What did Yea Forums think about the new BBC documentary Inside the World of Incels?

What did Yea Forums think about the new BBC documentary Inside the World of Incels?

Before Jannies get trigger happy, this was on BBC TV, and it's documentary FILM.

For me, Elliot's scenes were pure kino. His acting as a villain is genuinely more convincing than a lot of Hollywood villains in recent memory. It is almost on par with Jake Gyllenhaal in Night Crawler.

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What level have you unlocked, Yea Forums?

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women cannot be asexual.
Women love sex and love to desire sex.

Men love sex but they do not love much nor dislike much the desire for sex. In fact the desire for sex is more like an hindrance and a thing to eject, precisely by wanking and ejaculation that is the pinnacle of fucking a slag.
men still despise not loving sex, since it removes the most effective mechanism of valuation that they have, which leads them to the usual mockery of being shagless didlos remaingin on the shelf, being baby dicks and being asexual.
Men despise asexuality in men since it shows them to be far less dominant than the story they plays in their heads

Women despise asexuality in men, since the few asexual men (very few are handsome) no longer acknowledge women for sex nor for companionship. Some asexual men claim to still want a gf just to cuddle, but that's already a baby-level sex and we are still in the situation of validation (and the gf still wants sex anyway sooner or later) and once they have sex with a girl they love they see sex is not so bad.

Women despise asexuality in women, precisely because women live on sex while their hate of their body for menstruating leads them to take pills which kills their desire for sex (but indeed kills their menstruation). They hate their life since through their own body, they acknowledge in their intimacy that they cannot win on both accounts: either have a comfy life or have an erotic life.

What makes a person become an "incel". Laziness?


Society can't MAKE a person do anything. It's a person's choice to be angry and resentful. Seems like just lazy low IQ kids who would rather blame everyone but themselves.

I liked the elliot Drive memes

did they mention the OJ tossing

post the one with all the needles in him

pls go dad

Funny seeing an incel murderer thread. Another Yea Forums incel just killed an ethot. It's on Yea Forums right now

Its actually a mixture of society and yourself. A person can only take so much suffering and totally blaming the individual is just as bad as just blaming society

link that shit

genetic recombination during the first few weeks after conception

He wasn't an incel he was fucking her.

The piercing swords of a cruel society

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no thanks. communists wouldn't give an objective take

Nah blaming society is just a massive cop out. If someone is suffering and they don't do something to remedy it, that person is just mentally ill that needs professional help. Also not being able to find love isn't suffering, it's ignorance and lack of correct priorities. People get sick of seeing people having pity parties constantly and leave them to live in pity by themselves because they know they are lost causes. It just boils down to laziness and ignorance. Incels are the modern day lepers.

>being this autistic about the definition of Incel.
incels don't have to be literally celibate. it's pretty much kinda just a broad label for an internet manchild ideology encompassing PuA bullshit, women hate, bitterness, right-wing views, etc

Did /r9k/ really kill a girl today?

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They put Eggman in unironically, not understanding it's just memes. XD

>expecting them to understand anything

>His acting as a villain
He was not acting

I got a 7.5 once. She was an 8.5 with makeup.
Havent worked out since high school so generally I'm a 5

Low self esteem. They will try to tell you is society, or some biological determinism. But it's just good old low self esteem trying to justify itself. Nothing new here.

All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts

We're all acting to some capacity. Life imitates art, art imitates life.

I don't know. I hope not

Here is your chance to legalize prostitution.
What are liberals going to say? What are the gays going to say? What are woman going to say? Sex is just sex between 2 consenting adult and being a slut whore is empowering.

i think you need to have sex

I agree with this desu. Make hoes get licenses too.

Shy boys is the only incel documentary you need


he was a troll

the sam hyde part killed me

He's relentlessly cute.

The description sounds like the usual conclusions they jump to for some reason.

Ie. Incels are entitled because they're complaining about their current situation.

They think it's wimmins fault even though time and time again they say that they're genetic trash.

And so on.

Hey bros what if God doesn't believe in Himself?

And he still couldn't get laid. His personality was probably complete garbage.

“Personality” doesn’t exist, he couldn’t get laid because he was a 5’4” feminine looking HAPA

Wow it's sad to think posts like this could possibly be unironic. Why are guys degrading in intelligence and critical thinking?

Where's your counter argument motherfucker?

ugly men have sex all the time

Naw. His standards were too high for his level of money and status. He only wanted young 10/10 blondes, who are extremely high demand, and so he was competing with giga chads. Imagine trying to play an olympic sport as an average guy.

If they hate incels so much and are worried about them, why don't they just start fucking them? Then the problem will literally disappear. It's literally in their hands to stop it

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Not even incels would fuck incels.

or they can just gas them en masse and remove the weak genes from the pool

Why would I attempt to argue with you? You are some dumb kid with no logic. That would be a waste of time.


Why not just use misogynist at that point? It doesn't make sense to call someone an involuntary celibate if they actually had a girlfriend they fucked

it's a fag from instagram who posted on r9k a few times. Yea Forums is all talk.

I think we often confuse ugly with traits women find attractive. Elliot looks non-threatening. At least not in the sense that he could rough you up.

Yes women go for "ugly" men, but those "ugly" men could be construction workers with beards and large shoulders.

>remove the weak genes from the pool
I don't think removing women would solve anything, user

No, I am talking about normal women. If they fucked them, instead of pitying them, the problem would disappear overnight. It's really that simple. If they don't want to do the only thing that will literally solve the problem, and that is literally in their grasp, then they shouldn't complain about the situation.

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I feel bad for all the akward nerd kids who will grow up being told they are potential serial killers for not getting laid, at least before you were just a loser

>You don't have to be celibate to be an involuntary celibate
>You need to have right wing views because uh that fits my narrative

Normie genocide when

The dude who killed her didn't post here, he's some instagramfag who was aware of her e-girl status on /r9k/ and /soc/

Seriously, this trend is bordering on columbine hysteria but instead of heavy metal kids it's going to be just all random nerds and outcasts

was this drawn by a autistic child?
what the fuck am i looking at?

The Man With No Name presides over the stock exchange of pussy, which is apparently populated by nazi supermen, faceless bald midgets, and a wrinkly-faced autist

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>cruel angel's thesis starts playing

i wish i had a gun so i could kill myself

the ones with weak genes are the fags who fail at being an organism

Watched it. Started off with the usual crap. Then it turned into a surprisingly fair shake.
Father of the victim is pretty based.
Even the feminist sounded somewhat empathetic towards the end.

The catfish guy is a moron.

The Irish dude could have come up with much better rebuttals to the dickhead interviewer. But it's easy to say when you're not on the spot.

I lol'd when they play the Eggman rape. That's a fucking jam.

>"just take a shower bro"

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>"Yes, I indeed watch anime and play video games. How could you tell?"

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every single time

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I would fuck myself tho

>Who's the Good Goy, You're the Good Goy!

Are you kidding, it was like bad amateur theater.

Google EurasianTiger. You're going to fall into a deep rabbithole

The modern believe that world should be fair and everyone is entitled to everything. It is a problem the modern society has created itself.

Goodbye horses starts playing

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Incels trying to cope with their low self esteem by making up conspiracies inside their heads, as ussual

Why don't they make a documentary about all the underground Muslim sex trafficing?

Conspiracy theories that they're not getting laid because they're ugly or weird? Because a lot of them say this. Seems pretty sound to me.

Ok, this is epic

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it's a multi-million pound "industry" with ties to police, politicians and other low empathy p-zombies.

>Yea Forums is all talk.
Mate I seen a lot of ugly shit on here after so many years being here, when it comes to different chans is just as bad.

who could play him Yea Forums? I'm thinking Ezra Miller, or that kid from stranger things

I was surprised that the whole thing wasn't just goblins like this. Holy fuck they could get the internet shut down by politicians with the shit this idiot says.

He's just giving them juicy line after juicy line.

that would be racist

What is this buzzword?

it's the non-meme way of saying NPC

How the fuck is Matt still single?


>eggman in the opening minute

porn-zombies ? idk

Except the guy was some emo from Instagram and probably her ex.
The girl herself had more proximity to /r9k/ and even posted there and on other boards. Is she the incel then?

>low IQ kids who would rather blame everyone but themselves.
If you have ever seen actual real incels you would know they blame mostly themselves and their weak chin/height/bald head/skinny frame/whatever

How is incel rap songs any different than gangster rap?

They both glorify violence, but somehow Eggman's Alek Minassian song is more dangerous to society.


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>seen actual real incels
I don't think these guys talk IRL like they do online so how would you spot one w/o making assumptions

plus he didn't even have them alter his voice, and his shitty ski mask makes a lot of his face invisible. guarantee you people in his hometown will see this and know who he is, unless he stopped socializing with anyone long ago (which is likely, given the subject matter)

Why don't they just hire hookers to have sex?

The irish guy also backs down too easily when the interviewer goes "well it's only a movie". Art is often a reflection of shit that can and has happened in real life.

I can see why he's and incel. Like me, he's just not that assertive.

Agreed Adolph.

That and micks are seething wife beating child molester papists with teeny tiny dicks, as soon as Irish women had rights and aren't kicked around anymore and can see how literally any other country, tribe etc. Is better it's over for the Irish race.

Worst thing is there are tons of kids with other interests who aren't too terribly concerned about sex and relationships who are being corraled into thinking they're murderers and genetic monstrosities. And we all have to acknowledge that Yea Forums is just as responsible for this as normalfags.

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>49:33 minutes long
>Yea Forums not even mentioned once

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Is that footage of "Alex Minassian" actually Sam Hyde? it looks just like him.

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1. poor/weak genetics that exclude one from being viewed as an option for selection by a mate. aka being deemed unfit to produce successful offspring
2. suffering disfiguring, catastrophic body or brain damage
3. forced isolation

It's fucking sam. Wew

interesting. Bother of my grandfathers actually bailed on Ireland. Green hills and cold weather must get old for both sexes.

Quite a few of the men in NZ to be honest.

>who aren't too terribly concerned about sex and relationships

lol doesn't that make them voluntarily celibate? if they've already figured out that sex isn't everything what is there to worry about them?

once all the white men die, the problem will fix itself

incel is a white issue. either they are incels, or create them (see, elliot)

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>voluntarily celibate
I thought I was that for a good while. Well almost. Then I tried and it sort of confirmed my theory that, nope, just not that interesting to women.

the fake news horsehit is false. there are many, many incel ethnics that dont self report as incels or are unaware of the term.

nice meme. most incels are western gooks and streetshitters

Society can’t hate you but it hates incels because they testify of it, that the works thereof are evil

>In 2011

Giving yourself these fancy labels kinda require a bit more agency and self-awareness. I'm talking about nerdy teenagers, maybe a bit behind the curve to physical maturity but perfectly fine people, who get shoehorned into these mature internet communities. Especially because zoomers are becoming sexually and romantically initiated much later than their predecessors but still compare themselves to older people's milestones.

Because normies are hypocritical retards, duh.
>"When xxxtentacion raps about killing cops it's a metaphor for the painful, traumatic history of anti-black oppression..."
>"Oh sweet mother of god the incels have a song glorifying an incel killer we're all gonna fucking die now"

It also doesn't help that most people who have sex feed you the "it just sort of happened" line. Like it took no effort. And let's be real it probably did go like that. That's where a lot of this perception of entitlement comes from.

They get to 18, 20, 22, 24 time's just ticking and nothing is happening like they said it would.

mental illness and personality disorders that result in extreme low self-esteem and delusional fantasies about how society works despite the fact that they're incapable of functioning properly in it.

Violent new ideology? Radicalizing males online?

I am 28 kissless virgin. I could say that I am an incel because I am not like this because of my free will, but because I am fucked in the head and I cant mantain a relationship, but I never had a thought about killing anyone.

>involuntarily celibate doesn't actually mean you're celibate
you're literally retarded

wait so SHE posted on Yea Forums?

For those who didn't bother to watch, 24:36-24:45 is a clip of Sam Hyde screaming, but he is credited as Alex Manassian. Whatever dumbass bong was in charge of research for this was clearly just fielding questions to whatever discord servers he/she could gain access to, they got trolled HARD

I think that's the hook for the normies. It actually gets a little more honest later on.

i've never been on a date before so I have no idea what I would be rated but its probably a 1 if that. i'm balding and have hyperpigmentation acne marks on both my cheeks
a-at least i'm 6'

>the part with the woman analyzing a sam hyde meme

Don't sell yourself that short, as far as I'm concerned 1 is reserved for people with genuine physical deformities or other series wounds, scars, etc. 1 is fucking elephant man territory. You're at least a 2

if you're 6 feet tall you're automatically a 6 minimum to women. the only thing bringing you down at that point is a personality that reeks of low self esteem and passive/submissive behavior.

It's the name of the song you dumb fuck.

>We live right now in the age of the hate-crime, it's bubbling over, the hate is bubbling over

lmao and this woman is allowed to teach at a university

i don't even know if I have a personality at all, I don't have any friends or social skills. I wouldn't know how to talk to someone in a social setting
>You're at least a 2
Thanks for the vote of confidence

>the ones with weak genes are the fags who fail at being an organism
so women?

I realized that immediately after posting it. I've never heard that song before and was extremely confused

Student in her class:
>omg I could get stabbed because a man won't have sex with me.

Looks like a gender studies fear circlejerk.

In all honesty later in the video she says some shit that's pretty redpilled. I feel like they couldn't just make a documentary about incels 100% the way they wanted it which is why they spent the majority of the camera time with the goblino.

Involuntary Celibates

They want to have sex with an extremely beautiful people but they know they can't attract anyone with their personality or face so they just bitch about it or sometimes shoot some school institution

True Incel Kino coming October 4th

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Well then they should allow prostitution. It would solve this problem right away.

He had harly quinn.

The guy with the dogs seemed like a chill dude desu

that's the chat joker, this incel joker lives with his mom

The one who says he has all his "needs" fullfilled by dogs? Yeah i bet.


He does kind off look like him

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This. Some of the high class massage places I go to in my country let you grope 18 year old white qties for a solid hour white she jerks you off. Some are solid 8s and 9s.

Not that expensive either 160-200/hour nzd.

Don't care for full service that much.

t. incel white knight insisting he's not an incel

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The media puts so much effort into this "incel" psyop. They desperately want to smear the right wing with it.

"Incels" are sexual communists. Their beliefs are inherently left wing. Right wingers like /fit/ are all about self-improvement and embracing hierarchy.

Also notice how "incel" still isn't word filtered, but [s o y] is. Lingo used by leftists is kosher. Making fun of leftists is verboten.

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Yes it's Sam. It's taken from this music video by Eggman:

I want to become an incel. It seems cozy.

be born attractive in america get shot
great country you have there

scars typically make one more attractive, not disfiguring ones of course.

>hear the grieving father say wronged you or bettered you
>think he said wrong jew, better jew
i really need to get the fuck off this site

>turning this into a political thing
back to pol user

We have always excluded certain people from social and political life. From lepers in medieval times to Jews in Nazi-Germany. There will always be a certain group of people who are excluded from participating fully in society and are reduced to bare life. In a neoliberal and feminist country where women directly and indirectly establish social rules and conventions it is only logical that the people who are excluded are going to be ugly men.

Repressed homosexuality.

>incels don't have to be literally celibate

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People turned this into a political thing way before he did.

Another hit piece I bet.

It's over for sun-8 men, as all woman want Chad and reject their looks-match.

This actually made me kek pretty loud irl

absolutely kino

should really be displayed in a gallery

the stack of negative traits, experiences and thoughts. the bigger the stack the harder it's to escape inceldom.

This. 30 percent of American males haven't had sex in a year.

Inceldom will only get worse for men, as they are excluded by Chad-chasing women. There is little difference between being average and ugly now.

he doesn't need to when every one else does
*tips fedora extremely hard*

I never noticed this before, but Elliot Rodger has the same speech patterns as Jordan B Peterson. Exact same placing of emphasis

>What makes a person become an "incel". Laziness?

Standards that don't correlate to their own physical attractiveness.

This is literally the only answer.

Is the secret to just get into normie shit? Everyone at my work was talking about GoT during the last season and I figured it was too late to get into by then.

minute in, why are they trying to make this to be a horror movie?

>women are shallow, you just need to be rich and they'll fuck you

Is elliot proof that this isn't true?

Just go out and be social

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this is actually me irl. no question about it

Because feminists want you to believe that ugly men are plotting terrorist attacks on women instead of just complaining and blowing off steam from all the stupid shit they have to endure every day.

what's mgtow mean


What is the source of this drawing?

Men going their own way

Volcels essentially, although I dont think you necessarily have to be celibate


You won't get anyone to fuck you anyway.

Men go their own way

filled with incels trying to cope with inceldom
or boomers who had horrible relationships and decided to ditch women entirely (divorces for example)

What the fuck is wrong with trannies on this board.

Based natural selection doing god's work.

To a woman, having sex is no different from taking a shit. Why would you want to help someone take a shit?
Sex is over-rated.

>based unnatural selection that is artificially made by kikes creating a goyim class of consumers

he was fucked up in his had and exclusively went for white women with blonde hair
and i say "went for" lightly the nigger never approached a female once

If it was that simple women would not put so much attention into who they have sex with

>implying a upper elite creating a slave race would artifically inlfuence women to go with people who dont have mental dissorders and are not social
this jewish question shit has to stop

Where does the Catfish guy live? it looks comfy

If that's a tranny, then it's a proddy one.

Women are repulsed by men with quiet, or introverted personalities, they want a man who’s confident and always makes them laugh, who preferably has a large group of friends and has already dated lots of girls. Guys like Elliot Rodger, who classmates described as shy, quiet, and having few friends feel angry and confused because they were falsely told growing up that the nerd gets the girl in the end and all they have to do is be nice, and if course, be themselves, to get a girlfriend.

>the jq has to stop
When the j stops j'ing.

I just emailed a girl from a brothel in reno for an appointment and im scared. any one else try this before

calm the fuck down, it will effect your boner mayne

>Coping mechanism.

>and i say "went for" lightly the nigger never approached a female once
He did aproached a female. But she was already with another asian guy, and he was being a retard

i asked for the appointment in august. i have to fly across the country to get to nevada

>held down by poverty
>wearing brand name clothing

You’re wasting your money, and you might get arrested. Kikes only want whores for themselves, anything to cope with being an undesirable male they take away from you.

Ezra would be perfect

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Ezra is the exact opposite of him
Does anyone have the gif of him holding that guy in his lap

Apart from the irony of his attractiveness, Ezra’s like seven inches taller than Elliot.

Elliot honestly disgusts me.

He grew up in the centre of fame and fortune in the greatest country on earth.
His parents were wealthy and had high status jobs in the movie industry.

Even if he was kinda ugly he could just have gotten plastic surgery. His parents had enough money for sure and California has plenty of skilled surgeons.

I would give anything to have been born in his position and he just squanders it and worse yet, decides to kill a bunch of people.

you mean this one, kek
that's why they're called actors user

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Dangerously based

>ywn reach this level of alphaness

anyone who calls him based never ever read his diary or even read the fatality report after his spree

her bf was a söy emo haircut beta faggot, poor girl

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Those chaps could bang a 9/10 teenager whenever just by picking up the phone and cutting a check for $1500. ($7/10's go for as little as $450/hr in the US)
Nothing baffles me quite like feminists who decry the objectification of women while applauding sex workers.

Incels just need to learn how to communicate with women and set realistic expectations about dating.

wait, what's this about /r9k/ killing some girl? Is there video?

They’re Instagram kids, both their accounts were just now taken down

Eliot could have gotten laid plenty if he wasn't an undiagnosed autist.

There's an excerpt in his diary where he says he went to a random house party, stood in a corner, and then attacked a blonde woman he saw talking to a full-blooded Asian because of how angry it made him. They kicked his ass and threw him out, and then he went back.

sssshh, that's too much logic for a retard like him to understand

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Men Going Their Own Way, a group of people who swear off women for more worthwhile pursuits, among which bitching about women on the internet seems to be the most popular choice


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She did, desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/43262492/, this archived thread is about her and it puts things into perspective (also theres a thread in /r9k/ from someone who supposedly knows her atm), in a nutshell she was a BPD girl on a destructive path, and you don't even need to use your head to figure out that the internet didn't help things. The guy isn't from Yea Forums, he's some emo orbiter from across the web. These e-girls are actually all connected through discord/other sites and share a lot of common ground such as being manipulative, collecting orbiters, druggies, Yea Forums users etc. it's one hell of a rabbit hole.

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I used to be a chad as a teenager and was banging emo girls when I was 14-18 but then I had a bad break up when I was 19 and now I literally don’t care about sex anymore and haven’t had a relationship in 6 years

A 7/10 man knocking up a 4/10 woman. Look into it

Race, height, or facial bone structure.

Incel rap is so fucking ahead of the curve. love me some eggy.


>50 minutes of women saying they're victims
Is ANYTHING not about poor oppressed women?

i prefer chad marco

that literally are victims tho when it comes to violent incels...

nobody cares if the incels are lying down and rotting, just like no one gives a fuck about old people dying alone in homes

>that literally are victims tho when it comes to violent incels...
>men can't and won't have sex, not even by paying, they have zero contact with women except their mothers


Ezra has played a school shooter before so it's not too far off

i hope you get arrested and some aids nigger fucks your ass in prison

exactly both push mindless violence yet one is about an incel killer so its worse

It was /pol/ but they are outsourcing the culprit

Why can't some people fucking accept that some men CAN'T get a gf or even a fuck buddy? Men that are nice and everything but NOBODY finds them physically attractive. This happens, why do fucking retards always think that if a man is alone that it's his fault because he must be an asshole? What is it? Is it some weird delusion that good people can't be alone or something?

I used to be bullied and extremely shy in high school but at the same time outside of it I had two 7-8/10 25-30 year old chicks bang me and buy me shit.

Like I mean I was so shy that when at school if I had to sit next to a girl I would literally whisper "excuse me miss may I sit here if this place is free" and then I would go and get booze and a blowjob from those older girls and run around being absolutely off the hook and not giving a fuck about anything. If someone introduced me to a drug dealer I'm pretty positive I would have tried to rob him on the spot.

Then at same time if I met someone from my class on the street I'd go 1000% autism immediately. It was very strange.

We accept it, just don't fucking murder people over it.

No no no no you just did it again you dumb fucking piece of shit, and you don't even understand what I'm saying, fuck off.

Has a documentary ever been more prescient following the events of the 4channel murderer happening the same day/night? Bravo BBC

Hold on, isn't the fat women and trannies who complain about straight men not wanting to fuck them technically incels?
Why are the left suddenly using it as an insult if you don't fuck women like a chad every week when they only yesterday encouraged young boys not to idolize chad and instead focus on their hobbies and save their virginity in waiting for ms. right?

No, we all get that you're a loser. Just keep yourself and your incel buddies in check.

>when they only yesterday encouraged young boys not to idolize chad and instead focus on their hobbies and save their virginity in waiting for ms. right
What in the actual fuck are you talking about?

The liberal left only yesterday said it's toxic masculinity to have one night stands and that no mather how good looking and popular you are, you should still save your virginity for a perfect relationship and not have sex with someone you are not in a serious relationship with.
No wonder we have so many incels with the feminist brainwashing that not only encourages young boys to act in an undisarable manner, but also tell them to avoid casual sex.
Of course you will stay a virgin if you listen to feminist advice and wait forever for a woman that will never show up.

Incels are dumb pieces of shit and the most infuriating thing about it is that they want to make you believe that "incel" is just a status and not an ideology

>dude you don't get your dick wet, you're ONE OF US
fuck off and kill yourself

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>What makes a person become an "incel".
Mental illness combined with spending adolescence and early adulthood almost entirely online.

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Feminist brainwashing which makes you not in touch with your masculinity and sexuality.

that catfish dude getting punched by the girl in the car was great, props to her


>The liberal left only yesterday said it's toxic masculinity to have one night stands and that no mather how good looking and popular you are, you should still save your virginity for a perfect relationship and not have sex with someone you are not in a serious relationship with.
No they didn't you fucking sheltered idiot. You're literally fucking insane

95% of these guys never really cared about sex and just feel insecure about being virgins. They don't actually want to have sex

I honestly can't relate to this zoomer illness. When I was younger guys (and girls) who couldn't hook up tended to take up a hobby or develop music interests that exposed you to others. As in others face to face, not through some fucking app. Oh and most kids back then thought getting laid was a bonus after getting to know someone, not a fucking god given right. What the hell changed? It can't just be the interwebs

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wtf he's gay?

TV is inherently political, has been since the beginning.

50% of American men are so fat they can't even see their dick without a mirror. Why the fuck would you ask the average American about sex?

>A society which tells young boys that women don't want stereotypically masculine men spawns incels and makes women strive for foreign men from patriarchal cultures
Who would have guessed?

>A society which tells young boys that women don't want stereotypically masculine men
WHITE young boys

Yes they did, don't act like they didn't. The people who use the word incel as an insult today only yesterday complained about "toxic masculinity" and "dudebros".

God how the BBC has fallen

Everyone's a fan of eugenics till they get told they don't make the cut

White men wouldn't be outclassed by blacks and muslims if they actually acted like men.
Even the guy who plays Bond is a fucking wimp now, compare him to Connery or the other Bond's for example, lol.

I don't get the incel thing at all either. I was a huge dork. Played magic, 40k, everquest. All total nerd shit for the time and still I somehow had girlfriends constantly from like 15 onward. I don't think I've gone more than a month without getting laid since I was 16 years old. I also compete in equestrian though and the sport is like 95% female so it is kind of like shooting fish in a barrel

I swear, those /pol/ and /r9k/ faggots are gonna get the site shut down

The majority of us just want to talk about our hobbies and interests. Why do they have to ruin it for the rest of us?

That's one thing, and they still bitch about that. But saying that they EVER told men to wait until marriage to fuck is made up shit and you know it, the left's stance when it comes to men is that handsome men can do anything and ugly men shouldn't even breathe near women. That's it, nobody talked about whatever made up bullshit you come up with

I think “hook up culture” came about from the way tinder was marketed, but tinder was taking its idea from the gay app Grindr where the gay community is inherently hookup based but women generally don’t tend to compromise and hookup like men do

>It can't just be the interwebs
It's technology, decades ago the freaks who never made it were like 1% of people because you either adjusted or your parents sent you to the nut house, now you can sit all day browsing internet and watching porn and you don't even have to leave your room to buy groceries. It's a cliche but all this smart phone and 5g and wi fi shit did is drift us apart, and it's only going to get worse, so buckle up

Not until marriage, but until you find a serious gf. Meanwhile, the feminists themselves fuck chads every chance they get.

Well you did kill more than 100 people by baneposting, so your not innocent mr Yea Forums

But there was tremendous amounts of fucking going on in geek groups, music groups like kids into metal and goth shit, or even just plain old hobbies like field hockey and shit years before some shitty mobile phone app birthed that. There literally is someone for everyone out there, problem is you ought to get out in public to find that not rely on some online shit. Its such a total disconnect

>There literally is someone for everyone out there
NO there isn't

>I swear, those /pol/ and /r9k/ faggots are gonna get the site shut down
Ideally they would just close those boards. ''but they will just infest the other boards''

1)They are already doing that
2)It's been proven that when online communties like that are shutdown they don't spread elsewhere - without their central board to encourage each other it dies down.

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you have literally no excuse to be a virgin in 2019

None of those dudes are really ugly. They all have way prettier faces than me, and I'm not a virgin.


Yeah lets get back to discussing box office numbers and our flavour of the week generals

I went to one today
Had a tipsy russian girl jerk me off and she would not stop talking but she was very cute with an amazing body
Will ask for her again because while I wasn't really in the mood to talk, it was nice having a chat with a crazy person

She asked if she could take some blackheads out of my back because she enjoys popping pimples which was weird but I let her. She also said I was cute and should go to ukraine to get a girlfriend because they'd love me over there which was also weird

>Masculinity is the thing that attracts women
Did weightlifting and boxing in HS, doing weights and judo in uni. Women are attracted to social skills WAY more than masculinity. Also been hunting since I was a little kid, but never seen it as a particular masculine thing since me and my little sis went out together pretty often.
AlsoBeing around women has a better chance of getting girls than doing a masculine activity surrounded by men

Repent and seek Christ

I have a fucked up back and neck because of work so I need a small chinese lady or eastern european to attack my back for 30 mins to an hour sometimes, the happy ending is just a bonus

I’ve hooked up at parties and bars but a totally sober girl who wants to just fuck with no expectation of a relationship is pretty rare

What's wrong with that?

just go back

>The media puts so much effort into this "incel" psyop

Libido Dominandi: sex is only a big deal, if you're not having it.

this is the most /r/donald post I have ever seen, right down to the misuse of the word communism

>If you want to talk about film you're from Reddit
If you want to talk about filthy roasties why not just go to/r9k/?

Underrated post
Didnt they do that to reddit with incel pages there?

When unattractive people catch narcissism due to being raised wrong.

I wish.

can’t dodge the rodge

I'd argue its 55% parenting and 45% life (im including mental illnesses as well)

Such a retarded drawing. Imagine trying to cope so hard with being an incel

The fuck is wrong with /r9k/, does any other board pull this kinda shit?


>played magic competitively
>played cs 1.6 competitively
>played wow at least 8 hours a day in vanilla
>still managed to get girlfriends because i was able to make women laugh
>also i'm 6'5

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I'm pretty sure a dude from pol shot up a synagogue once.

>Well you did kill more than 100 people by baneposting
They didn't fly so good.

what else would you have them do?
If your answer is kill themselves then you only contribute to any future violent outbursts

Yea Forums has done a ton of wacky shit and will continue to do so, stop acting like /r9k/ and /pol/ are their own things when they're just the same as the rest of us, you just don't see it on Yea Forums because the same posters are using Yea Forums vernacular and discussing Yea Forums things instead of blogposting on /r9k/ about going to the shop to buy crisps and seeing a cute girl which made you want to kill yourself because you made eye contact and imagined living your life with her

"incel" rolls off the tongue

I don't think most boards have killed people user. Pretty sure murder of some random stranger is slightly past wacky shit.

too scared to post on /pol/?

>Didnt they do that to reddit with incel pages there?
Yes and there was actually a study done. People suggested that by banning those pages, they would just spread elsewhere. Turns out that doesn't happen at all, it just kinda goes away. The idea is that those pages act as a place where the posters encourage each other more and more and when they go the rhetoric basically dies down.

There is a fine line between closing pools and getting people killed user.

Y would u even be scared to post on ANY board?

>you just don't see it on Yea Forums
What Yea Forums do you go on?

/pol/ is full of redditors. I'd much rather meme on Yea Forums.

If they think these guys are so dangerous, why are they provoking them so much?

"boards" don't kill people dumb fuck
i've been here since '08 and people from every board have murdered people or done insane things, only newfags think each board is another ebin subleddit not connected to the site as a whole
once again
this shit has been going on forever
user's murdered people back when /r9k/ was shut down by moot, fuck off
if you're implying you still see that stuff here then thanks for agreeing with my point
just because people voice stuff like that primarily on /r9k/ doesn't mean it's just /r9k/ posters that are mental

Would imporve the site massivley
its annoying going to /fa/ of all places and hearing people talk about the Jewish question or the constant >tfwnogf posting on most of the site

>I'm an oldfag and I swear people from /an/ have written eco-terrorist shooting sprees just like r9pol
Cope harder /r9k/fag, you're the only people on this site that are that mentally ill, aside from maybe the trannies

you should fuck off then

I had few partners but my five long-term GFs were 8.5+, 3 were 9.5 (if you're not a pleb and like dark hair - pale skin - blue/green eyes - freckles - symmetric facial features - tight body - combo). As you can see, I have my type.

I fuck at least once every 1 and a half day since a decade, so more than 2000 times and Im 25. Rank me

Seek professional help and leave hateful online communities behind

you tried I guess

>blogposting on /r9k/ about going to the shop to buy crisps and seeing a cute girl which made you want to kill yourself because you made eye contact and imagined living your life with her
Who the fuck does that?

If you dont bother to argue against them they will just get worse and worse.

I was deep into the incel/r9k rabbit hole and only left because others bothered to talk about how stupid it was.

Cope harder or at least livestream your suicide like the other kid on /r9k/

going to the shops btw, want anything?

>going to the shops btw, want anything?
I only get food from the theater.

Sour lollies please

Bruh that thread is full of fucking trannies. You should be gassed

>scared to post on any board
Yea Forumss and /r9k/s archival logs are archived on every thread you visit, image, webm, or gif you open, as well as replies and obvious threads made. They are all linked to the IP itself.

This is one of the Concessions made back in 2007 by Moot to the United States government ro allow Yea Forums to exist as they were and still are cracking down on all crimes made on the internet.

As far as we know, /pol/ and the rest of this site has gotten the same treatment.

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I've gotten to a 5 and i'm totally fine with settling with one if, the only issue being not one of them want's to be a mother and have a family.

I was here when Yea Forums was as bad as you think it was for a long time, no one was surprised when the spooks got involved
>Tfw I remember when the site had no captcha
those were the days
there's like two spastics who shit up the thread looking for attention just like there's always a chimp like yourself outside of /britfeel/

Here are those public FBI files in question. Yes that is Sam Hyde.

Attached: 4chan FBI files.jpg (1080x1347, 615K)

The fuck are you talking about? No wonder chicks think your shit's retarded

ook ook

What do you think the feds files on Yea Forums are like?

fucking hell lads,
Elliot is not even bad looking and he couldn't make it
wtf is left for the rest of us ?

Anceintfag more like. Why do you still post here? I feel like all the oldfags have since left and moved as the blatant newfagotry and idiots who can't into board culture is way too fucking high. The concept of lurking is as foreign to them as a whole different language.

What do you think? I assume it's anything that is illegal and violates US law. You can use your imagination from there.

>What do you think?
Have they tracked down the cunny poster yet?

this is my home
Yea Forums has basically raised me, I even lost my virginity to a girl from /r9k/ back in 2012
I have a ton of esoteric knowledge about literature, film, fashion, art in general etc from lurking pretty much every board 24/7 and well, I can't just leave my friends can I?

>Secret World of Incels


I love how bad Elliot was of a mass murderer. He hardly killed anyone.

>be me
>13 yrs old
>fat ass 170 lb
>can't run
>massive introvert
>always read comics
>pick up guitar, piano
>tabletop gaming, DnD
>some anime and rpg shit
>14 yrs old
>play football for first time
>discover that I am a strength guy not a runner
>lose weight
>get faster and stronger
>fat turns into muscle
>get chicks interested because of highschool gains + all the other shit I was into
>go to uni
>meet loads of people and can connect with everyone because of wide variety of hobbies

Honestly I think it's parents who either don't encourage their kids or don't expose them to enough of life which they might be interested in. There really is so much shit to do, loads of places to find your place in the world and still achieve moderate happiness.

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Why does it always ring true?

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He killed other incels (who unlike him were copping fine) and a couple c tier raosties

had his whole plan gone off without a hitch he would have been legendary

Least he was not as bad as the /pol/ synagogue shooter

How do i get a job researching incles and teaching it at all school

what site? those boards are on Yea Forums, we're on 4channel over here

making the wrong choices and being a slow learner and only seeing things clearly until it's too late

starts with poor parenting

guarantee almost every single incel had one or two mostly absent parents

but after about the age of 10 you are capable of making your own decisions so everything after that is your fault

I bet catfish man is a goblino

what the fuck
did we switch timelines again ?

>society can't MAKE a person do anything.
Except you are 100% wrong. And your environment has more impact on you than genetics. People are not born incels. Nobody chooses to be angry or resentful, they are this way because of their circumstances.

Maybe they are ugly or nobody taught them how to be social, so people bullied them and nobody told them how to deal with that or how to improve their situation. So they decide to stop socialising and find echo chambers like this, where all their hate is justified by others in similar situations.

So, seriously, is it worth a watch or is this just an hour of normies beating up on unattractive guys who enjoy spending time alone?

>after 10 years old its too late for parents to intervene
For how important parenting is nobody puts enough emphasis on it.
The world would be better if people were incapable of having children unless the met certain mental requirements

Im watching it. It's quite comfy but weird. The men in it are all absolute psychopaths

It never switched, we just killed this one. Nothing else to do other than keep doing and see what happens.

Your personality is largely dependent on where you're born and how you've been raised but there is also a genetic factor due to how people treat you differently solely based on looks.

So it's basically to imply that guys who don't have sex, are unattractive, and spend a lot of time alone are dangerous?

We didn't do nothing. Stop with your obsession.

rare sane people

you didn't even watch it and already feel attacked?

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fucking hell you faggot watch the video
they arent attacking anyone