Are you looking forward to His Dark Materials?
Are you looking forward to His Dark Materials?
>Phillip Pullman seethes so hard about C.S. Lewis saying thots go to hell that he writes child sex into the final book
>he writes child sex into the final book
fucking BASED
>dat filename
pretty pedo, desu
I mean it's not wrong
fundamentally, tho
s-she's pure!
Yes. The boy is insanely cute.
I can't wait to be a dad
>on our date night
did he actually said that?
They can't keep getting away with it!
Pretend dates with daddy is a thing now, it's supposed to teach the girl how she should be treated or something.
dads should always have dibs on their daughters
all alphamales are cunnysseurs, it's unavoidable
no, no, that's all old tradition, which butthurt feminists are obviously trying to abolish
>Satanist trash
no thanks!
man, she aged about 10 years in 2 months
absolutely brutal, sempai
thank god we have bryn now
that shirt is little girl kino
this thread made me realize that if actually had a daughter, chances are she'd be as ugly as me. can't win even in theoretical scenarios
>literally me and my wife
yeah, pretty cute :3
have you zeen zhezhe's dad, bro?
I went to a sort of mini family reunion over the weekend. I saw a cousin that I haven't seen since childhood, dude is ugly and short. But had an 11 yr old daughter that was super cute as fuck. Gives me hope.
also Angel's dad
kek, angel's dad is not that bad, tho
papakotova should give everyone a little bit of hope
And here I was hoping for some genuine discussion about the show/books...
Yikes, is that her mother?
I mean you can discuss them if you want, no one is going to stop you.
lucky dubs btw
>yfw cap went back in tim not only to fug peggy but also to fug loli captain marvel
don't we all...
is not the best of pictures, tho
that bigass baby always make me laugh
hahahahahahahahahahahaha you fucking lol
>is not the best of pictures, tho
She looks like she took the call.
wow, no capeshit discussion, please
lmao, his head is bigger than zhe's already, the absolute unit
fucking women, man
bet she wasn't half bad before all the surgery
how can a little girl be so hot
she's more of a teen, tho
also, best to use sage to fly under the radar
>you will never have a daughter
> you will never make her the princess of papa’s penis
sad, sad day
Little girls are hot.
>saging with an image
the permabans are inevitable
I just hope I get one of those custom ones like "idiot pedo"
kek, obviously, but threads last a bit longer at least
Alex E. Cunny reporting for duty.
mmmm i want to lick her pusy
he deserves his own show, desu
imagine a a based attorney-in-law dramedy where he handles different cunny-cases every week
more of a coment really
and that's a good thing
when did you last hug a non-relative one
>a non-relative one
Fuck, like 5 years or more.
wait, like a friend hug?
There's no story, it was her birthday and I hugged her and said happy birthday, but I have hugged some little cousins more recently, like a couple years ago or so and we had some fun playing vidya and shit.
who was she doe
>who was she doe
She was so cute, I had a major cunnycrush on her, long black hair, skinny, pale skin, I still remember how it felt like to hold her for a second.
Hmm, he leads a double life, during the day he's saving cunny, during the night he faps to cunny pics from instagram because he lowkey agrees with dads who had some fun with their daughters. Child abuse cases probably full of cute lolis, they have to be cute to push a man over the edge. He eventually goes insane and writes a bot to spam cunny pics on anonymous imageboards and gets caught.
like all the time, don't you hug your frens?
>he's never gone to the beach and held up 5 cunnies at the same time (2 sitting on shoulders, 2 standing on sides and hanging on arms, 1 standing on shoulders)
how to have friend, i don't outside
pics or didn't happen
well, go outside, fren!
Wait.... what?
It can play out funny, with quirky inner monologues like a modern day HH. He hasn't done anything wrong, really. Also, can teach people how to stalk cunny on instagram.
Based cunnybros :3
muh wife
the state should provide every 25 year man a 12 year old girl to marry and have a family
and then what
can't hug
*an 8 year old girl
Based and redpilled.
hmmm, dunno, still a bit dark
we would need a pilot to get a sense of it
then you make frens, and then you hug said frens
it werks, fren
that bodysuit had a lot of wasted potential.
where to fren
Realistically speaking, how many years of Zhezhe kino we have left? Who can replace her when she's 2old? I don't think I'm ready.
also, bridget isn't exactly 8, desu
I'm looking forward to her nude roles. I wish I could see her underwear.
Depends on how puberty will treat her. If it's kind then we'll be in for a few years of /dangerous/ teen Zhezhe
It's normal for dads to be psuedo boyfriends to their little girls until they get old enough to find other boys to do sex shit with,.
kinda cucked
anywhere, fren
join a gym or something
zhezhefu's at the peak of her power, desu
at the very least I'd say we still have a solid two years of zhezhe kinos ahead of us, desu
damn that armpit
a healthy girl should only see three types of dicks in his life, her father's, her father aproved husband's and her son's
wtf, gyms don't have cůn
8year old cunny is at perfect age to start teaching how to be a perfect loli wife imo
>do all the hard work
>someone else gets to enjoy it
Am I thinking too logically?
8 years old is perfect age for licking
Not him, but I met a 16 year old at my gym, but she looked 20.
brehs how do I get a tween feet in my mouth?
Licking icecream?
>man, she aged about 10 years in 2 months
no she didnt stfu
No man licking their cunts. jesus christ FBI please keep up. I'm talking about sex with kids.
Is that the unedited pic? Ive never seen it before
Nice trips. Teen Zhe looking so good!
Well angel isnt a paramount of beauty like zhe but sges kinda cute i guess
wtf bro not cool, we're only pretending to be pedophiles for comedic effect.
cream yeah my cream
How old is the downie
Are cunnys in movies the comic relief?
Its cuz of the hormones just look at that fugly cunt of emily
First you have to open your mouth wide.
fuken pedos
yuck its not that hard desu
but you can meet hot single-mother milfs with cute daughter :3
I would much rather enjoy their daughterfu years, desu
Must be so good being her dad.
No pedos here
wew Maisie pls!
Based logical merry
Imagine if her mum saw this edit haha
>See a light, then a door
>See this
>what do?
What are the chance that these cunnyposter are just feds talking to each other?
Darker haired loli jealous that Dad's filming her sister's tushy again
Shes 14 almost 15
Not a lg
I'm not a fed lol.
That's a young-looking 18 year old.
I want that tushy in my mouth now!
wtf I downloaded this on a public wifi cause I didn't know it would be this lewd, I thought it was just a girl dancing
she looks 36 yo, sempai
that's me
plz don't dox
r-rude, angel is pretty cute, desu
maise a hoe
>she looks 36 yo, sempai
stfu or i will fucking cut you
Reported, bunch of fucking pedos
>How old is the downie
We had a civil discussion and then Keks decided to post CP again. What a jerk.
>that's me
>plz don't dox
Ok but dont hug my wife k?
look into your heart, user
you know it's true
Keks would never do that
thank god i missed it