Why do the zoomers like this fucking shit?
Why do the zoomers like this fucking shit?
zoomers are legitimate retards. nobody who grew up with Friends in the 90s actually liked it. it was only basic bitches and theater fags who liked this shitty ripoff of Seinfeld.
fuck friends, what's the deal with virtually every zoomer liking the office?
t. zoomer
Not a zoomer, but I'll reply (28M).
It's the only sitcom I can actually relate to, and is genuinely funny while still being family-friendly so I can watch it with anyone.
Just finished the last episode tonight, mom and me watched all 10 seasons in the last 4 months, was kino.
How do you relate to it if you live with your mom?
you have sense of humor, but everyone does. you don't have a good sense of humor. you watch this show with your mom and that can only mean you are a gay. that's fine with me. but it proves that i am right that only gay men enjoyed this show and not the vast majority of men.
Have Sex
>genuinely funny
FRIENDS is one of the worst shows of all time and if you enjoy it in 2019 you don't deserve to have an opinion about literally anything. Your opinion is that it's too hot? You're an idiot and I don't believe you.
damn, that's a lot of insecurity and projection
I feel genuinely bad for you both
the only people who should be able to say "have sex" are people that actually had their dick in a woman
lets talk about our feelings all episode and put a laughtrack on it
90s kino and actually still relevent today
No, I’m just wondering how you relate to the show about roommates when you live with your mom.
1. no niggers
2. 20 minute short episodes
3. you don't even know what's happening half the time
4. their apartment is cozy
5. attractive cast (see #1)
Gen x loves it. Also its trash for women.
Why are all FRIENDS haters always Seinfeld fans I like both shows btw
Please learn our poorly-defined meme terms for different generations if you want to fit in better
Zoomers are the ones who hate it. Fuck off OP you stupid zoomer.
No dumbass, it’s literally teens and college kids watching the re-runs now.
Because they don't have actual friends.
It's just a simple feel good comedy that's always on TV, you can leave in the background and it doesn't matter if you miss an episode, because nobody cares about the story.
It's not anything special, it's not some intellectually stimulating comedy or anything, nobody claimed it to be. You faggots get too fucking rustled over some fucking comedy show, it's not like seinfeld never happened, and if it was popular instead of Friends you'd all be hating on it just as much.
this, I just watch it while I'm having dinner alone, it makes me feel less lonely
This is not true. The glut of media available today didn't exist then. The vast majority ate this shit up.
why did you quote me? I said I watch the fucking thing you idiot
It's background noise. That form of media didn't previously exist. These shows were appointment viewing when they originally aired. They are now just atmosphere while people search out their narrow cast material.
Frasier was Seattle's top heroin distributor.
Or did you not pick up on that subplot?
i didn't know thats what they use fish eggs for
Name 17 good jokes in the show
Based. I hope you have a good day.