Who will play him in the inevitable biopic? Will he be portrayed in a sympathetic light or as a complete demon? Will it be a Spike Lee joint?
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic? Will he be portrayed in a sympathetic light or as a complete demon...
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Ryan Magee from Supermega
>had to borrow his dads car
>jobless, virgin, no car, didn't graduate, working on his GED
>only killed one person
why is he such a failure in literally every regard?
The Alt Right is basically former libertarians who realized they would never get by on their own
>>only killed one person
It was likely an accident.
>why is he such a failure in literally every regard?
He literally wasn't trying to kill anyone. He was trying to leave town and Antifa surrounded his car and were brandishing guns and bats. He freaked out and accelerated forward, which caused one fat girl to have a heart attack and die. The leftist media is always looking for a villain, and he became the villain despite the evidence.
It was an unfortunate mistake on his part, it certainly wasn't premeditated murder though.
the guy got road rage because retards were attacking his car
he literally had nowhere to go. he was being surrounded and attacked. his home was in his GPS and he was likely just lost in the streets and trying to get home to safety.
Nah, fuck that. You guys thought that was your moment. Now you're all optics cowards receding back into your tinfoil hat fringes while Trump fails to stop immigration/gives more money to Israel.
>road rage
That implies he acted from a motive of intentional violence, but he actually just sperged out and didn't think of the consequences. It was a literal fight or flight response.
>You guys thought that was your moment.
This amount of projection lmao
He had Facebook conversations with people talking about killing leftists and his mom even tried to discourage him from showing up there. He wasn't innocent, he was hoping he'd be safely away from the front lines. At least own up to your movement, he's getting raped and crying to sleep for life while you just distance yourself from his true motives.
Is that the subway chomping chomo jared foggle?
The left is so desperate for naxi terrorists they have to invent them.
the headlines "3 dead after neo-nazi rally" when in reality 2 of those deaths were a completely unrelated police helicopter crash?
The fucking retarded manchild probably got pissed off after his legal right to protest was shut down and then snapped when his car was damaged. Who the fuck breaks when trying to run over groups of people in a car? It's ABSOLUTE GARBAGE yet we all have to go along with it lesr you be labelled a nazi.
Just because he understood the only good commie is a dead one doesn't mean he was willing to destroy his life. The march had nothing to do with it, it was a completely legal and peaceful event; they wouldn't go through the trouble of getting a permit if there was any intention of doing something illegal there. Everything points to that being completely unplanned and perhaps even accidental.
He was literally in his car leaving town. Any vague "threats" against leftists made before that mean nothing.
Still, horrible optics. Could've been wrong place/wrong time but that's the problem with these LARPing nerds across both political spectrums, they don't realize that even just associating with groups that have prior violent records get fucking decimated by the feds. They know they can't outnumber people so they have to throw disproportionate punishments to get the scare in.
any man leaning slightly right of center has made some comment or statement about hurting leftists. its called venting. i think if he wanted just to kill people he'd have gone faster than 20-30 mph. but hey, spike lee gets the final word on the matter.
Here's the leftist view:
>the nazi woke up that morning with the evil plan of showing up to a nazi hate rally in his stupid little outfit (which is illegal and was rightfully shut down by brave women and blacks of colour) and attending the entire die until he would then go and get into his car and slowly run into a street full of people but only after his vehicle was pelted with rocks. He would then make his escape by driving away without causing any more damage than hitting a few people at a slow speed and get away with the crime.
>horrible optics
I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.
check out this glowing loser with his brand new nazi flag. something doesnt add up.
He literally looks like the sad virgin meme. every other guy in that pic looks like they lift. That picture screams "Hey Rabbi... wacha doin there".
the absolute state of the fbi
These guys are the most shared around, and yet they're among the few that weren't doxed.
Just some weak minded fellow who was conditioned by /pol/s propaganda, aimed at weak minded people
You jest, but the irony is if the situation was reversed and some leftist had killed a right-wing protester they'd be getting a sympathetic Netflix documentary made for them right now.
More likely it'd just be ignored, like that retard that attacked ICE somewhere in the PNW.
He literally admitted to trying to run down the protesters
Dumb fuck threw away his whole life for schizo memes
There's no ambiguity to twist in that case. They're not quite at the point where they're willing to portray literal terrorists sympathetically yet. Maybe in a decade something like that would make someone a pop culture icon.
Lol, what a fat failure, alt right really are pathetic soibois
a pity he killed only one leftist subhuman
this guy saw a random white guy in a polo shirt and decided to point his AR-15 at him? How would you react? Would you try to get out of there in a hurry?
If you makes you feel better some molotov chucking lefty got shot by cops recently.
The one guy there who was never named
>molotov chucking
He apparently only had road flares and only managed to torch his own daughter's car, which he borrowed from her.
>killed one person
Accomplished more than you my friend
>An ex-schoolmate of Fields said that Fields would draw swastikas and talk about "loving Hitler" as early as middle school.
You can pretty much imagine just how dull and pathetic the Wikipedia entries for the losers on this thread will be like if they ever get enough courage to turn into terrorists.
He wasn't a terrorist though, it was likely an accident. Having said that, he did put a commie out so his biography is objectively better than yours already.
Cope harder nerd. Look at the faggot with the shield. The white race is a disgrace.
His social media told another story. And he did more to radicalize people to the left than AOC thanks to the media coverage :)
>go to protest
>see that police are standing by doing nothing while antifa attack people with baseball bats and knives
>decide to leave
>program your home address into your nav and start driving home
>sodomite points an AR-15 at you while you're driving away
>freakout and accelerate
>antifa is blocking the road
>accidentally bump into an obese chain smoking antifa
>her heart bursts and she dies
>get labeled a terrorist by trannies on the internet
yeah, this guy was a real Mohamed Atta. They should put him in the Colorado Supermax with Moussaoui
anyone self hating enough to be a white leftist is probably someone who couldn't be saved anyway
good. just more leftists to kill
How's this for your bio
>An ex-schoolmate of user said that user would write "fuck the commies" in public bathrooms and draw swastikas on his arm with a Sharpie. A high school history teacher commented in 2018 that user seemed very interested in WW2, the Cold War and particularly McCarthyism but he scored very poorly on his exams. "I never saw him carry a book with him".
>Go to a rally to finally feel like you belong
>The media trying to wipe out your race
>Hang out with like minded individuals
>Get in car
>People start banging on your fucking dad's car
>These people want to hurt me
>Try to get out
>Some fat fucking landwhale is blocking your way out
>People smashing fucking picket signs into your car
>Fuck it, I'm not gonna die today
>Life in prison because when someone blocks your only means of escape your just supposed to sit their and get your fucking teeth kicked in
The justice system sure is fair
>Not liking commies and drawing swazis is enough to charge a man with murder.
Let's hope you've never once typed the N word or the F word you domestic terrorist. Character assassination is the weakest way to convict someone. I don't care if he wrote in someone's yearbook "gas the likes racewar now" it doesn't mean he had murderous intent
kek look at that puffy weak-ass jaw. He's gonna be a real marshmallow in chokey.
Black mermaids on a disney movie is not equivalent to genocide
no, but telling niggers that they're oppressed by violent racists and that they should seek revenge is
If you think almost every commercial and tv show having more gay and mixed race couples is just coincidence, you're retarded. Their job is already done anyway, the white birthrate is fucked and there's no coming back
Pretty sure running over people with your car is what gets you charged with murder. The rest is just window dressing.
>specifically aiming for the biggest crowd and then speeding up into it was merely le escaping danger
you forgot the lie about her dying of a heart attack mr. polcel
yeah better to just stay still and let the mob have its way
>knowing this much of this guys personal life so you can "btfo" him over the internet.
whew lad
You can tell he jacks it to BBC cuckold porn and hates himself for it.
Nah, just white people that don't want to become a minority in their own country.
pretty impressive what they can do in two generations, huh? And that's 2010. In 2019, only 40% of those aged 0-5 are white now.
>you guys
Yikes, seek help.
Not a single person saw that event and said "I know I'm a centrist, but now I'm definitely a leftist after this!"
he didn't kill the coalburner
the coalburner was so fat she had a heart attack. the end.
Or just, ya know, drive away from the mob instead of into it.
>drive away from people jumping on your hood and roof, banging on your windows and trying to open your doors so they can drag you out and kill you
good luck doing that without running one of them over
Why is C'ville seen as one of the worst events in history? I watched livestreams start to finish, it was just random righties that weren't going to do shit until antifa showed up and forced their hand. Mix that with the fact that the police weren't doing shit to keep the peace and actually made things worse by putting the right wingers and antifa in the same area. No one can deny that the commie wouldn't have died if antifa never showed up. Why not just let them have their fucking rally in the park for an hour instead of causing chaos? I also love that people don't even acknowledge the lefts role in this.
Remember when groups of blacks were running around streets looking for whites to beat up based on a completely fabricated story about a racist cop shooting an innocent child in the back while he had his hands on his head while on his knees begging for his life?
Not very convenient.
>Why is C'ville seen as one of the worst events in history?
because (((media))) want it to be seen as such
Didn't his car not even touch the land whale? She just had a heart attack right?
Except that's literally not what was happening when fatty backed to the end of the alley he was in. He could have kept backing and disengaged from the situation. He chose to throw it in drive and plow into a crowd of people. This comes with consequence. Fun to see the personal accountability crowd's mental gymnastics to excuse the act you also say he was in fear of happening to himself.
Not one single rights-advocacy group will touch this obvious and one the most aggregious cases of the government infringing on one's right to legal protest.
They revoked their protest permit after they showed up and forced them out of the park into groups of people that wanted to kill them.
If this was ANY other group this would be a huge case for the supreme court but because they commit the sin of racism, especially anti-semitism... they're fucked.
I thought this was about the discord murderer that posted here
>drive into an alley full of people almost running them over
>surprised when they take it badly
Really makes you think.
it's what would have happened if he'd let them get closer. don't want to get hit by a car? don't try to attack the driver. real simple
The crazy thing is that the history of the event will be written as, "evil white nazis attacked peaceful protesters and the terrorist James Fields murdered Heather Heyer". People looking back at this even 30 years from now will likely only get that narrative.
Ah yes, the road, for people to walk on.
>murder is OK as long as your victim is walking in the road
Hey, does your grandmother enjoy jogs around her neighborhood?
self defence is not murder. no matter how badly leftists want it to be
sounds to me like it's up to you "White" "men" to take action and not let the enemy win and rewrite history yet again
And how would you describe it? Brave white racial defender saved himself from evil leftist protesters chimpimg outside of his car he was just driving super close to them so they could admire his paint job?
Don't want your car fucked up, don't try to drive it through a crowd. Show me any footage anywhere that shows anybody trying to drag him from the car.
>of your car
>by strikingvpeople with it so they'll stop striking it
The gymnastics would be beautiful if it weren't totally insane.
I'm willing to concede that he probably freaked the fuck out. Perhaps someone more leve-headed would have navigated the situation better. Are you willing to concede that the antifas probably shouldn't have been there pointing rifles at him and blocking the road, and beating on his car? Are you willing to concede that maybe the police should have done something about the antifas that showed up to a permitted protest carrying guns and knives?
stop pretending like we have the technology to do such a thing
>And how would you describe it? Brave white racial defender saved himself from evil leftist protesters chimpimg outside of his car
Not him but yes, this.
lol are you retarded, the commies likely didn't have any permit to be there and block the road; it's actually insane the cops declared a state of emergency (meaning people should leave) and then allowed to commies to just be around harassing people who wanted to leave the place
>just let them attack you you racist incel nazi!!
see . that's what happens when you slow down for protesters
When does it become self defence? When they break your window? When they are beating you through the window?
when the driver is black or a woman
>that was his car
>he worked at target
>he didn't actively try to murder someone
why are niggers so fucking stupid?
it was already apparent that the police weren't going to do anything. They could have broken his window, they could have started beating him and there would have been no repercussions - Fields was probably aware of this.
Yeah, that's all bullshit, sorry buddy
>he didn't actively try to murder someone