What's their best film?

What's their best film?

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First Reformed
Good Time
Flordia Project

Difficult to choose between any of these

Only plebs disagree

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Under the Silver Lake is the only good one

pie boys

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this shit sucks

Killing of a sacred deer

The Witch. Enemy is a close second.

Either Good Time or Killing of a Sacred Deer.

A24 is Reddit the studio

Calling A24 Reddit has become the Reddit of studio posting.

is this because you don't like some of their films

you're just too retarded to understand it

If you say so

the witch

I haven’t seen all of them obviously but Under the Silver Lake and Florida Project are my personal favorites.

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Green room or ex machina plebs


good joke

Holy fucking based user

A24 is a fucking distribution label. It’s like asking someone to talk about their favorite Miramax movies. I obviously understand the appeal as a trendie hipster thing, but I’ll never see them as creators like so many do.

With that said, nobody ever talks about it that much, but the best I’ve seen them release is A Most Violent Year.


reddit: the twitter account

First Reformed, but Good Time is a commendable second

Under the Silver Lake was dogshit. Good Time and Florida Project were pretty good.

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Barely Lethal, obviously

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all trash. the Lanthimos films being among the few that come the closest to rising above pseudocinema. also heard extremely good things about High Life but haven't gotten around to watching it yet.


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I really enjoyed the last black man in san francisco