Was this movie pro-escapism or anti-escapism?

Was this movie pro-escapism or anti-escapism?

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anti, the shots outside where he sees of all the other dudes talking to their computer gfs and is momentarily fazed gives it up. everyone playing along with him that his computer was his real gf, the bizarre sex scenes, etc, are all too cringe to be pro-tech/escapism.

Anti. I thought it was obvious.

Anti, the whole movie is about how none of it meant anything and he needed to get his real life in order and not fuck with his phone bitch. I didn’t watch it for years because I thought it was pro.

Anti. He escapes the problems of his actual real life failures at romance and comes out weaker for it.

Reminder that I refused to watch Spike Jonze movies for a long time because I thought his name meant he was a nigger.

But most of the time the relationship is treated as something actually normal and "cute". Most of the characters (except for the ex-wife) take the whole thing very well. I don't know, the movie kinda contradicts itself.

Would he have fallen in love if he's picked the male voice?


it's not really escapism in the end, she's an AI that outgrows him and goes out into the net to seek greater horizons a la GITS

I guess you could say he still would have been better off paying attention to the people around him

it would only be contradictory if the movie was actually about escapism.

>she's an AI
AI isn't capable of being a woman. Similar to how a tranny like yourself is incapable of being a woman.

sir this is a wendy's

If the movie isn't about escapism, then what's the movie about
For one side of the coin, the movie expects you to sympathize with their cringe love story, but on the other hand the movie throws you an anti-escapism message at the end.
It just can't decide what it wants to be.

SHE is a strong independent AI who don't need no man

Double Bacanator, baked potato, side salad, chili, and half sweet tea/half unsweet tea to drink.
I'll know if you spit in it.

Jake Gyllanhall would have been a better choice

he would've made it too cute, phoenix brought the proper troubled inceldom


Spike Jonze sucks bad. I’ve known Spike Jonze since he was 11 years old and he’s a rich jew from the upper east side. He’s embarrassing as a BMXer and he’s embarrassing as a skateboarder. He’s the biggest fraud out there. If you bring him to a party he’s the least interesting person at the party, he’s the person who doesn’t know anything. He’s the person who doesn’t say anything funny, interesting, intelligent… He’s a pig piece of shit.

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I find it fascinating that Yea Forums manages to end up taking the most delusional group on the planet, trannies, and out-delusion them with some kind of tranny persecution complex

>he would've made it too cute
I beg to differ, he could have brought the same levels of pathetic neediness, but also would have brought a somewhat unsettling vibe to the entire thing that would threaten to turn it into a dark psych thriller like Se7en at any moment.
Gyllenhaal pulls off that “may suddenly my decide to shoot up a mall at any moment” vibe very well.

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many good artists are boring people. not that spike jonze is a particularly good artist


Stop being such a binary thinker. It's insufferable.

Is it THIS, or is it THAT??

My gosh just go fuck yourself you ugly cunt.

No good artists are boring people. People just mistake them for boring.

Fine, I'll be a ternary thinker because there are literally only three choices here:
1. It's pro
2. It's anti
3. It's neither pro nor anti but shows both sides

so you're... dating your computer?

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How delusional do you have to be to think trannies are the most delusional group on the planet?

I think thats more reflective of how confusing all of this can be from a single guys perspective, than anything.

>but on the other hand the movie throws you an anti-escapism message at the end

how is the A.I. evolving into a higher being and leaving the dude anti-escapism?


gallo is a wannabe tryhard with no talent.
jonze has actual talent

>getting sucked off on film that that's true art bro