then
I've never questioned a girl's age before fucking her. Never.
It's always roasties moaning about this.
you want a medal?
have sex incels
she needs to have sex. shes 45 never been married no kids and an author who wants to be the next jk rollins
>childless 45 year old roast who thought she could ride the carousel in her youth and still have a family later seethes that men her age are all dating 20 year olds and want nothing to do with her
So it's actually happening...
Feminazis roasties are literally pushing the moral age of consent to fucking 30s (under the lead of jews trying to push white men into infertile women and drop white birth rate)
it's just a bitter roastie reeeing into the void, not some grandiose conspiracy you dumb incel.
not even close
Young girls who hook up with men with massive age differences, particularly rich men, tend to be gold diggers so who cares.
>Blame the guy just wanting to get his rocks off
>Don't blame the endless swarm of adult girls going after a guy because he's rich and famous despite being old enough to be their father
>Two adults dating
Why is this news?
>all men over 40 are socially stunted man-children who can't relate to any woman with her own opinions
Wtf, i love suicidal pederasts now
ignorance won't be a very good excuse when you inevitably go to trial, user
One of the adults is much younger than the other adult! That's pedophilia in America!
maybe if roasties would stop blowing out their pussies with big black dicks and 10 inch dildos more people would be open to banging them as they get older
Why isn't he in jail?
Young women hate older women.
>20 years old is too "young"
I hate America so much. It's like they enjoy being the retards of the world.
If I was gonna go to to trial, it would've happened by now.
These girls were always the initiators. They wanted it and I fucked them. So what?
he doesn't date them
it's an advertisement for these women
in reality leo has probably some young boys in the basement where he buttfucks him
>middle aged man engages in a relationship with a 20 year old woman
>one roastie is mad about it
>all 3 parties are american
meanwhile you cunts have this shit stay obsessed
She's just mad Leo wouldn't be interested in her 45-year old ass who's past her prime long ago
>americans can't legally enjoy 15 year old pusy
I just feel sorry for you guys.
>Woman in her 20s prefer older men
>They ignore man their own age
>They get old and the older guys are now too old, they want men their own age or younger
>Those men are now dating the new generation of younger girls into older man
>Start seething with intensity
Its not even that they are not having fun, they just don't want men to have fun too
The fuck is up with Spain
Would Yea Forums mad if he date Moner?
That problem would be entirely fixed if they just married the older men they dated. That way men have time to establish a career and women can marry and have children in their prime. But no, that's not liberating enough
B-but, they were only 24, essentially children Who didn't know any better :(
Anyone who has interacted with American teenagers or young adults know that for some strange fucking reason, they lag a few years behind Eurofags on emotional development.
The average 15 year old kid in Europe is as emotionally developed as the average 18 year old kid in Burgerland. Beats me why it is this way, and there are of course exceptions, but in general it's almost always the case.
So their retarded age of consent/drinking age limits actually makes sense. Fucking a 16 year old in Burgerland would be like fucking a 13 year old in Europe.
I've seen people unironically say this in the cases. Obviously it's just seething 30+ roasties being jealous and making up excuses.
Passes the acceptable sexual partner test (your age / 2)+3. No lynching until next year for this latent BEAST!
This the most retarded shit I've read on this website.