How do you get a girl to fall in love with you?
How do you get a girl to fall in love with you?
Tell them you are rich.
just be yourself bro works for me
be black
Be yourself lol
Love isn't a real emotion you dumb naive fuck. Lol, just lol
>“just be yourself user!”
It's important to know that when people say, "Just bee yourself," they're not saying you should "be yourself" while asking them out, it means you should "be yourself" while around them. Dating is a natural consequence of simply spending time around a single woman while conversing with them, once they're comfortable around you it's easy to pop the question.
tl;dr: Dating is a reward, not an objective.
nofap worked for me
have sex
Stop being a whiny bitch.
not by posting wojak edits for sure
checked and unironically the only decent answer in this thread. not necessarily telling them you are rich but lying. lying is the way to go. lie about how much of a fucking autist you are, lie about your past, lie about things she can't easily disprove. it might be a fleeting relationship but it'll be a relationship.
Women are incapable of love. The closest thing you can get is them craving your attention/validation.
have sex incel
stop watching shitty hollywood movies and reading young adult novels. love is a faggy thing some incels in the 15th century invented because the only way they could get women was by writing faggy poetry lol
you need to meet their ingrained genetic standard which deems you worthy or unworthy of creating offspring that can then itself grow up to further the genetic line.
Women can love their children but I really think they are incapable of "falling in love" with a human being who didn't literally leech off of their nutrients
if he was made tall overnight it still wouldnt fix his shitty attitude desu
have sex
Give sex
>have sex
Have kids
>Dating is a natural consequence of simply spending time around a single woman while conversing with them,
I did this forever and she still wouldn't date me
Thats bullshit. The modern man spends half of his waking hours at fucking work and the other half getting ready for work and paying bills and other chores. No one would ever go on dates under your criteria.
be rich. hideous amounts of money = safe life where you don't even have to leave the house. sincerely support laziness and childlessness and find a bitch who does too. shouldn't be hard, but it is. NEETs could really benefit from this, but they're actually too lazy.