>Movie Rankings
1. Spider-Man 2 (100%)
2. Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse (100%)
3. Spider-Man (90%)
4. Spider-Man Far From Home (75%)
5. Spider-Man 3 (70%)
6. Spider-Man Homecoming (70%)
7. The Amazing Spider-Man (50%)
8. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (20%)

>Spider-Man Interpretation/Writing Rankings
1. Tobey Maguire
2. Jake Johnson
3. Andrew Garfield
4. Tom Holland

>Spider-Man Acting/Performance Rankings
1. Tom Holland
2. Jake Johnson
3. Tobey Maguire
4. Andrew Garfield

>Love Interest Rankings
1. Gwen (TASM)
2. Mary Jane (Raimi)
3. "MJ" (MCU)

>Aunt May Rankings
1. Rosemary Harris
2. Marissa Tomei
3. Sally Field

>Costume Rankings
1. Spider-Man 1 Main Suit
2. Spider-Man Far From Home Red and Black Suit
3. TASM 2 Suit
4. Spider-Man 2 and 3 Suit
4. Homemade Suit (Raimi)
5. Homemade Suit (MCU)
6. MCU Stealth Suit
7. MCU Suit
8. Iron Spider Suit
9. TASM 1 Suit
10. Homemade Suit (TASM)
11. Black Suit (Spider-Man 3)
Not Applicable. ITSV Suit (its just the comic suit)

>Villain Rankings
1. Doc Ock
2. Sandman
3. Vulture
4. Green Goblin
5. Mysterio
6. Lizard
7. Harry (Raimi)
8. Venom
9. Electro
10. Harry (TASM)

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Other urls found in this thread:

>6. Lizard
I legitimately fucking forgot Lizard was a villain in one of these.

>>Movie Rankings
>1. Spider-Man 2 (100%)
>2. Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse (100%)
>3. Spider-Man (90%)
>4. Spider-Man Far From Home (75%)
>5. Spider-Man 3 (70%)
>6. Spider-Man Homecoming (70%)
>7. The Amazing Spider-Man (50%)
100% agree.

>Comic Storyline Adaptation Rankings
1. Spider-Man No More (SM2)
2. Spider-Verse (ITSV)
3. The Night Gwen Stacy Died (SM1)
4. The Death of Captain Stacy (TASM1)
5. Black Suit Saga (SM3)
6. If This Be My Destiny (Homecoming)
7. The Night Gwen Stacy Died (TASM2)

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making Aunt May young completely misses the point of having her elderly

having her elderly makes Peter's life more sympathetic and caring for things. Also helps reinforce the whole "out cast nerd" thing since most usually come from broken/unique family situations like that. It literally adds to the whole "friendly neighborhood" thing. Having him grow with elderly folk helps him become that type of person.
Also, the human interaction stuff in the Amazing Spiderman films are TOP notch after viewing them again a couple of days ago. The scenes almost feel like a completely different indie/drama movie.

Disney completely misses the point of an elderly May by making her Aunt Milf (not complaining cause damn) and making her into comic relief.

The Amazing Spiderman FIlms both also offer the best representation of Spider-Man in film yet.

(Tobey is close second ONLY because his web shooters aren't comic accurate like TASM or Disney)

Tom Holland, however is the worst peter, Spidey and has the worst love interest. However, Disney spidey has the better villains than TASM films.

Only redeeming parts of the MCU spiderman films desu

I will be monitoring this thread for potential

>Movie Rankings
1. Spider-Man 2
2. Spider-Man
3. Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse
4. Spider-Man 3
5. Spider-Man: Far From Home
6. Spider-Man: Homecoming
7. The Amazing Spider-Man
8. The Amazing Spider-Man 2

>Spider-Man Interpretation/Writing Rankings
1. Tobey Maguire
2. Jake Johnson
3. Andrew Garfield
4. Tom Holland

>Spider-Man Acting/Performance Rankings
1. Tobey Maguire
2. Jake Johnson
3. Tom Holland
4. Andrew Garfield

>Love Interest Rankings
1. Mary Jane
2. Gwen
3. Michelle 'MJ' Jones

>Aunt May Rankings
1. Rosemary Harris
2. Sally Field
3. Marisa Tomei

>Villain Rankings
1. Doc Ock
2. Green Goblin
3. Mysterio
4. Sandman
5. Vulture
6. The New Goblin (Raimi)
7. Venom
8. Lizard
9. Electro
10. Green Goblin (Webb)

why is everyone shitting on Garfield? he is the only one who actually does spider like shit. He literally builds a web to feel for the lizards vibration. He feels like he really embodies an insect in both of his films. Something missing from both Tobey and Holland.

"does what ever a spider does" hardly even matters in the MCU spidey

Because his writing was shit, his acting was shit, his interpretation was shit, and his movies were shit.

Spider-Man 2
Spider-Man, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Everything else


Because Spider-Man isn't supposed to embody an insect. He just happened to get bitten by a spider and got heightened senses and strength. He could be Ant-Man or Insect-Man if he so wanted to be. He just chose the spider because that's what he got bitten by. If anything, the Raimi movies actually gave him natural webbing, making him more spider-like.

how is his acting shit when he nails every characteristic of both Peter and Spidey more so than Holland? How is he poorly written when it's actually a much more interesting story than anything the MCU spidey has offered? The only thing that make those movies shit are the villains but everything else is a pretty good B+

I would assume youd know he is suppose to have spider characteristics since the name "spider-man" implies it what. Saying he is just called that because he got bit from a spider is the dumbest shit anybody could say. Obviously never read a spiderman comic if youre saying shit like that bh

If you say spider-man 2 is the best you are an objectively wrong nostalgiafag bandwagon

what's the best?

Because that's an extremely autistic point to make, who cares about Spider-Man actually acting like a spider unless you are some sort of furry? It also has nothing to do with the actor.

None of his abilities are exclusive to spiders.

wow to think that's too much to ask for when that's literally a characteristic of the character. A well known characteristic that it is even included in the fucking theme song. Only faggots who pretend to read comics are okay with Iron Boy than a legitimated Spider-Man. KYS

>>wow to think that's too much to ask for when that's literally a characteristic of the character
Since fucking when, faggot?

Its a gimmick theme, he isnt literally a Spider-Man who drinks melted fluids and spins web eggs for his hatchlings and shit.

spider sense for starters.
Spinning webs for seconds

we can also dive into the different spider families which explain why he can jump and be flexible as such too

but there's a beautiful scene in TASM that profoundly shows this that I'm 100% no one takesz notice on

You're fucking retarded. The powers he got can easily be associated with tons of different insects. He could have been called literally anything. He just went with the spider name because he happened to get bitten by a SPIDER. The only film where he gains a spider power is in the Raimi movies, which gives him webbing without the need of the web shooter like in the comics. Besides, nobody fucking cares about how much of a spider he acts like. Remember how in the Raimi movies he uses his webbing to trap the criminals until the police arrived like how a spider keeps it's victims in webbing? You obviously don't. Go watch a documentary about spiders if you want to see how a spider acts.

it's also implied in the name (SPIDER)-MAN you fucking dumbass

I think people WOULD assume if a dumbass is calling himself SPIDER-man that he will somehow have shit relating to a fucking spider.

again, kys retard

Which is entirely fictional and doesnt exist
>spinning webs
With a mechanical device he had to build himself and is not a superpower.
Not exclusive to spiders.

Literally the only aspect of him remotely exclusive to spiders is the webshooters which are fucking gadgets he had to build.

His powers have nothing inherently to do with spiders.





"oh he's not a spider even though he literally has spider dna fused with him"

fucking retard


Which is his point you dumb fuck. The only reason he's Spider-Man is because it was a Spider that bit him. His actual POWERS have nothing to do with spiders.

He doesnt act like a spider, and he never has.

>spider sense is fictional

have you never tried killing a fucking spider and it jumps and runs immediately? retard. I'm not even gonna give you any attention after outing your fucking self like that

>crawling on buildings
>spider sense
>growing additional arms
> literally just crawling

what other fucking superhero crawls on buildings and people morons

how else would he know to build a fucking web to use for his convenience like an actual spider

half of the people on this thread are in hella denial

Thats because they have 8 eyes you dumb cunt not fucking ESP holy shit did you legitimately just say that?

Fly's do the same god damn thing.

Attached: ok.gif (194x228, 809K)

it's still ain't fictional which is mostly what drove that response. It's literally still a sense associated with spiders

he literally has spider dna in him

he literally has spider blood in him

stan lee would be so outraged right now

glad he ain't here to see the dismantle of such a creative character and idea. Just to become a rehashed version of Iron man in the MCU

Spiders aren't insects, retard.

>>>crawling on buildings
All bugs do this. Fucking lizards do this. MONKEYS do this.
F I C T I O N A L.
Its fucking ESP.
>growing additional arms
Nigga look at a crab and tell me how many limbs it has.
>literally just crawling
I'm sorry are you legitimately implying Spiders are the only creature on earth that crawls?
>how else would he know to build a fucking web to use for his convenience like an actual spider
By not being a retard?
>what other fucking superhero crawls on buildings and people morons
The Ant, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, Venom, Batman sometimes.

Spider-Sense is fucking fictional you god damn idiot.

Which is why he's SPIDER-Man yes, but his POWERS are not exclusive to spiders, you moron.

you know what I meant dumbass

We aren't talking about other superheroes. We're talking about different insects. Several insects can crawl on walls. Spider-Sense doesn't exist in the way you think it does. Plenty of insects have additional arms.

You're going off about technicalities and "but but but" and you dont even know what a Spider is. You're retarded.

you really think if he was bitten by an ant he would jumping high as shit too and being flexible

it's literally the fact that ALL those characteristics are FOUND in a Spider's DNA



it's literally basically just fucking splicing and ofc the host always retains attributes of the fucking thing he is being spliced with retards
why is everyone in denial that Garfield is top spiderman. Tobey is literally right behind.

i know what a spider is. Of all comments you're trying to be technical with me on is a brief mistake even thoughI very been clearly referencing soley just spiders over insects. People make mistakes, you're alive aren't ya

>>you really think if he was bitten by an ant he would jumping high as shit too and being flexible
Yes because its fiction.

>it's literally the fact that ALL those characteristics are FOUND in a Spider's DNA

No it isnt. There isnt any one spider that has all the things Spider-Man can do.


None of his powers are exclusive to spiders. This was in fact a plot point in the 90s where his powers were so nonspecific to spiders he masqueraded as 4 different fake superhero identities. He might as well be grasshopper man without his webs.

>it's literally basically just fucking splicing and ofc the host always retains attributes of the fucking thing he is being spliced with retards
You mean a fictional concept that has no basis in reality?

>why is everyone in denial that Garfield is top spiderman. Tobey is literally right behind.
He isnt.

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There's mistakes, then there's being a grade A retard, like you.

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I'm talking about SPIDER-Man and why there's always been more to the name than simply just him getting bit by a fucking spider dog

Literally the only thing exclusive to spiders that relates to Spider-Man is the webs, which are tools he built.

why are you guys talking so seriously about spiderman lmao

you really should go back and either read the comics or watch the movies.

im talking also about Garfields spiderman where the spiders were being experimented on in the first place

radioactive spiders
as in not your normal ass spiders

and im sure that goes across all eras of spiderman as well

did everyone fucking forget this too or

First off, none of the movie spiders so far are radioactive, they're genetically engineered.

Second, yet again, none of Spider-Mans powers are exclusive to spiders. Do you understand english?

i know i didn't think people would get this butthurt. I've been putting off hitting this bowl for it. I hate myself too for doing this lol

your opinion is invalid because it has cartoons on it and bad cartoons at that...

the spiders were being experimented on to create new spider spices so one being spliced with all those attributes then biting peter is probably the likely fucking reasoning dumbasses i fucking swear

Theres only one cartoon on it and its a good one, are you a dullard?

>Far from Home and Spideverse higher than Homecoming

Stan Lee is rolling in his grave

Again you dumb fuck, Spider-Mans powers are not exclusive to spiders, you're defeating your own god damn point here by pointing out the movies had to justify it with genetically engineered hybrid super spiders.

Name a single fucking one of his powers thats exclusive to spiders then, retard.

what is so hard to grasp that if a man is acting like a spider and dressing like a spider and crawling like a spider then he is most likely a spider

and if the answer is "he just adopted the spider cause that's what he got bit by"

then Garfield does a damn better job than fully embracing the idea of being a "spider"-man than both Holland and Tobey combined.

It's like he realizes he is part spider, what a crazy fucking concept

>smoking weed
That explains everything.

Several of those attributes can be applied to multiple different insects and arachnids. I know he's Spider-Man. We all know he's Spider-Man. The point is Peter Parker is not being a spider because he is the biggest spider fan in the world. His focus is not on being a spider. His focus is being a superhero, that gained abilities, because he was bitten by a spider. If he were injected with some shot that gave him all those abilities in some parallel world, chances are he wouldn't think of "Spider-Man". His goal is not to be as similar to a spider as possible. As said before, there was an entire storyline crafted around the fact that his abilities could relate to a ton of different creatures. He is Spider-Man... because he was bitten by a spider, which was the entire fucking point from the beginning, and his goal is not to act like a fucking spider or else Spider-Man would be shooting web out his ass and forcing Mary Jane to eat him after they get done fucking for the first time.

He doesnt dress like a spider, he dresses like a luchador. All fucking arthropods crawl, and he's never acted like a spider.

Name a single power he has thats exclusive to spiders, dingbat.

>rating nigger-man above Raimi’s 1 and 3

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>/pol/lack is a dumb retard
The sky is blue, grass is green, the sun is bright, and you'll never stop tyrone from deep dicking those swowbunnys.


Forgot to say, Spiderverse is a pretty good but okay Saturday morning cartoon with incredibly fast pacing and little “deep” scenes that just don’t really land when you have a fuck fest of multiverse characters. In no way should it be compared to any of the Raimi movies, no matter how bad they got they still had more soul

You're the retard who was taking it too seriously to begin with
>hurr why isn't spidey more of an insect durrrr

using a web to sense vibration is pretty exclusive if you ask me

You didnt answer my question you gigantic fucking moron.

Did he shoot those webs out of his dick or did he shoot them out of a god damn wristwatch he built? Is it a power? No it isnt. Which one of his POWERS is exclusive to spiders you retard stoner. Put the blunt down, Mr. XXX420, you're killing all your brain cells.

I always thought OG aunt May looks too old, almost two generations apart from Peter.

Are Richard and Ben Parker really born that far apart?

idk why it's so hard for people to grasp that the man has a special spider dna in him.

and call me crazing but DNA is basically what creates you

so it makes fucking sense if he has spider dna in him (From a variety of spiders) that he would act like thus spider

like im fucking sorry it wasn't an ant, moth, fly, scorpion or some other fucking bug to bite him,

but at the end of the fucking day it was a SPIDER

it's not that hard AT ALL to grasp.

why does he grow additional limbs if it's not dna exclusive. why even have that idea in the first place if there was no spider dna presented in the fucking first place? Stan Lee must have been high off his ass too then shit

>no matter how bad they got they still had more soul
I would have cared more about Spiderverse if it weren't for the breakneck pace. But that movie did hit me in the feels a couple of times.
Spider-Man's grave and Aunt May's reaction to Peter B. fucking got me. The Prowler plot twist and the way they handled his character was great too.
It's a fast paced children's cartoon sure, but I don't think you can really accuse it of lacking soul, even if the stuff between Miles and his dad often doesn't really hit. It was obvious there were people working on this movie that really gave a shit about Spider-Man, which is more than I can say for Iron Lad.

>>so it makes fucking sense if he has spider dna in him (From a variety of spiders) that he would act like thus spider
You have DNA in you that goes back to cavemen but i dont see you going UNGA UNGA ME GRUG AM RAPE AN BASH WITH CLUB BUNGA BUNGA

Also, once again, you colossal weed smoking fucking idiot, the point is he's spider-man because he got bit by a spider, not because any of his powers have anything to do inherently with spiders. Jesus fucking christ you're a retard.

Put the fucking bong down holy shit.

>why does he grow additional limbs if it's not dna exclusive. why even have that idea in the first place if there was no spider dna presented in the fucking first place?

First off, obviously his powers are from altered DNA, nobody said otherwise, Cheech. Second, Spiders are not the only fucking creature with more than 4 limbs, look at fucking scorpions.

find me a bug that ONLY exclusively has a "spidey sense", web building abilities, well agile and jumping abilites, hairs on it's legs to stick to certain ceilings

can't fly cause spiders can't fly
cant have six legs cause spiders have 8

Spiders dont have a god damn fucking Spider-Sense you colossal fucking idiot.

As for the rest of your retard question, Bulldog Ants, Crickets, and Silkworms.

>Limbs again

You're missing the point again you dumb fucking retard jesus put your fucking weed away.

you're literally acting like a retard by making that fucking stretch. Are you sure retards don't make up most of your family dna or

stop trying to use weed as an insult. it's about to be 2020 jfc

you're talking as if you were breast fed from ya daddy got damn

>it's current year jfc everyone should be a degenerate by now desu senpai
hang yourself

I agree with your movie rankings, but you're a nigger for not putting Green Goblin as the top villain and Tobey Macguire above Andrew Garfield for acting.

>stop trying to use weed as an insult. it's about to be 2020 jfc

I'll insult you for being a pot smoking dumb fuck when you stop acting like you have an extra chromosome you stoner retard. Also,
>actually using the current year argument

wow you're right bulldog ants can jump as far and high as jumping spiders

wow look at the silkworm jump too wow

that cricket got a nice web goin on too
you truly are retarded

i said find me an insect that has all those characteristics in one, like a fucking spider

>>that cricket got a nice web goin on too
It does look very nice, yes.

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imagine thinking smoking weed makes you a degenerate.

wait till this bozo finds out everyone smokes

who wants to fuck a guy who still thinks weed is for degenerates for real

So he’s bit by a spider and gains cricket abilities? I think we know who the tard is.

I was pretty neutral about pot before i started talking to you and now i want to start petitioning for it to be made illegal again in the states where its allowed.

You've single handedly made me want active criminalization of marijuana.

using the weed argument is reddit tier faggot

>wait till this bozo finds out everyone smokes
Hopefully everyone starts hanging themselves so degenerate retards like you follow suit.

Jesus Christ

This retard admitted to smoking a bong while arguing about an hour ago, suck off your boyfriend.

Put the god damn fucking bowl down you mentally deficient troglodyte holy fuck.

Name a single one of his god damn powers that is exclusive to spiders, i'll ask you again.

imagine getting influenced by an user on an anonymous board

you sure you're not the degenerate?

I never said it was lacking in soul, it had some good moments, but it just doesn’t compare to the Raimi movies.

I'm not the one who's getting stoned so he can be a retard.

i actually didnt admit to it dumbass, i said ive been putting it off. I still haven't even gotten a hit! My girls is knocked out and I didn't even get to sesh. I fully hate spiderman forever for this bullshit

Well you obviously don't know much about him anyway so it's probably not going to ruin your life.

do crickets bite people

You heard it hear folks, spiders are the only creatures that can crawl on walls, spin webs, and have advanced spacial awareness via multiple eyes.

Ive never so strongly in all my days been able to experience through pure instinctual responsive mental imagery the absolute rotten decrept stink of another human being through the internet.

I can smell your shitty weed den from here you filthy degenerate. Do you have dreads too? Are you wearing a hoodie right now?

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Yes, they do.

imagine being the idiot thinking this justifies him not having to be a "spider"man

>still haven't even gotten a hit! My girls is knocked out and I didn't even get to sesh
Please never reproduce.

imagine being this user like fr lmao

obviously you don't if you really think Holland or Tobey are more accurate desu

You're the perfect anti-drug weapon. Just show someone that pot turns you into this and nobody will ever try it.

Attached: [palpable disgust].png (337x334, 172K)

trust me we already planned on having abortions if it happens

Attached: alrightythen.gif (188x264, 1.62M)

again, what bug does all those things in one

crickets def don't climb on walls

Jesus christ.

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>>crickets def don't climb on walls
You're blatantly wrong.

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Crickets can climb on walls.

Do you live in southern Walifornia or Washintgon state?

i guess im just shocked cause I never seen no mf cricket climb on a ceiling and im 100% sure no mf has either

He ain’t called cricket man, he could of though but no.

why? i ain't gonna suck your dick faggot

Christ you're a fucking degenerate.

I'm trying to profile you.

That’s the floor you fuck

im andrew garfield you dumbasses

That so?

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alright but is that the same cricket that can spin webs?

But that's not the point, holy fucking shit. The whole point is that Spider-Man has no traits that belong only to a spider. He could have had a radioactive cricket bite him and he'd be exactly the same. He could even create webshooters still, since he invented them in the comics. The point that was originally made is that the more he acts like a spider does not mean he is the most accurate Spider-Man, since Spider-Man does not base his entire life around acting like a spider. It's a theme.

Does that matter when no single spider can do what all spider-man can do?

cant believe there's people on this thread who probably would want this over a spider man. That's how you know they really need to get laid or high shiit

This is what marijuana does to you. Never smoke pot.

jumping spiders can mostly do all what spider man does desu

that's why they allude back to them alot in TASM

why don't people watch the movie instead of arguing thats 100% what I did when someone threw bullshit at me

turns out they wen't

Sincerely stop smoking weed

Attached: nonsense bullshit.gif (245x246, 1.93M)

You're still missing the fucking point you dumb fucking idiot.

did anyone tell you you gotta be at lease 23 to be on these boards

From the people in my life that I've met who have smoked, I can safely say it's a retard's crutch for living. The most functional person I know that uses still messages me about how fucking sad he is whenever he smokes, and it fucking makes me wonder how he copes without. Seek help.

Granted the spinning webs bit is mostly associated with spiders, there are other animals that do that like worms.

That's the only thing that's "exclusive" to spiders. If he was bitten by a radioactive centipede, he'd have the exact same powers.

Attached: Taco Bell.jpg (183x275, 7K)

Thats not even true you dumb fucking stoner.

But Spider-Man can't even shoot webs naturally. Why does it matter? Only in the Raimi movies he can... making Tobey, in your eyes, the most accurate Spider-Man, since he's the only one that has every trait a spider does, including shooting a web.

Give me ONE (1) good reason why you should ever smoke weed.

I fucking dare you.

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no you seriously are if you're still fucking reaching

why can't you accept that SPIDER-man got bitten by a SPIDER that can do all the things A SPIDER DOES

seriously are you retarded cause again it's not that hard to grasp

He has literal spider dna in him

not no cricket
no no wasp
not no ant

a spider's dna

let alone a RADIOACTIVE/ENHANCED spider

so therefor he will act like the host of that DNA

which was a fucking spider

and YES the LIMB shit is 100% the proof you want that you keep throwing out cause it makes your argument irrelavant.

It HAPPENED SOLEY because he has SPIDER DNA in him

he would NOT grow additional limbs for no other fucking reason

jesus christ

>Smoking weed makes you an adult
Uh oh.

This thread is one wild ride.

The point was, you dumb retard pot smoking dipshit, that none of Spider-Mans powers are inherently exclusive to spiders and he isnt really "spider"-like beyond his webshooters, so pretending like Garfields spider-man is better for acting like a spider when Spider-Man isnt really like spiders at all is asinine.

Also, nobody fucking wants cricket man or is denying he has spider DNA you dumb junkie idiot.

Again, which of Spider-Mans powers are exclusive to spiders?

dude you really just outted yourself cause that was clearly a joke. This debate is over cause this man is officially more of a dumbass than I ever could present myself to be. I was actually joining this debate too but fuck that lmao. I really be talking to like a 16 year old lmao im out

I'm 22 you fucking retard but that doesnt change that you're literally wrong about the rules of this website.

but comic accurate gotta go to garfield. But don't get me wrong. Tobey always will be top dog

But Garfield isnt the most comic accurate Spider-Man, thats still Tobey. What makes you think that?

just for creating the web shooters mostly. Like I said it's literally a ..00001% difference. I just gotta be real on that, even though I still love Tobey. But the natural web shooters are a little weird to think about

>and YES the LIMB shit is 100% the proof you want that you keep throwing out cause it makes your argument irrelavant.
>It HAPPENED SOLEY because he has SPIDER DNA in him
>he would NOT grow additional limbs for no other fucking reason

1) Never happened in the movies and

2) Spiders arent the only creatures with 8 limbs.

The lesson to learn from this thread is never smoke weed, it turns you into a retard.

it don't matter if it didn't happen in the movie. Uncle ben didn't die in the MCU. Point is it adds to his backstory.

AGAIN that would not happen UNLESS it was because of the Spider's DNA
why are all yall moving the goal posts

find me another creature with 8 fucking legs that has agility like a spider, spidey sense like a spider, crawls like a spider, spins web like a spider all in one.

why is everyone reaching what in the actual fuck

im surpised no one had anything to say about my aunt may comment though.

>>AGAIN that would not happen UNLESS it was because of the Spider's DNA
Scorpions, Crabs, Lobsters...

Do i need to continue, stoner retard?

>find me another creature with 8 fucking legs that has agility like a spider, spidey sense like a spider, crawls like a spider, spins web like a spider all in one.
Find me a fucking spider that does all of that

>why is everyone reaching what in the actual fuck.

Nobodies reaching you dumb fucking pothead, you're too fucking brain bleached from your fucking mary jane to read english properly and comprehend what words mean when stringed together.

sir do scorpions crabs or lobsters also spin webs and climb up walls sir

are you sure youre not the retarded one sir

>find me a fucking spider that does all of that
you truly must be one of God's Children for real

gets you pussy easier

when's the last time you had sex?
im sure bragging about not smoking makes you look just as cool man

Scorpions can climb up walls yes. You're getting incredibly pedantic and still missing the point being made.

>throwing away my cognizance so i can cum in a vagina

Attached: scoff.gif (330x166, 2.24M)

ok sir can they spin webs sir

you're just getting scared cause you know you're running out of reaches and bullshit excuses

Spider-Man wasn't given the ability to naturally shoot webs.

Reaches for WHAT? excuses for WHAT?

You're sitll missing the god damn point you dumb junkie idiot. And Spider-Man cant naturally spin webs anyway.

honestly, the realist shit said in this thread. Can we end it on this cause I'm tired of going in circles with that user

I think having the sense and knowledge to work/construct a web comes from a spider. Especially when you use it as a tool rather than a spraying weapon. Like he does in TASM. Seriously have nobody watched this film recently.


Someone screencap this thread, kek.

okay user this is gonna be my last response and I am going to spell it out nice and slow for you

it don't matter if an ant can climb a wall
it don't matter that a cricket can spin a web

Peter Parker got bit from a Spider that was enhanced and spliced with other spiders.

That Spider's DNA, it's blood

is now flowing through his veins

everything that embody that spider is now part of peter's everyday life

that S P I D E R

so however that spider was acting, it is HIGHLY likely that is how Peter is going to act. LIKE A S P I D E R

it could have been a spider that hosted all those attributes that other insects have, since it was both experiement on/enhanced/radioactive but at the end of the fucking day ALL insects behave differently than one other

SO let ALONE a fucking SPIDER is overall gonna act different from a fucking ANT, SCORPION, BULLDOG or whatever the fuck else you want to keep throwing at me

HE has spider DNA cause he later develops those fucking limbs, whether you like it or not, that is ONLY because of his SPIDER DNA
here's the fucking FANDOM wiki since you're still a fucking child and need proof and shit like this

he invented the web shooters dumb ass

feel free to sing along but to replace it with your favorite animal of choice retards

You dumb fucking stoner retard holy shit you're a fucking moron.

Spiders dont shoot webs you dumb retard.

I thought TASM/Garfield fags were retarded but not at this level. This line of reasoning... lmao

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???????? we were talking about him building the web shooters dumb ass


>a catchy 1960s cartoon jingle is the be-all end-all of a character

Dont do weed, kids.

you're calling me a faggot while posting shit like that? kys please I know you've thought about it

>>???????? we were talking about him building the web shooters dumb ass
Without the web fluid its just a silly string gun. The web fluid is the genius behind it, not it shooting string.

wow it's almost as if the song is suppose to not only engage you in the program but tell you what it's all about

Spider-Man builds entire fucking airboats out of webbing as if he were Bugs Bunny in that cartoon you fucking faggot, its not representative of the character.

it's literally not a silly string gun but okay

Don't stop arguing on the account of me enjoying this shitshow. Go on user. Tell us more.

wow it's almost if he is only able to do that cause he is able to spin webs. Something a spider is know of doing! just like the theme song said! wow! how awesome im getting what I was told! Man im really gonna love this show!

dog it's getting late and i totally did ignore my girl for this so she's in that bs funk now lmao but i am having fun with this too



Yes it is.

>dude weed
>pussy dude

A true degenerate

it took me awhile to figure out what you were referring to but I was talking about the knowledge of literally using the web like a spider does.

I feel like that is 100% a characteristic solely to a spider that he fully embraces and uses in The Amazing Spider-Man

>Villain Rankings
Where’s Rhino? Shocker?

Do they even count?

i was a GT student can't you believe that lmao

>can't you believe that lmao
You're absolutely right that i cannot believe that.

rhino was more entertaining that shocker

Spider-Man 2 completely shits on every single subsequent flick except maybe Spiderverse. The last 5 live action flicks have been - at very best! - completely forgettable

>The Amazing Spiderman FIlms both also offer the best representation of Spider-Man in film yet.

Yeah, the guy who became Spider-Man out of revenge for Uncle Ben's death is the best. Fucking retard.

I knew you'd agree cause GT kids were taught how to read minds

Stop smoking weed.

yeah and he failed at that which was exactly the point
he failed at that
being a good nephew
he failed at keeping his promise to gwen's dad
he failed saving gwen

if anything those are all the motivations to become a better hero. Rewatching these movies just actually made me mad that I didn't appreciate them when they were out. I would have loved to seen what kind of spiderman we would have gotten in the finale. FUck now im mad

it could be the weed you're right

He failed because he was a fucking idiot.

>>he failed saving gwen

man that can be said about every hero wanting pussy and even every spiderman get this irrelevant comment outta here

>Far from home

He renounced his promise to keep Gwen out of his life so she'd be safe because he wanted unga bunga pussy and she died because of that.

i chuckled so i will give you the pass

man i bet he was hella dissapointed when he realized he lost some good pussy i mean damn even the web was reaching for it had to be good

approved but Id switch TASM2 with homecoming. But agree they are bottom 3

So let me get this the original comic book story Peter gets all of the abilities/powers of a spider except for making webs from his own body? Arguably the single most valuable and iconic skill spiders have?
How does it feel to have big brain Raimi outthink the crack addicts that wrote the original story?

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based and raimipilled

>he failed at that which was exactly the point
It wasn't and you know it
He's just a shitty character

Spider-Man doesn't have any spider powers, at all, nothing, he was just bit by a radioactive spider and it gave him powers, not spider powers.

If anything Spider-Man is a low level psychic, he has pre-cog abilities, he has biomolecualr adhesion (no silly hairs you fags), super strength which increases based on emotion, his powers are ties to his emotions, etc.

Why does he have web shooters? Because he's a 1960's comic book character and the biggest fucking thing in the 1960's was gadgets, everyone and everything had gadgets, this is when Batman got gadgets for fucks sake. And they were cool, cool spy gadgets and neat james bond type things like web parachutes and a big flashlight on his belt, his spider trackers, impact webbing, incendiary webbing, etc. Peter is goddam genius he made all this shit himself on a shoestring budget the kid is poor as all hell.

That's why he doesn't have shitty bio web shooters and he doesn't have spider powers

i literally think it was intentional that he didn't catch the guy who killed ben. I did always think that since the first day I saw it desu, The tattoo is given alot of attention and he never catches the dude, I feel like that's a failure. Def a loose end. I figured it would have been tied up in the last film. I'd expect like a full circle with what started his journey as spiderman in the first place

also the 2nd film focuses alot on failure too. So I can't help but feel that it's all not intentional.

at least im not as autistic as this guy

no he's embarassing to watch on screen. it's like he's supposed to come off as cool or something but it's just extremely cringe. not to mention his acting is poor and stilted, the cgi aged like garbage (seriously, watch his fights with the lizard, the movie isn't even 10 years old and it's nearly unwatchable) and the writing and dialogue is beyond bad. I could go on in more detail if you want. you have very poor taste you HAVE to be autistic.

imagine being this tasteless AND stupid. life is suffering user just kill yourself now.

you sure about that?

oooohhh you're black. that makes sense

Normally it's hard to accurately judge someones intelligence on this board unless they post something egregiously stupid. But you truly seem dumb as fuck dude.

he's meant to be embarrassing on screen retard he is an outcast nerd. And I never said he was the best Peter Parker, but all his characteristics are still there. You can't argue with that. He is literally fucking awkward and bullied. Tobey still top dog peter

the pov shots in the films are still some of the best shit in any spider man movie so i disagree on the cgi

the villains are trash in both films but the human stuff is really fucking good. Especially the stuff with Peter and his family. If you can't appreciate that then you probably don't pay attention to films

pretty confident. I'm not the one having to ask the questions arounds here

he literally isn't an outcast nerd in the Garfield films though. I don't even dislike him as an actor like some people do but holy fuck there's a difference between being cringe and tryhard and being a nerd

man i wish i was black you know how many of them have fucked your bitch?? gotta get in on that

you're coming to say that on a board ranking the spiderman films late at night

ain't no one here doing anything smart with their lives shut yo depressed ass up

>i disagree on the cgi

yuck you faggot do you have eyes?

cringe. you're not nearly as funny as you think you are. get a grip homo

literally has no friends

just like you user!!

reminder holland and tobey both had bffs

how do you know?

Project more you cunt

i clearly said the villains were trash

ya DUDE the kids are really into skateboarding these days bravo Sony. why were they trying to make peter parker a faggot?

you're calling me homo when you're saying that gay ass get a grip shit

fuck outta here man

right. but that villain is entirely cgi. and it's not like spiderman looks any better in that scene



dog if you have not noticed i have literally been chillin this entire time what the hell lmao

i bet you suffer from seperation anxiety or some shit like that lmao

obviously trying to make him the least likable person duh user

yikes. continue projecting. your lack of self awareness is fascinating.

not in an endearing way like the maguire movies though. you like peter parker in those films. you just hate garfield in his movies.

i guess desu user i really don't care about cgi if the scene is entertaining. Like this is still better than any mcu spiderman intro. I even appreciate the practical effects.

you talk as if you're a dude who pees sitting down

I do like the first person scenes in these films I'll concede that.

but how do you know?

>separation anxiety

that was a great game

got me

Tobey is top Peter. No question
then Garfield
then Holland.

idk how holland even passes as peter at all. The least they could do is have him be a photographer. Let alone on a trip around the world.

I remember jack shit about Spiderman 2, was it really that good?

because you're the one still asking questions dumb ass

everything in this post is true. i feel that holland has the looks for the role but everything else feels off imo

It's great you should rewatch it

yeah man those films have a lot of unique stuff that on my rewatches I reallly appreciated. Honestly I would have probably accepted the lizard more if they have given him his full snout shit. His plan was dumb and cartoony enough to justify and animate the snout

1. Spider-Man (100%)
2. Spider-Man 2 (100%)
3. Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse (99%)
4. Spider-Man 3 (65%)
5-7. The rest (50% or under)
8. Amazing Spider-Man 2 (5%)

>some cartoon over Raimi’s Spiderman
confirmed philistine, consider suicide

am I?

Putting into the spiderverse above spiderman 3 is perfectly reasonable, I say this as someone that loves the first two raimi films. just because it's a raimi directed spiderman doesn't automatically make it great you memespouting dunce.

