So do they eat the tractors?
So do they eat the tractors?
Other urls found in this thread:
Do cars get pregnant?
Not if you stick it in the exhaust pipe.
In the first one I think, the one car is being examined in a garage and it's treated like being nude at a doctor's office so probably yes, they have sex organs of some kind.
No, the tractors are just the farm workers. They form a permanent underclass in the Cars universe and live/sleep on the farm
No idiot they just milk them for oil
How do they make themselves? Are all tow trucks hicks?
Hitler car
Was there a Cars Hitler? was there a Cars holocaust? who are the Cars jews?
What if a truck and mini Cooper had sex?
Car world war -> Car Hitler -> Car holocaust
Oy vey, those crushers. Millions of cars dropped into them.
There's only so much cars you can throw at the crushers FACT!!!
I've never thought about that until now... but I guess that was the implication.
I've never seen this movie. Can someone explain?
There’s a car sneed
I don't understand
Real life but everyone is a vehicle
So car sneed
And 6 million Jewish Volkswagen died
Tractors are the equivalent to livestock in the Cars universe
Oh, wow
What the fuck? Why did World War 2 happen in this universe?
Some cars are just better than others, better engines, better bodies, better batteries, better dynamics, etc.
It's bound to happen something like WW2 and crazy supremacist Mercedes-Benz.
How did cars evolve?
So are you born into a class?
Like German Engineering Master-race?
What's his actual name?
>my name is not chuck
well that fuckin sucks.
Subsequently Sneed.
Were Little Boy and Fat Man sentient? Was it a suicide mission?
is someone going to post the car anatomy or am I going to have to dig through the archives
>haha guys this truck is named Chuck like that guy in that epic Simpsons joke lmao XD
Is this fucking real? What THE FUCK
This is the dumbest shit ever, what were they thinking?
You must always remember the 6 billion, goy
Why would a car crusher have WOODEN doors?
Maybe it's like the Robots movie where they build them
Found the mad city slicker
So wait are the battleships alive, or are there like cars in them working as crew?
can't you read faggot?
it says his name ISN'T Chuck
Alive and they even have admiral caps and everything lmao
Just imagine how PTSD ridden their WW2 would have been, in real life you have the excuse you are just using a machine to bomb people but here you're using your body
absolute fucking kino
Kachigga chigga chigga
Who makes the hat?
Who makes the flags?
wooden doors on the crushers? unlikely...It wouldnt be able to stand up to the pressure. Also your trying to tell me they crushed thousands of Hebrewmobiles a day?! those numbers dont line up.
Themselves I guess, in Cars 2 they are shown equipping missiles and guns so I guess they're not "born" with them. Also only some machines are alive, drills and elevators aren't, but then you have car mosquitoes so I don't know what the hell.
>car mosquitoes
Why is there a wiki for this franchise I don't know
>gender male
Fuck, I didn't even see that
The cars universe seems like a fucking nightmare, I can't believe they made 3 movies and one spinoff out of it
this forum is anoymus dont post your face
What if they run out of fuel? Do they die?
Are they born with tires or are tires like their shoes?
Tractors work the fields to grow biodiesel
If cars WW2 happened that means the cars cold war and thus the cars Vietnam War happened too. In the cars universe its likely tiny, yellow, and slant eyed motorbikes were being massacred by American muscle cars dropping napalm on straw parking garages.
plus the mater shorts, and the 2 ovas
that's hot
This is a great thread
>yfw you realize the living carriers can feel themselves burning alive when a living kamikaze plane crashes into them
they slipped body horror into a cartoon made to sell merchandise to children
that is some seriously fiendish shit.
What kind of is the analog for jews?
deepest lore: the thread
I saw this post on the archives and it made me remember that I'd seen some posts saying the same shit. Can anyone tell me what the FUCK this is about? I've seen Cars 2 and I don't remember seeing anything dodgy.
Fancy German car
So if WW2 happened in cars does that mean there was a Cars rape of nanking? Cars civil rights movement? Cars racism? Black Cars lives matter?
Saw a post on jalopnik once where they theorized that it's humans inside all the vehicles.
Why do cars even need a farm
Is rust like skin cancer to them?
I don’t think so. Mater is all rusty but he seems pretty healthy.
So, it's like psoriasis?
la vehicula...
Just turn your brain off, incels.
now THIS tranny is fucking redpilled
they got the packaging wrong; his name is Naut Chuque
stealing this
Pretty sure the planes swoop down and breed with the cars
isn't that how Skyrim happens?
What does a car penis look like?
What does a car vagina look like?