>annoying loudmouth brat who busts Peter's balls
Far From Home
>shy and reserved girl who gets nervous around Peter
What the fuck?
>annoying loudmouth brat who busts Peter's balls
Far From Home
>shy and reserved girl who gets nervous around Peter
What the fuck?
he tamed her with the BWC
next movie she'll be in the lab creating spidey suits while peter clean the house and do the laundry.
No wonder she was more likeable.
next movie she'll be giving peter a cleveland steamer while he calls her aunt may
I'd bust my balls all over her face... if you know what I mean
she has an awful body. tall no tits, hips, ass. Maybe she should try gaining some weight
It's almost like she's a teenage girl.
its almost like kids tease someone they like or something, which sounds fucking retarded amiright?
Maybe you should try having sex
Are these people supposed to be big time memorable movie icons like Tom Hanks or Julia Roberts?
She's odd looking but I do like her big pink lips.
She looks like she'd be a good cuddler. Also, I appreciated how awkward they were.
Is she really a dude as the rumors claim?
Becky, where did you get this screenshot?
They are to a bunch of 12 year olds on twitter.
>expecting consistent character development in capeshit
Fuck off, jungle fever
>taking inaccurate greentexts seriously
literally built for dick
literally what basis
Are they real?
If her hair was black and straight, she would look 100% Mexican. Strange she’s half white and black, she looks unique
I don't see a dick, do you?
She would legitimately make a pretty attractive male. A dick and short hair and she'd be a major prettyboy.
>Calls out Peter for commenting on how attractive she is.
>actor is an actual basic bitch.
She doesn't call him out. Where did you get this idea from?
She's gonna play Chani in the new Dune movies; where it's canon that she gets dicked by Paul.
Why is she such a slut for bleaching?
I can see it.
Acting like you don't want to suck his dick
>you're really pretty
>aaand therrrrreforre i haaaav value?
Literally in the trailer you gaslighting fuck.
I'm literally addicted to Zendaya
peter: "youre really pretty"
"Mj": "therefore I have value?"
It's woke bitchy horseshit.
To be fair that was a joke, a shit one but it wasn’t serious
she enjoys the twink dick
She was joking. She even says so herself. She even explains in the movie why she talks like that. It's spelled out for you and you friendless weirdos still misinterpret it.
Take a shower, go outside.
Literally two seconds later she says she's kidding and compliments him on his looks right back
would love to fuck her face not gonna lie
>Literally in the trailer you gaslighting fuck.
The irony
She's undeniably masculine in face and body, yet attractive nonetheless. Would it really just be she would make a better guy?
>Literally two seconds later she says she's kidding and compliments him on his looks right back
That's fucking annoying. Take the compliment and compliment him back like a fucking normal person. FUCK!
You're trying too hard.
I wish we could have gotten an attractive MJ
Do you really have to reply to my message multiple times?
The whole beat of the scene was to make Peter look derpy for commenting on her looks. Her going "lol jk" is irrelevant. You are wrong.
Back to /pol/
stop being offended all the time by everything
No the whole beat of the scene is to show that she likes Peter because she's teasing him. When she reveals later that it's hard for her to talk to people (Something you should relate to) and that's why she's kind of a jerk, that shows that she uses teasing and confrontation as a coping mechanism.
Fuck off Destiny.
I need some chocolate.
That's completely wrong though. You're trying way too hard.
>implying big bird has sexy legs
>Hey wanna have gay sex?
>n-no homo though....
Thanos snap doubled his test
You need the BBC
If you're too insecure to admit you like petite women, you're a faggot.
>if you don't like boys in wigs you're into midgets
>Yes, everything you heard rumored about me being a guy is true, I do have a cock. What are you gonna do about it?
she looks like a filipino boy
That isn't a boy in a wig.
But she has the exact same appeal
he is very cute
he should've just said "Yes, and it stops there."
she is a she
Then why has she had tranny rumors for like six years?
>"Ready to lose your virginity, user? Ok, now spread those legs..."
Seriously? Why does hollyjew hate boobs now?
I don't know any of her other work but it seems like she's already a star before being casted as MJ. Is she a singer or something?
She looks like a less attractive male version of Moner
Yes a 'she' with the same sexual appeal of a boy in a wig.
Why is that confusing?
>"and therefore i have value?"
I like how people keep applying a literal joke line the character didn't mean as some kind of attempted gotcha
>When she reveals later that it's hard for her to talk to people (Something you should relate to)
You could tell that they were going for some kind of Aubrey Plaza/April Lovegate thing with her character. Too bad it didn't really work.
I think she's cute, but MJ should be a hot redhead. I didn't even like Kirsten Dunst in the role, MJ should be model hot, not girl next door hot.
Yeah I've got a dick. So what?
She's worked almost entirely with Disney (two Disney Channel shows and now Spider-Man). Euphoria on HBO is her first significant project outside of Disney.
>another red-head replaced with a black girl who's light skinned enough so people wont complain as much
what's the endgame here
Suck it
isn't it like an open secret that she's a MtF tranny?
Gotcha. Thanks user
>literally see her develop feelings for him towards the end of the first movie
Also, the trope of a guy treating his girl bestfriend like shit and suddenly turns quiet when she dresses up nicely has been done a million times already.
literally makes him hotter
It's very heavily implied in the first movie she had been nursing feelings for him for some time. She even unconvincingly tries to explain away why she knew Peter's schedule by claiming she knew everyone's, not because she was obsessed with him or anything.
this movie wouldve been 10x better if MJ or Ned was 5 years older now because of the snap but instead they kinda forgot it happened xd 1/16 chance of Ned Peter MJ and the arab all being snapped
>they should just completely eliminate key supporting characters from his movies because...reasons
I don't get why the Asian guy was still in high school if he wasn't snapped, unless I misunderstood and he literally just got hunky while he was snapped
He was like 10 before the snap. Now he's their age.
They should have used it as an opportunity to get rid of the Pajeet.
They should have combined Flash and the new Asian guy into one character.
It's not like flash does anything worthwhile in the movie anyway. Plus this would have been a good opritunity to age him up to prepare him for agent venom
dont make the movie before this one 5 years in the future with a pretty massive plot point that half of the people are living with 5 years gone by and the other half are adapting to the world again. Seems like if u get rid of half the people you fuck the economy of the world but now everyone is back 5 years later that was legit double penetrate the economy
I think the Asian guy was 5 years younger then everyone. So now he's classmates with Peter. That's just what I assumed, but they didn't really do a good job making it clear.
This isn't Avengers. It's Spider-Man. There is literally zero reason to remove all of Spider-Man's supporting cast to satisfy some arbitrary demand you have of a different film.
When they're on the plane ned says something like 'its weird before he was just that annoying kid and now hes here with us'
Is everyone in here 15? This movie was so goddamn boring and unfunny I walked out after the gay fighting scene that started after the Opera. Terrible movie.How do you manage to make fighting scenes boring?
Apart from literally showing a photo of him young and then now and saying in voiceover that people they'd known as younger students are now in the same class as them.
>this isnt Avengers
it is the MCU though
so what?
Yes, and this is a solo film, with its own corner of that universe. Thus because it would be retarded to remove Spider-Man's supporting cast from the narrative, they didn't do that.
made for ___
Would you give a reacharound?
So why exactly does this bitch go by one name like Oprah or Cher? Just seems pretentious.
Why even bother making live-action Spidermans when the animated Spiderman is much better in every way?
As she's mixed, if she gets filled with a bbc is it still her getting BLACKed?
Because his character doesn't work, and no one likes his character.
This. I actually liked her in FFH.
Now when you had mentioned this, I realized that Peter and his friends somehow felt more mature in Homecoming, than they did in Far From Home. Odd.
that can't be a guy
Shut up dad, you don't understand my tsundere