This is a joke, right?

This is a joke, right?

I mean couldn't they had at least picked a good decent looking one?.....I really do now wish it had been Idris Elba

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Despite making up only 13% of the population, blacks are over 85% of all actors in film

Eugene Levy eyebrows

don't understand who they think the target audience is going to be

What’s happneing to society

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It'll flop so who cares.

this is disgusting

truly the collapse of society as we know it, are white men the most oppressed group of people ever?

Anybody at this point. They know Bond 25 is a colossal shit show so they tossed Lynch into it to put some asses in the seats.

It's a British movie, what the fuck did you expect? This is the same country that made Robin Hood black, Julius Caesar black, Joan of Arc black, Rosa Parks black, Lady Di black. The list goes on. Their national channel is literally called BBC ("Big Black Cock").

I guess mentally challenged people are the most oppressed. But yeah being white isn't much fun these days.
>tfw born too late in human history and earth sucks
>tfw born too soon and can't move into a white planet

This nigger looks completely bored and loathing Daniel gets to speak and be interviewed about Bond. Of course, Daniel is a sjw cuck, as revealed in the video:

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>cast a blonde bond
>next change bond into a black female
and people say the slippery slope isn't real

Oh well at least we can be happy that we got to live through the 90's and 2000's and see some Bond kino back when it was new. Everything has being rotting lately, we can only rejoyce looking at the past.

we're living in it

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>Bond series flops
>"Waaaaaaaaah racists won't see our movie with such total self-unawareness"

In their defense, she kinda looks like Idris Elba

That type of shit just puts him in a weird spot cause it's not like hes going to say No

Elba is better looking than this nigress.

/pol/ faggots are advertising it like crazy for day, and for free.
they are the true niggers.

This shit is just a parody at this point. Someone is really having a blast with these castings, it's gotta be the most expensive inner joke ever.

cant wait for this new era of cinema

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It was actually worse than the meme. How do ((((They)))) keep getting away with it!!

She's a ugly nigger, what do you expect?

>sjw cuck
no hes just a little bit smarter than you

they probably go straight to /pol/ and laugh at all the butthurt

why do these fucking jews always pick ugly niggers

Because if they're attractive it's racist, sexist, and homophobic all at the same time

How are retards actually mad about this? The movie is about Bond retiring and will focus on him as the main character. Since he retired they got a new person to fill in as 007. She will get 5 minutes of screen time at most and then the next bond movie will be released years from now with a male lead as usual.

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Yeah cause ghostbusters sold well