Jurassic Talk

Haven't had one of these threads in like 6 days

Talk about Jurassic Park shit.

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I wanna fuck Blue's raptor pusy

Kinda based

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>tfw Jurassic Park still ins't a real place
I was born in 1994 and remember being a super little kid in the 90's and watching this movie everyday for one week straight on vhs. I was going though my "dinosaur phase". To this day I still like all the first 3 movies. Jurassic World was good but nothing amazing.

How the fuck do the dinos in this look better than they did in Jurassic World?

Black girl best girl

Why didn't the Jurassic World movies just stop trying to take themselves seriously completely?
JW2 was never going to be JP1, so just go over the top with it.
Think, we could have gotten Dinosaur swat teams, an Owen/Blue buddy cop or superhero duo movie, or even some human-dino hybrid plot.

This, they shouldve just gone full Godzilla and make a bunch of fun ridiculous fantasy movies.

Fallen Kingdom did irreversible damage to the overall franchise and JW 3 is going to make significantly less money than Jurassic Park 3.. They've dumped billions into the "Jurassic World" brand and it's crazy because the franchise is dead in the water after the next sequel.. The only way to regain any integrity is to pull a hard reboot or some sort of mini series that explores Isla Sorna before JP1..

As a life long Jurassic Park fag.. I'm beyond disappointed at what Fallen Kingdom did.. Quite possibly the worst decisions made and some of the worst writing I've ever seen for big budget franchise.. Colin Trevorrow is actually talentless.

people shit on I-Rex for camouflage, but forget there were already camo dinos in the Lost World book

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Reminder pic related has the most human count kills in the franchise.

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Wish there was a vr version of this

Spielberg used his real ones. The cgi is just there to make it look fake enough to keep the secret contained.
you ever look at the credits?

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Fucking this.

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What's this from?

Also got one of these but without humans?

Anybody here play Jurassic World: Evolution?

I had it sitting in my steam library and just decided to play it recently because I got interested in dinos again. It's basically a zoo builder/simulator.

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I don't play video games, except for TF2 where I play it alot for a long amount of time, lose interest for a while, get interested again, and repeat the cycle.

No, but I've seen plenty of it. It was pushed pretty hard on twitch/youtube. All the streamers jumped on it when it first came out.

Jurassic World mashed up with The Lego Movie 2

It's an edit of Jurassic World. The raptors in that scene didn't originally ride motorcycles....

Yeah, I know. I'm just wondering where the edit came from.

The Raptors on motorcycles are from The lego Movie 2. Chris Pratt plays two characters in it, one of them is a pastiche of some of his more famous roles.

Why didn't Spielberg add the Raptor mating scene from the book into the movie?

Fun fact: All dinosaurs evolved from a bipedal ancestor, including the quadrupedal herbivores. Eoraptor was one of these "ancient dinosaurs" or "archosaurs" that lived during the Late Permian period. It was basically a lizard that evolved to run on its back legs to escape predators faster. Its family line eventually developed warm blood and more advanced brains.

Triceratops, Brachiasaurus, etc., are descended from ancestors that "re-evoled" a quadrupedal stance, and are thus walking on their fingers. With triceratops, it wasn't fully straight, so their front "arm legs" were slightly bow-legged, and their "palm soles" didn't fully touch the ground.

This soiboi has a YT channel that autisticly explains dino biology:

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Dinosaurs also had "air sacs" around their lungs and sometimes in their throats; which gave them a very adcanced breathing system. This is how sauropods could supply oxygen to their huge-ass bodies and long-ass necks without passing out.

Modern birds have these same advanced "air sacs", which allows them to pump oxygen to their bodies very fast and maintain flight. How can mammals even compete?

That book was shit tho.

Also there was a baby raptor with camouflage on the first book aswell.

I agree, I don't see why they couldn't just kept the park open and we get to see Pratt go on crazy dino adventures. The OG trilogy was about a failed park, the new angle could have been advance tech trumps nature. There was so much potential with a running park. How the human fight to keep it running, do the this whole "Save the Park, Save the Dream" plot.
But no, they want to push that fucking planet of the dinos shit hard. I take Raptor Rangers any day now matter how stupid it sounds.
Just finished playing it for two hours the new DLC and updates are fantastic.

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>How can mammals even compete?
we already know how that competition ended.

Saw the original at the theater with my wife as a throw back theater thing here. It still holds up and does even better on the big screen. Really sets the pace to why the new ones sort of blow. The first just had a perfect mix of pacing and the writing works itself well. Enough science to get you on board but not far fetched enough that you end up making terror weapons out of a dinosaur (especially as flamethrowers exist wh would you waste $$ on a fear weapon when we already got one). First movie is almost a masterpiece albeit for a couple odd choices that mostly happen off screen

The first book is the only actually good entry in the franchise, books and films included. The first movie is ok but cheesy. Mediocre, basically. But saved by great soundtrack and a few scenes that create a sense of wonder. Everything else in the franchise that I have read/seen is utter shit.

The Lost World book is such utter shit that I suspect Crichton wrote it purely for money on some kind of fast deadline.

Ya the new update and dlc are really making a difference. I am having a lot of fun driving the new tour truck around and being able to make a desert with the sand paint tool is awesome too

I hope we get a small dlc soon. hopefully with dryosaurus in it because i really want that dino

Absolute pleb


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Anyone else sometimes wish they were a raptor? Not in a furfag way, it's just that a life of hunting and fucking free from responsibility just seems way nicer than slaving away for a boss who doesn't care about you.

Site B-based and fiortipilled

They're real dinosaurs.

Prove it

We must brush up on our Jurassic Park lore, brothers.


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I literally had nightmares about getting hunted-down torn to shreds by raptors, thanks to watching Jurassic Park as a kid.

This t b h, though I'd specifically like to be a female raptor because
A. Why the fuck not, male and female raptors are basically the same anyways
B. I've always wondered what having a vagina feels like so i might as well go all the way

I would have loved more of the working park.
This nigga is the real deal, I love all his videos.

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That's kinda hot

I want more Nick Robinson and Ty Simpkins.

Every Jurassic Park fan is a patrician as soon as they get fiorti pilled.

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I'm in the same boat, fren.

I remember reading that Spielberg pushed him into writing it.


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You have to be legitimately blind and stupid to think the cgi in jp is better than jw.







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>Human-dino hybrid plot

Nobody wants this.

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KF is extremely based and one of the only channels I enjoy watching these days. So much shit I never knew about JP lore.

The CGI was used sparingly and almost always used in combination with an animatronic. The t-rex breakout scene was filmed at night and they used rain to mask alot of the CG, that scene holds up after 25 years.

>when Fallen Kingdom could've brought back Jake Johnson to continue the arc of JP fanboy being forced out of his element and having to be put in the very scenario that he fanboys over only to find that maybe it wasnt so great after all but we got that screechy black kid in his role
>>when Bayona wasted a bunch of filler time that would've been better spent on the island in areas of Jurassic Park that we didn't get to see in JW
>>when the JW website updated and put the Barbasol can, and thus Nedry's Jeep/corpse right near the T-Rex paddock and thus near the whole Grady-Blue sequence meaning we could've gotten a Nedry-Paddock Road-Gennaro-Tour Explorer sequence in the movie but Bayona is a fucking idiot

But the connections are all there. It's so close.
You've got the genetic engineering of both dinos and humans. The latest movie had a human clone comparing herself to the dinos.
The movies try to tell us the military wants the Jurassic Park results for military applications, and a dino that can also hold a gun and report to a commander would be more useful.

Fucking this. I wanted more shit to go down on the island than what we got. So much potential. At the VERY LEAST they should have shown some dino wrangling, but nah, fuck you, we caught Rexy off screen.

Plus, this thread alone shows that people want to fuck the dinos, so the scaley fanservice has potential.

>Film Ranking goes from date released, ouch
Bryce makes those films good, otherwise they're souless reboots.

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Superior hand animated. Not sent to a chink sweatshop cgi place. They had more time for each scene bc it was sparingly used. They depicted them with weight and movenent and nit looney toons physics. Look how the trex is sort of clumsy in her ambush. Imagine how many hours they reviewed the movements to make them as natural as possible

I once had a hard-on for that girl in Jurrasic Park.

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Imagine if Spinosaurus really is part of the main attraction in World/Park.

>swampy exhibit, some areas deep enough to conceal it completely
>a suspended catwalk with glass floors allows visitors great visibility of the attraction from above (costs extra)
>other visitors would view the enclosure from ground level, behind glass walls, standard stuff
>Spino would stay motionless for long stretches of time, blocking out the sun using its sail, causing fish to gather in the shadow of its own body
>quick strike with claws swoops dozens of tuna-sized fish onto the shores, allowing it to feed

I honestly don't like the JP3 design, another bipedal rex with sails is so boring compared to a swamp-dwelling croc/bear hybrid

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dinosaurs arent real dino nerds

I remember seeing this still on the posters, one of my favorites. Old theaters used to have two posters for movies that are playing. One the main poster, the other is a bunch of stills.

Man I got fucking MAD when I found out Spinosaurus ate fucking FISH and yet it killed T-Rex in Jurassic Park III.
I remember that I was 16 at the time, way too grown up to care about this so much but I got so pissed that I went to a local supermarket with a huge cardboard sail on my back and started smashing my face into the fish at the fishmongers counter. Was slobbering all over the stinky fresh fish. Got banned for life, I still have to walk an extra mile to get to the supermarket now.

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Does anyone know how to create chimes/ringtones?


I always wanted to use the first notes that played in the TLW PS1 human hunter video as my computer's bootup sound


I don't mind that it's a fish-eater, I actually think it's really cool that it has a niche of its own. Like even T-Rexes doesn't want to go to the swampy areas of Isla Sorna "because there's that big fucker who can probably drown us", and Spino doesn't want to go to land because "the Rexes will literally stomp my sail in half"

Okay, so nobody but the 4 scalies in this thread wants it. Good to know.

I wish the movies did more interesting things with the dinos than just "oh it's a smaller/bigger Rex". Take Carnotaurus for example
>9m long, but only around 1.5 tons
>fast as fuck, built like speed demons

These things can chase you down and bite your head off. Imagine being on a motorbike getting chased by a pack of them. But in the movie it's just a smaller Rex. Didn't even have the camouflage that the book version had.

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Not to mention it got bullied by Rexy every time it was on screen. What a waste.