Episode 9 thread, I guess

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It's gonna bomb.

Time travel kek

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Is Rian Johnson involved

No, he's got the spot for ep 10

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I can’t wait to pirate it to see how much he fucks it up

oh shit

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I wouldn't take anything less than $50 cash on top of free ticket/popcorn/soda, to actually take the time out of any day to go see this movie.

And its gonna be a joy to witness.


>tfw Mike's time travel theory comes true

Would be fucking cool. Fuck it, might as well do something retarded and fix the damage TLJ did

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>Rey travels back in time and becomes Shmi Skywalker

but that means acknowledging that TLJ was a mistake and utter disaster

no one cares the IP was ruined that much

They've been subtly acknowledging that

damage control: the film

which is why episode 9s trailer starts with rey jumping the shark again? they havent learned shit if anything they will double down

>no young and handsome Jedi main character

Nobody cares.

I hope they're right. It's the only way they could fundamentally destroy the universe more than they already have.

unironically the only thing i am hyped for are the camrip webms and the Yea Forums threads laughing at the bullshit

i have no interest in watching this shit myself

The only thing cool about time travel would be how hilariously stupid it would be. Time travel cannot fix the damage anything has done. Time travel always causes more problems than it fixes.

It's going to suck but I'm going to see it ASAP so that I can shitpost and spoil it.

I don't think anybody is going to honestly care if you spoil it for them, not here at least.

Sauce to the theory?

TRoS won't make any sense unless the Resistance and First Order are so depreciated and lacking in funds/supplies/manpower, that they cannot even manage to pull together enough forces to fight each other. It turns out that, when you destroy the capital with a superlaser and then destroy the entire fleet and leadership of the only political power that could fill the vacuum, the entire economy crashes. If the galaxy ran on fiat currency then there is no longer anyone to enforce said fiat, and all the casino planet arms-dealers now not only find both that no one has money to buy their weapons, but that their own wealth is now worthless, which further cascades into a collapse of the weapons industry that apparently is the [i]true[/i] cause of all these Star Wars. If the Galaxy instead ran on Space-Gold or Space-Silver, we get something like the economic crisis' that helped destroy Rome and Han China. Rich people hoard, only paying out in Space-Copper while only accepting Space-Gold/Silver, causing such a lack of hard cash among the masses that the economy grinds to a halt and splinters the galaxy into bickering petty fiefdoms. In either case you eventually reach a point where no one can maintain more than regional control. And Bandits and such start realizing things like "If I have the Blasters why don't I just take what I want from the arms dealers by violence since there's no authority left to stop me?"

Shut the fuck up, retard. Nobody cares about literally any of that shit in star wars. Go watch your shitty prequels again.

:/ I liked THJ. the one actors writing was trash, the story was shit, they didn't give Luke's character any sort of goal, but the visuals were cool and the cinnamon tography was a lot better than ep7

Consume Media uncritically.
Buy Merchandise.

Jumanji: The Next Kino is going to whoop that movie's ass this Christmas

here's hoping it's an absolute mess with meme potential. something bland wouldn't cut it.

a very cool observation, but I doubt that the writers were compotent enough to talk about that in ROS

i doubt they can beat marry poppins leia
that shit was so fucking unreal i still dont believe it


Exactly, and the fact that the lightsaber is back makes sense. This movie could be the very end of nu-wars. Also JJ saying "fuck it"! Imagine that he was in control during TFA but now he doesn't give a fuck a bout anything!

You don't have to accept their money bro.

I suspect Rey will go back in time to kill Palpatine before he takes over the senate the ngoes back in time and everyone is happy


Mike starts talking about his time travel theory somewhere around half way.

It's true I just learned this today, Disney nuwars introduced time travel with the Rebels show.. If they were going to have time travel in the movies then it would make sense to introduce it elsewhere first.

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No one cares about a children's TV show, just like how they don't give a shit about other "canon" sources like those shitty TFU games.

you mean the show that was so bad it got cancelled?

Palpatine survived the death star explosion by marry popping his way to Endor. Force shield + marry poppins flying saved him from the explosion.

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dont even joke about it

star wars had time travel in the cartoon. the kid goes back and saves someone, he pulls her through a portal so vader doesn't kill her but when he tried the same shit with his dead master it can't be done because then the sacrifice means all of them would've died.


The obsession with Anakin's saber is another one of these moments where the people making the ST confuse meta knowledge of the "brand" with the actual events in the story. The Saber was never important in-universe except in that it was how Luke connected to the father and tradition he never knew. It's telling that when his actual dad cuts off Luke's hand (losing the saber) Luke also loses the ideal father he had built up in his mind. RotJ continues this with Luke's new saber. He doesn't [i]need[/i] the old one anymore because he has moved past that. He has a live dad to connect with instead of a dead one reached through a physical proxy. At no point does Obi-Wan ever talk about the saber being a special saber with a destiny. At no point after losing it does Luke bemoan not having an extra special saber.

Exactly. Despite both the Resistance and the FO having both been more or less completely wiped out and all semblance of central government being destroyed, somehow there will be two militaries large enough to soullessly recreate a cargo-cult Battle of Endor.

Have sex

Specially you

It's gonna suck, but it's not gonna matter since the damage has already been done.
Fingers crossed, the Disney marketing machine is powerful though and let's not forget that lots of us in the "boycott" crowd will still pay to see it anyway just because it's Star Wars.

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and the good guys with the power of diversity will win!

where did the nupire get all its resources in the first place? doesnt matter!

Wasn't he supposed to play the Emperor. What's going on?

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have sneed

Digits and it flops

Rebels never got cancelled.

The theory on the basis that its so fucked up and nothing redeemable can be done going forward so the only option is to go back, especially when Abrhams the lazy fuck and a comic book writer are involved sounds entirely plausible.

When it comes to the Disney Star Wars films, automatically assume the laziest and stupidest option is the likeliest to occur.

dont argue semantics it got cancelled because its shit no one liked and now they are doing damage control in producing the cancelled final season of clone wars

Rey will go back and give birth to Anakin, and turn out to be Schmi.

Rook at me I'm frying

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It's not semantics. It didn't get cancelled, it finished. The whole series was a prequel to the OT films so obviously they had to end it at some point.

>it finished
Because it had shit ratings and the only memorable episodes were tie ins with clone wars characters. If it had been good they would have extended it

Did the little jedi kid die?
Did they wrap up there being jedis running around?
I guess i could look it up. I never saw anything other than the very first episode, which i thought looked dumb, and the obiwan/maul confrontation which i thought was pretty darn cool.

cringe kys you facebook redditor

TFU isn't Disney canon.

At least they got that right.

>Reylo was the best part of TLJ

They are right. That and Kylo's whole story.

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I honestly don't get the hate for this character. Finn and Poe are far worse. Unironically. This is 100% a case of incels being retarded.

She had the worst scene in the entire movie and her character was pretty much pointless

Poe and Finn are unironically worse. I honestly don't understnad the hate for her aside from racist incels unironically. You are going to have to give me more than "wahh i didn't like a scene she had" when Poe and Finn's entire fucking characters are hot garbage in every scene.

>there shield are up we cannot hyper space ram
That would make the last movie alot better if they said that

She's a shit character in a shit movie. But she's a woman and a minority so incels hold her up as some paragon of shittyness despite everyone in the movie being one.

she had two of the cringiest dumbass lines ever conceived

pointless filler, literally should have died in the first movie
pointless filler, finished his arc in TFA
pretty much the same as above, but she's fat and a woman so incels cry

pretty much

That's what I was saying. She's actually better and makes more sense than Poe or Finn, even though it's not saying much, but just because she's a fat Asiain racist incels lost their shit.

Every thing that comes out of Poe and Finn's mouth is poop.

>let's not forget that lots of us in the "boycott" crowd will still pay to see it anyway just because it's Star Wars.
Didn't help Solo. And regardless if this is a mainline story Star Wars films, it's a continuation of a story most people don't care about.

Why does a company like Disney think having self-contained character arcs like finn/rose make a movie better?
Youd think they have that shit down to science.

Why does a company like Disney think adding another worthless character like Poe to the "main cast" and giving him his "own arc" to take up screentime make a movie better?

Cut out Rose/Finn/Poe entirely and the movie is at least 70% better.

I cannot believe Kevin Smith liked her line about love.

If you assume it's about Reylo, it's a good line. Which is a pretty good assumption seeing as the entirely trilogy is ultimately about them and Kylo Ren in general.

They thought they could fool people into liking all the characters and sell merch.


They're better off just focusing on Kylo since his is the only merch that sells.

But then I guess they can't pander to fake woke SJW, so they have to keep shoving Resistshits in everyone's faces.

I lokike Reylo but no. That line was objectively pure cringe

He has shit taste and no talent. Why are you surprised?

They already used time travel in their stupid cartoons therefore it's canon and you shouldn't be surprised because the basedbois who watch these stupid cartoons were ok with it. Disney is up for a big surprise if they think normies are okay with time travel. Frankly JJ is such a lzzy ass motherfucker, he used flashbacks and mystery boxes in TFA, Rian used skype and weaponized lightspeed, WWII mechanics in space. Time travel is the only stupid shit they haven't used

>but no

It fits them perfectly, though? Why would anyone think it's not about Reylo. I thought it was obvious. Then again, these are the same retards that thought they were related for two years so of course their thoughts and opinions mean nothing anyway.

>pure cringe

Your post is pure cringe.

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That's low even for him.

>posting tumblr fanart
>judging other posts as cringe

you reylotards have no self-awareness.

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No-one cares.


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Actually YO MUMMA takes that honour.

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The guy who wrote BvS and Justice League is credited as writer.

Yup, Terrio. Instant flop right there.

I hope you're not a man

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Shill thread 0.87 lmao. Make a white man the hero if you want some advice. I mean an actual white man not some Iberian Hebrew sort.

isn't the plot got leaked already?
>Kylo fights for control of Knights of the Ren with the new leader (Matt Smith character)
>Rey tries to ignite new resistance fire with Luke Skywalker lost footage
>She broadcasts the footage galaxy-wide
>Dies while doing so

If palp does come back I will be conflictred bc it would be worth admission price to watch mcdiarmid ham it up once again

The games were fun but story wise the books are better faggot.

you can´t fix anything as long as the same sjws who ruined it in the first place remain in charge

TFU games were absolute horseshit gameplay-wise. They were depthless, below mediocre action games.

Also remember that both Anakin and Obi Wan lost their own saber in Attack of the Clones, sabers are not that important it's just part of the rite to being a jedi but after that it's just a weapon

Rebels is the Disney show - they put time travel in there purely so they could justify having it in the movie as well.

I'm just prepping myself for another round of schadenfreude

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>TLJ did
You mean TFA right? TLJ just follow the steps

Cope - It's never going to flop, it literally has several hundred million cucks willing to throw a kings ransom at it.

>And Bandits and such start realizing things like "If I have the Blasters why don't I just take what I want
There's not bandits in Nu Wars there's just the Resistance and the First Order and the rest of the galaxy it's a decorated

BELOW mediocre? What games do you deem to be mediocre, my man?

Within the same genre of game? Original God of Wars and Ninja Gaiden 3. If you want to talk about star wars games I would say most lego star wars, Galactic Battlegrounds and Jedi Power Battles.

guys guys
what if
Yuuzhan Vong

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Can I just say I mentally scream at the top of my lungs every time someone posts an “I guess” thread?

What the fuck do you mean “I guess”? Do you want to talk about it or not? No one forced you to make another shitty thread. You could be off somewhere having sex but you begrudgingly had to make this thread? Lol. Just lol you enourmous shit for brains cunt. Fuck you.

>yfw Sheev was a hero all along

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>God of Wars
God of Wars weren't mediocre. They're pretty excellent in their execution, unless you look strictly at combat, wherein the combos are a far cry from the likes of DmC. Force unleashed was pretty competent. It was especially fun to ragdoll stormtroppers and various debris and decor

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>Yuuzhan Vong wipes the galaxy which is literally too faggot to fight back
>Rey has to travel back in time to warn the galaxy
>but kylo sees it as an opportunity to build even stronger empire
>they fight
>and then they fuck
>by fuck i mean finn fuck rey while kylo furiously masturbate
>Yuuzhan Vong go to the past as well
>kylo dies while fighting them but manages to blow up their ships
Yuuzhan Vong ARE COOL

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idk the dude just wanted to talk about Star Wars I guess

TFU is the same mindless mashing trash that God of Wars were. The difference is that God of War had a more fun setting and story, where as TFU is about a turbo mary-sue edgelord who was the super secret apprentice of darth vader nobody ever knew about who was so powerful in the force that when he was a small child with literally no training vader thought he was sensing a jedi master when he sensed him. He's also literally on the same power level (or stronger) than the emperor himself and can do all sorts of retarded lore-breaking cringe shit like pull star destroyers out of the sky.

Hey, I won't argue with Starkiller's mary sue status. I'm glad he's retconned. I just don't think you can call the game below mediocre. It was about as tepid as they come, with some good ideas thrown in. And, hey, God of War may have limited effective combos, but it sure as shit isn't mindless on higher difficulties

>TFW realizing Mike's time travel prediction is 100% on point.

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It was a shitty mindless masher with a terrible story in a time when games like jedi outcast/academy already existed and had vastly superior and more enjoyable lightsaber combat.

Eh, I disagree. You are a bit hyperbolic in your criticism, says I


It's alright to enjoy bad games, just don't kid yourself into believing they're good.

It’s going to blow and probably underperform. When does Kino Wars come back?

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I think it's wholly mediocre with good ideas

Now the sabers are characters on their own. It literally speaks to Rey and creates vision. His existence doesn't even make sense as it fell down on Bespin. Luke got a new one in ROTJ because a fucking lightsaber is an inanimate object. The only reason tehre aren't lightsaber everywhere is because only the Jedi can master them.

everyone says that at the end of TLJ they sealed off the possibility of romance between rey and kylo by their final conversation. if that were the case i just wonder why .. why would you do that instead of leaving yourself wiggle room - if you decided you didn't want it in the next film, leave it anyway so there's some fucking tension and stakes at the end of tlj? it sounds like from out-of-universe point of view it would be silly to do that so i have to believe that the dialog isn't as definitive as people find it

formerly chuckenfreude

You have to take into account that all the characters in TFA were shit. people were expecting some improvement and all they do is adding a chink in a grabage suit and a crazy feminist with pruple hair. Of course they aren't going to be welcome

The fact is poe in finn were introduced as "part of the trio" in episode 7, so they kind of have to be in 8 even if they are pointless.
They made a new character of rose for this new movie and shes pointless from the start. If she was in the previous film she would be on par with them

>why would you do that instead of leaving yourself wiggle room
Because Rian didn't give a shit about what came before or would come after his movie

wouldn't it be great if it ended up being good?

She’s total fucking shit and a pointless character. Just shoehorned in because Rian had a semi for his micro penis for a girl in high school like her.

>People have been suggesting this for over a year
>Time travel actually has been introduced to Star Wars via the Rebel cartoon
>Now everyone is acting like it's an original idea Mike came up with

>>Now everyone is acting like it's an original idea Mike came up with

Must be their shills

But that raises even more questions, did the story group or Kathleen Kennedy or Bob Iger not realize how bad that was?

>waste decent character 2 movies in a row
>knock it out the park with the character in novels and comics
>a lot of people want the character back
>keep on not revealing the characters full face

God dammit just have her back and go helmetless in IX JJ

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Has anyone brought up how J.J. Abrams' directorial debut was Felicity, and it ended with time travel? It's also one of the only series he's worked on where he actually had to write an ending.

t. Pan faced gook

Are you implying this shit isn't being written by committee?

Disney is probably all aboard with time travel. Endgame made a billion dollars and going back in time lets them rape whatever they want.

I did many times. Time travel and people born special with no need to train or get better are JJA's bread and butter.

>Finn and Poe are far worse

The only point of Rose was to create a character so weak, you would think Rey, Poe, and Finn were acceptable characters by comparison.

No it wont, but thew James Bond will

>When does Kino Wars come back?
After WW3

>>Rey tries to ignite new resistance fire with Luke Skywalker lost footage
>>She broadcasts the footage galaxy-wide
>>Dies while doing so

Sounds like the stupidiest thing ever

sounds like the inspiration we need to beat donald trump in 2020

>decent character
who? there's not fucking mediocre character in Nu Wars so saying decent is being too nice

If they do pull a time travel situation this is their one and only chance they'll have gift-wrapped to re-establish the old EU and reset the timeline to pre-TFA events old status quo. If they did it though it's an eternal admission of their failure and makes the ST entirely pointless, really don't know what's the right answer there

they wont retcon they will most likely tripple down on their bullshit

Lost also had time travel and that's when the show began to go off the rails.

We heard it the first time, summermouse.

The fact that it's Abrams back at the helm really scares me that he's going to literally pull another Star Trek thing, make something that's Star Wars in name only and have enough visual difference mixed with nostalgia to make it just a Bad Robot profiting machine before anything else

I could see him being the person they finally get willing to replace KK if he knew he could do that. And with the current state of the ip, I honestly think LucasFilm is desperate enough they'd commit to it

>the only part of EU to directlly spill into disneywars is the most retarded part of EU

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They both will.

>decent character
Only zoomer with a brain fried by Fortnight skins would think that semi original look = characterization. Read a book nigger

Lost and Star Trek also had time travel.

is beyond crazy the worst part of the EU was the OT and post OT things and these are the only things they are fucking reusing

>did i ever tell you about han solo?
>he had a childhood crush and first love and getting back to her was his sole purpose
>turns out she was a sex slave the whole time

he was a good friend.

>read a book
>reads the Phasma novel
>shes a decent character

Didnt go the way you wanted it to did it?

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I hope the movie makes money, but not too much money, enough money so they keep shiting this movies out.
Fuck Disney and fuck Star Wars fans they deserve eachother.

>reads franchise books unironically
>thinks it's real literature
>praises NuWars franchise books of all things
Jesus Christ


>He intentionally misses out on some good things just because the mouse made it

Unironically have sex

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They have only a few more years to maintain/expand the cultural relevance of SW because zoomers and younger kids literally don't give a single fuck about Star Wars. Stuff like Marvel or even Transformers is way bigger to the younger demographic, SW is a B-tier media for them.

Rey x Kylo could have saved the franchise

>franchise literature
>literally written by people who couldn't make it in genre literature, itself a bottom tier fiction
>en large written by comission, i.e. by following an outline made by marketing editors
>good things
This is the taste you develop when you consume nothing but memes, shitposts and yt videos.

>he cant form an actual argument unless he insults other users



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People are talking about boycotting this. Out of loyalty to the franchise, I will at least go and see it. However, if they put in horrible time travel bullshit, I will get up and leave the theatre, taking my chicken tendies with me.

Pic related. The last characters Star Wars came up with who felt like they could really exist and had lives outside of the frame.

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Hrs right tho

>loyalty to the franchise

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Do you think they smashed?

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The other 2 writers that they neglected to mention helped write the hit film Monster Truck, and the new Jurassic Park films.

It’s gonna be bad bros....

Have sex

>presents no actual arguments why Phasma is a "decent characters"
>praises Disney
>responds in ancient reaction images
>have have sex sex
At least you tried, mouse.

>I will at least go and see it.

I can buy Palpatine reappearing as a sith ghost or whatever but there is absolutely no fucking way there is wreckage of the death star large enough to have most of the dish area intact (what we saw in the trailer). Pic related is basically both explosions, they're exactly the same kind just one's horizontal and the other is vertical. There's nothing fucking left!

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>reading uttertrash from Nu Wars

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>praises disney

Now we know you dont pay attention and make shit up

>That time when they made the review of The Force Awakens where they ignored all of the flaws and claimed it was perfect. All because they are overzealous OT fanboys who fell for Disney's plan to pander to them.
>People still respect them.

>misses out on some good things just because the mouse made it
Direct quote from (You), rat skinwalker.

>Pic related is basically both explosions, they're exactly the same kind just one's horizontal and the other is vertical.
RotJ doesn't get enough shit for rehashing the Death Star as much as it should

Star Wars isn't going to bomb retard, now sit down. This isn't the shitty manlet Solo movie

It's JJ action fest that normies will eat up just like they did rogue one and tfa trash

Fans only dislike actual cinema like Johnson and Lucas made with TLJ and the prequels. They will love JJs flick

hur dur I changed a rlm line around a bit guise look at me I'm smart and have real opinions not plagiarized by others for sure

Disney even hired that nuWho actor in the cast.
They want to make the time travel retconing thing more palatable to the tumblr crowd.

just cos mike suckfarter said it's not going to happen doesn't suddenly mean it's definitively not going to happen

This is the same guy who wrote a comic about black cat getting raped repeatedly.

>no end full stop
>every sentence is a paragraph
>defends both JJ and Rian
Embarassingly obvous.

Pic related but with Yea Forums anons and mouse shills

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Haven't seen the video yet but star wars rebels already did time travel

>npc retard has no common sense
>thinks he posts on a board full of patricians when it's all capeshit and video games adaptations being talked about
Sit down pleb Johnson is based and you have shit taste in films

TLJ was better than TFA
it was a complete disaster but at least it was funny instead of boring

I mean hope I'm wrong, I was wanting it during TLJ bad, especially when they teamed up.

It honestly was. It tried to do something but failed miserably rather than do nothing but trick people into thinking that they did like TFA did.

Is anyone even looking forward to this? I mean seriously, TLJ left us with nothing to look forward to, what is even the point of this movie.

It was unronically one of the only good star wars movies

Korean camrip webms and shitposting

Are you retarded? Her character is worthless, the movie wouldn't change at all if she didn't exist

>Is anyone even looking forward to this? I mean seriously, TLJ left us with nothing to look forward to, what is even the point of this movie.

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I just want to see Sheev again. Don't really care about anything else.

i still haven't bothered skimming through episode 8.

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Because the faggots here actually think John Wick is a great character and series, aka popular opinion is always fucking wrong and plebshit.

You fags shill Marvel and Alita battle angel for fucks sake. Yes Rey is better.

Don't bother cuckimepleb, you can't appreciate art.

What about Rey and Kylo force rape kid? And all other possible leaks that we had recently? That ideas have nothing in common with this.
Some sort of time travel could be partyally try because I remember that they already filmed a scene with Vader and Luke fighting in the background, but it wasn't used so they could add it in new episode.

If you saw all the webms posted you literally missed nothing. The movie yoyos between being awful and being competely dull.

>If you saw all the webms posted you literally missed nothing.
I can't believe you not only actuallyed typed this utter cancer you, you believe it.

You literally are an enemy to cinema and a fucking faggot

You are the reason this board and the internet no longer is taken seriously. You have no fucking common sense

@118077728, etc
I heard you the first time, mouse, you're not getting (You)'s you can exchange for disneybucks.

TLJ completely exposes TFA as poorly thought-out empty bullshit and it's based for that alone

>What about Rey and Kylo force rape kid?

Well I watched the first of the new movies and it was shit. Then everyone said "but Rogue one is good" and that was shit too. I appreciate eps 1-3 for their creativity even if the story is ass but these new movies are for lacking soul in every aspect.

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Literal mentally handicaped people on youtube. Great fucking fanbase

i don't trust any episode 9 leaks after all the episode 8 ones turned out to be bullshit

They aren’t going to have Rey get raped and murdered by sand people, user

Hey faggot
The Force Awakens is trash
Rogue One is trash
Solo is trash

The last jedi was good

Saying 1/4 disneywars movies was good doesn't mean im a mouse shill that means you're an actual retard who can't have any conversations without thinking about red vs blue video game tier nonsense

It's a good movie. ESB, TLJ and ROTS are the best star wars movies hands down.

>The last jedi was good

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>Well I watched the first of the new movies and it was shit. Then everyone said "but Rogue one is good" and that was shit too.
user I'm going to respond to you seriously here.
The Force Awakens and Rogue One were shitty movies for plebs.
That's why those plebs who loved them hated on The Last Jedi.

Give the last jedi a watch in good quality and simply empty your mind.

Based Stonetoss

>the last jedi wasn't good
What a fucking really patirican and high IQ statement lad, oh wait, it's the NPC retard statement.

Now sit the fuck down and go pop in wolf of wall street again you unartistic faggot

And change the voiceover to a different language. And treat it as a video game cutscene compilation instead of a movie.






It's based wormwood actualy

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>you unartistic faggot

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Look at this snowflake, holy shit. You like to gobble up excrements, good for you mate

>if I REEEEEE like an autist at everyone I'll convince them that TLJ is a good movie!
Bald strategy but all you're doing is cementing the facts that no one sane likes TLJ.

How can anyone believe that TLJ is good unless they completely ignore everything involving Finn and Poe's subplots?

Anons you have shit taste in films I can smell it on you. Now stop trying to act tough.
The Last Jedi was unrionically one of the few good/great blockbusters made this entire decade.

Suck of that shit and go watch rogue juan muh deathstar

By having a high IQ and not being NPC

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Why the fuck would anyone be loyal to this shitshow of a franchise especially after the disney acquisition

>By having a high IQ and not being NPC
Baitism is not high iq.

Because Rian Johnson literally filtered all you plebs who think you have good taste in cinema.

He's getting his trilogy. TLJ was fucking amazing.

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Being a video game and youtube nerd doesn't mean you get to have opinions on films, dude.
You like exclusively dogshit. Go watch John Wick.

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>better and make more sense
>robbed Finn of his heroic sacrifice
>"we save who we love in the war"
>cue to resistance base being obliterated by laser in the background

THAT'S make sense to you?
and don't make me start on whole "rich people bad" casino scene

the fuck are you on about, faggotron?

lol, these people actually exist.
please don't reproduce

>defends TLJ
>is autistic
>acts like a manchild
>only argument he has is infantile ad homs
Is this schizo user actualy Rian Johnson?

>no arguments because you watched a shitty sideways cam rip

so leia, basically?

But people presented many arguments in this thread about TLJ being ass. You're the one presenting 0 evidence as to why it's good.

>But people presented many arguments in this thread about TLJ being ass.
No they haven't, you fags literally whine the same vapid, stupid statements that are repeated every goddamn day on youtube and reddit and every single corner of the internet

You have shit fucking taste in films and like dogshit. The Last Jedi was filmed extremely well, acted extremely well and directed extremely well compared to the fucking average star wars movie

You are a brainlet seriously, if you think star wars was ever anything more than a flick series that manchildren got upset at when artistry was attempted (the prequels and the last jedi)

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I don't think anyone hates her more than purple hair or oogabooga. Maybe Poe can be added to this list. If I hadn't seen any but TLJ even luke would be on the list. They were all shit but these were exceptionally so.

>complains about people whining about same vapid, stupid statements
>proceeds to "defend" TLJ with the most basic, vapid, stupid statements
Are you unironically on the spectrum? No offence but you sound like you have a genuine cognitive disabillity.

Solo > TLJ > Rogue One > TFA
they should have given the whole trilogy to Rian would've been fun as fuck

Are you unironically claiming Yea Forums has ever made any actual arguments against TLJ?

Because you haven't you even say the same stupid shit that people hated the prequels on for, like 'the writing is shit'

Why do you all claim to be redpilled yet you have the same pleb opinoins on films every single time.

Plebs hated the last jedi it killed star wars for them. it was fucking great, learn about cinema and reactions to it before attempting to talk to me

Barking at the wrong tree there.
I think G&G are probably alright as a person given their humility, but far too lowbrow for me.

Jesus Christ you're so mad your hands are trembling. Look at that grammar and typing. Calm down you fucking aspie.

No I can fully believe that Kevin Smith would like that

Fuck, Mike's time travel thing is actually less retarded than that

>no retort on topic because the internet told you The Last Jedi was so epicly bad
lol stay cucked muck

>Are you unironically claiming Yea Forums has ever made any actual arguments against TLJ?
There are plenty of such. Heck, one can just copy Mauler's videos and post them here as their own, proving the statement.
>Because you haven't you even say the same stupid shit that people hated the prequels on for, like 'the writing is shit'
There's a point of view in which the prequels have 'shit writing', and that's the character-driven perspective. If you're incapable of seeing valuable story arcs about states and corruption, you'll think the prequels have 'shit writing'. Whereas the ST has shit writing. TFA is carbon copy of ANH, and TLJ is not a middle-part of a trilogy. There is no continuum. ANH has a good excuse for this, as they didn't know it was going to be a trilogy at that point.
>Plebs hated the last jedi it killed star wars for them.
You merely accuse those who didn't like TLJ of being plebs. There's nothing high-brow about TLJ.
> it was fucking great, learn about cinema and reactions to it before attempting to talk to me
Right back at you.

based retard

>Heck, one can just copy Mauler's videos
See you're literally cucked to youtube, just fucking end it already, nobody cares about youtube videos

There doesn't need to be continnum when 30 fucking years have gone by. It's why PRO TIP people said theres no fucking continnum with this young whiny anakin when i want my darth vader

ST (TFA, TLJ) problems in writing:
>Extreme lack of planning and unity
>No worldbuilding, not even interesting background decorations, such as aliens
>Boring new characters, poor use of old ones
>Millenium Falcon wankfest
>Breaking previously established rules for cool special effects
>Lack of thematic depth
>Lack of spirituality
>Lack of new designs

Listen here dumb shits

It will be time travel


It will only go back far enough to retcon TLJ

She goes back and makes Kylo and Luke good bois who then found a new golden age of force shit. Hence Rise of Skywalker (luke)

The new trilogy will then be set several decades/centuries after the events of RoS in the restored timeline.

Then they can do literally as many movies as they feel like. If they go back before the prequels they'll be constraining themselves with the timeline when there's no need to

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Come back when you're past puberty.

This is schizo rambling at this point. What the fuck are you even trying to convey.

I'm older than most people here and probably older than you as well.
Really nice that you think you post on a board that has standards of puberty or knowledge

>The Last Jedi was filmed extremely well, acted extremely well and directed extremely well compared to the fucking average star wars movie.
yet was written by a gay onions boy that doesn't understand Star wars.

I completely agree with you. Reylo is unironically the only good thing about the entire sequel trilogy (especially TLJ).

I thought you were talking about Mike Zeroh. kek

Attached: reylo.png (1145x2351, 1.13M)

>dude TLJ has no continuity
No shit it's 30 years later. Remember how different Anakin was 30 years before the OT and how some Star Wars fans couldn't actually see Anakin as darth vader

It's almost like you and every average starpleb just wants the OT remade verbatim and actually get seething at anything different.

The only thing I care about is seeing Rey and Kylo fuck

So you actually
1. Don't know who Rian Johnson is and his influences
2. Don't actually know Star Wars

That's a big kek

Attached: TLJ pepe.jpg (499x499, 77K)

stop shilling that fake garbage.
it's fake

>angry boss and bobba knock off
>decent character

This guy literally posted 50+ posts in the last hour "defending" TLJ with nothing but autistic screeches and manchild insults. What's his endgame?

>everyone says that at the end of TLJ they sealed off the possibility of romance between rey and kylo by their final conversation.

lol, JJ just said the Force Skype is back and stronger than ever.

Yea Forums has literally posted for 2 straight years with autistic rambling crying and screeching about The Last Jedi. What's it endgame

I just don't want you around until you can make points.
List of my issues Respond to those.

>If I accuse them of what I'm doing, I win!

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Truely one of the best movies of this decade. Go fuck a rake you pretentious cunt

>Rian Johnson understood Star Wars
No way. There's no good and evil in that movie, there's only natural talent vs. incompetence.

My nigga

It could have been pure, undiluted kino if Rian had ended TLJ properly with full blown Reylo

I like to think the Mouse stopped him at the last minute

>muh boring
>muh lack of themes and spiritual depth
That's a pretty shitty pleb argument considering spiritual depth is something really foreign to star wars, mostly and the last jedi was directed with more spiritual gusto and bravado than it was probably deserved.

Go watch Brick learn something about cinema first then rewatch The Last Jedi and try not to think about death stars

The island was really nice and the aesthetic for the entire movie was mostly really nice. A big step up from rogue one and the f orce awakens in every single filmmaking facet

>better editing
>better acting
>better visuals
>better directing

Fucking based George telling it like it is!

>muh fake

That legitimately could be what they'll do

It's so fucking dumb and safe, it's perfect

Yes guardians of the galaxy is shit and the type of trash haters of the last kino love.

>no self awareness
Kek you are npc

I know anons shitposted about time travel in IX since forever but I gotta say, Mike has some solid arguments to back it up. The "thousand generations" and "fuck it" quotes, the innability of the movie to theoreticaly move forward, it all falls perfectly into place.

I'm just baffled that this horribly hacky concept seems even remotely plausible in the franchise which was praised as a pinnacle of film storytelling 40 years ago.

It's not time travel per se though, more like a hub that exists beyond the timespace.

The fact that you fags are all actually talking and parroting this shitty RLM video about time travel really proves how fucking hiveminded everything is. Honestly.

It's not happening that way even in the slighest, you're all giving jews clicks and attention. How are you all this fucking stupid number 1.

>Go watch Brick learn something about cinema
Jesus Christ you're either 14 or Chris Chan tier deranged.

True, he filtered out everyone except mindless disney drones who would eat literal shit before they talk down a starwars film. You are a disgusting subhuman mouthbreather and you would probably suck two dicks before you side with the mass. Being a special snowflake is the most important thing these days after all

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That’s RLMcucks for you

one thing that I don’t think gets brought up a lot in TLJ criticism is how it completely disregarded the significance of Vader. Kylo’s obsession with him in VII showed that even after death he still had somewhat of a presence and effect on the world and that perhaps the Sequel Trilogy would end up being centered around the character of Anakin like the OT and PT was, tying together the Skywalker Saga neatly. TLJ completely threw that out the window and who knows if TROS will make up for it.

>so brainlet he doesn't even understand
So this is the power of death starbingers

Hey faggot, The Force Awakens, Rogue One and Solo were dogshit, so stop calling everyone who liked 1/4 disneywars movie a mindless disney drone as you fucks can't go a month or even a week or two without posting about every single entry in the superhero shitverse

Kylo is literally larping as Anakin in VIII what are you smoking
It's setting him up to be redeemed obviously a la return of the jedi

>That's a pretty shitty pleb argument considering spiritual depth is something really foreign to star wars
Not at all.
>mostly and the last jedi was directed with more spiritual gusto and bravado
You talk as if you were soulless enough to be a journalist. Are you sure you aren't one? Gusto and bravado don't really mean anything anymore. Journalists found those words and ate them.
>than it was probably deserved
It was supposed to be a Star Wars movie, so it deserves to be Jungian, and not some pleb Freudian nihilist borebox.
>Better acting
pew pew
So what, that's technical. Technicality doesn't make a good movie, nor does it make anything spiritual. Heck, you probably use set parameters to define those technical differences, and the only one that it all boils down to is money.
I suppose money is spiritual, but that's meta, and the movie itself is just a sacrifice of potential.
>better editing
The movie (TLJ) is way too long for its scope (a chase scene).
>better visuals
Than what? No, it has better special effects.


>the last jedi was directed with more spiritual gusto and bravado
You're implying it had any spiritual gusto and bravado. It had none.

>these words dont mean anything because I say so

>so what that technical

>better visuals
>Than what? No, it has better special effects.
Lol pure pleb

>Yes guardians of the galaxy is shit
Weird, I thought I was talking about TLJ. That means that Leia scene must've been a fever dream of mine I guess

>it had none
You're thinking of the force awakens and rogue one, kino babby

Now rewatch it until you learn

I quite like TLJ, but the editing was pure trash.

You're obviously a raging retard who doesn't think a force pull in space would, pull you towards something like you were flying
Have sex

I don't think you know what shilling means

>First Order as a whole
>The police force guarding the casino planet
All extremely incompetent, and portrayed as if that were the evil. In fact, Poe's 'evil' is ineptitude, and he gets punished for it by the 'actually competent' Leia.
Whereas the good guys (Rey, Purple, Leia) are just good and successful.

These movies, by their own standards, are evil.

TFA was at least an enjoyable watch if you consider it a soft reboot. TLJ was fucking garbage no matter how you look at it, you know you made a shit movie if even the actors say it's a huge load of bullshit

The editing was the same editor as the Mummy, which has fantastic editing as well.
And the editing is not trash as Rian directs the editing to have mise en scene flow unlike any star wars movie that impresses in areas. Rian is an editor as well and edited his debut film entirely.

TFA - flick for plebs
TLJ - patrician slow burn

Then they should fire KK.

>Have sex
Smart move, now I know you're just baiting only to masturbate to all those replies. You almost had me there buddy

>Luke is evil because he shows weakess
>Luke is evil because he makes a mistake
>Luke is evil even though he is given the most pure jedi death and sacrifical death for good since Obi-Wan sacrificed himself in the original
Really makes me sad that people like you exist to hate on the last jedi the lengths you do

I haven't seen TFA since 2015 but I can't remember any single good scene other than seeing the opening crawl again.

So except that one moron who herps and derps about TLJ being some kind of masterpiece, I guess we can all agree that it was hot fucking garbage. Was it worse than the prequels though?

No I'm honest that you must have to have sex if that scene bothered you at all in a star wars fantasy film. Carrie Fischer is dead now and she got to actually use the force. Rian Johnson is a saint.

Lmao cope some more dude, really you live in a fucking bubble of shit memes

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This. Though I'll probably watch a rip for bants.
We should have a live bingo thread for the premiere night

>Technicality doesn't make a good movie
kys pleb

>TLJ was spiritual
>dude just rewatch it until you agree
The soulless aberrations of Japanese cutesy designs; the porgs are exactly how spiritual the movie is. Don't pretend otherwise until you post proof.

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Reminder that the leaked subtitles "spoiled" TLJ and no one believed the film would actually be that stupid.
The threads where anons were claiming it opened with a yo mama joke were kino

I'll be actually watching the film in theaters on a big screen and experiencing it.
While you watch some dark, sideways cam like a poorcuck

The trailer alone showed Rey backflipping over a tie fighter. On top of that, Sheev's coming back along with Del Toro. And time travel's rumoured.
And the force tree shit from tlj was apparently in preproduction.
This film is ripe to be as retarded without someone competent stepping in

You don't know about visual spirituality. The Last Jedi has it in droves.

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It's worse than 1 and 3. 2 is still the worst star wars movie because it is utterly boring and completely incompetent in almost every way. As shit as 1 and 3 are, I watched episode 1 like 6 times in cinemas when I was 7 or 8 and I fucking loved it. As a teen I probably watched episode 3 5-10 times on dvd with a friend for some bizarre reason. I doubt I've watched episode 2 more than twice, even though I was a rabid star wars fan, having grown up watching the OT 10,000 times and having loved episode 1 at the time. TLJ is at least a spectacular disaster. You have Leia YEETing her way through space after being blasted out of a ship, you have Luke drinking tit milk, you have epic "love will save us" shit, terrible "your mother" joke, retarded fat opera singing aliens during a dumb as fuck space scene. The list goes on and on and on, it's almost on par with episode 3 in terms of being a complete meme. Maybe one day it will eclipse it.

TFA was 100x more boring

Rian filtering dogshit capeshit memers with a meta, post post ironic yo momma joke at the beginning is the best thing he's ever done.


Really though. Can you explain to me what makes TLJ good? I don't want your previous answers of "the acting was good, the directing was good etc...". I'm interested in hearing what you think makes these things good and how it makes the film good overall.

I don't even know what I'm looking at here, is that a school project in tard school or something? The general consensus is that TLJ is a steaming pile of garbage, deal with it

>The Best
Empire Strikes Back
The Last Jedi
A New Hope

>The Good
Revenge of the Sith
Return of the Jedi

>Not that bad
The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
>the worst
Rogue One
The Force Awakens

>Matt Smith
He's been removed from the film. His wiki doesn't even mention he was ever a part of it
So production's going smoothly

>Luke tries to kill his nephew
Morally good, evil, or mere incompetence?
>Luke goes on a solitary journey to die
Morally good, evil, or mere incompetence?
This is also against his previous characterization (RotJ), and is only written so to glorify Rey and write out Kylo's characterization. Rey is optimistic and driven despite lacking defined goals and any sort of good being present to be defended against any sort of evil threatening it. She's also naturally powerful and talented, as opposed to Kylo who is inept and incapable.
No, uniformed people throwing salutes are not evil, and nuking the enemy capital and their fleets is probably the most efficient and clean way to win a war (as proven by TLJ intro), making First Order a moral combatant in comparison to the terrorists - who are not good merely because it was established 40 years ago.

But it's true. Ugandan kids make better movies than Hollywood.

>The general consensus is that TLJ is a steaming pile of garbage, deal with it
I just posted you Star Wars' official website where the general consensus was in fact that TLJ was the third most liked star wars movie

Can't be any stupider than whatever they'd come up with otherwise

>The general consensus is that TLJ is a steaming pile of garbage, deal with it

I can oddly agree with most of that even though I'd probably still put it above the phantom menace. The child actor in that movie was fucking horrible

>prove why this movie is good on a board that can't post webms with sound
Not going to write an essay, it's easier to say this, force awakens rogue one plebs hated it and it was fucking obviously great

Killing all Reylo faggots would save the human race

I'm going to ignore your pretending to be retarded TLJ placing, but I will call you out on your RotS and RotJ pretending to be retarded shit. RotS has absolutely nothing on RotJ. The 20-30% of RotJ that is pure kino, on par with the best parts of empire and ANH, completely and utterly shits on anything RotS did. RotS isn't even in the same league.

>You don't know about visual spirituality.
I was about to make that statement about you.
>The Last Jedi has it in droves.
Nonsense. It had none.

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It's like talking to a little kid. Rewatch Revenge of the Sith and rewatch The Last Jedi and actually get an understanding of their similarities when it comes to Anakin and Lukes visions.

>RotS has absolutely nothing on RotJ.
RotJ is overrated dogshit compared to ROTS dude, ROTJ is mostly shit it's one of the most overrated blockbusters from the 1980s or 1990s.

Five minutes of directing in the middle of ROTS is better than anything in ROTJ

And the Revenge of the Sith is the second most liked movie am I right? Holy shit if the mouse tells you to fuck your own mother you disney shill would probably jump right at her

There's no point in posting if you're not going to partake in actual discussion and explain your position.

Revenge of the Sith is loved by many people and is definitely the second most liked star wars movie

it's kino just like the last jedi. seethe more

>self-explanatory, extremely detached character who is 'good' is the ideal
Nah, this was my biggest gripe with TLJ. It hates and opposes all histories, personal or otherwise.
Yes, let us shape the future generations to ignore the previous ones, so that they will never oppose inclusive advertisements!

Extremely good tone in areas, really nice visuals, better acting, better execution and soundtrack implementation/feeling/force

Overall the best movie that disney has done in the series by miles because of the one person who was involved the most in it's making the writer/director.

Well now I know you're full of crap, thanks for confirming that no one has to take you seriously

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I agree that it is mostly shit. But everything that is Luke on the Death Star at the end is beyond iconic and perfect. It was the best possible ending to the trilogy and could not have been improved on in any way, other than removing the ewoks from Vader's funeral pyre scene.
RotS has nothing even close to any of those scenes.

You don't understand joseph campbells heroes journey, the third act is literally supposed to take place years and years after the "hero" saves the day and he is supposed to be exiled and have to be brought back into the fight, then he goes on to achieve living forever by not fearing death.

>Revenge of the Sith is loved by many people and is definitely the second most liked star wars movie

Attached: 1444064984899.jpg (483x604, 63K)

Again, all you're saying is "this is good, this is good, this is good". How is this any different from me saying "this is bad, this is bad, this is bad"? What makes these things good? Literally any specific examples would do something for your argument.

user people absolutely love revenge of the sith why do you think it was voted 2nd favorite on star wars' website.

I think you need to go lay down, kek. Empire is the best of it's trilogy. ROTS the best in it's trilogy and TLJ the best in it's trilogy. JJ a shit.

>im going to pretend that this board and most star wars fans havent loved rots for years now

Attached: rian snaps.jpg (500x1018, 166K)

I can't sight specifics examples on a board with soundless websm you fuckface, I can't post a 2 minute clip here that i've cut myself that doesnt have shitty bitrate or sped up or slown down audio.

You can just say what the scene is, my man. We've all seen the film.

TLJ shits on the idea by 're-inventing' Luke Skywalker, like he was a product. It's even inconsistent with TFA and Luke's map.
Luke's failure is extremely poorly done. Extremely. Wanted to kill his nephew? Luke, who declined slaying Darth Sidious?

There's multiple scenes where William's soundtrack and the sound design are flowing really well with the editing and mise en scene of the film.

That is very specific and nobody has ever even claimed that shit about rogue one or fucking solo and tfa

>ROTS the best in it's trilogy
>It's the best looking turd
Good fucking job I guess

This is going to be the biggest corporate fuck up of all time and I'm going to laugh through the entire affair

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Why are you unable to understand
1. Luke didn't actually kill him he thought of it for a moment yes and then said he felt shame and was teary eyed in the scene
2. He probably saw Han Solo or others he knows, even the younglings padawans he had a the temple being murdered by Kylo, which still ends up happening, of course you would want to prevent it

The entire point was his faltering for a second is what actually caused the events to lead to his horrible vision. The same deal with Anakin wanting to save Padmes life, doing what he thought would and then ultimately having his visions still come true.

It was George original idea even that a Jedikiller fucked up Lukes temple and sends him into seclusion.

A movie with Drama and you get mad at it because the drama isn't about a death star

It has plenty of moments which are cinematically much better than I and II, even Anakin and Padme romance is so much more watchable and believable at that point.

1 and 2 are utter garbage, 3 being better or even much better is nothing you can or should brag about