Walking Dead: Governor question

Hey Yea Forums, so I didn’t post online much back when this show was airing these seasons and didn’t really care about it enough to see how fans reacted to the show, but what was the general consensus about the Governor as a character?

I know this show jumped the shark a long time ago, but I was watching a different show (which I won’t name cause it’ll probably bias people’s responses) and in this show there’s a character who has an almost identical character arc and character archetype as the Governor in the show. And apparently a group of fans just started reeeing over this character being poorly written wasted potential who should have had a bigger role and stuff like that.

So I’m curious was there any kind of reaction like that to the Governor.
To clarify I know everyone hates how Season 3 ended, I’m asking about the Governor specifically. What were the reactions to him slowly showing himself to be more and more of a fucking lunatic, what were the reactions to him mowing down all his people when things stopped going his way, What was the reaction to his death, etc.

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The governor is the best part of the show and the show does with him.

Honestly this is pretty in line with some people’s thoughts on the character I’m referring to.
What can I say, at the end of the day I guess people really just love a good villain.

Season 3 and season 4 taught me that I wouldnt get an adaptations thats anywhere close to being faithful. Read the comics from the moment they find the prison until the end of issue 48 and you tell me you like ANY of that fucking shit. This governor is a faggot and the real governor would get someone to rape this man for weeks slowly chopping off pieces of tv governor keeping him alive to feed his dead under 10 daughter who he wants to fuck.
I stopped watching when they revealed (Spoiler) got bit. A season or two ago. I am glad i bailed. Its total shit

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Comic Governor was a silly cartoon who makes Negan look like a well developed character.

Are you referring to Stannis?


No, I’m not naming the show because it’s really bad.
And as I’m typing this I realize this description doesn’t disqualify GOT so let me clarify further.
The show in question was NEVER good, and is 100% a guilty pleasure show for me.

The reason I’m not naming it is this would immediately turn into a thread talking about how shit my taste is rather than discussing the question at hand.

Also this character’s arc literally hits every beat of the show Governor’s arc. Everything from murdering his followers in a blind rage when they start doubting him after getting dunked on, to him wandering alone like a vagabond afterwards, and finally dying while trying to get revenge on the protagonists who dunked on him previously.

If anyone’s that curious I’ll try and post a picture after either some more people post replies or the thread is about to die.

fuck off stranger things fag

My biggest gripe was that they screwed up the prison invasion, basically neutering the biggest gut punch in the series up to that point, because they wanted to save the final face off with the Governor for the next season.

Also wrong.
In fact, maybe I’m retarded but I don’t even know who in Stranger Things would fit this description if that was the show I was talking about.

K scott gimple.
Governor was a deranged pyschopath....but there arent any of those in the apocalypse. Fuck off. And Negan became the best character in the whole series behind Carl and rick.
And the show fucked up all of the magic that negan carl and rick had in the comics.

Your discussion is pretty much over. Can you quit being a cuck and name the character you find similar to him?

This. I stopped watching after they killed him off.

idk either i don't watch stranger things or have a clue what mysterious fag show you watch

They pulled a lot of their punches with the Governor/Woodbury arc. As people have pointed out, the Governor is a lot more sadistic in the comic, and he only gets worse after Michonne tortures him. This is also much more gruesome in the comics. He loses his eye, but then also an arm, and it's implied that Michonne castrates him. She does a number on him and it takes a while for him to recover. Then the prison battle itself is much weaker in the show. In the comic, it's an absolute bloodbath against the prison crew and probably the most painful to read issue up to that point in the series. Remember little Judith, who's still alive at this point in the show? She's blown to bits when Lori is shot in the back with a high powered rifle. Then this is where the Governor also meets his end, when the Woodbury crew realizes they've been tricked into killing a baby and a bunch of innocent people.

When the show flipped this around and changed the battle into a nonevent, it just felt cheap, like some kind of tease. The Governor would probably have made even more of an impression if they'd done this sequence justified, even if that meant getting rid of him half a season sooner.

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Parabolic dubs demand it so here you go.
>Starts as “morally grey”tm character who does whatever is necessary for his people
>but over course of the show is revealed to really just be more a lunatic on a power trip
>then gets humiliated in a completely disappointing battle with the protagonists
>followers start doubting him and stop listening to him
>Just fucking murders all of them in a blind rage
>wanders off alone
>comes back to start stalking protagonists
>Tries to kill them
>gets impaled with a sword
And after he died there were a lot of people saying stuff exactly like thisFag show is probably an accurate description.

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Yeah even as someone who didn’t read the comics that “battle” at the end of season 3 was garbage.

The show died with him.
My favorite episodes are the two(?) where it's just him walking around after loosing everything, then almost getting a redemption arc, only for him to go back to being a full villain later in the season. He had a great actor and a better character arc than most everyone else in the show, even if that's not saying much.

>Ko'd gov
>Nailed his dick to a board
>raped him with a spoon
>Used the spoon to shovel shit in govs mouth taped it shut in his mouth
>Drilled into his shoulder blade
>removed all the finger nails fron that shoulders hand
>Chop of that same arm at elbows length
>Takes the shit covered spoon and pops the governors eye out
>goons bang on the door
>Michonne leaves but cuts off his dick in the process because even though its basically useless she dont want to risk another person getting raped

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Bump ya sneed/big guy/capeshit/got/disney shill faggots

the gov only episodes were the best in the show which is a consequence of the tease battle

Just because we got something good out of it doesn’t make it not bad, but fair point regardless.