This movie was terrific, probably one of the best films of the year and pure capekino. And I say that as someone who's not fond of nogs. Also I can't believe it's a Sony product. You could say this movie subverted my expectations.
This movie was terrific, probably one of the best films of the year and pure capekino...
Imagine having to hear that over and over when just trying to discuss a kino.
>promotes race mixing
Kill yourself jew.
>Ironic shitposting
Its fine.
>unironic shitposting
Sometimes people of different races have sex, deal with it. If you're white have some kids with a white person you fucking loser.
The more you go on about it, the more overrated it becomes. It was alright and I'm happy for the African American community, but you know as well as I do Spiderman 3 is better
Does the blonde girl get blacked?
No. She doesn't love him.
I like how the Sam Raimi films got a mention in the set-up for this one.
Lord and Miller make everything they touch turn to kino. It seems only Sony is willing to write them blank checks and let them make what they want, while everyone else can't stand it and fire them when they want to make their genius.
Imagine if we got to see their version of Solo
I was watching SM3 scenes on YouTube last night and forgot about that comment in spiderverse. Who the fuck do they think they are? Implying spiderverse is better
She will in the sequel. Please look forward to it
It's more of an homage and acknowledgement. You would never see the MCU paying tribute to a predecessor film from a rival studio.
>but you know as well as I do
Why do polcels always use that term? Do they think it's convincing or persuasive? Go back to your containment board, cuck.
>rival studio
My bad, SM3 was Sony/Columbia
It felt more like a jab, which I guess is alright tooShut up dickhead
This guy hasn't even seen the movie and is saying shit like "forgot about that comment".
Rent free, faggot, you're obsessed. Gb2/pol/.
>sh-shutup d-dickhead
Go watch more clips on YouTube you dumb poor faggot.
>l-leave nigger Spiderman alone
Yeah, I get that you're not allowed to enjoy this movie on 4channel, but it really is capeshit at it's best.
in media all the time
What comment?
What jab?
>hasn't seen a film but goes into threads to talk about it
constant framerate shifts and background art were both terrible
its a serviceable flick ruined by sloppily used cost cutting techniques that draw attention to the flaws of the animators. If the only animation you watch is Disney Pixar then it probably looked revolutionary but its not all that great when viewed in a wider context
Also the story is straight up capeshit
6/10 from me
I've seen it faggot, just forgot the comment because the movie is forgettable. They have a jab at dancing Peter in SM3
I went in expecting nothing and was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed this. I liked the twist on the "dead uncle" origin story we got along with the various other Spider-Men bringing up a new generation.
Spider-Gwen was hot as fuck and all I want is tastefully drawn R34 of that lithe-ass body doing lithe-ass things.
Everyone is freaking out about Miles but 40-year-old pink wojak Doomer Peter stoke the show. Based as fuck.
That's called confirmation bias. You are remembering the hits and forgetting the misses. Now that it is actively being promoted by people with an agenda, you are register a shitload of hits and the same-race relationships aren't even registering. It's ironic since at least 2 of the Peter Parkers in Spiderverse were dating/married to white MJ.
I'm a boomer who unironically saw Raimi's 3 in theaters and you are full of shit.
ok, im going to say it. Their has been 10 movies with spider man since fucking 2001. If you are still into spiderman, still think its cool and get some sort of boner from the spiderman ninja suit, your a fucking child.
HOW ARE YOU NOT SICK OF THIS SHIT? I am so fucking tired of spiderman. I saw this stupid sony garbage on fucking nig flix. Its meh, and more importantly, I am fucking bored. The sound track is so fucking bad. I its made for ADHD zoomers.
My kids are not watching spider-man unless its the OG Raimi. This shit is incel tier. You have to be a mental midget to still be obsessed with spider man for 20 fucking years of movies.
Yeah, you ain't seen shit.
>Spider-Gwen was hot as fuck
It's not every movie that has a mixed-race protag and a living Valkyrie sharing screentime.
You have schizophrenia and are clearly not even 18 years old.
Im almost 31 and I have a one year old child.
I am a vet that served ZOG, so maybe that explains everything.
Spiderman is about being a teenager and all the struggles that come with it. It's an universal story that everyone can relate to. The fact that you can't enjoy it means there's something wrong with you.
>The sound track is so fucking bad.
I don't care for the rap but at least it's not as crudely stupid and vulgar as most of the rap I hear today. That said it's fucking rap music, what do you expect. This generation has horrible taste in music.
I'm not obsessed with anything you shrill faggot. I just enjoyed this latest installment. On reflection I have only ever watched the Sony Spidermans, and my only exposure to MCU Spiderman is the Infinity War films. I have a feeling they would all pale in comparison to the Sony franchise.
its a fun kids movie and entertains parents that liked the raimi series. whens the last time you enjoyed something?
wow that girl is so literally me
americans love their degenerate interracial propaganda especially when its in animated form
> And I say that as someone who's not fond of nogs
Imagine typing that out. Maybe you should have sex. All of you
yeah i remember when i was a superhero growing up shit was tough
I'm just acknowledging my racial bias and how I liked this movie despite the protag being black.
Good movie
notice how its always amerimutts
Whats wrong with me? I have seen red ninja suit man enough and I am sick of it. Its childish and only novel if you are young. You fucking adults have probably watched 5 spider-man movies so far.
I am fucking tired of it. I don't care about teenage angst or whatever. The only Pete I related to was Toby, but even then, I am so sick of spider man, that even shit feels boring.
I watched Krull and yesterday for the first time and thought it was shitty but charming. At least it was different. Spiderman doesn't even have spirit, its just a property owned by sony.
where are the doujins
Anyone have that webm from France where it's nothing but French girls dancing with blacks?
No you stupid retard.
>The only Pete I related to was Toby
Well that's probably the first Spiderman you actually got into and was contemporary with your age. I watched those too and they are great films. Fuck the reboots.
Spiderverse was also good.
> I'm just acknowledging my racial bias
then maybe don't be bias you fucking swine.
>don't be racist
yeah it's really that simple. i'll just forget all the shit i've seen in my life and on this site and pretend like my biological proclivity for my own people doesn't exist and just sort of drift through life with no allegiance, no anchor, no loyalty, and no identity except that of a bum.
you got me
really though i know racism isn't logical but i can't just stop being a racist, sorry not sorry.
>admit you've been affected psychologically
>still claiming racism is innate
Hmm, I wonder why you think that.
Why are whites so pathetic and fragile?
At least go back to your containment board.
Are you dumb?
why are faggots so pathetic and fragile? why are you a faggot?
I'm not from /pol/. I'm a libertarian who lives here. Please stop assuming I associate with those people.
because i am tired of having every shit blackwashed and then pretend blacks came up with something original
I know I know nothing.
>being a libtard
Oh look the leftypol dogwhistlers have ruined another thread
Movies dope
He's not black he's latinax Portuguese black mutt
T. Virgin white male mixed European
Niggers and cum skin goths are pissing me off with this race baiting shit nobody is pure anything
>having principles
shocking i know
Society wpuld be better off without anyone in this picture.
all you faggots do is be pretentious waiting for one side to win and then pretend you were on the winning side all along
kill yourself nigger lover
all i'm doing is advocating for maximum liberty in most situations and leaving everyone the fuck alone. if i have to pick a party in american politics it would probably be the conservative party, if only because bipartisanship will never die and the democrats have shifted the overton window too far to the left for me to ever agree with them.
>all i'm doing is advocating for maximum liberty in most situations and leaving everyone the fuck alone
lmao you wanna know i can tell that you are white
>lmao you wanna know i can tell that you are white
Intelligent, tall, good looking, wealthy, ?
>tfw scared to watch this cause i know afterwards i'll spend several months fapping to Gwen
i'm not a pedo i just love her character design ;-;
just fucking lynch me when the cleansing begins
90% of libertarians are white males.
>white replacement
Why is is it that whites "disappear" in an interracial child, but the non-white half is somehow magically reproduced?
If white genes are so great, how are they being """replaced"""?
Those two worldviews are incompatible.
Can’t wait for some BLACKED kino, lads
because we are god's chosen
if anybody could become god's chosen what would be the point?
we have forsaken god that is why things aren't going our way at the moment
Not really. I am suspicious of black people. I think everyone should have equal protection under the law. In the end I want everyone to leave me alone, and I will happily do the same to everyone, and this is fundamentally the libertarian philosophy. If I associate with people it is in general because they make an effort to be a friend to me.
All the same I don't trust black people. That has nothing to do with my politics. That's just racism from not interacting with black people as a child.
>Protag is black
Ill pass.
Now you just sound like the jews.
There is a skin tone hierarchy in most places. The white genes are fine. What I don't want is a skin tone hierarchy in Europe.
Well bravo on being self-aware enough to understand your prejudice. And as long as you don't overtly act on that prejudice you're not really harming anyone despite being decidedly racist. I suppose it's better than lynch mobs and overt racial hostility.
jfc her ass
I thought it was good, but not the God tier movie that everyone else thinks it was.
>OG spiderman gets killed in the beginning
That shit was fucked up.
He's not, the "og" Spiderman is the fat boomer Peter. The one in Miles' universe is supposed to be a picture perfect chad Spiderman.
Yeah but B-world Spiderman is also great.
Fat boomer Spidey was best Spidey by far. We can all agree.
>I just want to talk about a kinoooooo!
Ahahaha fuck off you lying twat. The film is shit too. Quantity over quality.
>b...but it says Spider-Man there it’s totally Spidey!
Miles Morales was literally created by Bendis as a massive virtue signal because Donald Glover was butthurt and whining about Peter Parker being white. He auditioned but lost out to Andrew Garfield. You really are a pathetic cuck.
Watch the film all you like, who gives a fuck? It’s the deranged insistence it’s better than the live action actual Spider-Man films that is fucking annoying. The last fat bitch who made a thread like this was caught out in a thread about FFH shitting on MCU Spider-Man but admitted she hadn’t even seen it, so she really does use -verse to promote this ugly animated mutt “Spider-Man” over Peter Parker. That’s not someone simply enjoying a film, that’s a race baiting leftie cunt trying to stir up shit. I prefer sneed posters to Morales posters.
they're all interracial
post them
What you mean fragile and pathetic like trying to whitewash iconic brown characters in movie industries across the globe? Like brown people fragile? Oh, wait, we’re not.
You’re probably white too: fat, ugly, femcel is my guess.
Are you seriously implying only white people do this, and are the worst at it? Talking about lynching as if normal white people do that on Sunday after church, meanwhile ignore the little white 2 year old shot in the face and killed by a racist black man recently, or the white girl burned alive by a gang of them recently, or the white kid kidnapped on Christmas Day by a black woman and tortured to death with a blow torch etc etc. You need to see a psychiatrist.
can't wait when miles morales replaces parker in the live action films as well (he's already in them)
Fucking hell I miss Rich...
This movie was generic. Only way to describe it. The frame rate shifting was an interesting way to try and link narrative to animation, but it looks like shit. The plot is serviceable at best, and rushed at worst. None of the characters are developed in any way that's beyond an introduction, a show of their usual behavior, then one "deep" character trait or backstory, and that's if they're lucky. Take for example the villains, one of which the female Doc Octopus has absolutely so little to her character that she could be the normal version and nothing would change. This shit is more like the extra long pilot from a TV show rather than a fucking full animated film that was supposed to be fully fleshed out.
I mean fuck I actually liked Miles in this movie. How the fuck did they even make that mess of a non-character slightly likeable then fuck up absolutely everything else?
yes good goy!
Do the black guy and the white girl have a romantic involvement? Because that would give me cause not to watch it
Neither of them are really characters, nor do they have or pretend to have any chemistry romantically.
MCU Peter is basically whites Miles already. Replacing him would be redundant, which is why they’re going to do it anyway
You have a pretty bad world view and people like you who think they are better than others is honestly why most people dislike leftist americans
marvel and snoy shills at full force i see. it was shit movie and no amount of shilling will change that.
This is for children, user.
>Is racist
>Not a fan of miscegenation
>Watches the movie
>The race aspect is never a plot point
I enjoyed it. I'm unironically a white nationalist and find nothing wrong with it. I mean the rap was shit and I feel like Gwen should've had more of a reaction to seeing Peter (considering he's her dead best friend on her Earth), but other than that I had a lot of fun with it. And knowing that Miles and Gwen will get together won't bother me unless it's done poorly. I'd obviously rather her settle down with a white guy and him with a black woman, but eh. It's Hollywood capeshit, I expect as much. Shouldn't let stuff like that get in the way of enjoying a movie. It's not going to suddenly convince people to race-mix.
Do us a favor and point out the part of the movie that promotes race mixing. You did see the movie didn't you user?
How exactly does a child identifying with someone speaking their language promote race mixing?
>wow this guy speaks spanish just like me!
>I should find someone of a different race to breed with!
You do know you get to decide who you fuck and impregnate right? assuming you even have sex to begin with lmao
If only the recent spiderman movies were half as good.
I loved this whole movie. The characters were all excellent, including Miles. Everything to do with Prowler was great, and the other villains like Ock and Kingpin were also well rounded. The animation style is great too, the action scenes are full of interesting shots and movement but retain a ton of clarity.
I'm not sure if it's better than the Raimi movies, but it's definitely better than the Amazing movies and the MCU movies.
the comic book nobody read because who even reads comics anymore?
a rumor that may not even be true because that article came out while the movie was still in theaters?
Miles x Gwen
>I sleep.
Mileesha x Gwyn
>Black ghetto-booty girl x White twinky-ballet boy
>New, Hot
>Good shit
Rule 63 version would be 100x better. FACT!
sorry i dont have pictures from the movie faggot
i guess youll just have to use ur imagination when you jerk off
Know why? because there aren't pictures from the movie. That's what's missing in every thread and what no one on Yea Forums seems to grasp, there is no hidden agenda here Miles and Gwen have the least amount of screentime together as anyone.
You've just conditioned yourself to think that a white woman and a black man on screen together automatically means the director has an agenda they're trying to force on you. Should really get off Yea Forums for a while.
I’m glad everyday more niggers fuck white women just to annoy asshole like you
The movie is good. But isn’t kino. Very preddictable and cliche story. At least the Miles arc development is very good and the visual are godlike
Did adult men actually like this movie?
It was an infamous forced diversity character. Bendis is a hack. That character had no reason to exist and it was a piss poor character and story at that.
But Sony fixed it all. One thing is that they corrected his heritage too.
when the ads for it came out i didn't want to see it - tokenist tekkon kinkreet inspired capeshit? pass. but when i watched it, i was totally blown away! one of the best films of 2018 and definitely one of the top 10 capeshit movies of all time