HoH: The Jack Show Veto: Bimbo Noms: Cliff,Jessica Nightmare Power: Ovi, forces HOH to make new noms at night, lasts 6 weeks Chaos Power: Jack, he can stand and redo the veto picks. lasts until final 6 Panic Power: Christie, secretly turns someone's Veto to Diamond POV, lasts 4 weeks Camp Comeback:evictees stay in the house until battleback
Why do the love island contestants looks like they would have been 100x more interesting than the BB casts this year? Cormac and Caro especially would have been feeds kino.
Jaxon Anderson
kemi is fucking aids. i havent been able to watch quarky at all with her hanging around all the time
holly and anal both have some weird bumps forming on them. jackson says maybe it has something to do with the HOH shower. holly wonders if bella has something as well
I just want to wait until she heads towards the bathroom so I can cut her off and start a unnecessary lengthy conversation, meanwhile physically blocking her from the bathroom the entire time.
Leo Davis
better be careful, or i'll tell someone you're interrogating me
she's straight up retarded, she has zero loyalty to anyone and is constantly spewing secrets and bullshit to anybody who will listen. also she let Nick fuck her twice when she is living with some guy irl who thinks they're dating
It's both extremely entertaining and infuriating. I loved her fucking up other people's games even if it was idiotic, but now she came for quarky and that wasn't as fun. Especially because it's so clear to any reasonable person that bella betrayed nicole but bella is convinced that nicole betrayed her. It's like she's in fantasy land. It's definitely giving some credence to robyn's "recruits make the game interesting with their lack of knowledge" thing. Players who know the game like christie, tommy, and nicole are constantly pivoting their plans around what bella does and says.
>It's definitely giving some credence to robyn's "recruits
and you lost me. Delusional player make the best reality imo
Tyler Gomez
combination of lack of photo editing and letting herself go
Jack Lee
Ryan Brooks
she won’t stop eating
Benjamin Martin
I think the problem lies in the ratio of clueless recruit to actual players. it's usually almost 50/50 or even worse in favor of clueless recruits. and maybe 1 or 2 people that have seen more than a couple seasons and understand the game. Should be more like 80/20 in favor of players, with a solid handful of knowledgeable players.
Big brother big dream All the fiends I have amassed Devbro posting my life away Not caring what any Rachelfag says But then the day came When raven had her say And Ian banished those who dared Punishing those who cared
Jordan Barnes
no it isn’t. that’s too many a’s
Jayden Thompson
I can continue but I’m literally fucking trembling right now thinking of the murder and grand larceny Ian and his cronies get away with.
David Reyes
woah don’t they usually hate the minorities even more than /bb/?
Asher Williams
bb19 was your first season
Josiah Rivera
I thought what was a picture of Bog?
Alexander Nguyen
Alexander Richardson
Cat ladies fantasize about devin busting into their home and viciously penetrating their repulsive buttholes and fucking them prone bone style. I’m not sure where you gathered that from but safe to say you can go back to Ribbit Don’t let the door hit you on the way out either.
Dominic Stewart
no quarky gf. im gonna end it all bros
Colton Rodriguez
>bb19 >cbb >bb20 >cbb2 that’s where I gathered that from.
Gavin Perez
backdoor mickey fuck chads 2019
Levi Butler
Lel so the guy was actually right when he said BB19 was your first season Tho, Dominique and Ramses certainly were not near the bottom of that list... Nor was Metta.
Landon Nelson
*heavy breathing*
Asher Brooks
okay I guess I misremembered. I don’t care about Jokers opinions anyway, I just remember people talking about “racist catladies.”
Ethan Powell
>that kat rise based, although no idea why Kemi is that high.
Jonathan Anderson
So gr8ful is going against nick and bella now? Fucking finally. go fuck yourself
William Garcia
That must be a meme, the catladies aren't racist, they're just not SJW's like twitter and won't automatically rank black people high, only if they are actually cool
Nicholas Jenkins
it's simple, they hate bella the most.
Aaron Foster
now that I think about it, they may have been memeing because FOUTTE were near the bottom last year. my memory is shit though. I can understand them liking David because he genuinely seems like a good dude, but Kemi is pretty unlikable even if you’re not a racist, so I guess her being that high is what threw me off.
Austin Green
Read between the lines, Kemi is/was a huge underdog and the cast is hated this year, it's not that difficult
Adam Carter
exactly lol Swaggy and Bayleigh at the bottom makes sense
Angel Butler
>no bbcan6 >no bbcan7 not a true fan
Robert Bennett
Yeah no, don't listen to this guy, being a true BB fan does not have BBcancelled as required viewing.
David Taylor
No, it really doesnt. What did they ever do to you? I think there's a little something tainting your view of them... Just gross.
Xavier Ortiz
coping that you'll never make it lol, how do you even plan on getting cast if you can't even claim to be a true superfan?
Robert James
I just realized how close Michie, Jackson is to Michael Jackson
don’t worry I wasn’t going to. I’ve considered it, and Paras has grown on me over time, but I’m not ready to make that kind of commitment to bingeing a whole season right now.
okay now it’s all making sense. Swaggy had potential early on, but squandered it. and it had nothing to do with race either. thanks for actually helping me to understand, instead of just clowning on me for being a newfag.
cast is boring so i havent been around since jackson said nigger what have i missed, probably going to watch the episodes if my subscirption hasnt run out ..
See I don't know why Kemi would be under Jess. Kemi at least talks shit and is getting increasingly angry about Bella and shit, and was in that fight with her. What has Jess done?
Luis White
what can I say? she cute. I’m sure I’ll probably watch eventually, but half the fun of watching a new season is /bb/posting and another 30% is watching the feeds.
you’re right though, parasposting somehow got me to come around on her, and the country of Canada overall, so Parliament should give you a medal.
Jonathan Long
is that a colorized photo of an inmate at Auschwitz?
Cameron Wood
fuck i caught a mouse in a glue trap and now have to kill it humanely probably gonna drown it in the toilet like a bitch because I'm too much of a coward to stomp it
feed him cheese with rat poison on it, if you don’t feel up to holding his thrashing body under the water until he finally gives up the ghost. it’s how I would want to go out.
Ian Lopez
They should send the CCers to the BY or a seperate room with slop and a Porta potty and isolate them like Dan was for BB14.
Brody Nguyen
showfags out
Brayden Myers
I'm thinking of wrapping him up in a grocery bag, taking him to my apartment complex's dumpster with some other trash, one solid STOMP and then throw him in the dumpster
I don't think I have any rat poison unless something like toothpaste or ketchup is rat poison
Joshua Wilson
what was the diamond veto? 2 uses?
Jace Wood
Chase White
whoever uses the veto chooses replacement nom as opposed to (regular) golden POV where HOH chooses replacement nom
John Richardson
did bimbo use the veto?
Julian Long
you have analyse too low for personal reasons, its just a game
Jackson King
that seems like a good method. I’m not well versed on makeshift poisons either, but stomping should do the trick. maybe take him to a curb and put his teeth on it, and then stomp a mudhole?
Noah Martin
or you could it a few miles away and release it you absolute asshole
Landon Ward
I have a humane mouse trap in my bedroom and walk like a mile away to release if I catch them alive my roommate put the glue traps around and one mouse touches glue, they're pretty much dead
Jordan Gomez
Jayden Torres
jfc why do you need so many mouse traps? clean your shit and stop leaving crumbs around for them
Lucas Cruz
nick needs to shut the fuck up already. i wish somebody would deck him
it’s damn near impossible to get them unstuck once they’ve ventured into a glue trap.
Lucas Gomez
Jackson's Food Log: July 14th
12:49 AM - Mini Wheats and milk 1:17 AM - Pita bread with peanut butter 1:21 AM - Cheerios and granola with milk (Beth mentions that he had 2 roast beef sandwiches and half a grilled cheese an hour ago) 2:57 AM - Pineapple 3:07 AM - Gets called to DR and takes a mixing bowl full of watermelon with him. 5:25 AM - Ham or roast beef 5:34 AM - Banana 5:35-5:36 AM - Stands in front of the fridge and eats grapes for a full minute 5:38 AM - Pan fried meat with BBQ sauce (looked like pork) 5:43 AM - Carrots with peanut butter 5:47 AM - Chocolate milk (straight from the jug) 5:49 AM - Takes cup of coffee to bed 8:23:21 AM - Apple 8:24 AM - Grapes (he bites the little stems off and spits them on the floor, I just needed to add that because ew) 1:25 PM - Egg whites 2:08 PM - Coffee 2:14 PM - Apple 3:23 PM - Grapes 4:23 PM - Banana 4:36 PM - Scraping plate with a spoon (cam changed to kitchen right when he was done eating something) 4:37 PM - Chocolate milk (straight from the jug. In the kitchen. In front of everyone. No one complained) 4:39 PM - More milk 7:01:50 PM - Banana 7:02:01 PM - Banana #2 while still eating banana #1 7:16 PM - Rice? 10:43 PM - 4 “slices” of pizza bagel 10:52 PM - Cereal with milk 11:20 PM - M&Ms
Jayden Jones
It's really not, you just pour mineral solvent on them and it gets them free in about 15 seconds.
You should kill the mouse, though. If you let it go nearby, it will just wander back and likely breed and make more. If you let it go far away, it will probably die a much more horrible death from starvation, dehydration, disease, or end up being killed not nearly so efficiently by an animal hunting it.
when the fuck did he sleep? the 3hrs from 5 to 8am?
Juan Brooks
I wasn’t speaking from experience, I was pulling shit out of my ass (as per usual). I had heard that they were impossible, but it makes sense that there would be a way too dissolve the glue. nature is brutal, they probably are better off being put out of their misery though.
nice work user. this is unironically an interesting thing to keep track of. he looks like hes putting on a tiny bit of weight too.
thats actually a fair point. i saved it like 6 months ago and figured id never have a reason to use it, so i jumped at the opportunity. its kinda lazy and uninspired anyway. ive got something better in the works.
If I ever play Big Brother I'm going to custom make a shirt like Chilltown or Swaggy except it's going to be this picture of Devin and the text is gonna say "do it for him"
Then when I leave the house I sell that shit on ebay to the highest bidder
Jackson was talking about it Apparently the fight with Kat was about production which is why they cut to fishes, like he was screaming at her about DR sessions and whatnot So production gave him a penalty vote according to reddit
Liam Jenkins
stay with your retarded faggots, you fit in better there
Wyatt Thompson
does not seem confirmed at all
Owen Richardson
go to /pol/ and "ironically" pretend to be a nazi you fucking cunt
Asher Collins
What’s a penalty vote
Ayden Phillips
Austin Howard
the next time you're on the block, there's an automatic vote against you
Matt bb19 got it for eating while a have-not audrey got it for breaking down I think Jenn bb8 got it for eating while a have-not also
Thomas Jackson
Wyatt Sullivan
>ruined his game over kat what a shame, he was doing so well
epic nerd genius alliance that is about to be a party of 1
Nathan Sanchez
it's not clear if he has one or if production warned him that if he kept this behavior up he'd get one nobody seems to know if it's related to the domestic violence arrest, his argument with Kat, or bringing up production too much they cut to fishies whenever he starts to talk about it
David Diaz
stay on twitter
Liam Jackson
stay aggro
Gabriel Clark
can we all agree this season was an overrated piece of shit
i miss this cast the only true casting dud was scottie
David Mitchell
first half was god tier, everything from the battle back onwards was garbage
Ian Butler
oh good I was worried you wouldn't bring up last season this hour
Charles Parker
Honestly don't even bother with bbcan6, the feeds were top tier but the episodes were shit. Bbcan2 has the best episodes and another cute persian girl /studentofthegame/, neda.
Brayden Hughes
Thats true, kind of amazing. thats because the first half was so good
Jayden Butler
Nah you’re a mega brainlet or a Paul cock sucker
Ryan Walker
this season was too cartoony and was just another house split fighting each other if you look back at the beginning of the season, you can see the housesplit being made by grodner
Christian Myers
When ppl post Twitter links in these threads they should also post screencaps
Is this why people hated Vanessa? Because I don't remember ever being this annoyed by her, plus even through her craziness she seemed way more intelligent and competent.
Charles Foster
Jace Rogers
Jackson Hall
Kayden Jenkins
i used to think lesbo was a front runner to win but not anymore. she's a fucking mess
so she doesnt have to go against bella and vote cliff out
fuck her, coward
Mason Adams
those lesbos are fucked up in the head
Jacob Bell
peak mental illness
Jack Wilson
where's the fag that doesn't think fags are mentally ill?
Austin Watson
isn't casting retarded people every year just bullying?
Jordan Long
Grayson Gutierrez
see what absence of dick does to women
Lincoln Brown
holy shit the dyke wants to use her power
Ryan Garcia
is the dyke trying to tell the female baloon not to get of the block because she is scared she is getting on? >strategy
Nicholas Lopez
minus 50 iq points
Thomas Morales
so either she is trying to keep jessica up so she doesnt have to flip on nick/bella or she has legit gone insane. either way, honestly pretty based and devinpilled
Easton Watson
If this is a 200iq play to stop Nicole from getting otb I will officially bow down to to Mistiefags
Chase Peterson
tommy actually sucks dicks every day and he's actually the most stable person in the house
Aiden Ward
i hope this gets back to nick now and he puts her up for making it up
Jose Martin
she's going to go to the DR and ask if she can use her power and give bimbo the diamond power of veto lmao
i cant concentrate on this convo with analyse wearing those "pants"
she needs to go change right now
Jace Cruz
remember how she was saying that bimbo is very annoying and paranoid?
Josiah Howard
powers are getting flushed down the toilet lol
Daniel Baker
she's a dumb whore, you're not going to see her change
Connor Roberts
>backdoors Bella on Nick's HOH with DPoV manifesting this
Caleb Lee
christie treating cliff like hes derrick whos going to the flip the house against her
Landon Anderson
she isnt being paranoid. she is making it up cause she is too cowardice to go against nick and bella on the cliff vs nicole vote
very irritating though
Luis Campbell
she just asked if anyone's in the DR because she said she needs to go ask a question. she's definitely considering telling bimbo about the power so they can vote out bella
Bentley Rivera
good, i was only kidding. hope she wears them all day
Gabriel Robinson
So is Jess/Nicole going home this week? Cliff while being a Boomer and talking too loudly is still marginally better than either of those two