The og incel
Travis was a faggot.
How do I get a body like this? Literally perfect.
this guy is
what are you talking about "get?" he's literally just skinny. You "get" it by not being a fat fuck you stupid lard ass
He's not skinny, he's ripped.
Stop eating and do some basic bodyweight exercises. You don't even need to lift.
>Stop eating
I'm sure this won't cause any problems...
your body will eat the excess weight, you fat fuck
do some manual labor. maybe it's hard to believe but men in the past used to be generally physically strong with low amounts of body fat.
How can it be that easy? Why isn't everyone as good looking as him?
because no pain and no gain... not eating to lose the excess weight you put on is not fun. you go through withdrawls like any drug addiction. sugar is no different.
Because everyone is a retard excluding me
>Palantine is a commune in the Doubs department in the Franche-Comté region in eastern France.
>The New Yorkers for Palantine for President Committee opened its headquarters in a storefront at Broadway and 63d Street yesterday and within hours scores of New Yorkers had dropped in and asked: “Who's Palantine?”
>Palantine is a Presidential hopeful in the Columbia Pictures movie “Taxi Driver,” now being shot on location in New York. Leonard Harris, the former WCBS‐TV drama critic, is playing the role of
>Victor Hugo, Gustave Courbet, and Auguste and Louis Lumière are among the famous people born in Doubs.
Was there some sort of hidden message with the name Palantine?
>you go through withdrawls like any drug addiction. sugar is no different.
Blackpilled truth
He probably fucked some hooker or raped someone in Vietnam
How is that blackpilled? There's still hope just put the cookies in the bin.
Not an incel, he actually asks a woman out and dates her. Incels never would have walked in the door at Palantine hq in the first place
God, I love larping as Travis Bickle.
Norman bates retard
gay bitch
Stop being American
That is not what untrained skinny looks like
It literally is.
he looks like someone with a healthy hormonal profile who does pushups. everyone who isn’t literal mutant trash can look like this without lifting
Are you actually retarded lmao
Stop posting.
It's not, he has good definition without being a complete twig. Why are /fit/fags so insecure? I'm sure you're bigger than him, but you don't need to project your dysmorphia onto others
The fatass thinks not eating massive amounts of sugar is impossible. Seriously bunch a lazy delusional fat fucks in this thread. Why are overweight people so entitled?
/fit/ here
>all this cope about how unattainable this body is just so fatties don't have to do anything
How to get this body;
>eat a calorie deficit i.e - 1600 - 2200 a day
>cut out shit like soda and processed food - chicken is the perfect health food by the way and only drinking water is the easiest thing ever, you have an infinite supply of the one thing you really need in your house
>go for runs / bike rides - start small then work your way up
>lift weights every now and then
Done, but if you were going to do any of this, you already would have, so carry on making excuses about how being thin is impossible
It is. You know nothing.
This. He's a regular Holden caulfield, just a faggot brat who thinks he's so smart pointing out everyone's flaws, his hero moment is killing some literal whos to save Jodie Foster and make himself feel good
>The Doubs department
It is near Baine, I guess?
incel favorite movie
Taxi Driver is more relevant now than it was back in the 70s
It predicted crazy white men going on a rampage due to sexual frustration, also explores porn addiction of white men and consequences of it.
It predicted white women fucking niggers left and right (the scorsese scene), and white men being very mad about it.
That's why, Yea Forums loves Taxi Driver so much. That's why they identify with him. Travis, is in fact, an embodiment of an average white boi that browses Yea Forums. An Incel archetype, that don't know how to act around women. A guy that dreams of "dealing with rampant degeneracy" while being a hypocrite that participates in the degeneracy, by watching pornography. Not to mention his obsession with saving an underage prostitute, a typical pedo incel white knight scenario.
You fucking retard incels aren't only found in white countries, look at hikikomori's in Japan
It's also bullshit because even in white countries Asians of all flavours are the biggest incels. Black men are also in a laughably shit position all round, having a lower chance of finding a meaningful relationship than anyone. Whites are the most angry but still the least worst off overall. They just live in their own heads more and multiply the perception of their own problems
This is