Depopulation propaganda

depopulation propaganda.
can anyone say "Georgia Guidestones".

This movie was NOT about climate change, it was introducing the concept, for the first time, in popular film, the idea that there should be no more than 500 million humans on planet earth and its okay for billions to perish so that an elite few can live in symbiotic paradise into the future.

Rank evil, and this is what a one world government would actively undertake, if we let them. Its time to pray, Yea Forums, that they don't.

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If that's what the one world government wants then why is anyone trying to fight it? That sounds pretty awesome. This planet would be fantastic with that number.

you're welcome to lead the way... how will you take yourself out then for the betterment of the future? what last words?

Where's the downside? You either die which is probably okay, or you continue living in a utopia.

final solution apologist, u crazy or trolling.

how about everyone live and we just keep getting better together.

>for the first time, in popular film

Attached: is it.jpg (540x263, 137K)

How's that going to work?

The people whining about overpopulation were literally the villains though

This. That one Tom Hanks flick Angels and Demons was basically about culling the population with designer viruses and even though the guy trying to do that was portrayed as the bad guy the movie still ends on the question of whether he had a point or not.

of course they were, this is just how they introduce the concept.

the lone gunman tv show introduced the idea of the world trade centers getting hit by planes, by villians, then it happened, and subconsciously we expected it and blamed "the villians" but it was to be done to serve the globalist agenda, who are the true villians.

I have no idea, but imagine you have all the power, there are many means at your disposal, the only thing stopping you is that you will be caught. And Triads in China and the Yakuza in Japan would exterminate the families of any world leaders who undertook such a horror upon humanity. And they know this, and thus have not acted. The East believes we can live in harmony with many. The West wants a global purge. Follow the white rabbit. Eat yoghurt.


Go back to your containment board, /x/. You ruined /pol/ forever with this shit.

u go walk with the Shepard
me, my eyes are wide fucking open

You should help save the world by shooting up schools, man. That's the only way they can hear your sacred message.

don't be a buffoon, nothing is "sacred' in realizing that evil politicians and power players want to "purge" the earth of its "too many eaters".

Just listen for when and where they are exposed for saying just that. Stop being a foolish nebish retard.

I'm sorry to frighten you user, with such "conspiracy theories".
If you wish not to be frightened than you should cease asking scary questions and visiting scary threads.

Well I for one find your ideas intriguing, user, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

please do:

>monsters depopulate mexico and the east coast
I see absolutely nothing wrong with this.

>conspiracy theorist doesn't know about Utopia series but instead flips his shit at a Godzilla movie
Of course.

>Utopia series

well duh