Not sure I can face going into work tomorrow lads

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'll go to work if you promise to go to work, ok?


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>m-muh depression
Get over yourself pussy lmao

Shouldn't drink so much then faggot.

>tfw I work tuesday through friday
tick tock mondaycucks :)

>it's a morning shift

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Why is he drinking toilet bowl cleaner

focus on the future not the past

Yeah I feel you senpai. Used to sit in my car before my shift started and just cry my eyes out. We had box cutters for work and I swear not a day went by where I didn't seriously consider stabbing through the palm of my hand and making it look like an accident so that I could get a few days off. It's not about the money, it's about being put on someone else's schedule like you're a literal fucking slave. That's literally what it is, it's wage slavery

I highly recommend janitorial work. I only see my supervisor a couple times during my shift. Rest of the time I listen to audiobooks.

I've seen this exact same post before word for word
what compels you to post this every fucking time?

I'm NEET and its 5AM here, I will eat cake and shitpost on Yea Forums, get high and then go sleep til 6PM

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No it's not literally slavery, because you can literally get another fucking job.

>interview tomorrow
Fuck fuck fuck fucK FUUUUUUUUUCKK

your bmi must be high level

>because you can literally be a slave to someone else
wow lol

hes comminig sewerslide

How does being NEET work, i was unemployed for 3 straight months and it was a nightmare, i couldnt get any food, couldnt do anything, and was in constant pressure of being kicked out if i didnt find a job soon

Just wear a nice outfit and you'll be fine

Thats what happens when you eat ass.


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>"No its not slavery because you can choose your slaver!"

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burn it to the ground

I feel yah mate, but you and I gotta eat

Does anyone here know how to become a funeral director in the US? Do you need schooling for that?

You're getting paid.

thats pathetic and you know it. no ebin ironic humor frogman meem will change that

Neet only works if you have pushover parents that are happy to let you live off them for life.
I was unemployed for 4 months and my boomer parents made sure it was hell simply out of spite and muh work ethic muh contribution to society

I just spend all my free time on the internet. Even though I desire to do other stuff, I just don't. I've barely watched anime. I watch film/shows anymore. I don't even listen to music all that much. I just spend all my time on YouTube, Yea Forums, or some other useless website. It's been this way since I was a kid, to an extent. I'd always put this internet shit before everything, and have no desire to do anything else.

I think the amount of information we have at our fingertips now is something humans weren't prepared for. I'm not sure if we'll ever be truly prepared for it. Internet addiction is a crippling thing. I didn't believe that it was when it was younger. I do now.

I've slowly been trying to branch out and do other things, but it's sure as hell taking a long time. That's my fault, though. I don't put as much effort into it, for one reason or another.

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Gonna need to wake up early tomorrow to register from this semesters courses. Already have my courses picked out but need to get my spot before they fill out. Then I’ll just sleep all day with air conditioning on blast.

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I'd much rather be doing this than retail cuckery

>be wagie
>plenty of money to buy whatever electronics and entertainment I want
>too exhausted to play anything

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Did you get paid to make that shit post?

fucking same

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Just don't go, what's the worst that can happen?

>getting given used up paper that we are tricked into thinking has worth, in exchange for your precious time on this earth

Go on a screen fast. It'll help.

But only the bare minimum to keep you alive and able to get to work, which is just a slight altercation to slavemaster providing beds and food to his slaves

>tfw I fell for the graduate school meme, my research field is dead and now I can't find a job at the ripe age of 30

You've clearly never done work like it before. The body pays dearly for those repeated motions, you fool.

>tfw run out of new podcasts with three hours left in office

I have always wanted to be a fisherman

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>Not working the comfy nightshift

>tfw PTO tomorrow

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Its not

like I care
gonna refill the vape now and shitpost some more
I can hear dumb wagecucks going to work outside lmao

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This image is making me laugh

Just shake out your hands once in a while lol

fuck commuting to work. how does anyone put up with it? I live 9 minutes away from my job and it's almost too much for me.

it's our species' fault, user. society's fault. no reason to be so specific or self-damning when you lived how society intended. if your child isn't on a phone+tablet+laptop+social media by the time it's 2, there's something wrong with the parent. this has been the norm for many years now, and it's not getting better.

also the game

>getting tricked by the fiat jew

Shut up idiot

i have an hour long drive to work
I cry on the way home some days lol

good thing the collapse is probably soon

Same, I’ve never been more than 15 minutes from my job. You already spend like 8 hours slaving, and at least 30 minutes getting ready in the morning. I can’t imagine making it 10 hours

I wish I was as worthless to you. I just wanna sleep all day and jerk off.

see >you fool
also, i truly hope you end up with a job like this where you're standing in one spot for hours at a time, fiddling with some stupid shit in your hands. would serve you well.

Good luck user. Just went through all that shit myself.

you are a slave golem and you belong into a wagecage
someone has to fund my lavish NEET lifestyle and that one is wagecucks like you.
to me you are like a little rodent running in his wheel

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Shit, this reminds me, I start my new job Tuesday

Any tips?

kill ur boss

for sure jelly (just like the idiots here expressing hate instead). adopt an asocial and lazy gf if it suits you, never have a child, and you're set.


I cant take the boring neetlife anymore where do I find work Yea Forums?

As someone who has both been a shutin and a 9 to 5er in a job I like, holy crap I feel sorry for you losers.

The mere talking time, injokes and social connection with the rest and of the workers is worth it. From discussing game of thrones and whatnot, to tabletop games.

I only feel sorry for those stuck in a job with no common interests with the rest of their coworkers. In which case it is worth trying until you find one.

But you have to try, and it is worh it.

Smile at people

Wear a nice watch.

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job kinda sucks
can't find a better job, it's the best i can get
having all that time alone with my thoughts and past makes me very regretful

>a job I like
and what job is that?

>unironically being that fucking guy who won’t shut the fuck up about his normie shows and fantasy sportsball

Don't be too friendly with people or they will invite you to do things when all you want to do is go home and watch anime but you don't have the balls to reject them so you just turn off your phone and try not to worry too much


Boy how did you find these strange and unusual humans to discuss such an obscure serial talkie.

I mean I have friends outside work I have way more in common with. I just don’t find it worth it to get to know my co-workers at all. I think people think I’m a douche but I just want to go, listen to podcast/audiobook, and leave as soon as possible.

that really sounds just awful