This is your next James Bond. Say something nice about her

This is your next James Bond. Say something nice about her.

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Other urls found in this thread:

but shes not though. you guys should actually read the article


>International food stamps.

Yeah its just a coincidence goy

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It's insane to me how mad everyone is. I'm seeing people raging on every forum I post on. Like 95% odds, she's a minor character that Craig replaces when he returns from retirement during the movie.

>Make movie you know will bomb harder than ghost busters
Being able to wait millions of dollars but be great.

they're testing the waters like Spiderman's MJ. Depending on the response, they'll ether keep her as a permanent replacement or just make it a one time thing

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License to Grill...ribs

If she's the star of a OO7 movie you bet cho ass I'm going to pay to see it.


Sony Pictures are fucking dead in the water. They've had "woke" bomb after bomb but James Bond was still profitable. There's no coming back from this.

can't wait for the rifftrax boys to have fun with this

I haven;t seen any of the previous James Bond movies. Why would I see one starring this nigger?

As long as Craig regains the 007 title in the end I'll be okay with it. But of course it's not going to happen, and they're going to have her be the new 007 and we're all going to have to accept it.

Or they do a reboot with another guy.

Upcoming bombs:
>Charlie's Angel's
>Terminator Dark Fate
>Little Mermaid

Anything else?

Everyone already hates this, this is going to be a one time thing and the next Bond will be a white English man. Mark my words. Cap this, if you want.

Too bad she won't die either. Would be nice to see a 00 agent die.

kek they actually did it
imagine how mad this is going to make incels

Shilling Tabloid News as a fun shitpost way to pass the time!

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Thats racist

At this point I'm surprised blacks aren't getting mad as fuck about all of this. No one is making anything original starring them, not building any new characters on the same level as the characters that are being blackwashed, and it just keeps up the stereotype that all blacks can do is steal.

Found the person who doesn't watch Bond films and posts on TV forums!!!

Who is 006?

Will she get beat up and shot like the male James Bond does? Or will beating up women on film encourage new hash tags and backlash?

They don't want original. They want what you have.

I mean it's not like they didn't already try this shit with Halle Berry as Jinx and already found out people didn't want it.

She'll go through something even worse
people will yell racist and sexist slurs at her

But I haven't liked Bond since The Architect left.

1. Afro hair pick with poison tips
2. Exploding black & mild cigar
3. Gold chain that doubles as a zipline rappel rope.
4. black lives matter perfume with scent that overwhelms nearby foes with white guilt.
5. Recoil compensated PPK for superior accuracy when twerking

I love Chris Rock

in b4 no one fucking watches it and it is the first big bond bomb

GOLDMEMBER did this MEME first

Do zoomers even watch Bond? it's always been a movie series for older people and I can't see any of them wanting to watch tradition being fucked for brownie points like this.

GoldenEye 007 on N64 introduced the teenagers of 1997 to the franchise.

In 2019, teenagers probably don't care unless they have a dad who wants to drag them to see it.

>dudes like watching james bond because of james bond being james bond
>the women that do like this franchise like it because of male james bond
>insert woman in next installment

Blatant pandering to the few people that drink bath water. This will tank, and it deserves it.

Wow, Hollywood must be really far off the rails to be dumb enough to pull something like this. Craig has had some "progressive" bits in his movies, but at the end of the day this is a conservative boomer franchise. Old retired right wing boomers that will rant on facebook and youtube the moment they see some liberal shit pissing them off. And knowing the dipshit mentality of modern Hollywood, they will take it as a signal to double down! Godspeed, 007. You had a long run.

Dr. Yo
From Compton With Love
You Can’t Be Charged Twice
On Her Majesty’s Public Wellfare
Diamonds Are For Stealing

>The source added, "Bond, of course, is sexually attracted to the new female 007 and tries his usual seduction tricks, but is baffled when they don't work on a brilliant, young black woman who basically rolls her eyes at him and has no interest in jumping into his bed. Well, certainly not at the beginning."

>The insider also claimed that the phrase "Bond girls" is now verboten: The females in the spy franchise are now reportedly ordered to be called "Bond women."

>Waller-Bridge, who pens the hit "Killing Eve," said, "There's been a lot of talk about whether or not Bond is relevant now because of who he is and the way he treats women. I think that's b—t. I think he's absolutely relevant now. [The franchise] has just got to grow. It has just got to evolve, and the important thing is that the film treats the women properly. He doesn't have to. He needs to be true to his character."

twerks her way out.

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Chinese people do. Or, they did.

Another dead franchise, it looks like everyone's trying to milk the last drops of their property with outrage marketing before the collapse.

>how to ruin a franchise in one easy step

Which reminds me, does this new Bond have a big jig booty?

can't wait for this kike movie to critically fail

>implying RT won’t give 100%

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This is their dumbest idea yet. Expect straight males to get the blame for when this shit tanks

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canceled like Dr Who, Bond ended with Goldeneye anyway, there hasn't been a good Bond film since.

It's just a goddamn shame that Craig's Bond is going to have started with something as kino as Casino Royale... and is going to end with a whimper.

Even if it's fake, this is something everybody would expect the UK to do; and that's sad.

Yea that was fucked I was disgusted when I watched it


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Fucking nigger

The World Is Not Enough was pretty cool.

Literally who cares

James Bond is the franchise lead, not whichever agent happens to be 007. This is literally just a jab at the people who say Bond must always be a white man and everyone who is reacting so extremely to this news is falling for it, exactly as whoever made this decision intended.
Bond will get the codename 007 back at the end or he won't, either way he'll be the protagonist of the next film that up until a title is released will be referred to as Bond 27.

I would have unironically rather it have been Idris Elba

You say that but it is Hollywood. And it is freaking Sony.

My friend said that I should come and check this thread. Fuck you Paul.

I mean, if you liked it cool but it wasn't very good

>Lashana Lynch
She was so sexy in Captain Marvel, holy shit.

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Not him but I thought its alright, not as good as Goldeneye but certainly decent enough.

It sounds like a fucking joke.

about damn time? more like it's overkill to appease POC and you better be happy it's happening this one time

>Yea Forums - shilling for free and giving pedowood the response they want

That's what people said about Lion King.

not jaws getting stabbed with a nuclear rod was neat but that's about it

>mention thing
>Don't mention thing
Can't win

Yeah, because if black women are known for anything, it’s being hard to get.

>she's not Bond she's just 007 hurrrr

Bond IS 007, if they wanted a female agent they could've given her 008 or some other code, this is simply clickbait casting

She’s not going to be a minor character, she’s going to be central to a major arc of the movie where Bond wrestles with being ‘outdated’ and ‘sexist’. They’re having James hit on this mannish she-boon and her rebuffing him like this is some Twilight-tier ugly girl fanfic. Not interested

Well black women over 18 without any kids

but then what would we be outraged about

Brosnan started with Goldeneye and ended with Die Another Day. Connery started with Dr. No and ended with Diamonds Are Forever. The decline is tradition

Fanta, Grape not Orange

you forgot: Fo Yo Baby Daddy Eyes Only

I don't care, I'm just laughing at the fact that they just ruined the franchise because its audience will never watch this. It's as though they want to burn money just for the hell of it.

On Her Majesty's Secret Welfare

>Forgetting Octomom

has anyone else been typecast as codenumbered secret agents before

Never Say Nigger Again

>Ariel is just a mermaid bro lmao they’re raceless, why are you even mad, this doesn’t even happen all that often
>lmao she’s not even playing James Bond retard, she’s just inheriting the 007 mantle lmao
God I hate ignoramuses.

Agent 47

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She'll fuck the villain and their henchmen in every movie.

that's just "hard to find"

>Never Say Nigger Again


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>>She's not 007. she's just 007

Back to the MJ shit already, I see.

License to steal.
Ghetto Royale
The Guy with the Golden EBT

There's gonna be two 007's? Are there always a male and female of each codenames? What the hell is this? How do they differentiate between the two?


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idris was robbed

Quaneesha of Solace

where da white men at

Nevermind. I suck at reading.

Bond is retired.

Star wars

i miss her

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Why not just saying fucking? No one's going to tell on you user.


The guys talking in capslock are two different people, I believe. So you can win, but you can't win them all. That's normal.

They’re toppling all bastions of white male masculine identity.

It won’t be long before even classics the Odysseus, Beethoven, Isaac Newton and Achillies are taught in school as being black. I’m not fucking kidding. I’ve already seen it with Bach.

They’re literally neutering the white male psyche

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hes american


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>now 007, listen closely, this may look like a normal weave, but actually it functions as a high-yield plastic explosive

Why do the jews keep putting blacks in major roles? wouldnt they want to put jews in?

well that's not very nice is it user

That's okay. They've been garbage since Casino Royale anyway.

I would love for you to play bond, if you had giant milkers.

Wtf? Stop thinking and suck the bbc already!

>007, report in for your briefing

Are you blind??

Spectre finally destroyed Bond.

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Yeah well, falling for it or not, I’m not giving them money.

Spectre sucked ass, can't wait to see this trainwreck.


>Every single 007 has been James Bond
>"J-James Bond and 007 are totally different, muh codename theory!"


Exploding weave

No. You should watch her scenes, especially when she's next to Brie, and it becomes obvious.

Sony Pictures really are just incapable of making good decisions. Sony should stop making movies and just focus on their videogames, it's all that makes them money.

Let me guess: You’re someone who defends the MCU MJ because it’s not technically Mary Jane.
You can’t possibly be this naive.

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Phoebe Waller-Bridge is kino and the movie will probably be good if she rewrote most of it. Most you anons need to pay for sex

Skyfall was good

They're missing the point of the series really hard just to make a statement they've already made multiple times and done better since Goldeneye. They've been hammering in that Bond is a chauvinistic dinosaur for years now but suave hyper-competence and the ideals of masculinity are the essence of the series. You can tell they are really just shitting all over it so they can throw out Bond for a genderswap in the next one. Yikes.

Agent 350

Daily reminder that this race hustling trend is sponsored by big money, companies *know* this shit makes nowhere near as much money organically (ie: through individuals buying tickets) than if they didn't act like this but the gap is continually made up for, usually by big legacy money.

This is in an effort to destroy and erase all cultural elements from the new to the old and gaslight the entire population into thinking everybody is ok with it by covering the losses.

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What I hate the most is, as seen with the Ariel thing, that people disingenuously pretend these changes are in a vacuum rather than part of a large and completely insufferable trend. Everything has to be race swapped or gender swapper or both. Let's be honest, no matter what producers claim it's never really because of merit, I don't think the people defending this sort of thing actually believe it's merit based either.

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>It's insane to me how mad everyone is.

Is it though? You post on Yea Forums yet you're surprised how blatantly racist, misogynistic and butthurt fueled vitriolic people can get when they see a white dude getting "replaced"?

They will both flop just like Zion King. Even the most pleb reviewers can see through it. They'll couch their words but it's obvious everyone is sick of this shit.

It was passable.

>white dude
you need to go back

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because these threads constantly created to create division



this one is honestly beyond my comprehension

Well, until they can erase the true memories from my mind, their attempts are worthless.

Lmao what the fuck is going on?

Agreed, or be like "lol why do you care?! lol haha" because acting stupid and aloof isntead of spotting a very obvious trend is "like, uhm, racist or something"

Better believe people go fucking wild if a black character is swapped with anything. It's because these days whites don't stand up for themselves, but more are "waking up" as it were so it's coming. You even see more normies calling out the bullshit on social media, 5-6 years ago that was unthinkable.

>that pic
How the fuck do they manage to look that stupid with a straight face? It's a monumental achievement. My sides are in orbit.

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>and completely insufferable trend

It's only insufferable if you're a white ethno-nationalist. Some characters can be recast as black.

The issue is entirely that Hollywood only cares about money and they've figured out only recently that black demographics got money so they're pandering them now, instead of actually caring about diversity and giving latino and asian actors more big roles.

leftism is a mental illness

You got me there

You know what’s funny about this...the best reply a leftist can give is a fat guy in a fedora. And even that is more fashionable than that pic.

>I can bet that Evil will be white man
literally this

Actually, I think it’s Rami Malek or whatever his name is.

I'm enjoying the impotent outrage. Honestly the best part of this whole fucking board anymore.

I was already not sure about going to see another bond film but if this is true i certainly wont

Is there potent outrage these days? Does that exist?

he is half jew

cant we just have idris elba instead

One of my favourite examples was Doctor Strange. People whined and screamed of whitewashing that a Tibetan character was played by Tilda Swinton, despite the fact that within the same movie a white character was played by a black actor and no one said a thing.

It's in historical works where I find it outright insidious to be honest. Doctor Who outright lying and claiming Victorian Britain was multi-ethnic. Actual fucking propaganda.

Just my own thoughts....not a big fan of black people

>It's only insufferable if you're a white ethno-nationalist

Nobody with a brain buys this intellectually dishonest, bad faith, cowardly gas lighting bullshit anymore. Fuck yourself and everybody at your focus meeting, loser.

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that would be pretty kino

Fuck off retard.

I guess not, unless you have a gun and an edgy enough manifesto.


Or better yet, mail bombs and the addresses of universities and airports, if you catch my drift.

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lmao kys

This can't be happening to us incelbros!
It really is a clown world fellow magakeks REEEEEE

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What's most pathetic in all of this isn't the fact that movie industry and television in general is ruled by a bunch of Jews that try to social engineer opinions on race, globalism and diversity - they have all the creative freedom to do so.
No, the worst thing is the fact that Western normies eat this shit up and ask for more with your women basically spreading legs to invaders and men acting like effeminate faggots who are disgusted by violence and taking action.
So maybe you deserve all of this after all.


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He's literally not wrong. Most media doesn't suffer in any relevant way from casting non-white actors. You're only sperging out because you think seeing black people makes your world less white.

That’s how I feel all about this. Tough times ahead. Only the best will pull through.

Reparations Are Not Enough
The Pimp Who Loved Me
Riot Another Day

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Imagine still caring about Bond post-Brosnan

I like to imagine that the media companies are just better at shitposting than you.

the cast directors are dyslexic, when they read ginger the see something completely different

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>/pol/ buzzwords: the post
I'm sorry brown people make you uncomfortable, stop making it everyone else's problem you racist dipshit.

People need to have money, food and feel they have a future to accept this type of thing.

Once all three are removed from them, we have the potential to remove this filth.

Until then we're all on Schlomo's wild ride.

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where did you get this image

Yeah, you're just giving the movie publicity and the backing that the move was indeed necessary.

>t. self-hating white leftist subhuman

google images for this video splash

yes, it's the same as M

They don't make me uncomfortable. They're simply dregs of society topping average, per capita statistics on every negative social issue you can think of: welfare dependence, crimes and ironically: hate crimes.

I will rejoice when pol retards actually start killing these people instead of some gay club or a school

I'm litteraly mad that ,instead of nex fresh IP that may or my have not black leads (and i'll be fucking okay about this,fuck Yea Forums and Yea Forums racism honestly) we just have the same old IPs painted black in a lazy attempt to stay relevant
More Black Panther , less Disney Little Mermaid remake

i been using the same exact pic in /metal/ and i used it in a /wsr/ thread so i thought you got it from me

could be interesting, but that's just not going to happen

The Daily Beast is the progenitor of the cancer the mass media is now. They started it all the way back in 2008.

Decent feet for a female negro

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then the file name would have a Yea Forums stamp

sorry fren

Back to Discord.

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May Day would make a better bond.

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>oppress an arbitrary subsect of people in one form or another for literally centuries up and into modernity
>lol but why are they doing so badly? clearly they were better off as slaves
You're racist and retarded. Good job.

thats okay
have an edit, fellow apu poster

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>more original properties, less remakes
This is a wholly different argument to "keep making Bond exactly the same way forever because black people smell".


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Then blame Hollywood for not taking risks with new IPs instead of sperging about race.

You don't need good writing, new ideas, new IPs, when you have gender and race swapping that gets you upcummy points from people influenced by lefty-twitter.

Attached: hatred for whites.jpg (2048x2048, 716K)

Yes because all those rapefugees and welfare leeches flooding Western Europe atm were so terribly affected by German, Dutch and Swedish colonialism right? ;) Face it you really screech because a ethnically monolithic country refuses to "adopt" or rather downgrade to your colorful societal downfall.

Uh Black Panther only made a billion imagine if he was Black Iron Man?

t. faggot

Nah they do it for the sake of their own vanity - not because they have to but because they want to. What actually sells movies is the multi-billion dollar marketing department behind every studio.

??? That's literally what i did

Anyone else got the feeling that Waller-Bridge and nameless "incels" are being set up as the blame for this development hell turd flops?

Funny thing about this was that the only guy banned in relation to that pic was a guy that made the screenshots.
I believe that Pool dropped the ball with Dorsey and his trained monkey at the Rogan podcast that he didn't bring this up. They would literally have nothing to say to that.

Making Bond a chick would basically kill Bond movies from here on out. Bond literally only works as a male character.

Go back

pic related + d-Da JoOs!!

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Your all so racist and ignorant, holy shit

God I wish, the seething from poltards would be even more glorious

>d-Da JoOs!!

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Looks like a chimp

Thats fuckin hilarious

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Because they don't watch original movies like Sorry to Bother You.

>Literally denies existence of correlations and empirical evidence because it might offend somebody
>Dares to call anyone else fragile
Lmao at your life.

It's more " we had enough James Bond movie for a lifetime, i really hope you started,i dunno, making Static Shock movies instead,you fucking lazy Hollywood cunts.I want to see other characters and universe on my TV screens and you know what those brand new universe can be about universe set in Arabia or Africa,that's a fucking bonus"

40oz Malt, stolen not paid for

TV predicted this 9 years ago

Eastern Europe is one of the safest places on Earth in spite of leftshit socialist swines enslaving them and impoverishing them for nearly a century. Where are their knife crimes and rape crime waves? They still didn't recover.

I thought it was bullshit

fuck me sideways

>He hated Jews

>waaaaaaah you want to tell me that 79 genders don't exist
>s-save me f-from such hatespeech my beloved corporation

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The Nigga Who Played Me
The Homie Wit Da Golden Grill
License to ill

I wonder if that Christian doctor from UK who got fired because he refused to address his patient using trannie pronouns will win that tribunal lawsuit.

Uh why would Vivex side with a Christian?


Good one user.

Cats the musical turned movie in December.

Oh fuck I was born a Christian but I identify as an atheist, now what do I do? :-/

Yeah I meant Vivec of course but thank you kind sir gentleman *tips trilby*

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Remember that Sixth House attacks are part and parcel of living in a big city.

>The name's Bond. Janigga Bond.

Casino Royale was fucking great you pleb


Dunmer fucking shit

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>She's not Mary Jane, she's MJ!

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>if you're not a schizo /pol/tard you're reddit

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>lmaoing at anyone's life
choose one

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CR was pleb shit, user. QOS was kino.

rent free niggerlover

>t. has reddit rent free in his head 24/7

You must be fucking joking?

Even if it was a james bond film I wouldnt see that overrated little fuck
give me back my classy high powered supervillains

telling you to go back to your home doesn't mean i think about your home 24/7, niggerlover. go back


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stop projecting faggot. we all know you only came here when reddit cracked down on incels and nazis

This wouldn't have happened if Villeneuve was directing like they wanted


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Wow, white fragility is true

>wh*te gets cucked again
stay mad

Have a feeling this thread is pretty shit

Reads like Yea Forums green text parody

If that's fragility I don't know how to call all the drama niggers cause about blackface and race change in fiction...


>If that's fragility
It is

Yeah. It sucks especially when you can't get through to your family about it either, or honestly confide into someone in your personal life. Sometimes you're just alone with your feels.

it absolutely was not

In what world would something this hamfisted be of quality? I'm all for 007 being whoever, a new person, but why not do it tastefully and within the character? Idris Elba would've made a perfect bond. This script reads like a comedy buddy cop movie

Yeah and now they're literally lionized as the modern Brahman class

black again? how about asian, latino or hawaiian?


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Title should be Coonraker

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Eartha Kitt was the best fucking Catwoman of all time how fucking dare you, remove her from that list the rest are all legit but not her.

Then what about "black frailty"? Sounds good.

>Daily Beast
into the trash it goes

She'll probably look nicer with long hair?

bitch I know this shit ain't real cause it's fuckin retarded

sadly this is actually real

Why are y'all so obsessed with race?

Why is Hollywood?

Everyone is sweaty.


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said the NIGGER -> y'all get some KFC y'all

Awesome. 007 was always a nigger and a traitor to the white race.

Yet is accurate than the photo postedby user, style isnt everything and you should go back.

If you care about any of those, you are fucking retarded.

Yeah because social engineering isn't a thing. Stop making excuses. It's ok to bash white people because they are the baddies and oppressed brown people are the heros.

When will it all end? It's all so tiresome.

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>It's about damn time
since when was there a timer on this

I disagree with this decision because I hate niggers.

How is this movie bashing whites?


Same fuck niggers

nigger mentality at full display


Totally. Remember to use the same defense in a couple of movies.

add troy bbc series

white fragility at full display

>read the article
"in the world of metoo"

>sexually attracted

I agree

Attached: cato-free-speech-survey-main-report-9.jpg (1000x938, 81K)

>waaaah they're censoring us waaaaaah
get fucked lmao


>nigger woman


reminder that racist slurs outside of Yea Forums are a bannable offense and should be reported

Why is Yea Forums crying about a fake rumor?

the mere existence of poc in a movie is "white bashing" according to fragile white supremacist incels

>B-but she's not Bond, she's 007
Oh fuck you, it's the next closest thing they can do without completely getting shat on.

They could've kept the code 007 reserved for James Bond and call her 008 or some shit but they obviously plan on riding with the title 007 and giving her sequels in the future which, of course not as many would go and see if they were called 008: Insert title here.

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why are black people so fucking ugly jesus fucking christ

>Its about time
>And that's a good thing

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reminder that announcing a report is a bannable offense, nigger

>reminder that report fuction exists = "announcing a report"
why are racists always also brainlets?

Niggers really are creatively stunted to make their own iconic characters huh.
Even black panther was made by whites/jews much like Luke kang.

M does not have any specifically male or female characteristics. You can recast the role as any gender.

007's manliness is an integral part of his character, his relationship with his environment and other people. You can not recast him as a woman without giving up half of what makes 007 be 007.


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What did they ever make except for face tattoos and child soldiers and crap. I bet they think finally we worked so long and hard to be 007 lmao.

Half of the list was casted because they had a big name and they motivated people to watchthem movie!
You can clearly see when it was just a diversity hire.

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Poor kid, his hero will be replaced by an ugly monkey

They did change the setting for the Princess and the Frog as well. Disney movie takes place in New Orleans and revolves around voodoo, so her being black makes sense.

Have sex white boys

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please stop

but how, nobody is willing let me

>Moooom look I have an "unconventional" opinion parrotted by half of Yea Forums, I'm special!

>if you criticize your enemies they win
>it's just a codename bro why do you care

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Never. Things are too far gone at this point. Take some small comfort in knowing that future generations are going to have it way worse than you.

>bond is an oil driller

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They aren't even able to invent the wheel and then carts so that they can move shit more easily.
Literally parasites in every sense of the word.

Thats why i questioned mark it. Was it just the voice actresses/actors were famous enough?
They took the trope of princess and the frog and made something new.
And i liked the movie, maybe they should have took a more mississippi myth than base it on a european fable trope?

Dilate and then kys.

I hope (((they))) don't touch Brave

>if you get butthurt you win
>if you misunderstand what is happening you are justified in being butthurt

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Imagine what her car looks like

I can't

worst fucking timeline we're living here

She better be a fucking lesbian or i'm so outta cinema!

Tricked out lowrider n sheeeeeiiiit.

Hey ya'll-

While there's a ton of seething white bois ITT, I'd like for some of y'all to ahead on over to-

And give me an explanation. Thanks! And trans rights are human rights!

The absolute worst one would be Hillary winning and every woke decision that didn't got made in our timeline will get made there unchecked.

I mean they would blame every single bad thing on "the MAGA remanants" just like they do right now but it would be 10x as bad.

I understand completely now. You are in direct dereliction of duty if you don’t cast as to outrage market. I hate nogs and kikes as well. But man outrage marketing has got to be bringing in massive revenge across the board

and this is just current too

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Lashana Lynch

Lash an' a Lynch. I swear the jew overlords are low-key making fun of niggers. All for a chuckle.

>Bond tries his usual seduction tricks, but is baffled when they don't work on a brilliant, young black woman
>Bond will have to learn to deal with the world of #MeToo
but why
why can't people just leave old stuff alone
why does every corpse need to be dug up and turned into some woke producers personal fantasy

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