Name one thing Captain Sobel did wrong

you literally cannot

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served the evil side of the conflict


Cant read a map

Absolute trash in combat scenarios

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He didn't salute Major Winters, but instead turned away, and only saluted after being informed of his transgression by the superior ranking officer.

He's a captain but he got lost like a lieutenant. He tried to NJP LT Winters for made up BS to cover his incompetency multiple times. He can't even manage to promote over like 3 years whereas Winters goes from 1st LT to Maj. He failed at killing himself and only succeeded at leaving himself a blind retard.


he missed his brain and blinded himself instead

for me? it's George Luz

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Germany declared war on America retard

His last name is literally the German verb for "to swim", well close enough.

Was it Germany who attacked your naval base in Hawaii though?

Germany carried out no attack on US soil

>Can't read a map
>Didn't visually confirm the presence of a superior and got easily tricked during the whole fence incident
>Tried to avoid saluting a superior (Winters) out of pettiness

At least those are the ones I remember. It's been a while. Also he made the entire company run Curahee after deliberately feeding them a feast. But that isn't wrong. It's well within his right as an officer, but it was a shit thing to do.

compellingly argument youve got there retard

I wonderif they will create an african theatre series, or vietnam.

>Was it Germany who attacked your naval base in Hawaii though?
They declared war on America. Was the U.S supposed to sit idly by and do nothing?

The user I'm responding to wasn't making an argument retard

It really is a god damn shame we can't talk about Band of Brothers anymore because of these cringey fucking zoomer larpers making everything about muh innocent Nazis who dindu nuffin

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Apparently they're making one about the U.S Air Force during WW2 called Masters of the Sky or something like that

I think it's shit that they ruined that man's reputation so badly he retired a Lt Col.

Didn't PIVOT.

Good trainer, but lousy commanding officer.

ask grandad how many genders there are, you might be surprised to find out he was literally a Nazi the whole time.

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>about the U.S Air Force
Army Air Corp*

I think SJWs are cringey faggots too retard doesn't make larpers any less embarrassing

The Jews started it.

Friendly reminder he died because he tried to an hero himself, failed, made himself blind, and then the nurses forgot to feed him


>but he got lost like a lieutenant

No he didn’t, he got lost like someone with no infantry officer training at all who didn’t know how to read a fucking map

Nixon is their Battalion S-2 (intelligence officer) while a Lieutenant

by existing :^)

Nothing, they were on a break

>i served in a company of heroes
>except for this guy nobody liked lol

>handful of retards who want to identify as patio furniture
>completely comparable to the people who unironically want to kill all non-whites, faggots and anyone left of full blown right winger
>But muhh sjws from 2013 are saying there are 438 gorrilion genders and if I don't agree they think I'm a nazi.
Fuck off with your smooth brained strawman.

based jews

Can't really compare battlefield commissions to Sobel. Just because Winters got them doesn't necessarily mean he deserved them, he filled a role where and when it was needed.

That prick was a son of Abraham.

Funny you should say that since the US indiscriminately sunk German ships for over a full year without a formal declaration of war, and the Germans did exactly nothing about it as to avoid a full-scale conflict.

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>he filled a role where and when it was needed.
And he did a good job in that role.
What's undeserved about his promotions?

>people who unironically want to kill all non-whites, faggots and anyone left of full blown right winger
>smooth brained strawman
oy vey

>fuck off (buzzword) (buzzword) (more buzzwords)

Is that endless mike??

>Runs spy rings in America
>Hosts retarded foreign policy that antagonizes all of America's closest allies in Europe
>Fires upon U.S ships
>Hosts fifth column elements in America like German American Bund

all of that is done is now done by Israel.
do you have the same vitriol for them?

I'm not saying Winters didn't deserve his promotions, only that wartime is a fast track up the ladder, especially in situations like WW2 where people are dying, or moving up constantly, and those roles need to be filled fast. Most people, especially these days, would be lucky to get rank like Winters did, because it's not so much about qualifications as it is availability, because obviously you can't just be promoting people all the time based on their performance - you'd have a bunch of people running around with the same rank and it just wouldn't be very productive. There is always going to be a certain number of people in each rank, whatever is considered necessary, and in those cases, you're only being promoted once a spot opens. Sobel just didn't have the same experience in placement that Winters did, and it isn't even that Sobel deserved it since he was kind of the funny fuckup in the show, just his experiences during the war were wildly different, so you could argue he was never given the chance to perform like Winters did.


go back

>all of that is done is now done by Israel.
That doesn't justify Germany doing it themselves retard. is that really your only defense of kike-like Jewish behavior? "b-but muh Israel"?

>do you have the same vitriol for them?
Yes fuck Israel they are a parasite on American foreign aid and an occupying power.

It's entirely Sobel's fault that he wasn't in the same position that Winters was in to get those promotions though, he royally fucked up that exercise, he was unfit for command in the field.
Sobel could have had opportunities for battlefield commissions if he hadn't proven himself to be a disaster on the battlefield.

Didn't he cut a farmer's fence?

I'm not disputing that, what I'm saying is that the opportunity that Winters had, despite Sobel's incompetency, is the determining factor in why Winters promoted faster than Sobel. Just because Sobel fucked up at that moment doesn't mean he couldn't have possibly learned from his mistakes and remedied them over time. He was also considered an acceptable drill instructor, which is another thing about the military; when you find a job you perform well at, sometimes it can be hard to convince others to let you out of it because you fill a needed role that you're already arguably better than most at, so it could even be that the military will pass up your promotions to keep you where you are considered to be needed most.

It's also unfair to downplay Sobel's role in Winters development as a soldier. It could very well be that Sobels hard ass attitude is what drove Winters to not be like him based on the experiences he had with him.

He didn’t get a battlefield commission he was already an officer when they jumped into Normandy. The casualty rate of junior officers in the 101st was well over 100%, and he was promoted according to the divisions needs.

>he was promoted according to the divisions needs.

Thats Tom Hanks. And saving private ryan actually sucks.

evil is enabling 74 years of peace in europe?

Also battlefield promotions have nothing to do with officers. Enlisted can be promoted in this way too. There are varying ranks of officers, user.

>daddy the mean Germans with the full atlantic ocean between us and them declared war!

So America should've done nothing when Germany declared war on them?

what was Germany going to do? drop hydrogen bombs on civilian populations, oh wait ...

>I was glad when I saw them, that I had come back to the outfit and gone into Germany, for the trip, with its views of the lagers and prison camps, had finally convinced me of the need to drive the Germans from the face of Europe. How could a civilized nation run concentration camps and murder millions-and still fight for that way of life? How could a man fight for a nation that broke up millions of families, that put old women and little children to work in slave-labor lagers? The Third Reich was a cancer on the face of the Western man. I was glad now that I had played a part, however small, in helping to remove that cancer. Herbert Hoover, with his methodical, engineer's mind, could admire the Germans as an efficient and industrious race, but I was only sorry that I had not shot more of them.
>I had never believed in the war until I had gone into Germany and seen what the Germans had in mind for the world: the slave labor lagers, the broken families, the men from Dachau; old women and little children worked to death in Ruhr factories. To me the Germans were a nation of barbarous psychopaths responsible for the first degree murder of ten to fifteen million Poles, Russians, and Jews, innocent civilians whose only crime was to have been born-Poles, Russians, or Jews. They had filled hundreds and hundreds of tank ditches with the bodies of men, women and children, had denied God and Christ to follow a satanic Messiah who promised them only murder on the vilest and vastest scale in history. A nation of animal lovers who had never understood people, the Germans had set out deliberately to exterminate the Slav, to annihilate the Jew, to murder all whom they disliked or who would not love them as animals loved them that had been taught to obey and beg for food. I wanted the Germans to be thoroughly punished-if I could ever catch Himmler or Hitler or Goering, I would take the greatest delight in making them die slowly.

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You are my rations!? MY RATIONS!!!??

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Nobody has ever dropped Hydrogen bombs on civilians.

>Germany carried out no attack on US soil
they attacked new jersey dipshit

This is a retarded point regardless of what side you're on. Germany declared war because they were ALREADY AT WAR undeclared. USA had been openly lend leasing military supplies so the USSR since the start of Operation Barbarossa, and had several skirmishes at sea with Roosevelts giving orders to fire in any German planes/ships on sight. They were already in an undeclared war, the official declaration of war changed very little. You can argue all you want the case for interventionism, but pointing out the German declaration of war is a dud point.


>Its a PT immediately after a spaghetti dinner episode

He murdered that dude for stealing his sandwich.

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>well over 100%

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>when you realize that you fought on the right side during WWII and the Civil War

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This has to be bait right? On the off chance you really are a retard and aren't just pretending to be a retard, it means that they took more casualties, including replacements, than the unit originally had.


combat ineffective. couldn't navigate. would've got them all killed.
also this

it was england that declared war on Germany. Germany declared war on yankie doodle because they were materially supporting in a serious way.

You're a moron, go sit in the corner.

the casualty rate can only ever be 100%, it's mathematically impossible to be more. the replacements are a new figure all together.

>one hundred per cent
>one hundred per hundred
you can't have 150 casualties per hundred. anyone who wasn't a part of the original unit is an entirely different figure

I thought your claim that 100% of the junior officers in the 101st were casualties was bait, because that's totally incorrect.

this website is too funny. lol. i’m gay

he was a horrible field commander

As a leader it is your duty to inspire confidence in your men. Soldiers don't blindly follow orders: they need to believe that someone knows what they're doing.

He failed to make breasts bigger user.