Who will COLONIZE Gamora is the next film?

Hopefully Thor

Attached: DQ6K0RkMlMNpfKlR.webm (480x600, 1.02M)

They really fucked up GotG plot. Are they gonna pretend this gamorra isn't a completely different person or are they gonna try to cram two movies worth of relationship building into one?

i forgot the details of endgame, what ended up happening to gamorra/quill?

Peter will accept "his" Gamora is dead and it'll either end with Gamora 2 going back to her time, or entering a "just friends" relationship with Quill.
Reminder that Guardians are the only emotionaly heavy films in the MCU and Gunn isn't afraid of ending on a downer note.

And this also frees up best girl Mantis for Quill

Nothing retard. Thats the point of the next film

The past gamora from endgame went back to her time or something and they are going to find the one trapped in the soul stone somehow

Groot with his Mandingo trunk planting his roots deep inside.

>And this also frees up best girl Mantis for Quill

Mantis is his half sister retard. Its quite obvious as thats why she is on egos planet. Its the only life she has ever known and we see ego kissing a member of her race in the demonstration.

Clearly she didnt inherit the celestial gene but her natural abilities were useful enough to keep her around

>Mantis is his half sister retard

he got cucked

is so sad what's happened to Gamora's character...

will be revealed in flashbacks that Thanos was molesting her since Gunn can't help but be edgy

This is why I fucking hate time travel in movies. It basically destroys any semblance of a plot along with the limitations and challenges to the writer.


>They really fucked up GotG plot
I did not watch Endgame knowing this, I only cared about GotG.

Literally none of that happened dipshit. Are you retarded? She never went back to her timeline. Is capeshit truly too difficult to grasp?


Don't they have an army of makeup people to do this for them?

And it will never happen if you are too much of a brainlet to understand the implication

I don't follow you

Did you miss the part where Thor went on the guardians ship and oast Gamora wasn't there and Quill was looking at the star map to begin the search of her?