Hellboy (2019)

what went wrong Yea Forums?

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Hi viseryen

it was a reboot nobody asked for, overshadowed by one of the most hyped and anticipated movies of all time. it's on streaming sites now tho, so I gave it a watch. it was alright, but not great. you have to be extremely /pol/-tier nitpicky to find any severe issue with it.

People wanted Ron Perlman and Guillermo to finish the trilogy.

Nobody asked for this.

>mfw hellboy 3 never ever

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The second half of the movie has extraordinarily poor editing, making it feel rushed.

>villain played by Milla Jovovich
fucking lol, doa.

The only scene in it that was undoubtedly good was the hell monsters in London scene, especial the one walking in Thames. They thought it was a good idea to remake Hellboy's summoning scene and it looked like shit in comparison. Costumes looked not cheap but clearly like a prop. Too many jokes in scenes that should have being serious. Fucking music. Many more.

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“izzat my uber?”

It wasn’t Hellboy 3, which is what people wanted. The first Hellboy really had no right to be as good as it was though. Also, zero marketing because I had no idea it had been released until I drove by a local movie theater and saw it advertised as now playing.

Honestly felt like if the editing wasn't isn't complete shit and hellboy wasn't some autistic man child "muh humans bad, demons good" this would have been a good movie

>bizarre editing
>movie feels rushed
>terrible acting and accents
>The Mummy Returns level CGI (especially at the end with the Professor)
>poor music choices

Marketing and reviews. If media told the audience to watch and like it, they would do. It's literally on the level of average marvel shit just with CGI blood. Similar cringe quips, shitty Black Panther level CGI and all.

Whatshisname was a shit Hellboy, the only time he was good when he grew his horns and all he had to do is just stand silently and stare showing off his muscles that he worked hard to get and only show them for like 2 minutes. Btw what was shot first this or third season of Stranger Things, because he was fat there.

he is just wearing a muscle suit

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Terrible casting and studio meddling. Neil Marshall is a fine director and I suspect if he wasn't undermined we'd have had a halfway decent film. From what I read they were sending through script edits whilst scenes were being filmed and had Harbour and McShane rewrite scenes on set. Bunch of reshoots happened without the original director. The editing was weird which I suspect was due to them literally not having footage for certain parts and trying to work around that. It felt like the studio changed their mind on what the movie was supposed to be part way through production.

Harbour and black psychic girl were both terrible. He came across as a whiny prick and the prosthetics covered up his face to the extent you couldn't really see him emote, unlike the good Hellboy films. Black sidekick girl was incapable of sticking to a single English accent.

this came out already? kek

It's really not, user. You can hate capeshit but to pretend most of them are even nearly as bad as the new Hellboy is ridiculous.

Music is the biggest thing. The music showed the movie didnt take itself seriously what so ever.

Cut capeshit budget to Hellboy19 level and you will get the same result.

It actually wasn’t THAT bad but it lacked a lot of what made the first 2 good. It also lacked Ron, he was literally made for the character

not enough Milla tits

I'm pretty sure i saw a video of him working out especially with this new meme rope reins thing and he looked like he had muscles.

The editing, script and acting were far bigger flaws than the sfx failures. Superhero films may be full of quips but generally a decent number of them land. Entire cinema I was in was silent for the vast majority or jokes. The quips were just Hellboy saying something whiny and sarcastic.

What tits?

She's in a movie called Stone with DeNiro and Edward Norton and show them. They're pretty bad.

What are you a fag?

I really liked the amout of practical effect they used and gore, Baba Yaga's scenes was disgudtingly good.
But all characters were bad. Hellboy here isn't cool, he just a whiny bitch. His dad is too hardass, chinese policeman and that girl were nothing special.
Also they are basically repeating origin story for no reason.
This movie had potential, if they had a better characters interactions and fight scenes it could be good.

Hellboy 2 was so fucking good.

Oh i saw her nipples, haven't seen the tits though.
>Baba Yaga
I was a bit surprised of all the details from the fairy tail they incorporated, her house on chicken legs, the thing she was sitting in (idk how it called in english), hell even her bone leg although they made both of her legs bone. Still can't pronounce her name right, it's babA yagA not bAba yAga.

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>"muh humans bad, demons good"

Wait what, really? That's not Hellboy.

>awful idea
>awful plot
>awful CGI
>awful makeup
>awful jokes
>awful B-tier cast

>literally Awful: the movie

strange things that I even like it a bit

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>it's babA yagA not bAba yAga.
Shut up, Ivan Petrovytch Kozjhemyako

>Wait what, really?
Not exactly, more like monsters are misunderstood by humans that want to kill them all. But it's more like "why can't we coexist" from Hellboy and "humans bad for killing us we only wanted to bathe in human blood is it too much to ask?" from monsters.

>Ivan Petrovytch Kozjhemyako
Google says he is a Russian politician, i don't get it.

>I was a bit surprised of all the details from the fairy tail they incorporated, her house on chicken legs, the thing she was sitting in (idk how it called in english), hell even her bone leg although they made both of her legs bone.
It's because Mike Mignola fucking loves European folklore and fairytales and Hellboy is a distillation of his love for those, Lovecraft, and pulp adventure. Mignola included all those details in the comic, so the movie that adapted it would too.

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I like the part where the demons started fucking up the city and killing everybody. It was pretty epic.

Yeah it's like Wayne Barlowe's illustrations came to life

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the biggest problem is that hellboy (the comic) isn't really good. he always meet some vaguely described supernatural shit, gets his ass kicked in an over the top and boring way before either he turns it around or gets saved.

I choose to believe this is bait.

Legendary AF

Hollywood bullshit. A nigger and an Asian just like TLJ.. Gimme a break! Plus horrible editing and bad acting from oneNote Milla

No focus, just a bunch of random ideas that were slapped together in editing. The bit with the secret society, Baba Yaga or any of the other random excursions in the film could've been their own self-contained thing. Hellboy is a great character for use in a fantasy/adventure series, but only with a tight focus on one story at a time.

The sharp change for Hellboy in the third act where he becomes completely sympathetic to the all the other creatures was also really weird and handled poorly... that stuff was already explored in H2 to much greater effect with Prince Nuada.

I like the sword moment. Maybe in 10 years people will go easy on the film

>what went wrong

Mike Mignola can go fuck himself

>everyone asks for Hellboy 3 for a decade with a conclusion
>okay how about we say fuck that and reboot it for no fucking reason with little marketing
Seriously fuck Hollywood

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>Promises to be a more straightforward adaptation of the comic
>Instead is Deadpool lite with cringed dialogue and none of GDT’s visual flair

I'm halfway through it's fucking awful

Neil Marshall has basically disowned this shit.

Why the fuck would you allow actors to rewrite your movie?

Shit I may have to watch this now. Sounds like a cult midnight movie.

fuck off to /pol/ ==========>>>>>>>>

At some point he throws a tantrum to the professor about "YOU RAISED ME TO MURDER MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS WAAA" I haven't read the comics but hellboy was a whiny bitch the whole movie, only good part about it was when the professor called him out on it at the end

I liked the part when London gets destroyed, especially that one giant monster that uses dead people like legs to walk on.
Other than that, it's trash.
Music, as in songs that they chose to put in, is ok but most of the time it doesn't work because it doesn't fit the tone of the things happening on the screen.

Eh it was alright definitely more comic accurate than the other films. The action was good in certain scenes but lacking in a lot of ways. The giant/osris fight was great. It wasn't as bad as critics and movie goers said.

I would give it a 6/10 average, could have been much better.

Felt like I was watching a different movie in that scene, especially since it was so long and added nothing to the movie

Just watch resident evil. She shows her tits, snatch, everything.


It looked like a cutscene in a game that just a CGI clip made by a different company

After the movie ended, I put on the original just for eyebleach.
Imagine if they included Kroenen. I'd be seething for the rest of the year

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its because hellboy has so much kino potential, but nobody has come close to getting it and now itll never happen

>Mignola didn't like the original movies

I'm sorry what? He fucking co-wrote Hellboy II

fuck that idiot
he was busy screwing this chick instead of making the movie

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that asian dude is probably the least offensive slant eye on the planet, man

the sheboon mutt is literally the ugliest young woman I've ever seen in my entire life

the editing was so bad especially in the last part, they just teleported everywhere

I mean they were in merlin's cave in some remote location and when they here shit's going down in london they just teleport to the hideout, then go outside and look surprised by the chaos

shouldn't they have seen it already when they got INTO the hideout?