What was his Midichlorian count?

What was his Midichlorian count?

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over 9000! haha

Apparently 20000

Anakin was at peak about 28000, as Vader it was like 17000

seems pretty low considering he's supposed to be as strong as Yoda

Probably whatever Yoda's was

So who has the highest besides these two?

werent midichlorians retconned

why would they get retconned.

Attached: midicount.png (658x1011, 67K)

High. Am I right, boys?

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This isn't Dragon Ball.

I have no idea. I dont pay attention to star wars outside of the odd Yea Forums thread. Ive seen people talk about the disney movies retconning them is all

Anakin, have you heard of the rare disease called Ligma?

>Darth Bane?

Attached: 102055714442.jpg (635x688, 32K)

>most powerful female jedi only 2/3 as strong as a geriatric swamp dwelling goblin (male)
what did lucas mean by this

Does that number ever improve or is that just what they have for life?

Ehhhh I don’t think some of that stacks up. Jacen was pretty strong in the force. Now I miss EU.

what about his tax policy? surely he had a staggered progressive tax system, right?

Ok .... I like this post

Luke managed to close a black hole with the Force.
Fuck midichlorians

>Average Jedi = 10,000
>Qui-Gon Jinn = 10,000
>several jedi masters and sith lords

yeah but jarjar?

Jar Jar hassa bombad midichlorian counts, heesa real bad withda fork.

> This isn't Dragon Ball
> Shintor Beerus

Guess again
> Grevious has more than several jedi masters despite being nothing more than a brain, eyes and lungs
> Malak stronger than Revan
> Darth Maul on the same level as Windu
> Average Jedi stronger than Assajj Ventress

Nice headcanon

>Malak more powerful than Revan
>Revan barely more powerful than an average Jedi
>Qui-Gonn as powerful as average Jedi
>multiple Jedi masters less powerful than the average Jedi

Negatives, as he's so disconnected from the force that he's a force of nature on his own.

Is "Darth" kind of like the Mohammed of sith culture?

because they're stupid as shit

15% Flat Tax, with 20% VAT on all sales

What was his tax policy?

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Came here to post this.

What's the name for this Sith technique?

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Midichlorian doesnt mean power you retard

It's more like a title. "Darth" and (X name) is given to them when they complete training, or are converted from an already-trained Jedi/force-sensitive. The lore concerning Sith names has changed since Yidsney destroyed the EU. It used to be that the original Sith were literally a specific race, and "Sith culture" used their language.

Thoughts on the Chancellor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center?

Attached: ChanPal SurRecon.jpg (965x635, 163K)

Based Kyle Katarn more powerful than Mace Dindu lmao

it literally does

No, midichlorians are microscopic lifeforms that give people an attachment to the force. Not all midichlorians are created equal in just the same way not all humans are equally strong or smart etc. So having more doesnt necessarily mean you are stronger. I mean, how do you think Obi Wan was able to beat Anakin if Anakin has over twice as many?

Obi-Wan had more experience and the advantage of high ground.

Midichlorians = raw force potential, but technically you're right that if the person is dumb or inexperienced they can't use it fully.

Yes but there's also no evidence to suggest that midichloriams are all equally "powerful" so trying to compare a number and equate that to power is pointless. Its quality, not quantity that matters

Legends Luke was more powerful than peak Anakin.
But that's been retconned, so no longer counts.

>general grievous 11,900

>darth imperius (darth sidius' master)

and it's a good trick

How many midiclirians would you suck down from one of sheev's hot force loads.


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now this, newfags, is what we call based


>>Qui-Gonn as powerful as average Jedi
He got btfo by some nobody backup's backup sith trainee.

He was defeated in combat by a younger, more agile warrior.

He also mastered becoming a force ghost which takes incredible power and skill with the force.

Now THAT's authentic Yea Forums humor right there, lol

It counts in my heart

It makes sense though since Lucas himself has said that Luke had the same force potential as Anakin, but Anakin lost the majority of his power when he got fucked up. Plus Legends Luke wasn't an unstable asshole and was able to learn a bunch of forbidden or forgotten force techniques. By the end he was easily the most powerful force user of all time.

>Leia Organa is on par with her brother and one of the most powerful Force users in history
>uses this potential to float very slowly in zero-g, once


Padme has the highest amount of midi-chlorians ever in her body when she was pregnant with the Skywalker twins.

You're welcome, dumb fanboys.

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>the whole scientific explanation of the force turns out to be a psyop devised by Plagueis to obfuscate knowledge of its true nature and origin
Would you care?

My friend's coworker got into a fight with his former boss and apparently got some burns. They botched the surgery beyond belief. It's been 20 years now and the litigation is still ongoing.
pic related, these people need to go out of business NOW

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66 bajillion

>lando 3300
the fuck?

For real though, how is Bane so low? Wasn't he kind of a big deal?

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It's probably like a potential limit.
If they don't use it, train etc., it's never realized.
If Luke had stayed a farmhand his count would be meaningless as it's unused potential. There'd be jedi/sith who never utilized their full potential. Leia never used hers really, not to the extent like did and in the old EU it showed.
Aankin pre chop didn't do anything particularly extraordinary and was beaten by the objectively weaker obiwan due to the latter's better experience and soundness of mind etc., which seems to count for everything.
It's not as simple as some dumb anime powerlevel shit, in fact fuck all of this midi shit I hate it.

He was strong, but weaker than most of the Sith lords. That's partly why he backstabbed them rather than trying take over the brotherhood. He also had his weird ideological reasons (the Dark Side would be more powerful if gathered in two people rather than spread among many lords and minions).

I see. Very interesting.

Attached: darth-bane.jpg (798x1758, 209K)

only oldfags remember this epic meme!

Midichlorian counts don’t signify anything. Anakin’s was high because he was made of the force, and midichlorians is what the force had to build with.

I don't get it


it's not often I feel the need to go out of my way to post and call somethings gayness out, but this faggot shit right here is the reason the white race is dying

>Revan that low.

The rule of Two was implemented because many previous Sith would endlessly backstab each other for power and control of their group to no end. Bane saw an end to that by having a Master and Apprentice and since those with the Dark Side only ever seek more power by it's nature alone they'd be kept in check by that one rule

Also bottom left here is Darth Bane.

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>Darth Bane was a legendary human male Dark Lord of the Sith and the sole survivor of the destruction of the Sith at the hands of the Jedi Order during the Jedi–Sith war a thousand years before the Clone Wars. As the only surviving Sith, Bane recognized that Sith infighting had weakened them to the point that the Jedi could destroy them. To rectify this, Bane reformed the Sith and created the Rule of Two, mandating that there could be only two Sith—a Master and an apprentice—at any given time. These new Sith would begin a plot to destroy the Jedi in secret.

Attached: DarthBane-frontal.jpg (591x597, 180K)

Crashing the sith with almost no survivors.

Malak was able to make the Star Forge work better than Revan thanks to his power, but power levels are silly in any case, a stronger fighter can lose to an opponent for many reasons.
And his successors kept backstabbing each other and using secret apprentices to do so, ruining his plan. If Kaan had fought the Jedi like a dirt general instead of listening to Bane, the Sith might have ruled parts of the galaxy for centuries rather than make a single attempt at galactic domination after a thousand years.

>General Grievous is higher than Jedi masters
this list is complete bullshit

Ki Adi Mundi was killed by a Farmer With Shotgun and he's stronger than Darth Bane LMAO.

I think you got the wrong Jedi. Ki Audi Mundi got shot by 6 of his own men
