>But we can't find a single person that remembers him being there,student or professor.
>Not even a single invite to go drinking, this guys a mystery.
>Profile says he graduated college
im 21 and have 1 year of college left. How do I make friends Yea Forums?
>Sir, we were able to collect his browsing habits. You had better take a look
>What are we dealing with? Alt right nazi? Woman hating incel?
>No he just goes to an anonymous anime image board and posts 'Based' for hours on end
based basedposter
Don't worry. This literally describes Barrack Obama (formerly President).
No student or faculty member remembers him in either a social or academic context from his time at Columbia.
name five (10) televisions and films that do this
>Sir, we got something
>What is it Johnson?
>It's actually kind of funny, he's a registered Trump Supporter, an alt-rightist by all the checkmarks and posts hateful comments about "trannies deserve death and should hang" and yet he has dozens of open tabs of transgender porn
>My God, he's a Double Agent
>be 24
>going to university after taking it slow and doing community college courses for the past 5 years.
I'm going to get laid aren't I?
I've got a lot of interesting things to talk about, lot of interesting hobbies.
>I've got a lot of interesting things to talk about, lot of interesting hobbies.
And yet, you're here
5 years of community college? What the fuck?
>Sir, I dont understand this joke about a feed and seed store being formerly owned by Chuck
5 years of community college, taking my pre-reqs, not going full time in order to make sure that I actually did well ( I sort of did, could've done better) had to retake some classes here and there, but overall it's mostly because I was testing the waters to see what I wanted to do,
much easier to do that at ~$100 a credit hour versus $400 a credit hour
>couldn't get into uni because I'm dumb
>no trade job skills
>no career I actually aspire to have
what should I even do, I'm sick of working entry level wageslavery.
relentlessly based
become a code-monkey?
I'm 21 and just about to enter college. How I make friends Yea Forums?
Ignore the nigger above me he had his chance, now it's mine. Don't let me fuck this up plz
Genuinely, good for you user. Stay the course. Wish I had thought of that instead of $50k of debt.
For my last year in college I joined clubs I was interested in, looked for community student events like an international students meetup every week and joined as many things as I could in order to make up for skipping everything in my early years of college.
In the end I made a lot of friends and had lots of fun got close to a lot of girls but because there was only a year left for me it didnt give me any time to get into any relationships because I had practically no time left.
Join clubs
Also if you're American you can use your age to buy the younger ones alcohol