how did you feel about janelle in moonlight?
How did you feel about janelle in moonlight?
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Nigs usually have solid body features but they always smell like shit and most of the time their hair is fake.
She makes not bad music.
This is a million times hotter when you realize how short she is.
Idk but Archandroid was pretty great. Not much else of note since that
yeah her music is poppin
yeah she is like 5 foot nothing but it's hard to tell unless she's standing next to a normal height
Pretentious negro tbhfam
Would smash tho
Her butt is not what I expected. Sad
No they don’t. Maybe it’s diet but 90% of black women have awful bodies nowadays.
sad? looks pretty great to me
well, im jerking off to black chicks tonight
giant.gfycat com/SaneInnocentGopher.webm
1:40 and on are the best bits
it was nice for her first role..not too much to do though. it would be nice to see her in more stuff.
it's the first time she was seen without a tuxedo or whatever too, haha
who in the what light?
Janelle Monae. She is mostly known for her music but has starred in movies such as Moonlight, Hidden Figures, and soon the Lady and the Tramp remake.
She does but I agree with I expected a nicer ass
she looks a bit thicker in that photo than she usually is
is where how she normally looks so i'm guessing it is
how would you know? you run to the other side of the street and call the cops if you see anyone who's skin is darker than yours.
Her first album is really fucking good
Based on the metropolis movie
5/10 forgettable performance. Ali was the only good thing about that mediocre film.
>Maybe it’s diet but 90% of black women have awful bodies nowadays
those are usually poorer ones
Dirty Computer is hit or miss but good
Holy Toledo
Now, why isn’t she 007? She got style and look good in a suit.
The same way I feel about niggers in literally anything
You don't like 70s blackexploitable movies? You have shit taste, nigga.