They really couldnt wait until at least connery died to pull this jewish shit?

They really couldnt wait until at least connery died to pull this jewish shit?

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connery is a fucking fossil.

A fossil with infinitely more value than some committee focus group generated progressive n'nog

Dude is almost 90 and still going strong. He'll outlive the Queen, mark my words

if he's working on a project that entertains me, he has value. otherwise...

and fuck jews.

Wait, what happened?

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What is everyone's favorite Connery kino?

They're replacing Craig's bond with a nigger, an ugly one with short hair

007 is now a bold beautiful black woman. YASS QUEEN SLAY

easy, Man Who Would Be King

Remember the oh next bond is gonna be idris elba. Well the kikes saw how mad some people got at that and said.
Lets make bond a literal WHO black woman


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Looks like a high caste Indian. Certainly not white

Which film is this particular scene from? I haven't seen a Connery bond in a few years.

Yea it makes me want to puke OP. Fuckin gonna have a nigger “Scottish” woman as bond...BAKA

truly we are living in a world fit only for clowns

Connery did try and warn everybody.

Imagine being on the wrong side of history. Keep seething /pol/

Is this why Danny Boyle quit?

Sounds pretty awful

I'm pretty sure this is exactly the reason he quit. He can't just come out and say it, but it's implied

looks like his introduction scene in dr. no

Being this stupid to not even realize you are just a pawn. You people are too lazy to create your own shit because you feel entitled. That's part of the programming your masters indoctrinated you with. But keep wearing your Gold Victim Star. You earned it

This reads like tumblr fan fiction

I'm tired of reading these threads and thinking okay this one has to be bullshit, then I look it up and it's actually fucking real.

Yea Forums trolling saying that James Bond will be a negress in the next movies.

Imagine caring about this or the Ariel thing in the slightest. Couldn't be me :)

You guys must have pretty sad lives if this is something you find worthy of throwing a fit over. Here's a thought - chill the fuck out. If you think these movies are cashgrabs, dont fucking see them or just pirate them. News flash, all movies that have worldwide releases are cashgrabs. Every. Single. One. Including the Connery bond films. You can't do anything about it so chill the fuck out and enjoy life.

What part of BLACK FEMALE 007 don't you understand?!?

while you throwing a fit over these very people isn't sad at all.

Save your moral fagging for reddit. This shit is everywhere and anons are airing out their dislikes for it. In a place where they don't have to label a sexist or whatever.

How is it trolling?
>Bond is retired
>Nigger bitch takes over his role as 007
>Bond comes out of retirement
>The events of the movie unfold
>Everything is wrapped up, back to retirement
>Nigger bitch takes over as the new face of the James Bond franchise
>Next movie stars her as the lead
This is literally what is going to happen

I couldn't care less about the Ariel thing as I don't watch cartoons or care about them and their live action movies.
But I grew up on Bond, have seen almost all of them, love the character and go to see each new one as it comes out.
This is blatantly ruining the character just for SJW points and yeah, that upsets me.

Not throwing a fit, just putting the facts out there.
Well then all those anons complaining are sexist/racist. Simple.

Not if it chokes. Besides it looks like itll be a one and done deal. Itll be rebooting with a new male lead in a few years.

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So your moral fagging is just a veiled attempt at preaching. How is it that you're not trolling again?

the only fact is you're a faggy shill.

>Nigger bitch takes over as the new face of the James Bond franchise
>Next movie stars her as the lead

Unless Barabara Broccoli developed dementia, it's not happening.

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imagine for a second that you are a female and the female franchise you love dearly ends up being turned into a mans leading role. you lose the ability to enjoy the film. im sorry but fuck you tranny

If you honestly think she has a choice and that the studio in charge, in this case Universal, won't Jew their way into getting what they want, then you haven't been paying attention.

>The jewwwwwssss
What a tired bogeyman
Would be difficult considering most media has been male dominated for decades.

i saw the thread earlier today and thought it was just typical Yea Forums shitposting. i cant believe it was real

Looking at it from the opposite point of view really shows you how fucked up it all is.

i remember in the 90s thinking the film industry was dead. i just didnt think it would get worse. boy was a i wrong. dont get me wrong i love movies and each year theres always something to entertain me but if you look at the scope of it all, the future really is going to get worse and it scares me. males (Forget race) need cool heroes or fantasies. I cant expect woman to understand why Bond is so cool to me. He gets the girl and wins. Its not something I expect females to appreciate. But its something I enjoyed. And now its being taken away. They could have easily just made a female 00 secret agent film and not have taken away James Bond. Theres enough money to make both but no, they have to fuck me where it hurts. I dont blame the jews, I blame everyone. Fuck everyone.

exactly, you cant understand the very concept so your understanding of why this upsets us men so much will not make any sense to you. Im all about equality because theres enough to go around. If they have to make a film to cater to woman, there should be films catered to men. Plain and simple.

>>expecting women to produce their own movies.

Whadda joke

From Russia With Love is his best and the best Bond on top.

This is why people are upset.
There are loads of spy movies that could be made for a woman, but they specifically stole one of ours.

Nobody here cares that you've got a minor in LGBT studies and certainly nobody cares if you approve of them or not

She will be agent 007 but she won't be James Bond, you fucking retard.
>>Nigger bitch takes over as the new face of the James Bond franchise
>>Next movie stars her as the lead
How do you know that? What if she died in the next movie? What if they reboot?

the spy trope is an awesome genre that's under utilized. im all for woman having their own franchise where they get the "bond boys". its fantasy and its popcorn fun. I get it, but don't take our shit from us. We want our "bond girls".

I don't see it happening. She is gonna be Bond only in this movie at least that is what i got from original article.

>Not throwing a fit, just putting the facts out there.

that's the only hope I have. That this whole thing was blown out of proportion and shes simply a minor character in this film and if reception is well, shell get her own spin off and James Bond will continue to be the main character in all future Bond movies.

Hell nah, I see this as one of the best opportunities to create a good story. Nerds are raging for something good, just look at some of the stuff on indigogo, they're selling like hotcakes. Jewwood might never pick up your work but these days you don't need them to make a living if you're stuff is good and tailored to those that want good world building stories.

This too. Its like no one even read the article. Its still scary to think of a world where theres no male bond. Its funny though, I saw the girl and im like.. well at least its not idris elba lol

At least they can save money - instead of an Aston Martin they are going to use a Chrysler 300 with mismatched body panels

danny boyle wanted it to be an indian guy fucking a white lady

Facts by calling people racist? Nah why would that not be typically trolling

Can't wait for the parts where she grills him on white privilege and they can end the movie with her proclaiming that it is "her turn".

It has to stop at some point, right?

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the futures female or tranny.

As long as it's cute females(male) I can deal with that.

cant be real

>it is

never forget Yea Forums, the three magic words I saw on this day:
