>As a Warrior... no road left but the one that leads to the end!
How is it anime is more kino than most movies and tv shows these days?
>As a Warrior... no road left but the one that leads to the end!
How is it anime is more kino than most movies and tv shows these days?
Anime has always had 2deep4you gay lines like that. It’s nothing new.
Eren dies, he is killed by Reiner's little sister which also kills Sasha
True, but Attack on Titan is still one of the most kino anime nowdays
Then who is the main character now?
Kind of amazing how it used to be considered utter pop-trite on the level of Naruto, yet is now seen as pure kino
oh my transferred consciousness
Anime is undisputed at crazy visual moments but the writing is total dogshit. It's a shame because they do have pretty good characters, but most of the dialogue that comes out of their mouth is awful. Maybe it's a cultural/translation thing.
Gabi is Reiner's cousin not his sister you fag
Also, is this anime coming back?
Because usually most shonen use the better idea in the beggining of the show and then turn into a dragon ball wannable or it turn into a zombie series with no direction. But you can see that AoT have everything planned and isn’t just the author trying to make more money out of a sucessful series.
But also I have low standars in movies and series so don’t listen to me
Next season is the final one. Eren isn't actually dead, but he is the father
How little
This show sucks. It has some cool concept art, but everything else falls flat.
Reminder that this trash is spammed by one genuine redditor here
Reminder that EH is cute and canon
>Attack on Eoten
>Anything but edgy and chuuni.
oh so he’s going to be back
Season 4 kino can't come soon enough.
Is Eren going to destroy the entire fucking world?
Attack on Titan is not kino, its garbage targeted at the lowest common denominator
Season 3 part 2 literally just ended. Next season is final season. Spring 2020
Only by deluded fanboys. Most normal and sande people still see it as the trash that it is
AoT is not more and not less than a 7/10 and I am being generous. It has some nice choreographed action scenes but the characters are totally bland and unlikable. Levi and Mikasa are the worst offenders in this regard and are only liked by 12 year olds who like the dark and edgy "badass" who always looks grumpy and gary-stus his way through every situation
>Eren isn't actually dead,
yeah someone should check the archive he's been pretty persistant plus usually uses same lines like surpases kino etc.
Anyway AoT is trash
Gabi, Reiner's little sister
Titantards are the purest form of cancer since Narutards
that is the most retarded comparison.
Reiner, Berthold and annie were not a trio. Annie hated reiner but he was in charge. They also lost a team member on the infiltration.
This isn't some power creep anishit like naruto. It has been very consistent with its plot and tone except the first few ep/chapters. Hardly any asspulls and people actually die. Way to screen cap your own post faggot.
It’s simple. No niggers.
they introduce them next season, don't you worry
>tfw she was in titan form for months
>tfw she must smell so fucking bad
>tfw she walks in all all fours naked and stinks up the whole room
truly the best girl in any anime or manga ever.
>he doesn't know
because you want reiner to FIST your ASS
who wouldn't?
I don't think that guy draws well at all but Eren's Jared Leto impersonation raises a dry smile.
Fuck off back to Yea Forums and stop shilling your shitty anime.
Faust ist gut ja?
nimm meine Faust!
Based GABI is his cousin
Just read the chapter. Well what a a shit ending
whatever dude who fucking cares
He spams it on youtube comments as well(or at least in the video he links)
you can usually find him calling it kino with "YTComment Finder"
the best part is that he seems to be a mexican
« 零 »
>good guy
Absolute brainlet.
This page BTFO a lot of people back then. It was pure, unfiltered kino.
It end up being a holocaust reference
Sorry for ruining it for you
Marley arc is trash and laughably dumb at times
>character lies
Woah bro stop the presses
Anime is pure snoy
Real men read mangas
Why do liberals want this
This is an actual panel from the latest chapter of reddits favorite flavor of the month shounenshit, a 'genuis' mangaka they call him
This is the standard of quality they consider a masterpiece, just let that sink in
its really bad and you’re a faggot for enjoying it
>Attack on Titan is still one of the most kino anime nowdays
no it isnt, its your standard edgy shounen with some decent action scenes at times.
the plot is dumb af and the characters are all terrible. Having constantly flashbacks does not equal character development, neither does foreshadowing.
Its about on par with the latter season of GoT, looks good but ultimately a hollow ride
If anything not Yea Forums related was posted on Yea Forums it would be removed, why doesn't that apply for anime here, manga posting even. Faggots.
I dropped it for a while, slowly got thorough season 2, but holy fuck
>now we're doing it now?
I picked female titan well in advance, but renier I just couldn't accept it. it was so fucking good. Even moreso the forest scene when they are chilling out waiting for nightfall where erin and all of them try to deal with the fallout of what they did, I didn't see it coming even though just like female titian it was all there I just refused to accept it, good shit.
whats the problem?
It's Naruto for zoomers
at least you fit well on Yea Forums
Absolutely subverted because this is actually a scene from a fabricated memory implanted by Eren who is quite literally an edgy teen
Shingeki no kyojin facts:
>It's entry level
>Like hombre de uno punetazo
>People who have seen no anime have seen this
>People who have seen basically every anime have also seen it
>The manga has terrible art and is carried by its story which isn't that good
>Hange is female
>There are only two genders
>As a Warrior... no road left but the one that leads to the end!
naruto is
>Zoomer: the show
always has been even before that stupid meme term existed
why do beaners think anyone cares about their opinions?
>English dub line
and reiner had a sword through his spine also ymir wills it
best girl
Based, fuck titantards
>I must defeat the titans
>no Eren, you are the titans
>and then Eren was a titan
and then he wanted to kill everyone who wasn't a titan
just a bundle of cells bro :^) It's my right to murder it haha
Should have used this retard-kun
>Garbage like Attack On Titan, DBS, and Boruto gets high budget, wildly successful adaptations
>Decent Shonen like Slam Dunk and YuYu Hakusho or Inuyasha haven't been touched in decades
>Vagabond gets nothing
>Vinland Saga gets ebin cgi
>Berserk gets that abortion they call an anime
I'm mad
Based oldfag memes.
>tfw no one ever gets references to the classics
the most retarded take i've ever seen on this shithole
Berserk is overhyped trash.
I agree on YuYu and Inuyasha and Vinland being great.
How come Eren doesn't use the armor?
1. Eren is not dead, he's going to survive with some asspull
2. Gabi isn't Reiner's sister
Fucking speedreaders I swear.
Vinland looked fine
>Reiner isn't actually dead
That's just a theory you fucking nigger