Can we agree that Jurassic Park would’ve ran smoothly that day and would’ve gotten the OK if it wasn’t for Ned?

Can we agree that Jurassic Park would’ve ran smoothly that day and would’ve gotten the OK if it wasn’t for Ned?

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He literally inadvertently showed how valuable he was to the park, honetsly

Yeah that’s one way to look at it. But I’m sure Hammond would’ve given him his raise once the park was running

The dinosaurs were breeding. The park was fucked.

>Oh no, we have too many dinosaurs
>stop feeding them
What's the problem?

He looks like the typical /tv poster. But from the 90's.

In the 90's I was much thinner than that.
In the 90's.

It still wasn't entertaining. The ride didn't show anything.

It wasn't Ned's fault that he was so underpaid that he had to resort to what he did, it was Hammond's.

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And before the beginning of the book compies and raptor had already escaped to the mainland.

JP is about the illusion of control over nature, represented by errors caused by human oversight.

What do you think hungry dinosaurs are going to do?

I think the prologue of the book is a kid being attacked by compies in Costa Rica on the beach. The compies were hiding on the boats from the island to the mainland

>What do you think hungry dinosaurs are going to do?
Starve to death?

They’ll probably just eat each other. Problem solved

In the book they did a much better job at explaining that things were doomed from the start. And we’re fucked despite Ned.

charge the fences, get zapped, gradually weaken and die of starvation?

I think we call agree that if Denny was properly compensated none of it would have happened either.

Yeah didn't they literally die of starvation when the astroid hit and covered the sky in clouds or something and killed the plants?

Why didn't the pterodactyls just fly Nedry to the dock?

And the book ends mentioning packs of raptors hunting in the mountains of Costa Rica.


that movies so fucking good

If Hammond wasn't such a corporate dick who threatened Nedry's reputation and career, just so he could save a little bit of money and cut a few corners, then things would have been different. Hammond wanted absolute control but he didn't want to consider the "what-ifs" to anything. In the book, he got exactly what he deserved in the end.

>hiring only 1 IT guy to work by himself to run the security systems for an entire fucking island.

and they figured out how to open doors

>Security system run by 2 guy

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Among other faults already mentioned there were no fucking locks in the car doors. With kids, that's fucking insane in that environment with dinosaurs and electric fences. There were clearly many more oversights that were out of Nedry's control.

The park was fucked the moment it decided to bring back dinos. Nedry just sped it up a little, but it all would have happened regardless. They couldn't even keep track of how many dinosaurs they had from the very beginning. Raptors were all over the fucking island, though how someone didn't see them before the day of the tour is crazy.

He was a boomer. Probably thought it was all held together by fucking magic.

Really who the fuck designed the park? Did Hammond hire some chinese contractor or something?

Also the electricity / network reboot system is just idiotic especially in a situation where the most dangerous dinosaurs are roaming free.

Am I missing the point of this thread? He quite obviously caused it all to go downhill when he shut down the power. The fact that the dinosaurs were breeding and that the cars didn’t have locks are inconsequential issues compared to not having power. The park ran well enough until he fucked around with it.

He spared no expense

Anons are discussing how that park was doomed to fail

You're still talking about one cog in the machine that started running backward midway through the failure

>Anons are discussing how that park was doomed to fail

desu I loved this basic idea and hated how Jurassic World shat all over it

Jurassic World shat on a lot of things, it could have handled it so much better but they just went with "new dinosaur fucks everything up"
Honestly its more just a remake of the first movie with the park being open, and you cant remake perfection
I'm still mad about fallen kingdom

hell, even if Nedry's there it would have been fine if he managed to enact his plan. He was never planning to get caught, he wanted to deliver the embryos to the guy on the ship and then get back and fix the problem. It would show Hammond that he's indispensable and keep him safe from InGen's lawyers.

The storm fucked everything up, literally an act of God.

The rest of the budget was spent on resurrecting dinos.

>Jurassic Park was one of my childhood favorites
>got me into dinosaurs, watched or played all the games and enjoyed every movie, even 3
>spend years checking a jurassic park forum for info on the next movie
>finally get a hint of 4
>read all the news, follow every step of production
>think its gonna be the best thing ever
>movie comes out, its okay
>lose interest
>Fallen kingdom kills all interest I had left
>tfw Ill never go back

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Also Hammond's fault for Nedry being basically the only guy he had. That was a major point in the book; Nedry's gripes were completely and utterly justified. He was overworked and severely underpaid.

The Virgin Nedry vs. the Chad Dilophosaurus.

I think boomers underestimated the kid market for movie franchises. I had an obsession with Jurassic Park and dinos like you for a long time too.

Favorite dinosaur, I even got to see this exact skull when I went to New York. Shame they never showed a full grown one

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>We spared no expense
>Except in paying the guy who ran the whole park
What did Hammond mean by this?

and chili and Sea Bass

They should've because it seems like most people think Dilophosauruses only grow to be the size of the one that killed Nedry

Fallen kingdom was great though.

In the movie, it was stupid. In the book, Nedry had a team of people on the mainland working with via a primitive network using the phone lines and (presumably) a sat-link setup. That's mainly why Nedry started to get strapped for cash. He had tons of bugs to work out and millions of lines of code to sort through and he needed to keep paying his team to help him. InGen had kept him in the dark about what his programming was specifically supposed to do and they threatened to withhold payment (and discredit Nedry professionally if he complained about not getting paid) once bugs inevitably began to occur.

They really simplified Nedry in the movie, and for obvious reasons. But the book makes him into a much more sympathetic person. He got in over his head with a bunch of douchebags who undervalued their workers and overvalued their potential profits. Jurassic Park was doomed to fail because it wasn't designed for long-term sustainability, but rather for quick gains.

You'd have to pay the guy more than Jeff Bezo's net worth for it to be worth it

I mean yeah even for Aliens there was a big kid market, just look at the toys. Jurassic Park as a movie was a great family film, it was just backed by an even better hard sci fi book thanks to Crichton. Honestly his work is probably the last thing that should be adapted this way, but it was a great moneymaker at the time. I think the biggest flaw of the sequels is that it lost that nice balance between the sci-fi story and family story, and just devolved into family action adventure.

maybe the first half but it still has a lot of shit writing that bugs me, like the lack of continuity of the park layout

The dinosaurs in JP required Lysine in their diet. Some of the dinosaurs were getting it from the plants, but not all of them. Ergo predators may get no Lysine from their prey.

The 2nd half is what makes it. The whole dark gothic horror fantasy was an awesome and unexpected change when I first seen it. It took my 2nd viewing to fully appreciate it though.

It’s Chilean Seabass

Speaking of Jurassic Park and computers... does anyone know how to create chimes/ringtones?

I always wanted to use the first notes that played in the TLW PS1 human hunter video as my computer's bootup sound

just download the video as an mp3 and crop it, you can find sites that do this online

>Dinosaurs are breeding?!
>Huh, might be a good way to study how they breed.
>Population gets out of control? Fucking shoot a couple.

But yeah, had Ned not fucked everyone over the park probably would've gotten the okay. The only problem I ever had is why the fuck would they make the security leave the island because a huge storm is coming in? Wouldn't you want your security team there and on full alert?

Why are people in this thread talking about a book?
Jurassic Park is a movie.

>why the fuck would they make the security leave the island because a huge storm is coming in? Wouldn't you want your security team there and on full alert
I imagine its easier to clean up after the fact instead of risking your employees getting caught in hazardous environments with low visibility around dangerous animals

We're talking about the better version

This kid should be the poster child for all zoomer children everywhere. You're a hero user.

Make it Forgotten Kingdom and strike it from your memory. I know I did.

Why would he want to forget about the 2nd best jurassic park movie?

Nedry had an entire team under him back in the US in the book. But they were still overworked and underpaid because he was never given the full scale of what Hammond tried to achieve.

>spared no expense
>underpays his staff

Hammond had Ned in a perfect trap
He can’t fight too hard for a better salary because Hammond will Fire him and hire someone who won’t ask for more, and he doesn’t want to get fired because “lead software engineer for Jurassic Park” would be a career making job.
Hammond just didn’t count on him being too short sighted to see the second part and ruining the park for a shitty payday.

Did they ever say how much he was getting paid? Just because he had financial problems doesn't mean he was underpaid and it sure as fuck isn't hammonds fault and doesn't owe him shit.

he didn't plan to ruin it permanently, Nedry planned to come back after giving the barbasol can to the guy on the ship

If he just disabled the security locks it would be too obvious so he had to bring the whole grid down (minus the raptor cages), but the plan was to give Biosyn the embryos while keeping InGen in the dark (and still pocketing their money)

>Shitty payday
>$1.500.000 in the 80's
>Shitty payday
What the fuck did you smoke, and can I have some? Nedry even states it's ten years of pay for him.

Wait. How big do they get then?

The book had more of an explanation:
Ingen hired Nedry's firm (programming posse, of which ned was the boss) to program various things for them.
They signed a contract, but ingen kept slipping in extra shit or giving vague instructions causing nedry to have to redo shit over and over because hammond couldn't give proper instructions etc.
Leading to nedry getting pissed off and losing money but being stuck in a contract with a behemoth company with an army of lawyers he couldn't do shit even though the contract was so stretched it was unrecognizable by this point.
Then someone from the ingen competitor in the bioengineering team talked to him and recruited him pretty easily.

~3m tall

He mentions the payout from Biosyn would be ten years salary.

Yeah that definitely makes more sense then just wah wah I debug 2 million lines of code and I wasted my 150k salary so give me more like an entitled shit. Thanks user.


He was born in 1913, probably rambled about all the japs he shot in burma on that helicopter ride.

is he squeal at the beginning when hes at lunch used for a dinosaur later in the film, i need to know

>no back up power grid going online in case of an emergency
>no armed guards stationed at all times
>no plan on how to get the dinosaurs to actually show up along the route

>no back up power grid going online in case of an emergency
They did have that. And they forgot to switch from backup to main when the systems went down the first time. So everything went down again.

>Can we agree that Titanic would’ve ran smoothly that day and would’ve gotten the OK if it wasn’t for Iceberg?
And for the retards, no. Just because it avoided the accident that day, it just means it could have led to an even bigger tragedy once it became popular. The found a flaw in the last minute. One guy gets goopy eyed and everyone gets fucking eaten. Even their guards.

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>Muldoon getting drunk and killing raptors with a god damn rocket launcher

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He expensed no spare.


Yeah that's why they have the scene at the beginning with Dobson. That's kind of the point.

I remember that - they recycled the scene for the second movie

There's a key scene where the Samuel L Jackson character says to Hammond "We have all the problems of a major theme park and a major zoo, and the park's not even on its feet yet." It's implied the park has a lot of problems. Hammond literally holds his breath when starting the tour and gives out an audible sigh of relief when the jeeps actually start. Coupled with the problems that we as the audience explicitly see - the jeep battery drain, no locks on jeep doors, the sick Triceratops, the no-show dinosaurs on the tour, the unpredictable velociraptors, the undermanned and overautomated control rooms - I think it's fair to say this park was always heading for a major disaster.

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Despite the entire franchise being about how the park would be a bad idea, who the fuck wouldn't want to visit if it was real?

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This, they should just count their blessings that shit hit the fan during the private test run and not when the park went public. The amount of fatalities that would have been caused if the incident occurred a few years down the line with the park at full capacity is crazy to think of. They got lucky all things considered.

>Despite the entire franchise being about how the park would be a bad idea
World kinda threw a wrench into that idea, now everything worked fine until the kike fucks wanted bigger dinos

Wayne Knight is a genuinely underappreciated actor.

Shut up, newman

>so triggered can't even post right

Alejandro spared no expense.

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Probably not, no. If JP2 is any indication, some idiot kid would, likely deliberately, break into one of the pens and get mauled by a raptor or a T-Rex, then the Park would get sued to oblivion.

>>Can we agree that Titanic would’ve ran smoothly that day and would’ve gotten the OK if it wasn’t for Iceberg?
But that's true

Shut up, newman

if you had to get vored by a dino, which would you pick?

>You know anybody who can network eight Connection Machines and de-bug two million lines of code for what I bid this job? 'Cause if they can, I'd like to see them try!

I got the impression that he greatly underbid for the job in order to get it.

A sexy one

That giant fish dino from World

Why invite a tour group to your amusement park to sign off while knowing a hurricane is on the way?


Just because a coworker can set fire to the office, doesn't mean they were valuable. The exact opposite a LIABILITY.

It's not based or located in America or even the EU.


I'm not even going to respond to your post. Literal degenerate.

Based furfags scaring off redditors and normalfags

is chili and sea bass secretly the most patrician/tv/ meme?

So Hammond was his dad? His name is Dennis Hammond and "Nedry" is just his fat-guy nickname, like "Chumlee" or something?

>Verizon Wireless presents The Diabolical Devilsaurus

How much did AT&T pay for this?

Preferably one that isn't big enough to swallow me whole. I'd rather get bit and killed then die slowly inside a huge one waiting to be digested

>Can we agree that Jurassic Park would’ve ran smoothly that day and would’ve gotten the OK if it wasn’t for Ned?
>that day
But the entire point of the book (that the movie touched on maybe 1%) is that you can't control nature, that the very nature of chaos theory (or any dynamic nonlinear system, for the matter) means that control is impossible. Jurassic Park was a critique of science and its arrogance is assuming that it doesn't suffer from the same human errors that other systems suffer from. In other words, you can never eliminate risk or uncertainty from any system.
It's a very good book with a decent philosophical argument regarding science, which is often completely overlooked by DUDE DINOSAURS LMAO

who gives a shit
immersion ruined. How the fuck does a raptor sneak aboard and still hidden on a boat for a couple days?

>so there’s this place called ‘Jurassic park’
>I mean they call it Jurassic park but most of the dinosaurs are from the Cretaceous, you’d think if they were able to bring extinct species back from the dead they’d have a basic encyclopaedia

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Ned didn't conjure the hurricane, or pick poisonous plants for decoration, or shoo the dinosaurs away from the tour route, or fuck up the helicopter seatbelts and jeep door locks, or place the park's entire computer operations in his sole hands, or overlook amphibians' ability to reproduce asexually, or play god and create giant carnivorous mutant reptiles...

>7 metres in length
>400 kilograms
Damn you weren’t kidding

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Pleb, only the intro was good.


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Ned is probably more qualified than the tech bro in the newest one. We at least get a hint that he knows his shit and doesnt pop skills when he needs them to suddenly appear.

>hire 50 pajeets for same wage as nedry
>nothing functions at all to begin with
>crisis averted

fuck, I would the first to enter and the first to die
with a smile

>T. reddit