What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

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Be very careful. The Breaking Bad fans here are very hostile and will defend their walter white daddy to the grave. Do not question him.

Greed and cunt wife

Surely nobody actually likes Walt. His DEA brother was the real hero

He felt humiliated and wanted control and power in his life.

This. Isaac Schrader was the true hero of the show

He did nothing wrong, and fuck fucking Hank

His cunt of a wife.

He only got a handjob for his 50 birthday what did you expect was going to happen?

breaking bad was a good portrait of a mad sperg

A bad mix of pride and cowardice

he had cancer, and his medical insurers fucked him over.

he should have gone to Canada.

He was a rotten human being. Always had been bitter, jealous, manipulative, a liar, a murderer in potential.

surrounded by retards

And wait three years for an appointment

>blocks your path

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The gay sex you have is... 70% pure, at best.
The gay sex I have is... 99% pure.
Now, gay my name.

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He's impossible to defend after season 5


He undergoes a spiritual death


Reminder that Skylar caused Walt Jr.'s paulsey by smoking while pregnant.

Pick yourself up
Dust yourself off
Start all over again

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