Whats the message of this movie?
Whats the message of this movie?
black people have freakier fridays
I like the lady in the middle, looks like she is in for a wacky day
Blacks are childish
>She woke up like this
So slightly shorter and with bigger hair?
I don't get it?
Black females cant effectively run a business
Getting smaller is bad. You should always aim to be as massive as possible
the message is that you should have sex
Whites are evil i assume
I would colonize all 3 of them btw
I think you're right
The little girl has a fat ass
Nappy headed hoes need to kill themselves.
What the fuck is this cover?
>graphic design is my passion
>Not being to able to understand the plot of 17 again but with black females
Literally made to be bleached
Covers dont matter anymore old man
She actually doesn't learn a lesson at all throughout the whole movie. She comes to appreciate her assistant and her fucktoy but like she just.... Turns back to normal with no real explanation.
She was nicer to everyone desu
I saw the movie. It was heartwarming and funny but had some vague pedo bait in it. Maybe I’m just paranoid but I don’t trust Hollywood.
Yeah but only after she was turned back.
She was still rude as a kid even when asking the girl to try to change her back. Nothing she had done up to that point showed she had changed.
It definitely was i mean look
True. I guess she just had to keep the sassy black woman bit
I disagree. She helps the bullied kids find self confidence at the risk of staying little forever.
The hot teacher guy is white. The love interest is black. She befriends a white boy, asian girl and a black boy when she turns little. It’s a ‘diverse’ film without trying too hard. The actress who stars in it produced the film.
I mean she was still a bitch, but she did make a vow to be nicer to her employees. To me that was way more realistic.
Made for white cock