Are they really going to do Time Travel?

To fix how Rian Johnson anally raped the franchise?

Is it really going to be that bad?

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Time travel bullshit is the worst possible thing they could do. So they'll do it.

they could do the whole theory of rey being the mother of anakin/vader, once she and the actress who plays his mother are similar looking.

pregnant from kylo, time loop, the whole shit would be a fine.

a fine? a fire dumpster fire?


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I hope so. At least that would make it so bad that it would be funny.

who cares about star wars anymore
dead söytoy franchise

They already introduced time travel

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I think they will
Fucking hell they've ruined Star Wars

everybody cares about the corpse of it. We're only here to watch culture burn because it's all gone to shit my friend.

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For real?
What the fuck

Yes it's going to be time travel. RJ fucked it up so badly it can't be anything else

I think the loop will be Rey giving the Lightsaber to that Old Grape Woman for her to keep and give it to her in the Force Awakens
fucking hell - this is gonna be so bad

They already have, in Rebels.
Palpatine knew of it, too...

at least would close the trilogy of trilogies with some sort of 'sense', some kind of cohesion.

the main problem is that the last jedi just turn everything about the classic trilogy into something null, so there is no way to scape from trash one way or another.

these guys could not put together in the same room the three main actors of the original trilogy interacting with each other.

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I still to this day do not know how the fuck Disney destroyed everyone's excitement for Star Wars movies. Surely somebody somewhere during the production of TLJ or fuck even TFA that this story is going to go literally nowhere.

Jesus christ you're right.

Yup, but atleast they closed it off forever in the show after they rezzed ahsoka

Knowing disney though, they'll probably have some bs asspull where they can open it again.

Reyp'd by Tusken raiders.

>the last jedi just turn everything about the classic trilogy into something
True enough
I like the relationship between Kylo and Rey - before they threw all of it away in the ending
>these guys could not put together in the same room the three main actors of the original trilogy interacting with each other.
Fucking hell you're right

i'd believe it except for the fact that avengers just did it. surely someone at disney makes sure their properties don't all use the same cop out story devices


They even put it in Rebels, which tends to be a precursor of themes of what's to come in the movies

They were already writing/filming this new Star Wars at almost the same time the new Avengers, weren't they?

Hehe, right...?

You say that but every single animated disney and pixar movie had had the exact same surprise twist villain at the end for the last 7 years or so.

If TLJ had abruptly ended when Kylo asks Rey to join him, or not shown Luke dying, it wouldn't have been so fucking awful. But they didn't and it's the worst.

>he still thinks this is about making a movie
>not about making a progressive social agenda

I've always said that cutting away from Kylo Ren and Rey making her decision ambiguous would've been a good ending to a bad movie. Not only does it leave multiple story hooks for the next movie but it also shows a new dynamic that we haven't seen in Star Wars (At least in the movies).

>ywn time travel to when Mike was 21, slip him some GHB then rape him

>If TLJ had abruptly ended when Kylo asks Rey to join him
That would have done so much to save TLJ and would have been a nice callback to how Empire has a downer ending.

And also would setup some resemblance to a plot that the new one could have continued it
But now is just the same Rebels are failing against The Empire... i mean The New Order! Oh no, what is gonna happen to them

As much as I'd want that, they just made two park expansions based soully around nu-wars, they cant just throw that away rebootin back to the og trilogy

The tech is always the same
They will just add a section for The Old Republic

Just reskin it to look more like tatooine.

>I still say JJ should direct Star Wars
Jay, sit down. There's something we have to tell you. We've decided to put Mike in a home.

>suggesting movies don't rip each other off at the same time literally all the time.

American Godzilla only existed because the Jurassic Park phenomena.

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No. They're either going to defeat Palpatine together, broadcast the story of Luke, or both.

They did it for X-Men.

>someday mike will be in a nursing home laughing at videos of old people
>not realizing that he has alzheimers and the old person in the video is him

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From the start nu-wars was fucked. Why couldn't the First Order be the underground organization fighting against the republic? That's a dynamic Star Wars fans have seen, yeah, but not the mainstream pleb. Besides that, even star wars fans would still embrace it since it has more potential than doing "Big empire vs small rebellion". Not to mention Kylo Ren/Knights of Ren which are a non-sith dark side group which hasn't been done nearly as much as "oh no the sith have returned!".

>To fix how Rian Johnson anally raped the franchise?

>Mike gets dementia and starts to become more and more like Mr. Plinkett

>f**k it
It's time!

>implying Disney will use the cartoon's continuity

He just made it a pop soulless mess. Rian Ruined it and took the boat down into the icy waters.

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Yeah I agree with this guy. Everybody in the industry copies Marvel No major franchise touches it's TV roots. Star Trek. Star Wars. Marvel. DC. they just don't do it... why I don't know but yes it's the third rail to them.


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Exactly. He made nostalgia-baiting garbage and didn't even bother to leave a road map. Johnson's an idiot but Abrams doesn't get off the hook that easily for setting them up for failure.

>someday mike will be in a nursing home
Yeah, next Thursday.

which is worse
>complete reboot, time travel back to “Old Republic,” setting up that universe for future trilogies
>cyclical reboot, time travel back, some shit happen, and in the end, Shmi is Rey, father is Kylo and it’s Palpatine’s secret plot to continuously reset the universe until he wins

Abrams always does that with his stuff
Lost, just open up with these mysteries and let them figure it out

>disney does the unthinkable and just gives some dude free reign to make whatever he wants with no stupid committee oversight clogging up the arteries of production
>he fucks up so massively that they will never do this again for a hundred years

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> Hammerhead corvettes introduced in the cartoon
> show up in a very big way in Rogue one

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how do we sneed

>she and the actress who plays his mother are similar looking

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Haha yeah, imagine if everyone in Hollywood was really creatively bankrupt.

It happens a lot, on top of my head I remember about Despicable Me and Megamind where the same idea at the core (lovable super villain with minion/s) but they made two movies out of it.

This is the worst part of TLJ, dumb retards who care about their dumb fictional character don't understand the massive real world implication of Johnson's failure here. He has unironically, singlehandedly set film making back by a decade at least.

>>cyclical reboot, time travel back, some shit happen, and in the end, Shmi is Rey, father is Kylo and it’s Palpatine’s secret plot to continuously reset the universe until he wins

But what if a coin lands on it's edge?

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It's going to cross a point of no return for the entire franchise if they time travel.

I'm worried they want to have their cake and eat it too so, romance, that was what TLJ was, now, next one is fighting.
in the book after Rey lets Kylo live he says to himself 'naww she likes me lol. i'm gonna kill this dumb bitch and she's not even gonna stop me because she's crushing lmao'

>thinks a ship design is story continuity
Now tell me how similar Forest Whitaker's Saw Gerrera was just like the one we saw in The Clone Wars

One thing is sure, this movie will be utter relentless unapologetic shit. Might see just to witness the trainwreck firsthand


Still boggles my mind that Disney didn't try to at least map the main story of the trilogy out before making them. A franchise this big should be planned a lot better, this shit is insane.

it won't be worth more than a read of the wikipedia and pirating it later and you know it

Mike will still defend it rather than properly criticize JewJew and Jay will still white knight Rey.


Or how Maul shows up in the cartoon despite him being dead if you only watch the movies, Anakin's scar coming from Asajj despite her never being in the movies, Rex being in Rotj, etc.

not that user but can you fuck off? someone who appeared this week just sees things they don't get and so don't like and writes "You are a fucking idiot." etc. like some boomer news article commenter

Reys parent leaving her behind are actually Kylo and Rey fleeing from the emperor.

All retcons that haven't influenced future live action productions

You are him and you are a retard.

what the fuck is this hahahah

How does it feel knowing that if the last jedi was good we'd probably be entering a neo 70s era of filmmaking, where creative people are just handed blank checks to make whatever they want.

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It's Sci-Fi so time travel shouldn't be out if the realm of possibility. But for some reason, for Star Wars, it should be.

I mean Star Trek did it. But at least they had a precedent of time jumps, alternate universes, etc. Star Wars has had 8 films and needs to abide by their own rules (I knew killing Han and Luke would lead to this).

I'm impressed too. On a personal level, the OT must have been some of the first movies that truly rocked my world when I was kid. Disney managed to not make me give a fuck, and not even in a painful way or anything. I felt and still do feel plain indifference towards SW now.

>D-Don't make fun of my internet friends!

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Oh no. Not based.

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Time travel in sci-fi, unless if it is one way and only to the future, will ALWAYS be messy. Now, some things hide their messiness better than others, but most time travel stories have that contradiction in them that destroys the premise.

That's what I am feeling now as well. Just pure indifference to a universe I used to spend days pouring into. It's a fucking shame.

Tf? Maul being the one who runs the Crimson Dawn is pretty fucking influencing to the plot of solo.

Just accept that the cartoons are canon

Lad, fuck off please, we're having a real thread, not one of your usual temper tantrum, nu/tv/ threads.


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Maul has as much to do with the plot as the PS1 game about Teras Kasi

>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE leave based PlebLetterMedia alone

>You must be 18 years of age or older to shitpost.

I wouldn't be surprised if Rian intentionally ruined the series. It was a fucking politically infected piece of trash. Rian is the hero we needed for this sequel. Fuck it. Star wars needs to die. Let it die. Don't ruin it with overpolitical garbage.

>this retard thinks that hasn't already happened

It's a shame, but it never cease to impress me whenever I think about it. People who loved Star Wars like you, me and many other autists now feel absolutely nothing but plain indifference towards it. That's a rather hard thing to accomplish.

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Kylo can’t be redeemed. If they resort to time travel we know what will happen.

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I'm running a D&D home brew campaign based off Star Wars and need ideas on how I can make fun of the sequel trilogy. Any ideas will help.

Which such places as /pol/ reddit and tumblr existing, never going to happen.

Based. I would give anything to fuck Mike with a large cucumber and then shame him for unwillingly becoming erect when I stimulate his prostate. I would give anything to see shame crystallize in his teary eyes as he realises he likes what I'm doing to his chained body.

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Wrong forum. But yes, I'll come. When's it start?

Also, if it's set during the original trilogy, probably hard to crack jokes about nu-wars.

Do you think a love action clone wars series would’ve been better than the animated one?


I'm not asking for players, since this is a real life thing I am doing, just ideax to make fun of the sequel trilogy. Also it's a combination of Old Republic, PT and OT stories.

No, the pure cgi is a good stylistic choice for the subject matter.

>thinking it can't get worse than TLJ
>Disney then asks JJ to write something new rather than rip off an older film
>All of Mike and Rich's ideas come true except for based evil ewok palpatine minions

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Mike and Rich have a horribly misguided sense that they're going to bring Luke back and make him a good guy/Gandalf analog. Do they really not see the social agendas at play here? Everything in TLJ was about destroying his culture and heritage.

There is no need for time travel, the only thing that needs to be fixed is Luke's death and he will not come back no matter what, Disney wants the new characters to take over.
Snoke? Shitty palpatine rip off, no one cares.

I'm watching it now and yeah, they will be going back in time absolutely.

If they really want to make it be worse, they'll go back in time and instead of Luke refusing to kill Palpatine and having vader do so, they'll have Rey fight and kill Palpatine.

all they had to do was keep making boring safe movies like TFA and they would've been set forever

>Everything in TLJ was about destroying his culture and heritage.
>Implying they're not going to walk back on shit due to virtually everyone despising it

>Implying they're not going to walk back on shit due to virtually everyone despising it
>implying they will
When have you seen this industry show the slightest bit of self-awareness? They've proven they don't care how much they burn down. The agenda lunacy has taken hold, they refuse to admit how self-sabotaging it is. They just keep doubling and tripling down. Look who's still in charge of Star Wars, these people aren't going to suddenly say "oops maybe it was a mistake to shit on the basic fundamental archetypes of the heroic monomyth as exemplified by thousands of years of human culture in order to prop up some bland progressivist subversions and yassqueen moments". They literally think the shit ratings were the result of right-wing trolls and they're determined to keep "striking back" in kind.

this pretty much: They expected to get away with it but didn't, it just cratered the cultural cachet of Star Wars.

No you fucking retard because Disney likes money.

No, I don't think so. Not in the way it would with time travel.

Okay what happened? Did they reveal time travel or something

JJ "Fuck it" Abrams

some internet homosexuals theorized that episode-whatever-number-comes-next is going to involve time travel

>Disney likes money
Liking money and being completely deluded about how to get it are not mutually exclusive. They've PROVEN they're willing to keep stabbing themselves in the dick because they think this progressivism shit is going to pay off. They haven't demonstrated any sort of self-awareness that they need to back off. They don't even know how to at this point. They don't know how to construct a fundamentally heroic adventure story anymore. JJ Abrams doesn't. That BvS writer sure doesn't. Kathleen Kennedy is peak fucking destructionist. It's all one massive dumpster fire and they're trying to put it out by throwing jet fuel on it.

you mean introduced in KotOR you fuck

wasn't there a theory about rey being some gal from the past?

Fuck, Mike is right, JJ will do time travel and won’t explain shit because of his mistery box, same deal why we never heard how Lupita found Luke’s lightsaber

Worst thing is that Kathleen produced some kino a long time ago