Star Trek Alien or Severely Disabled?

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Severely disabled.
Because startrek never tried this hard.

Nah just put a little clay on the forehead = Alien.

I want to burn the right one

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Yeah, this is the major issue i had with star wars and star trek, whenever an alien in the movie feature human limbs or are basically humans witha shitty mask on, it would turn me off.
Aliens will be something so different from us, not only they will be different in sizes, they will probably only survive in different gravity, pressure, compounds and basically be alien on every stretch of the word.
Fucking gay shit lazy holywood niggers can't do anything right.
Fuck em, fuck em to death.

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Sentient life is universally bipedal humanoids

fuck you

I want to pop all those skin bubbles with my teeth

How would you know?

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No, but there was literally a TNG episode explaining the bipedal humanoid origins.

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What, no banjo?

Why did he abandon Armus in the Alpha Quadrant?

They would have dna structures evolved for different enviroments, from the ground up, it is mandatory that they look different.

what about severely evolved crewmembers?

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Or, conditions for a lifeform that we could interact with require similar conditions to earth

Some scientists have argued that birds could eventually evolve sentience. Some birds like crows and parrots have IQ that's on par with apes.

The "humanoid" form doesn't really matter, it's the brain neuron density to body mass ration, also known as "encephalization quotient".

On planets with high gravity, bipedal life would be discouraged from evolving, so it would be possible that quadrupedal (or even more legged-life) could evolve sentience.

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They still rolling the dice on different set of evolutional problems that would end up creating different looking anathomies.

>source: "dude just trust me"

CIA-user detected. Post alium pics

Source is logic you moron, if one thing is different the outcome is different.
how fucking retarded you have to be? do i really need 30 buzzfeed articles to get credibility behind pure logic you fucking asshole? suck a dick.
pic unrelated

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Whats the condition on the right?

He suffers from 'had sex with amy schumer'

carbon based life forms could be similar

Yet they aren't, depending on the enviroment and set of conditions they engaged during their evolutional carreer they turn out to be very different.


This is the most psuedo "pop science" bullshit stance I've ever seen in my entire life. Every single "I

>its a popular concept therefore its wrong
a willy up your bum

No, not really.
You can more or less identify structures such as legs/arms, a central nervous system, a protective outer shell, light/smell/sound/touch receptors, DNA and many others, in literally all living things on the planet.
Want to talk truly alien? How about a sapient buoyant balloon of silicone and bromine?

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>convergent evolution
how could a bird ever construct something? they could be intelligent but they only have their beak. Limited functionality. No space-faring birds. Sorry.

yeah no, even if they are right, everyone who access that site should be drone striked.

Shut the fuck up, Nigel. Just because of your idiocy, I'm going to positively encourage shiposters like Emma yank and HomeAlone on /brit/ so that they continue to shit up your general and make it a worse place to be.

I wouldn't have to do this if you just kept your fucking mouth shut.

Why? is demanding a tiny degree of scientific accuracy suddenly a crime? suck a fat hog, its not my fault you are so unimaginative you are ok with movies featuring goofy looking niggers with rubber foreheads talking funny, breathing air being gay and shit.
you suck.

Ope, I just told Emma yank that I appreciated his gimmick. Looks like he'll be sticking around for another month at least.

Sorry, "mate".

>tfw too evolved for tools

People with no limbs are capable of remarkable shit. No space-fairing, sure, but that doesn't preclude you from other things like fucking sentience.

Convergent evolution is a thing.


holy fucking based

The machines from the Matrix intentionally designed themselves to be more functional than human form

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Why does Star Trek only have aliens that are bumpy forehead humans, except all those weird aliens they meet all the time?

Cost. Babylon 5 had rad aliens, like the methane breathing illegal arms dealing giant mantis, though you only got to see them some of the time

no. i will not be watching that.

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Being able to manipulate the world enough to build spaceships could require a basic humanoid shape with opposable thumbs
The only creature we know of with manipulation abilities on par/surpassing us is the Octopus, so maybe there are also aliens like that (see- Arrival)

Truely Remarkable

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Saya no Uta could have made for an interesting TOS episode.
>kirk wakes up in meatspace after landing himself in sick bay
>bones trying to figure out what's gone wrong with kirk
>spock hunting down an interdimensional shoggoth on the ship

Yeah, individuals. And that's only because they have the platform of fully-limbed society to stand on. Take an entire species of quadruple amputees and they won't do much more than flop around on the ground until they go extinct.

Or the much more likely outcome that they have mastered light speed travel which means they are so technologically advanced that they transfer their consciousness into more suitable vessels, or their brains at the very least. To say they’d probably look like us is just retarded. If they’ve figured out how to travel hundreds, thousands, or millions of light years, the odds of them running around as sacks of meat is totally laughable.
>muh convergent evolution
We have no point of reference outside of our planet. Maybe they started like us with opposable thumbs and legs. Maybe not. To act like you are some expert on purely hypothetical beings makes you look like a fucking idiot. For all we know they are sentient fucking gas clouds.

>Or the much more likely outcome that they have mastered light speed travel
>light speed travel
this nigga is probably serious

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why not just kill yourself at that point

why do you think his suffering is needless? are you god?

>he has a wife

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Maybe she is a bugchaser?

this kind of posts are the reason I still come to this site

She could chase my bug if you catch my meaning

>I've accepted my fate
Holy shit the wife is the saddest thing about it. Her life is pure misery caring for a human who is a genetic mistake.

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>kind of like a centaur
based and andalite pilled

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yo dawg that shit on your lip got some shit on it's lip

t. I've never fucking seen star trek ever

Also reminds me that there is the "Tree-Man" who has an auto immune disease which meant when he cause a rare form of jungle warts they did not stop growing so now his entire body looks like bark and roots.
He too had a wife and multiple kids

If god created us on his image he would have done the same with other aliens. The forehead wrinkles snand d whatnot are just sexual sèlection.

>we need to be spineless cartoon octopi with lots of little xenomorph arms with no visible way of propelling ourselves or keeping ourselves upright

>If god created us on his image
yeah but he didn't. that's an obvious fairytale when you examine the fossil evidence and consider how similar we are to apes, and how similar the mammals are to each other, and different clades of animals to each other, and so on.

why the fuck is it always indians with this shit

>when her husband dies she will have to care of her son when he eventually grows tumors
will the pain ever end for her?

nah she'll jump onto the funeral pyre at that point

>"just got that 5g bro"

Probably the population density it’s bound to happen eventually. Also, shitting in public streets probably doesn’t help.

w/e sperg

Its because India suffers from a ridiculous amount of pollution causing birth defects

>yeah, the Area 51 raid was crazy bro

Their feat could evolve for grasping. Also there's nothing wrong with using a beak. It'll just be slightly more difficult, but not impossible. Once they labor enough to construct machinery and robots, the amount of physical input needed by them will decrease.

This man has a wife
This man has a family

Why so many eyes?
Why so many limbs?
How would such a creature evolve?

Octopus and squids live in the water, you can't develop most tech underwater

We're talking about space-faring shit, you dumb nigger. No one disputed the idea that any alien could look like anything, given the evolutionary path it takes.

What DOES matter is that any sufficiently advanced organism to discover space-travel will NEED to develop some very specific traits, such as a powerful brain, opposable thumbs, and most of the organism's biology will not be superfluous so as to allow the utmost energy to be delivered to the development of the brain.

The strangest thing I could imagine would be a creature whose brain permeates throughout its entire body, or whose brain is, in and of itself, a part of its skeletal muscle or bones or something I don't know.

>Octopus and squids live in the water, you can't develop most tech underwater
This assumes there is no tech to be discovered that facilitates an aquatic race.

Yeah I just said that but better. Stop posting dumb faggot.


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Fire, electricity, space travel would be almost impossible if you had to fill the living area with water which is very heavy, let alone developing combustion at all underwater

They could be semi-quadrupedal, like prehistoric ground sloths. Basically they walk on their knuckles or "hands"; but can stop to use their "hands" to manipulate things. This would be common on a high-gravity world; where being bipedal is discouraged due to the high damage a fall would cause.

>they'd HAVE to have some type of opposable thumb

I disagree on this. Humans having thumbs on their hands is useful, but it's not something necessary for sentience. Beaks, tentacles, or other appendages could be used in a way similar to hands. It would be more difficult, but not impossible. Too many people have "anthropomorphic bias".

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>trip fag is a complete retard

shape doesn't matter, it's the ability to pass on knowledge. human civilization skyrocketed once we figured out writing and language. instinct alone isn't enough.

How the fuck do you start a fire underwater dumbass.

Is it still a bit hard for anyone else to fully grasp the process of evolution? So, if our ancestors spent a couple million years in the Arctic we’d develop white fur or something similar to that?

A fire isn't relevant to an aquatic species. Something else might be. What? I don't fucking know, I don't spend my WHOLE FUCKING DAY UNDERWATER and thus I don't have an clue how I might improve that situation.

Massive amounts of pollution and filth, and decay.

Basically, Nurgle's irl paradise

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You know how everyone likes big asses and people’s asses are getting bigger with each generation? Evolution is like the opposite of that.

I honestly can't imagine a space-faring body of aliens who've managed to get where they are WITHOUT he use of opposable thumbs.

Beaks? Nope.
Paws? Nope.
Wings? Definitely not.
Hooves? Out of the question.
Tentacles? Maaaaaaaaybe.

Tentacles are the only kinda/sorta viable option I can think of beside opposable thumbs. You NEED to be able to manipulate objects in a fine manner in order to be a space-faring species. Beaks and hooves just don't cut it.

We'd have started wearing insulated coats to compensate, numb nuts. Why wait millions of years for evolution, when you can make a warm coat in the span of a week?

You're ignoring that simple machinery can exponentially increase productivity. It also doesn't all have to be powered by just the input of one part of their body. For instance, they can use their legs to pedal a system of chains and gears to power various other simple machines. It would be difficult to do the initial groundwork, but not impossible.

There would be a slow genetic culling of people ill-suited to live in the arctic, and greater reproduction in people who were better suited to survive there.

There's this cool speculative evolution site about a hypothetical planet that is terraformed by humans using only a few select species of plants, microbes, fish, and insects; and some birds are let loose on the planet by accident.

The planet is forgotten about, and over millions of years, the birds evolve into a wide range of species, since they were the only land vertebrates and had a head start.

One of the species is pic related; who's beak evolves into a cartilage-like appendage that can be used to make simple tools, etc. They are also semi-sentient.

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>possible to make a system of chains and gears through hoofwork alone

I seriously hope you guys don't think this

I'm not even mad about the fact that they're bipedal humanoids. I hate the fact that they have infinite potential for face and body prosthetics and yet they do the same shit every time. Or if they decide to do something different, they put so much silicone on them that they end up with the Discovery klingons.

I never mentioned hooves, that was you.

>Hes never watched trek before.
>He dosent know the in-universe explanation for the humanoid appearances to most of the races. (See )
I know it was a band-aid to the older episodes and tng in general but im fine with this. We know they'd look differently obviously so coolit.
This episode never made sence to me, it feels like it was written as 'to fix there problem they need to try and de-evolve themselves back to normal and went too far' then eventuly the problem righted itself again. But then again its VOY's writing and lord its a hot fucking mess even if I have a soft spot for it.

This site is breddy ebin.

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Is that not small pox?

It's only a matter of time until we run into cthulu-like aliens. The Lovecraftian crowd is going to have a field day.

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>Tentacles are the only kinda/sorta viable option I can think of beside opposable thumbs
Not a chance, tentacles aren't capable of fine motor action due to the way they receive transmissions from the brain - while vertebrate brains control their limbs and can order them around with a clean connection of neurons (somatotopic, aka "this part of the brain connects to this neuron pathway which leads to the right index finger,") tentacles are nonsomatotopic - the brain transmits an order to the neuron clusters found within the tentacle, and then that "mini-brain" figures out how best to complete the order. An octopus isn't "technically" making it's tentacle tip curl, it's "telling" the tentacle-brain to curl and the tentacle-brain makes it's tip curl.


How is that practically any different? Same job gets done in the end. If an octopus can unscrew jars and unlock doors and shit I don't see how they couldn't eventually evolve to hold a screwdriver with a tentacle.

"Tentacles" or structures similar to them aren't necessarily exclusive to invertebrates. Also there's the possibility of invertebrates evolving a more advanced neural system.

Bits of cartilage on vertebrates, manipulated by muscle, could serve as de facto tentacles.

This sounds like a lot of conjecture based on, potentially, a shit-ton of instrumented analysis. The problem is we have no idea what being an octopus is like, so we can't know their body experience with any certainty, though I as a human can draw a reasonable approximation of yours, in biological terms.

CM Koseman is a Turkish artist who makes a bunch of speculative evolution designs for aliens, and also animals in Earth's prehistory and future.

He worked on a book about what dinosaurs would evolve into if the asteroid never hit 65 million years ago.

Pic related is a sentient dinosaur. It doesn't have the hands or posture of a primate; but its brain is still evolved enough to be intelligent. It's also like 10 feet tall. It can be argued that it would be difficult for it to construct/use tools; but if another sentient alien species with more dexterous appendages were to "incorporate" these dinosaurs into their society, then they could use robotics and other machinery to overcome the physical gap. Scifi authors should consider this more often. One similar example I can think of is the Elcor in Mass Effect being "uplifted" by the Asari, and machines used to make Elcor more dexterous.

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If we're on the topic of Octopi and how tentacle-brains function, here's a fascinating article that actually touches on it directly;
The arms are directly discussed in the section that starts with, "How does an octopus's brain relate to its arms?"

His main work is art related to his fictional planet called "Snaiad". The aliens there all have different body plans than most Earth animals (mainly having two "mouths"/"snouts") used for varying purposes. All of the animals he draws are based on actual biological laws, and he shows how they evolve into various different species over time. Really interesting, IMO.

Here's a lecture he gave that's basically an overview of life on Snaiad:

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a planet of dinosaurs with dog dicks coming out their mouths?


>implying star trek ever had a makeup department this good

lmao, the point is ayys can look very different than animals on Earth and still be scientifically plausible.

"Uplifting" another species into spacedom is a whole 'nother animal altogether.

When I was heavy into sci-fi back in highschool, I remember reading a shit ton of short stories, and the idea of a sufficiently intelligent species, albeit with physical handicaps, being introduced and assimilated into a more advanced civilization, being given technology to compensate for these physical misgivings, is a far more prevalent concept in fiction than you think.

I'd go through sci-fi short stories rapidly, and though I can't remember who had written them or when, I came across this "uplifted and upgraded" social model quite frequently.

>His main work is art related to his fictional planet called "Snaiad".

Formerly Chaiak

Based and zetapilled.

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looks like he got inspired by wayne barlowe

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>females smaller than males
what a biggot

wtf I always thought Ax was bipedal

>file name

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is this from one of the lucky stars movies? i need to watch this with my gf, she's gonna be so epically triggered, please help me out user

Its what happens when you have human feces everywhere, in the water, the air, the soil.

Fuckin BASED! Some deep and redpilled thinking there user.

Why don’t people understand? The reason Aliens suck now is bc corporations are afraid of racial caricature comparisons. It’s 100% intentional

>hypothesised process

they addressed this in the next generation.

a species that died out billions of years ago seeded tons of worlds with their dna so that eventually the life that already existed there would evolve into humanoids.


Have sex

Aside from that, you make a good point

>an auto immune disease
Quite the opposite actually, his immune system wasn't fighting the pathogen causing the warts cuz it barely functioned at all.

No respect for the water, you are made of water.
Respect the water.
this was a warning.

Be sensible. Even the simplest mask takes 30 minutes to put on and is hot as fuck and they have to prep 1~5 alien characters and they have to do it week after week
It's just impractical to ask for too much

Yeah building a saxophone is also hard it doesn't mean the sound it makes is any good.