Sam Raimi Says He Thinks About Canceled ‘Spider-Man 4’ ‘All the Time’
Of course he does. It's the film the world the deserves but we have to get a sequel to the lame as fuck spiderverse
At least he got paid for doing nothing.
what if
hear me out bros
he gets to make it one day
based Tobes
Didn't Tony Macguire overdose?
Would give my left nut to see Raimi and Toby back in action to be honest
wagies deserve nothing more
Remember when Marvel announced a Spider-Man comic book written by JJ Abrams as if anyone would give a shit?
I had already forgotten.
yeah I wanna see Spidey murder MJs dad in cold blood that sounds amazing bro, I just love the romance subplots in these
a man denied his kino
> Spiderverse
> Lame
you were right until that part.
Literally the most Jewish move I have seen since the """""Holocaust""""" thanks JJ
The pitch sounded kind of ass to be honest.
Vulture was supposed to be the main villain and "THE STRONGEST FOE SPIDER-MAN HAS FACED YET". I get that Vulture is like the ultimate boomer pick for a villain but he's a fucking old man in a suit and it really feels like you're scraping the bottom of the barrel for a big villain when you have so many better choices.
For example, Kraven's Last Hunt would have been a way better fit for Spider-Man 4, or how about the fucking Lizard? You know, the character who was teased in the fucking previous movies.
Spider-Man 3 tainted the series.
Poor Raimicels only got 3 movies
Was is Tobey so based?
3 movies, 2 good movies.
still 2 more than any capesois ever had
You can thank Sony for that
3 is still more than any other Spidey had. Last I checked they all fucked off after 2. Also, Spiderman 1 and 2 are (much)better than any capeshit released since. So MCUcks can fuck off
Didn't 3 do well at the box office? I still don't get why he had to stop.
they were about the start filming. tons of prepreduction work was already done. john malkovich was cast
They're probably just gonna turn the script into a comic or something.