>uh, we have written a, uh, a spiderman comic book
Uh, we have written a, uh, a spiderman comic book
Does JJ love his gay son?
>uh, we have written a, uh, a sneed comic book
Blatant display of Jewish nepotism. These hacks get multi-million-dollar writing gigs on iconic franchises, because they're 2nd cousins with the CEO of the studio.
I can still feel dick pleasure
>made everyone believe Spider-Man 4 was happening
>or even the Fantastic 4 being introduced in the MCU
>turns out it's a shitty JJ Abrams comic and everyone is mad
>uh, we have sucked a, uh, a fuck and suck
>*proceeds to ass fuck his faggot son*
Fuck I wish I was a Jew and be able to fuck over billion dollar fandoms and still keep getting major work in the biz
>you can just write a major comic book without having any credentials if your father is a jew
well, I guess Max Landis was the first
And we all suffer because of it.
I only wish they'd make new shit rather than ruining old shit.
That sign looks like a Windows 98 error message.
Imagine unironically wearing eyewear like your father. Especially when your father wears black plastic framed glasses like every hipster douchebag in existence.
stay seething goyboi
My glasses are fully round and kinda big. Do I look faggy? People I know make Harry Potter comparisons, but that's it.
This is the jewiest fucking picture I've ever seen in my life.
Before they had the decency to change their surnames
don't consume their garbage goy
it's that simple
smug looking jew dorks are the worst, spoiler alert spuderman gets shipped an amazon prime mystery box and it blows up and kills him
Then getting kicked out again.
Then go to israhell but forgot is getting blacked as we speak.
Max Landis at least made his own kino before he was given the keys to comic book A-List. What has Abrams' spawn done? Scribble some crayon on the walls? Learned to wipe himself after he make poopoo?
>uh, I'm a jj abrams, daughter
the future mutts chose
Thank God for the right angle, photoshop and our family plastic surgeon.
adam looks like such a creep here