Moral of the story: get a better job
Moral of the story: get a better job
poor Pam
Office jobs are too stuffy for some people.
Warehouse jobs pay too little for some people
Become a stoic and you can find happiness anywhere.
Moral of the story: Don't treat your girlfriend like crap.
Moral of the story: Have sex
Who are some actors and actresses who literally have not gotten over it
some ugly fucking feet right there
see the problem is that in being told, and more importantly, TREATED, like i was special/normal for all my life, i was faced with a far different social landscape than what i should have been prepared for. I should have been raised in a manner that addressed my obvious social flaws and been forced to socialize to compensate for them and gain experience. instead my mind festered and weakened along with my subpar body. i was complacent and unwitting with video games, computer time, and isolation. now i am immensely far behind and it is literally impossible to catch up thanks to my lack of proper direction and raising that should have been enforced given my social and physical defects.
Have sex
i cant. my defects were mishandled in youth and now i am underdeveloped and repulsive to women and much of humankind
>Warehouse jobs pay too little for some people
Warehouse jobs usually pay pretty good
>Still clings to a role he did 26 years ago
Unless you have only one eye and bleeding sores on your mouth that very probably isn't true.
It has never been easier in the history of the human race for men to have sex than now.
>reddit spacing
I'm in NY and they pay $16 and that's the high end. It's shit work and shit pay, and sadly it's the best I'll ever do. I'd blow my brains out but they make it impossible to get a pistol. Guess they don't want to lose out on my tax money.
Guess its different in Canada
that is only partly true. it has never been easier for men with good genetics and women to have multiple partners than now. for defective men such as myself, the wide range of partners women have easily available for their selection means that I am now ranked amongst far more men than i ever would have been in the past. my odds of finding a partner have now been lessened because of the larger number of far superior men reachable through social media. in the past i would have had less competition to deal with simply because of the lack of connection that was introduced by social media.
Wrong, it has never been easier for even normal and ugly men to have sex. You're the result of your own (correctable) psychological failings, not your physical flaws.
DUDE just accept nepotism LMAO
>but they make it impossible to get a pistol
drive down a few states and buy it from somebody you met on armslist
you're wrong.
At least he stayed in shape and actually fought for real, he just used PR to fuel his potential mma prospects
didn't he just fight a bunch of tomato cans and his mma career didn't really take off?
Untrue. I don’t want to fuck disgusting fat whores and pretty girls don’t like me. It’s impossible for me to get laid unless it’s a bus of a woman.
> Wahhhh I'm a grown ass man blaming mommy and daddy for my faults like a crybaby bitch
>Nothing is ever my fault REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Damn dude you may have a valid point but get yourself together and quit blaming your parents for your life. Wow boohoo you got treated special and raised by loving parents in the first world, what a fucking travesty
>and women to have multiple partners than now.
Why do Incels always tell half truths?
Wrong warehouse.
Get a class-b haz mat air brake drivers license- our place will OTJ train you. I got off the driver track a few years ago and work in the office now, and the drivers out-earn me, but I work indoors, HVAC, no lifting. I make $32, they make $34/hr.
Get in- then use that experieince. After you've worked for six months you can go to work at any of your competition's warehouses. Leverage. Apply for a job and ask for me than they are offering. If they push back with "Well most our guys make x" you counter with "I don't expect that what I earn is anybody's business but mine and my supervisors..".
Work six month here. Gain experience. Get them to train you on anything they offer- Excel, etc. Truck drivers license, haz mat certs, Forklift (go for "train the trainer" btw) certs.
It's not hard guys. It requires a little work and patience.
I am heavily autistic though.
nothing is impossible if you put time into it. spend a whole year being social and you'll catch up
it actually isn't my fault that i was born defective as i am. the point I am making is that I should have been raised in a manner that addressed my flaws rather than have them ignore as if i was normal. however, it is also not my parents fault for having birthed an autistic framecel manlet either, and for not knowing how to raise one properly. I can imagine the immense disappointment they suffered in watching me not succeed on my own like a normal child would. all my weird quirks and antisocial behaviors bringing them shame and embarrassment. being exhausted and hope for the best by not putting special attention towards my defects.
>we birthed that freak
sadly there are members of every species that cannot meet the standard of being selectable by a mate. their genetics are simply too weak for whatever reason to be deemed capable of producing successful offspring.
god damn the royalty checks for the office have to be so good
Jim and Pam were horrible people, I'm glad Roy and Karen ended up with others, they definitely deserved better.