They don’t call me Springfield Fats just for being morbidly obese.
What did he mean by this?
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It says a lot about society that someone his size just a decade or so ago was considered morbidly obese.
Get AIDS and drop dead.
Its a reference to an old Paul Newman kino.
They don't call me Sneedfield Feeds just for being morbidly obesneed
What was it called?
Hes like 5'11, 230 pounds. He is obese even by today's standards.
S’s F&S
well la di da
sneedhall junkies
This is such an underrated joke
Formerly HIV
>300 pounds gets you on disability according to that episode.
>I weigh over that now but I also am 6'4 tall.
Why cant I get on gubment bucks for eating protein and working out?
Well well, look at the city slicker with his fancy German tattoo
Formerly Springfield Slim
Formerly Spock
Damn it!
Sneed shitter btfo
No, it's a reference to Minnesota Fats, you zoomers
well excuse us mr gucci loafers
Undeniable proof Sneedposting is hilarious
They don't call me Sneed just for owning a Feed and Seed.
Diddely sneederino.
The Hustler
he didn't get free neetbux, it was a company policy that let him work from home.