food kino?
Food kino?
because if you ever get a girl over, you can't feed her MRE's
I mean you can but...
>tfw no 240 calorie patriotic sugar cookies
This is a board for Yea Forums - Television & Film, Yea Forums
>nice thread and all but MUH DICK
youtube is television
first of all this guy didn't even use a razor to cut the garlic thin. i instantly closed the video
>w-what would women think of me???
neck yourself
yes this is a thing. when it comes to cooking or having anything to do with taking care of yourself people, including women, will judge you
mommy won't be there for you forever, user
I feed women tendies
This is cope.
tendies nuts!!!
>this is a thing
YouTube is a form of visual media and as such discussion about YouTube belongs to Yea Forums.
This isn't /vm/ - Visual Media it's Yea Forums - Television & Film and as such you can fuck off
I can only bake cheese biscuits and that's all women will get from me.
>patriotic sugar cookies
Oh, you brainwashed mutts.
The best. Named Blow out in English I think.
>that amount of olive oil
>cooking pureed tomato in high heat for 20 MINUTES lmao
>big chunks of garlic still on the sauce
>uses powdered parm
>puts parm directly on the sauce
>boils pasta in very little water
What a fucking hack
Those are military rations tho aren't they?
People say we should eat the same diet as our caveman ancestors. Redpill me on why they are wrong
new foods taste good
/tubes and videos/
there's only one sauce those bitches are getting from me
They're like the friends I don't have :')
Yes. It's just another foreigner from reddit with a mental complex.