Watch Farscape now!

Watch Farscape now!

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I don't think I legally can in the Netherlands. Not without buying the DVD's second hand at outrageous prices anyway.

Pirate it.

Motherfucker, they took it off Netflix and the DVDs are hundreds of dollars.

Yeah, let me just get my cable shut off. Sounds fun.

Stop being a pussy.

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what's it about?

In season 1 atm. When does it get good?

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Once Scorpius shows up.

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Guardians of the galaxy, but not shit.

With the crew suffering from spaceborne fever diarrhea in almost every episode.


Mind transfer fever episode is kino, especially D’argo’s actor doing Chianas character.

tech girl best girl

My favorite scifi show with my favorite antagonist, watch it.

Is this a strong female character done right?

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Absolutely, not forced or pandering, i just want to get crushed by those thighs

I used the watch this show sometimes on syfy after school but it was a fuckin trip desu, was it made by australians and also wtf was the story

You're an idiot child.

Australians are the most superior race in the world. The story goes crazy once Scorpius and wormholes show up.

I mean what was the actual plot, i remember the blue girl, the little frogman and the thing that kinda looked like harbinger from mass effect , also the ship was alive?

Remindervthat D'argo and Scorpius have a band.

about to start, it's on prime luckily. i only saw maybe 3 episodes as a kid, my dad liked it.

Two races want to genocide one another and the mc gets implanted with the knowledge to create the weapon capable of destroying galaxies using wormholes. From s2 till the end its a game of cat and mouse and everybody trying to capture him while he slowly unlocks the secret within his brain.


that's the overarching plot. the basic premise is lone human among several disparate species of criminals on a prison ship. they don't get his pop culture references, fight a lot and get into shenanigans

I always looked forward to the Harvey/Scorp scenes

No, it's just a male character with tits.

Well that doesn't sound contrived or anything.

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That's amazing, the entire cast of Farscape is god-tier desu. I met Ben Browder at a sci-fi convention in Pheonix years ago for Stargate SG-1, asked him a few questions about farscape and SG1 he was a total bro and super humble.

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>aliens try to make fun of your eyesight but you move beyond that due to your innate superiority

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erin made me realize women don't have to be hot to be hot
thank you erin

Chiana a CUTE

I like Jool and the anti gravity girl.

>Yeah, let me just get my cable shut off. Sounds fun.
since when does anyone care? if you're that worried why dont you just stream it


dat mid-riff

Soon... Also, watch the movies that finish the series ending (Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars).


Oddly enough, STONK INDEPENDENT WOMEN worked well in movies and TV before SJWs started taking over.

I like when they went back to that planet they left her on and she had practically gone native, and was desperate for John to fuck her.

she is the obligatory stonk jewish wammen, just written to (eventually) have actual depth

This show was real trippy at times

How can she be jewish if she’s australian?
Also, pic related episode was kino.

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>How can she be jewish if she’s australian



She’s a slut and a weirdo.

Chiana is only for young Crichton's virginity.

She did. He was just underage at the time.

i still remember how it felt to enjoy the show as something comfy and how caught off-guard i was when scorpius showed up to fuck everyone's shit up. i don't know why the horror of it hit me so hard, i can't tell if anything else in tv has ever made me feel that dread

But she is hot.

Ausfag here, chiana lit a fire in my belly as a kid and it's still burning

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That one episode with a decaying leviathan and his pilot being eaten alive from the inside by those insane clones was fucked up.

>comfy before scorpius
brah they had psychotic aliens and cannibals invading their ship like every week

It’s a shame she literally never came back.

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Ausfriend* if you don't mind, that kind of language frightens me

i know, it's just that i never took the absurdity of it seriously until he showed up. I couldn't explain to you why my perspective changed, it doesn't make sense to me neither

Use a seedbox or a vpn you dumb nigger

>tfw your boss tells you want a great fuck you are but you can't remember putting your dick in her.

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Is that a reference to that random cut episode they jammed into the intro of another?

Aldo the practical effects and puppets look really good and the CGI is still surprisingly good.

Never heard of this. Interesting.

There's this really jarring episode early on in s4 around the time Graza is introduced. During the "previously on Farscape" bit, it shows Braca betraying Scorpius and joining Graze which never actually happened in the show and it was so fucking confusing the first time I saw it - I just assumed I missed an episode somewhere

No. The titty monster uses Braca as a cell phone with some alien, he gets mindfucked every time and doesn’t remember anything so she lies to him every time how they had great sex.>I just assumed I missed an episode somewhere
Same here.

>not posting the webm

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>sikozu will never call you a weak species and step on your balls

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Why were there two completely different alien girls with stringy red hair and high foreheads?


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Can we have the template user?

because redheads are the best

dont have it just scribble over it

There's two eras to this show: the funny Pirates on Space era and the Psychodelic era, where plots become surreal and filled with drugs and hallucinations.
Both are wonderful.

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Life finds a way.

>No option for Moya

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Should make a roll chart and dubs for John. Trips or higher gets you Harvey.

>based natira that low

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I’m on s4 e12 and i wonder if she will ever come back.

alas no

I want Natira to give me a violent blowjob with lots of threatening to bite my dick off.

You'd have to be gay not to want that.

Best girl.

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SJW women are all the losers of their sex who honestly believe most women were as loserish as they are. Any woman who unironically declares shit like "I KNOW HOW TO USE A HAMMER AND NAILS" like it's some vastly new concept for a woman to be doing that kind of thing, is a fucking idiot.

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God damn I just had my third rewatch of this show and now I'm motivated to go for the fourth!

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John Crichton goes crazy.

That's it. That's the plot.

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>you will never become an astronut
Why even.

Lexx was better and hat hotter girls.

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>pk tek girl #1
correct x 1000

>paying to pirate

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>new zev

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>that tongue-touching

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It’s just not the same without sound.


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Such a great voice

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haha wouldn't it be crazy if you like licked their sweaty head arm pits? That'd be really weird hahaha

>no proper BD remaster
Goddamn, I know CGI effects would look like dogshit since it was SD but everything else would be glorious.

what scene is this from ?


Then she was recast

crackers don't matter I believe

Not enough Chiana in Farscape, too much of John going half insane every episode. Still an amazing series tho. Better then B5 and Battlestar.

Very underutilised

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>Not enough Chiana in Farscape
>too much of John going half insane every episode
Big no.