Attached: Untitled.png (241x114, 7K)
Mfw it's really happening
Jayden Foster
Lucas Cruz
You still have to adjust for ticket price inflation and MQR (movie quality ratio), based on archival legacy points and statistics from the American Film Institute, dumb zoomer with dumb modern movies.
Levi Hughes
Tasty cope
Benjamin Ross
Alexander Baker
adjusted for inflation gone with the wind still wins. what an utterly pointless endevour
John Flores
No you have to account that the fuckimg movie got rereleased into theaters. If they rereleased avatar again right now it'd blow avengers out of the watee
Carson Clark
Why would capeshiters put so much value in the box office sales of their movie?
John Baker
Like clockwork Jesus Christ how did I know this was gonna be the first post in the thread
Noah Russell
Who’s gonna tell him?
Brandon Sanders
Avatar is just dances with wolves in space. Endgame is vastly superior.
Ayden Morgan
t. Disney shill
Aaron Carter
Gavin Bell
You also have to adjust for popularity of streaming and other media these days, which would deflate Avatar's adjusted box office.
Jayden Foster
t. Cameron shill
Benjamin Jackson
Matthew Torres
capstone to 30 capeshits set in the same universe
a single stand-alone film
Noah Mitchell
Generation Z was a mistake. Why they worship Disney, RLM and Trump so much?
Colton Watson
Avacucks have literally stopped fighting back lol. We broke their spirit.
Samuel Anderson
8 mil is farther than you think mouse cuck.
Camden Martin
LMAO. You still believe, how cute!!
Oliver Thomas
Then you’d also have to account for the Chinese market expansion and it’s not even close.
Nathaniel Reed
I remember when it was like 50 million away less than a month ago.
Isaiah Miller
>muh jew tier calculus
cope and seethe
Jaxon Jones
>The masses of people who are unironically going to see avengers more than once or twice just so it can be the biggest box office earner in history
This is possibly one of the most NPC things ever conceived. Imagine being so brainwashed with consumer culture that you are trying your hardest to make a big corporation earn the most money ever. The absolute state of this society.
Not an avacuck btw
Landon Sullivan
Brandon Roberts
William Nelson
itt: pic related
Jaxon Butler
cringe zoomer
Then don't make the same fucking thread, nigger
/pol/ ====>>>>>>>
Parker Gomez
Avatar got re-released too Cameronfag. No-one would care if they re-released Avatar now though.
Oliver Edwards
I don’t know how Avatar got up there. I don’t remember the hype around it being as high as it was for Endgame and it’s honestly not that good of a movie.
Samuel Clark
3d gimmick fooled a bunch of eurotard boomers into seeing it
Daniel Smith
I'm wondering when you box officefags get your checks for vicariously living through the success of Fox, Disney, and Warner Bros. What is in it for you?
Landon Ramirez
Fuck off, nigger. Based Cameron will re-release Avatar for its 10th anniversary, so even 8 million won't be enough for you niggers to secure the record.
Owen Wilson
>Adjusting for inflation for a movie in the same century
Easton Torres
Then you have to account for global warming and popcorn.
Christopher Adams
>muh cope (((inflation)))
Elijah Cooper
you mean disney will rerelease avatar because they own it now :^)
Elijah Hughes
>archival legacy points
Charles Wright
it's mouse vs mouse, you know this right?
John Long
Exactly. (((Disney))) owns half the fucking entertainment industry at this point.
Ryder Phillips
Disney is putting out Avatar 2.
They have Avatar shit in Disney World
Hard cope.
Nathaniel Nelson
they own everything by FOX, except the news portion, and nobody talks about it anymore.
Liam Perez
Moving forward it is, but Avatar earned it's box office revenue before Disney acquired the rights, so not really in this case.
Ayden Jones
I bet you wish the greatest story never told or hitler movie would break box office huh?
Levi Flores
But Disney bought that record by buying Avatar so it is the case.
James White
seriously, has inflation been taken into account?
Brandon Taylor
Avatar original release was larger than Avenger's original release by 3 million.
Lucas Cook
Yeah, and if Avatar 2 beats the first it'll be just as bad as if Endgame beats it. The fact remains that Avatar wasn't affiliated with Disney when it earned all its money. Avatar staying number one deprives them of that spot.
Easton Ward
People can't even tell the name of Avengers' director without checking on the internet. A product written and directed by an AI is going to be the highest grossing movie of all time. It's probably the sign aliens are waiting to confirm we are ants and we deserve complete extermination.
Dylan Robinson
why would I want some documentary to break box office, do you go to the cinema to watch documentaries, did you pay money to see Michael moore films like somekind of faggot?
Connor Evans
I have so many goodies for the screencap collection
Oliver Reed
I'm an Avatar fan, please don't hurt my feelings.
Dylan Reed
I remember that one.
Nathan Sanders
You are correct. Endgame becoming Number 1 means a lot to Disney because it would be the first film made on Disney's watch to become Number 1. Based Avatar should stay Number 1 to deprive the dirty rat from becoming the King Of Cinema.
Ryder Turner
Avatarbrooos.... we got too cocky....
Michael Murphy
No one aside from places like Yea Forums and other film sites care about behind the scenes. Now the average person could not name a single character from Avatar.
Levi Long
Avengers was "rereleased" when the original was still in theaters.
Connor James
i bet you like stranger things
Carter Evans
Zachary Rogers
Isaiah Nelson
Problem is avatar had like 8 months in theaters and endgame has been in for half that. It's definitely going to beat it.
David Collins
Hear me and rejoice Avaturds! You have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Titan. You may think this is suffering. No.... it's salvation! The universal scales tip toward balance because of your sacrifice. Smile... for even in death, you have become children of Thanos
Brody Martinez
his best line
i couldnt stop laughing
Bentley Martinez
probably should edit the last tier to say reeee-release squad
Landon Murphy
Do these retards not realize another Marvel movie coming out would just boost its earnings?
Dylan Hill
Aiden Walker
Ian Peterson
>after a century of comics consisting characters that were based on ancient deities from ancient stories that spanned over a millennia ago
>after generation after generation of vidya, retcon, fan service, and all other kinds of marketing
>after billions upon billions of dollars spent on over 22 movies over the past decade
>after all this effort humanity put in leading up to this finale
>imagine... just imagine... it isn't enough
>just imagine, that standalone film FROM said decade ago that began this cinematic challenge remains at the top
>imagine it doesn't break that 3 billion and become the top grossed movie in human history
>imagine re-releasing your capeshit film with even MORE footage and STILL losing
>imagine, after ALL that, you STILL don't come out on top
>imagine now lying with clickbait threads just get (You)'s and activity for your dying era
now that would REALLY be embarrassing
Xavier Miller
>imagine coping this hard
Colton Hughes
Gone with the wind is the highest-grossing movie of all time, by far. It's not a competition.
Alexander Russell
Pot calling the kettle black much? Endgame had the biggest opening, but that was it. It will always be... number two.
>tried SO SO SOOOO hard
Brandon Robinson
I'm think it's still going to be re-released in a couple of countries too kek
Jason Rodriguez
Lmao, see
Aaron Fisher
they still have 4 months to make 8million and you're saying it wont happen. Yeah i'm the one coping?
Eli Allen
Jace Jones
>8 million
7.2 million
Julian Edwards
actuals this afternoon will push it under 7m lol
Bentley Carter
Avatar isn't a character driven story. It was a universe called Pandora and imagined by the visionary director James Cameron. Most people will tell you that.
Most people can't name anything original from Avengers, only the characters from the comics. They can't tell you the name of the director of the movie because it didn't have any directing. It was a product made by yes men. And this souless product is going to be the highest grossing movie of all time.
Jaxson Reyes
user, do you know how exponents work?
and you're missing the point, just HOW much did it take for the pinnacle of capecringe to FINALLY do it? All the memorable character, actors, fans, internet personalities, you name it, to finally hype it up out the box office window? It's astronomically insane how much humanity tried here
Liam Rogers
>when you have to cope this harder
Don't worry Avaturd I love you 3000
Michael Turner
Charles Myers
After you adjust for all the sex you didn’t have
Levi Hughes
I wonder if this is how all movie creators felt when Star Wars and the blockbuster craze began, like it was the beginning of the end.
Lincoln Gonzalez
this BETTER at least make Cameron post a teaser
I want to get a good gander at the modern designs for the Na'vi, hoping he was busy trying to perfect cinema and cgi over this past decade
Jose Evans
Why was Avatar so big? It was just Pocohontas with aliens.
Ryan Brooks
They all look the fucking same, even the women.
David Smith
3D meme everyone wanted to try these
Henry Green
Lucas Diaz
Christopher Roberts
>tfw marvel ruined movie civilisation forever
Eli Lewis
also watch it, if you think it was disney's louse and clark expedition... you're wrong
and it ain't like thor, green mr hyde, hitler's wet dream, and tincan man were completely original
Easton Torres
>when you have to release your movie twice to get all your whales to watch the movie multiple times to bump your sales
Noah Gray
>Both owned by Disney
Congratulations on giving more money to the mouse monopoly
Austin Ward
>what is inflation
>caring what fucking pedowood rakes in
Caleb Martinez
Cry more avatar incel
Anthony Evans
It doesn’t count. Massively bigger population, the existence of the Chinese market, and I guarantee Avatar wasn’t playing at 5 am (which is when I saw Endgame).
Zachary Rodriguez
Endgame was 15% longer movie and had less showings
Blake Bailey
Luis Lewis
>It’t count...!
Lmao cope harder
Leo Baker
>$3.1m last weekend
>$2.8m this weekend
Avatarbros... it's barely dropping anymore
Grayson Smith
>capeshiter zoomer calling anyone an incel
Ian Stewart
>Avatar was out of theaters in mid-August. Therefore Avatar had a re-release.
>Endgame was still in 1000 theaters when the additional scenes were added. Therefore Endgame had a theater expansion and not a re-release.
Oh no.
James Butler
Friendly reminder to all capeshit zoomers that Avatar is MUCH MUCH more important movie than Avengers too. Avatar helped blow out the Chinese market, the only reason Endgame is even in contention. Being the first digital-only release, Avatar was also instrumental in accelerating the adoption of digital screens worldwide. This made Endgame's massive opening weekend possible, btw. That aside, Avatar also introduced new filmmaking techniques that are now used everywhere, in movies and video games, such as performance capture, the simulcam, and the virtual cam. P.S. the performance capture technique used to make Thanos in the last two movies was first implemented in Avatar.
Justin Lewis
>makes 1 good movie
>then follows up with 2 pretty flicks
>then mkaes bunch of shit despite having Schwarzenegger and a possibly kino historical event and new technology
Luis Sullivan
if it doesn't make 2M this week, it won't do it
William Perez
South Korea and Chile are doing re-releases next month.
The foreign actuals for last week aren't in yet either.
Logan Thomas
Alexander Butler
the shit part is that Infinity was leagues above Endgame just look at this thread and you see Infinity references but 0 about endgame
William Cook
this is what inbreeding does
Bentley Cooper
ran in theaters for like 7 months, and to date is still the only movie to do 3D properly
Julian Flores
avatar made 30 million on it's re-release, if not for it it would have been past by endgame awhile ago
Adrian Gutierrez
>implying blue frog posters haven't been gloating for a decade about this
Jose Anderson
Jim boy is known for producing bad terminator flicks nowadays like dark fate, he is irrelevant, russos are inevitable
Jonathan Smith
oddly specific countries
and actuals will bring it up yes
but again, if it doesn't make 2M this week, which includes the weekend, it won't do it
Levi Thompson
ohhh nonono AAAHAHAHA
Luke Peterson
Well yeah that's because they're white.
Chase Ward
Neytiri gets up if she falls though
Logan Roberts
because it's the obviously true point that makes these threads retarded probably. If you seriously don't understand the concept of inflation you are legitimately very dumb, it's not even complicated.
Nolan Williams
Cameron Perry
because you capeshit zoomers never learn and constantly need to ignore truth and cope
>bring up inflation
>then fart about a century old movie
same pattern, same coping bullshit
Avatar is the pinnacle of cinema and the fact that ANYONE wants this kiddie flashy cringe to be on top truly is lost and soulless
Chase Sanchez
>king of cinema
sure as shit isn't any film in the top ten highest grossing and sure as shit not avatar
Jason King
>You still have to adjust for ticket price inflation
Gone with the Wind will still be #1
> and MQR (movie quality ratio),
Gone with the Wind will always be #1
Michael Turner
It's not gonna make it.
It's dead overseas. Expect it to drop below 800 theaters domestically next week.
Xavier Nguyen
it's just blue Pocahontas carried by very good visual effects
Ethan Garcia
possibly but that was said 2 weeks ago and about 22 million ago
Isaac Brooks
Samuel Young
my company's better than yours!!!!!!!!!
Alexander Jones
you finding a picture of me doesn't change anything
James Roberts
they could do another rerelaese, this time with screenshots of unused parts of the script and bloopers
Austin Powell
Infinity War ran 140 days in theater, Endgame has been in theaters for 80 days. Endgame needs 120K dollars daily average to pass Avatar. Tik Tok Avatarcucks
Brandon Martin
what they should have done was what you said but have the re-release not be as it was leaving theaters but next january, easy 30 mill
Nathaniel Hernandez
people that use the word 'Zoomer' unironically needs to be beaten with sticks
Ayden Wood
all memes aside that's pretty good photoshop
Jose Evans
How is it still in theaters? It came out in like April
Chase Baker
Aiden Perez
theaters are expensive to run
good luck finding theaters willing to screen a >3h movie for a couple of people just to beat Avatar
Justin Perez
>worldwide (dishonest)
Camden Young
>half the time is twice the effort
being this retarded
Jack Cruz
Not even an Avatarfag (though the first two Terminator films are pretty great), and not the guy you're replying to, but I am a mathfag.
Easton Perry
you and the original guy are right. Theres no way they can make 8million in 4 months, having made 2700 million in the first 4. There's just no way, hey I'm getting sleepy, let's all go to bed. *yawn*
Colton Wood
This is sad
Jeremiah Wright
>this theory keeps endgame from winning
>uhhh-ackually it didnt apply to avatr tho
Easton Young
Logan Hernandez
they did it for avatar lol
Jason Perry
have sex
Gavin Fisher
>Disneyfriends don't understand pre-calc-tier mathematics
What a shocker
Nathaniel Gutierrez
the retardation is real
Parker Taylor
>dipshit doesnt understand fractions
no wonder these threads keep popping up
cope more
Luke Young
have sex, once
Adrian Perry
They didn't. Compared with Endgame they dropped it ruthlessly. It took Avatar 22 weeks to have a $500/theater Saturday and by then only 500 theaters were still showing it. For Endgame it's week 14 and 1500 theaters.
Colton Bell
always be... number 2
Elijah Howard
>completely ignores box office figures
>proposes trends could possibly be unfavorable
>cant demonstrate it even in his own favor
>somehow everyone else demonstrates a lack of mathematical understanding
still not proving any points
hey woah thanks for that, i'll use these 2 pictures to show all of these idiots that their proposal is invalid based on the data
fucking seething
Jonathan Martinez
remember! this isnt actually happening according to this one guy
Lincoln Scott
Are Avatarcucks the new DCucks?
David Wright
looks like
Nathaniel Hill
Liam Long
how is this movie even still making money? it's not in any theaters here
Camden Murphy
I hope they remember you needed a re release to win
Julian James
If Avatar didn't get rereleased Endgame would have won already.
Ian Diaz
Uhh no, it opened to 14000+ and had well over 2000 halfway thru in the states alone.
Jaxson Martin
this is America and it's beautiful (here's why)
Landon Foster
>mfw my favourite corporation won
>i have no face
i wish i had friends marvelbros, why are we so lonely?
Jayden Robinson
I hope they remembered avatar was in theaters twice as long and is losing twice as fast.
Asher Morales
Don't get so defensive. I haven't even seen Avatar. I'm just pointing out that you can't assume that a movie will continue to do well at the box office at the same consistent rate of profit indefinitely.
Carson Morris
And, of course, this shitfiretruck of a thread has a million replies.
Seriously, Yea Forums is not only by far the worst board in 4chin, it's the shittiest place in the internet, period.
Jose Wright
>one guy
marvel schizos on suicide watch
Josiah Foster
>you can't assume current trends will hold or that a movie could gross 00.35% its profit in the same amount of time it took to get the rest
how is this not coping? What you are saying is a thing but is clearly not going to happen here. You're implying no one will see the film in the next 4 months.....get real
Ethan Cruz
crop it out
your movie is going to lose
Elijah Gonzalez
As god is my witness i will never adjust for inflation again
Elijah Diaz
>pocahontas in space
>literally capeshit
>pinnacle of cinema
avatarbrainlet detected
Evan Rivera
seeth harder incel
the fact that you want your capecringe to beat a master piece is just sad
deliberately going back to see it again with your söy infested moob crew is even sadder
man, just thinking back. star wars being a hit back then must have really felt like the beginning of the end
Owen Bell
you'll still lose
Nolan Taylor
Jayden Phillips
>muh re-releases
Benjamin Perry
Easton Robinson
well, well, well. you guys suprised that the endgame succeed in a sick world we live in.
avatar and endgame, other is made by genius who's constantly pushing technological boundaries, other is part of series that has over 20 movies which are all part of big money laundering scheme.
this whole thing just tells more about our society than the actual quality of the films in question.
Evan Baker
Your graph shows JC is more popular though... did you just disprove your own point?
Alexander Kelly
I don't even like either of them, it's the coping I find funny. I also think it's funny to see people complain about endgame and being rereleased but don't say shit about avatar. I actually remember avatar in theaters, they still ran fucking commercials for it by this time in. It's so painfully transparent that these fucks that hate disney so bad (same cucks that think star wars/stranger things/euphoria/other cucked netflix shit is good) are really upset over some stupid jewish figure. It's fairly entertaining to come in here and just tell it like it is to be met with the seething rage by reddit fucks that made it this far west.
Kayden Jones
>Cameron still on top
what are you trying to say with this graph
Russos are a passing fad? just like the MCU?
Christopher Cooper
truly sad
just get me outta here already
I've seen enough
Tyler Gonzalez
Liam Rivera
you needed a re release to win cause end game had zero legs
Ayden Robinson
avatar is also owned by Disney
Adrian Hughes
>you needed a rerelease to still end up losing
weird flex but ok
Brandon Robinson
>you have to be 18yo to post here
avatar literally got a rerelease to beat titanic.
Hunter Peterson
>endgame succeed in a sick world we live in
it truly is le clown world am i right magapedes?
Xavier Jackson
Kevin Thompson
it wasn't a competition, they're owned by the same corporation.
Noah Ramirez
that's one way to get the record I guess
Easton Sanchez
Star Wars TFA has the no.1 domestic gross & Avatar has the no.1 overseas gross, avengers will only have worldwide thanks to inflation & chinese growth, even then by only a few million
Jeremiah Gonzalez
Oi, you got a loicense for that post?
Dylan Perry
thats one way to cope I guess
Xavier Murphy
Describe this rerelease. How many theaters that had stopped showing it did it again?
Elijah Kelly
post your face when Avatar re-releases in a year
John Butler
Sad, just how desperate can one be.
Nicholas Collins
what do you think
>overseas gross
certainly, it came out holiday season one year and was pushed well into the fall of the next with marketing to accompany it
Samuel Roberts
>By the end of its first theatrical release Avatar had grossed $749,766,139 in the U.S. and Canada, and $1,999,298,189 in other territories, for a worldwide total of $2,749,064,328.[5]
Cameron James
>Including the revenue from a re-release of Avatar featuring extended footage, Avatar grossed $760,507,625 in the U.S. and Canada, and $2,027,457,462 in other countries for a worldwide total of $2,787,965,087[5][6] with 72.7% of its total worldwide gross in international markets.
Chase Baker
So more like a very extended release then
except Endgame has already overstayed its welcome more than Avatar or probably any other movie ever did. It's still being sown in half the theaters in the country and making chump change.
Parker Gonzalez
>my opinions are facts
Parker Flores
I don't read wikipedia articles
and who cares, Avatar will still be on top forever
it'll make 100m from China alone
Grayson Brown
Luke Fisher
>Endgame has already overstayed its welcome more than Avatar or probably any other movie ever did
Gonna need a source on this one if you want to try and use it as a retort to being criticized
Nice try retard but that doesn't prove his point.
Christian Reed
>remember that the main tracking application for movie ticket sales was disabled right before the Endgame "re-release" and never went back on
move along citizen nothing to see here
Jacob Martin
Jackson Clark
remember that post in a year
Jack Myers
remember this post in a month when you lose lol
Isaac Morales
Disney forced cinema chains to keep it open in almost 2000 screens
Kevin Hernandez
Gabriel Morris
Isaiah Davis
>avatar opened on 14,000
Henry Morgan
hey thanks! See everyone, it's still on track to win.
Liam James
avatars ticket sales couldnt beat phantom menace they were just more expensive
Asher Robinson
Remember adjusted for inflation Gone with the wind is the highest grossing movie of all time. 1.8 B dollars. Star wars is second at 1.6 B.
Logan Bell
3.7 and star wars is #4 at 3
Adam Price
That's a very intersecting piece of trivia you have there Mr corporate drone.
Evan Young
less advertisment than all the others too, mostly all word of mouth
Noah Carter
Yea your right I was looking at old data. 2 titanic 3 Avatar and 4 Star wars.
Daniel Miller
I didn't realize people still care about Avatar.
Brayden Evans
ok satan
Ryder Price
He's literally 100% right about inflation though. You have to be a real brainlet to deny this.
In fact you can argue that inflation has to be adjusted for doubly. Once for the rising ticket prices and once because everything else is getting more expensive too, thus money has less value.
>pic related
Since 2009 (Avatar release), ticket prices have gone roughly from $8 to $9 on average. For the brainlets here: This means that, adjusting for ticket prices alone, Endgame would only have made $2,471 million in 2009, if the same amount of people had watched it, and as such is very easily defeated by Avatar.
Jaxson Price
NObody even talks about Engame right now months after it's release. It's even more dogshit than Avatar
and Yea Forums is full of actual retards who only talk about the same meme shit every single day as those on reddit
Carter Smith
Justin Howard
If we're gonna adjust for different metrics then we should adjust for exchange rates, since the dollar was very weak when Avatar ran. With current exchange rates Avatar would be around 2,4B - 2,5B, With both exchange rates and inflation it would be 2,7B-2,8 B.
Carter Bell
Remember when Marvelcucks thought this would make 3billion? Lol.
Easton Allen
that's only domestic retards
Avatar torches TPH in every conceivable way worldwide
Wyatt Clark
>b-but th-this!!!
It’s over, Avacuck.
Sit down.
Be humble.
Cameron Lopez
This, quite eloquently stated my good sir. Many more metrics than Box office! James wins again marvelcucks!!!
Robert Wood
Yeah, we run the thangs around here.
Michael Long
Yet every YouTuber I watch shits constantly on MCU. Why is this?
Austin Price
endgame already sold more tickets world wide tho, what's your point?
Ian Richardson
You think tickets equal people who watched? Even with inflated ticket prices I always buy buffer seats (a empty seat to the left, and right I tell people the seats are for my friends).
Kayden Ross
you're a strange person. also, it doesn't affect my argument.
Dominic Clark
Why is there so much revision ITT
Eli Turner
I don't understand, why are you personally invested in this?
Carter Smith
I honestly wouldn't be suprised if DCfags started pretending to love this shit because they know DC know longer competes with Marvel.
Grayson Anderson
shitposting fun
Juan Bell
It means get lost squidward
Lucas King
why do you keep calling it DC/Marvel and not Warner Brothers/Disney, and in this case it's Avengers and Avatar both owned by Disney.
so it's Disney vs Disney
Charles Gutierrez
Luke Mitchell
MFW Marvel wins and I'm a Marvel fan since the beginning
Easton Stewart
This, but unironically. G-d bless America and fuck commies.
Noah Morris
I never understood the hype for Avatar.
Zachary Roberts
>seething this much
See you in a week when Endgame is Number 1, Cameroncuck. lmao
Angel Bennett
>forgetting snow white
Brandon Martin
It's not marvel
Ethan Price
Laughing at all the delusional faggots who kept saying it wouldn't happen.
Juan Diaz
What about total ticket sales?
Lincoln Reyes
oh, avatar already lost that months ago
Sebastian Stewart
>WOAH, the same multibillionaire company movie 1 got more monetjpx dlqpkd,d+jxixn jjzzjsn.z.qmw.,8##
Jaxon Cook
Joshua Diaz
>adjusting for exchange rates
Brilliant. What else can we adjust for? Global population maybe? Poverty level?
Joshua James
Adrian Sanchez
Holy fucking cope
Easton Cruz
>muh inflation
James King
Iol they will remember in about a year when Avatar re-releases and makes 100mn from China alone
Owen Cook
have sex
Dylan Reed
you're fucking retarded if you think it's happening
Logan Nelson
Robert Myers
>not reprogramming the synapses to work collectively before calculating the real price