It's so fucking weird watching sitcom cameos
Like why were people excited for him to be on Fresh Prince? What was he famous for aside from being rich?
And why is Tatiana Ali looking at him like that?
It's so fucking weird watching sitcom cameos
Like why were people excited for him to be on Fresh Prince? What was he famous for aside from being rich?
And why is Tatiana Ali looking at him like that?
Other urls found in this thread:
What the fuck is wrong with his stupid hair?
I love how they built him up, only for him to destroy them later. Kino.
She likes his big white butt....he thick
he probably pounded that prime ashley banks pussy after the shoot
>What was he famous for aside from being rich?
Trump was famous for being the most important real estate developer in the world, at least as far as the public was concerned. In effect, he built New York, not only being involved with some of its most iconic buildings, but also setting the architectural trends that would come to define it. "Tall glass rectangle" was essentially his idea. How absolutely enormous he was at the time isn't even really comparable to anyone else except, humorously, him now. Everyone HAD to have an opinion on him, no matter what it was.
The whacky stuff like the steaks and the casinos outside of NYC were really secondary to the fact that he was the most important place in NYC, which at the time was the only place that mattered (again, to the American public).
he was an american hero, you might say THE american hero, throughout the 80's and 90's and 00's
half of america would still call him a hero now
>"Tall glass rectangle" was essentially his idea.
Imagine what an insane bootlicker you would have to be to believe this shit.
>draft dodger is a hero
>pow isnt a hero
Not literally, you fucking chimp. Did you even read a word of what I said, or did you just start seething when someone mentioned ORANGE CHEETO HITLER? Take a deep breath, calm down, and read it again. If you still don't get it, I walk you through it word by word.
zoomer thread
you are a stupid motherfucker
McCain wouldn't have been a PoW if he had been dishonorably discharged after having gotten high and crashing his plane into an aircraft carrier, killing dozens of navymen in the process. But, his father was an admiral, so he got off clean.
He also wouldn't have been a PoW had he not gotten drunk and flown his plane into the ground, of course.
lol, hell no. Trump has been a joke in New York since the late 80s. People were having a laugh at his expense when he was in financial trouble in the 00s.
Where do people get this stuff? You can literally see how the New York based talk shows constantly shat on him way before he started his campaign.
Go to bed lil Donnie
wow so trump invented sky scrapers and founded the city of newyork, amazing, no wonder you guys made him president, thanks im learning so much about america that the media tries to cover up
tatiana ali is so fuckin beautiful. one of my first tv crushes
>Liberals spit on veterans from Nam as they come home
>for years push that Nam was bad, US Intervention is bad
>Ignore all USSR intervention for 60 years
>Derp Russia bad and Trump ebil draft dodger
>Where do people get this stuff?
By having been born before 9/11. Again, you're falsely assuming that the way things are today is how they've always been. Up until Obama came along, Trump was seen as an apolitical figure. The idea of his running for president was talked about not because he actually wanted to support the Republicans or Democrats but because he was seen as being just that important that if he wanted it done, it'd get done.
>People were having a laugh at his expense when he was in financial trouble in the 00s
Trump appeared on Fresh Prince in 94.
If you want any proof that blacks are vote-slaves, look no further than their hard about-turn from glamorizing Trump all over their media, including rap, to hating on him for basically nothing. This guy was their default image of "billionaire playboy" as they liked his brash nature and catchy name.
Lets take a stroll then buddy
You're retarded m8
You're a faggot, lady
>at least as far as the public was concerned
Is the important part. Trump's entire gimmick has been making himself out to be the biggest and best thing ever. Fucking obviously Trump didn't come up with covering a steel frame in windows, but what's important is that he promoted himself so heavily that people associated it with him. People had been doing it for years, again, obviously, but Trump spent a lot of time, effort, and money making sure people knew he was doing it.
Part of this was knocking down old buildings and making sure the press got lots of quotes from him about it. Getting people mad at him so they pay attention to him has been, and still is, his best (and arguably only real) skill.
>Like why were people excited for him to be on Fresh Prince?
you do know sitcom audiences are coached to respond to things on cue, right? Genuine, non-cue reactions are either muted or necessitate reshooting the scene.
>anyone who's against papa trump is a liberal
>even if they have conservative only talking points
Mccain isn't a hero. He's a little bitch who is most likely burning in hell.
hell isn't real though
>Like why were people excited for him to be on Fresh Prince? What was he famous for aside from being rich?
he's the most iconic new yorker not named woody allen
He's unironically our greatest former actor that became president. Sorry, Ronnie.
>draft dodger
There is literally nothing heroic about fighting in a war that isn't a defensive war for America. Which would mean almost none of them.
God she looks fucking hot in there, why she staring at drumfs ass tho
I don't remember the media calling McCain a hero back in 2008 when he was running against King Nigger.
straightened hair is best
There's nothing heroic about pretending to care about the troops while also being a draft dodging pussy who regularly slanders veterans.
>all these butthurt nigger lovers in this thread
lol when Trump fucks you all on live TV again its gonna be hilarious
trump was literally name dropped in dozens of popular rap songs throughout the 90s and namedropped all the time on MTV. 'gangstas' loved him before gangsta rap went lowkey homo in the mid 2000s.
Libs were all over the place with McCaine. I remember a week before they thought he would vote against the health bill everyone was wishing he died of cancer. Then directly after he starting going anti trump again and he was loved by the same people.
No one is saying that is heroic, goober
Because you have selective memory. Veterans have been a sacred protected group in media circles since WW1.
He’s black
Isn't Trump actually surprisingly popular with black males?
Yet active duty military and veterans strongly support Trump, looks like this shill line isn't very effective. Still waiting on Trump to start WW3 with the norks and get tons of soldiers killed like you all swore would happen.
It's the same as James Comey. They hated him for months until Trump fired him, then they started loving him and worship him as a hero. There's a Colbert clip where he says "Comey was fired." and the audience starts clapping and he basically says "wrong reaction".
you fags will believe anything.
Even better, he's wormfood
His number was never called, so he didn’t dodge anything
Please make a coherent point the next time you respond to based me, thanks bud
I mean, I'm pretty sure 90% of them voted for Clinton and the best he's managed is like 20% favorability with them in polling. If he had ran as a Dem that would have been more like 99% for Trump.
>hell isn't real though
jew detected
>not a single Democrat voted for Vietnam vet Jim Webb
>the whole party preferred Bernie "Dude free shit lmao" Sanders or Hillary "Vote for my vagina" Clinton
>when it comes to Trump they act like not being a Vietnam vet should disqualify Drumpf from the presidency
He's not a retard or a woman. That's why.
>ignoring the active duty and veterans who don't support Trump
Good job cherrypicking bad ignoring inconvenient facts.
>inb4 retro reduxes of "bomb Iran" parody songs
>Jim Webb
man they memory holed that guy real fast after that one debate where he came out as the only reasonable, sane democrat i've heard speak in decades.
>>ignoring the active duty and veterans who don't support Trump
all 2 of them? military men and their families love trump because he hasnt started a half dozen new wars like the last 3 presidents each did.
>He's not a retard
Sure he is!
Roughly 6 in 10 veterans voted Republican in the 2018 midterms and about the same amount approve of how Trump is doing.
It's happening again, the two fairly reasonable libs were two white guys who all the lefties shit on. Not counting Tulsi Gabbard who for some reason the left hate even though she's the only person who could beat Trump
>military men and their families love trump because he hasnt started a half dozen new wars like the last 3 presidents each did.
well done, well done
>Tulsi Gabbard who for some reason the left hate
Has this been explained yet?
Hey uh, G would you make me a sandwich?
Do you know you're retarded?
She has been vocal about ending the US's perpetual war. That's really it. I wouldn't be surprised if had been called anti-semitic at some point.
>Tulsi Gabbard who for some reason the left hate
tulsi is anti-war veteran who understands the true cost of war so the DNC establishment absolutely hate her. the modern left is all for destabilizing the third world with bullshit wars to increase the influx of 'refugees' to further destabilize western civilization. cant have that!
bolton is like a mad dog you keep chained up in your yard to keep nigger children out. trump isnt actually going to let him run loose around the neighborhood.
Do you idiots even read?
Nice logic, that's literally how retards argue fyi
>villains spin off is actual better
He has a winning personality that people are naturally drawn to unless you can brainwash them first.
I read your mother a good night story after I fucked her in the ass
Nah, I just like pointing out the obvious. It's better than attacking straw men.
that intro is dynamite
There are literally hundreds of articles out there explaining why Tulsi is trash.
.03 second Google search
You almost seem sincere so I'll ask you why you left wing cocksuckers hate Tulsi Gabbard
youre gonna need more reddit spacing for him to understand
I'm on vacation and everyone is asleep so I'm not gonna read an article on my phone
sounds plausible to me
She wants to get bleached, obviously.
he was just a larger than life sort of personality. the upper crust always looked down on him though
Rappers in the 90s loved namedropping Trump because he was the sort of flashy wealth they aspired to.
Plus why do you not like her, I don't mean whatever hive mind you're apart of
from the same people that are shilling kamala im guessing?
Bolton got cucked by Tucker.
Basically Trump said: "Friendship ended with Bolton, Tucker is my new best friend.", then WWIII was called-off.
Thank you President Trump, for defeat the evil
Thank you for your service user
He was recommended a hair transplant doc by his ex eastern yuro trash wife. Doc fucked it up to the point that he has hair but it grows in a strange and bizarre pattern so he has to fold it over in a particular manner. He also beat his wife for the recommendation. Pretty based.
Not sure if you've been watching the news past couple weeks, but the Dems can't even stop flip-flopping their opinions on their own party members
Kek they have no answer, sad!
more like he had tremendous failures on USA soil but thankfully for his steaks and hotels he was kept afloat. he is the epitome of confidence is king.
as they have flip flopped on whether or not there is a crisis at the US mexico border
Be honest with me, Yea Forums. How hard is he going to win in 2020?
>my thoughts are all true and pure
>yours are all propaganda shilling
the democrats will have poisoned their well sufficiently by then, I expect total incumbent domination
Christ Almighty
Pretty hard. Nobody has any real incentive to try and earnestly remove him.
Yeah, like it was completely a crisis the first two years of his presidency. Good thing he remembered just before the midterms!
This is not selective outrage.
I'm not sure what you mean, whose outrage?
The democrats are a total sham this month.
its ridiculous how they turn on you when you compete against their boss
Lmao yeah it's not AOC standing two feet from the end of a fence and lying about drinking toilet's the right with selective outrage
You're saying that like it came out of nowhere, but the person you're talking to didn't link someone else's article, and you did. If your views are your own you should be able to say them yourself
There is a compilation on Jewtube that spans 30 years of rappers name dropping Trump. There are plenty of pics of Trump hanging with rappers. But after 30 years of being a black icon the narrative does a totally 180 in 2016. How is this behavior considered sane?
as things stand he's going to win in an absolute landslide
Whew, lad.
I was only pointing out that it's was moronic to not understand why the left hates Gabbard. They shout it everywhere. You just assumed I hated her. Weird.
Fair enough but somehow the left will bitch about Fox News, yet ignore NBC, CNN, ABC, CBS
Yes, when faced with an immoral unjustified war of aggression, dodging the draft is the more heroic option rather than volunteering to murder foreigners who never did you wrong.
>30 years of being a black icon
Both sides are fighting for the outrage/crisis narrative, you're just selectively giving one a pass.
>active duty military and veterans strongly support Trump
actual proof?
not really, when it comes to the US mexico border nothing the democrats have added to the "conversation" is in any way relevant to the facts of the matter
God damn them and their poisonous moderate bias.
I was asking not wondering, as a Trumpfag I honestly don't know since she seems the first person I'd pick to beat Donnie
>actual proof?
fucking google cant even hide it? just google it?
or go ask any military person you know? he has overwhelming support.
Classic Paul Dano
He used connection to leverage appearances in shit to ultimately promote his shit. Every member of the cast and some execs probably got a free stay at his hotel in exchange for the appearance.
In like 30 years someone will be saying the same thing about Dan Bilzerean.
It’s a wig
I watched this movie so many times without ever realizing he made this tiny cameo
>lol, hell no. Trump has been a joke in New York since the late 80s. People were having a laugh at his expense when he was in financial trouble in the 00s.
>Where do people get this stuff? You can literally see how the New York based talk shows constantly shat on him way before he started his campaign.
How mad is this post on a scale of 1 to REEEEEEE?
>I watched this movie so many times without ever realizing he made this tiny cameo
he owned the hotel it was shot in, ya dip. lol
You do realize that Trump had two years to deal with this 'crisis', right? And he only decided to jump in it just before the midterms? You can't be this blind.
This just in, military personnel generally have lower IQs.
>sh-shes homophobic because she used to copy her fathers religious political stances when she was 23
unlike every other democrat politician who definitely supported gay marriage their whole life and not just 4 years ago
>she was in a cult ree
article literally admits they have no evidence of this
>she supports Hindu nationalism ree
in the interview linked she literally says she supports no political party in India
do you retards even read your own links?
>I'm a Podunk nobody.
Is "zero" an option? Trump didn't have a hope of winning his home state or even the corner of his home town in which he lives. Guy could barely manage 10% in *Manhattan*.
Maybe if you would read the thread you could see that I was just posting the very first article that popped up about liberals disliking Gabbard. My only point was that, if you don't know why liberals dislike her, you're not reading anything but Yea Forums. I wasn't agreeing or disagreeing with anything in the article.
no u
our man is president. our man will be president for 4 more years. and your war mongering satanic pedophile queen will die of kuru.
>There's nothing heroic about pretending to care about the troops while also being a draft dodging pussy who regularly slanders veterans.
multi war disabled vet here faggot, Kosovo, Iraq, Afghan.
Trump rules, I couldn't get McCain to return simple phonecalls about getting fucked over at the Phoenix VA - for YEARSSSSSSSSSS!
McCain's father is an admiral. His grandfather is an admiral, that navy nigger signed a deal with the devil for the MSM to cover for him so much.
Trump rules, VA has been great, I'm going to see a civilian doctor outside the VA since I would have to wait to see a specialist for more than 30 days thanks to Trump and the new Choice program
There's hundreds of articles because ZOG fears her, lol.
Shut it faggot, we know you're the type of cuckold to purposely confuse immigration and illegal immigration
all these trump posters are just /pol/ outcasts and rejects and thats why they come here and shit up the board
explain democrats not supporting trump
Jesus, the level of know nothing isolation in this post would be heartbreaking if I didn't know a completely useless cunt was posting it.
If it was, it would look good. It looks so shit because he insists on using whatever actual hair he has left.
I'm sorry you're not accepting of different opinions
How the fucking hell does someone become "rejected" or "outcast" from /pol/?
Sorry I don't read Daily Kos, still I haven't gotten a direct answer
it's not a Yea Forums thread but I'm not a proper moderator either that's why I'm called a "janitor"
>>active duty military and veterans strongly support Trump
>actual proof?
I support him your retarded nigger/
Any other crybaby questions?
/pol/ just learned to stop taking the bait every time.
I think "outcast" in this case means they know they'll get replies if they post here instead.
>I support him your retarded
You can't make this shit up.
Trump tried for decades to get in to the hollywood circles.
all he did was throw money at the suits for cameos.
Dear moron, I never once said I didn't like her. And, it's completely irrelevant to any comment that I, or anyone else made in this thread.
Again, my only point was that if you're confused why liberals dislike Gabbard you could literally ask that exact question into your fucking phone and find out in seconds.
>everyone I don't read is propaganda
Literal brain damage.
Now he's the biggest star in the history of the world
>Is "zero" an option? Trump didn't have a hope of winning his home state or even the corner of his home town in which he lives. Guy could barely manage 10% in *Manhattan*.
And Hillary didn't win Arkansas either.
Electoral college is a really hard concept for you losers to grasp, isn't it? I love that you dorks sound like libertarians and cuckservatives now.
Have fun losing with dignity in 2020 - keep your 10% Manhattan vote too.
>ugh DRUMPF isnt a pathetic self deprecating faggot like i am!
The plural of anecdote is not data.
Id rather someone tell me their thoughts, which you seem incapable of without sperging out
trying too hard breh
Shows how much the opinion of his detractors actually matters, huh?
yep, because he brought down the American empire.
a house divided can not stand.
>normies caring about architecture
No, you nerd, he made a bunch of TV appearances and branded his face to his name, people had an opinion of him because he bought his way into their brains. No surprise that he'd go on to run in three presidential elections. (1996, 2016, 2020)
>You can't make this shit up.
He's still your president, and will be again in 2020. He's going to get a 3rd and maybe a 4th Supreme Court Justice too.
Cry moar bitch nigger
Do you people really think you're smart?
it does not matter.
the USA is done being the power house of the world.
he drives away our allies right to the hands of china/russia/israel. the USA is finished. good job mr.hero.
>yep, because he brought down the American empire.
>a house divided can not stand.
LOL, did Rachel Maddow tell you how to think?
Yeah you figured it out, FYI Obama had one of his main goals as not making the is the world you now remember
Again, my thoughts are "If you don't understand why liberals dislike Gabbard you're either sheltered or willfully ignorant."
Does that work for you?
*The USA
Nope, I'm looking for a direct answer even if they're not your actual opinions
>Do you people really think you're smart?
Smarter than you since I know what it takes for a candidate to win the Electoral college in 2020, and it's not just NY state nor 90% of Manhattan.
Someone should tell that to the Democrats, since two of them are campaigning in Mexico - which doesn't get to vote.
>Trump tried for decades to get in to the hollywood circles.
>all he did was throw money at the suits for cameos.
what is The Apprentice. one of the most popular reality tv shows of all time, with spin offs in over 20 different countries? lol
there is a difference between being the leader of the world and policing the world.
>americans are getting more violent towards each other at an alarming rate
>the house is not divided
retards. good thing ive always been the outsider observing it all. different perspective when you dont fit in with any one.
blessed image
I'm not your fucking librarian. Eat shit.
>in effect, he built New York
the fuck, new york was famous long before he was relevant
He got 8% of the black vote which for a Republican candidate is the biggest since Nixon.
>he drives away our allies right to the hands of china/russia/israel. the USA is finished. good job mr.hero.
china is our slave country. russia has a smaller GDP than dozens of american corporations, by themselves, and israel is literally our mad dog we use as casus belli to destabilize the middle east for profit. none of those countries is an actual super power and all of them would suffer and collapse without US trade and support.
I don't believe that matters or is quantifiable
it's just a smear attempt "lel, le dump people vote blumpf"
>with spin offs in over 20 different countries?
The U.S. Apprentice, as well as 18 of those other shows, are spin offs of a UK show.
They're some pathetic samefagging
>thinks reality TV is anything to be proud of
reminder that reality TV is a cancer that causes more and more people to do stupid degenerate shit to get cameras fallowing them around. even worse are the disgusting "humans" that watch that shit.
fuck Real World
fuck Big Brother
fuck the Apprentice
fuck that tranny 12 year old Jazz show
fuck Here comes Honey Boo Boo
Lmao you literally can't forment your own thoughts, jeez Louise pal
>I don't believe anything that doesn't support my preconceived nothing.
I noticed.
isn't that you?
trump is kind of like what bezos and elon musk are now, a guy who is a celebrity for being a businessman. back then you'd go on sitcoms/make movie cameos to solidify that role, but now that we have shit like twitter where these guys can talk at the public directly, you don't really see that shit as much.
>fuck Real World
>fuck Big Brother
>fuck the Apprentice
>fuck that tranny 12 year old Jazz show
>fuck Here comes Honey Boo Boo
putting "reality tv" in with REALITY tv.
degenerate fuckfest shows are cancer. real reality shows are kino. survivor, the apprentice, the kardashians, jersey shore, etc, are kino.
Thoughts on?
I've already clearly stated my thoughts on every point I made in this thread.
Do you want to know how I feel about swiss cheese? nipple clamps? most effective kitty litter?
>lost, the post
China will far surpass the US in the next century. they are actually growing. they are building influence all over the world while Trump pisses off every one.
deny it all you want. this must have been how the british felt after 1776. they knew it was over but clung on to their delusions. resting on their laurels.
>retards. good thing ive always been the outsider observing it all. different perspective when you dont fit in with any one.
HEH - thought that you were SMARTER than me??? CHECKMATE, I'm an OUTSIDE observer with no skin in the game. (polishes katana, tips fedora and continues to not have sex)
>the USA is done being the power house of the world.
Just admit you're a moron pal
He sucks and is incompetent, but he is going to win because the Dems have decided that winning on Twitter is what really counts. Promise everything because that gets the most likes and retweets. Unless Joe Biden gets on the primary debate stage and shoots all the other Dems instead of apologizing to them, Trump is going to win the EC handily and 50/50 he wins the popular vote.
fighting ZOG wars to be a hero hahahah
>"This war of deception and hatred against my mom is being waged by homosexual activists because they know, that if elected, she will not allow them to force their values down the throats of the children in our schools," Gabbard is quoted as saying.
>"To try to act as if there is a difference between 'civil unions' and same-sex marriage is dishonest, cowardly and extremely disrespectful to the people of Hawaii," Gabbard said at the time. "As Democrats we should be representing the views of the people, not a small number of homosexual extremists."
The real reason is that the media hates her for being anti-war and Democrats suck up whatever the media says but if you ask Democrats her ancient anti-gay stance is what they will likely bring up.
No for the last time PoWs aren’t hero’s. A hero doesn’t get captured, they save the captured. Don’t worship some stupid fuck who got caught. Jesus Christ. Are you praising the mouse who’s so fucking stupid they get caught in a mouse trap? Dumb fuck.
this is a bot, right? realistically how hard is it to write a script that just spouts nonsense about either side on a site like this? how much of these posts are real now?
that's you bud, also lost the election soon to be twice lost
keep blindly hating your fellow countrymen I guess
>survivor, the apprentice, the kardashians, jersey shore, etc, are kino.
no. you are a huge faggot. your ilk disgust me.
reality tv watchers should be rounded up and put down. that inclunds any genetic droppings they may have spawned as well. cant have the retards fucking up the gene pool and culture any more.
>I'm pretending to be dumb to cover for me being actually dumb earlier in.
Sure, kid.
>China will far surpass the US in the next century. they are actually growing. they are building influence all over the world while Trump pisses off every one.
>deny it all you want. this must have been how the british felt after 1776. they knew it was over but clung on to their delusions. resting on their laurels.
You sad ant people will eventually kill each other with the banking crash happens (it's happening). What are ghost cities?
What is gutter oil and fake eggs?
What is one semi functional air craft carrier?
What are MREs that spoil in less than a year?
dat projection.
Took me like 4 seconds.
Any anons wanna explain why this retard is still babbling? Thanks
What has Trump actually done that makes people so insane about "stopping" him? He has no clue what he's doing, why are people acting like he is some crazy dictator that needs to be stopped at all costs? I'm not from the US so I don't feel the effects of his presidency firsthand. Is he really implementing policies that are killing a bunch of people? Is there anything other than the border thing?
He wasn't that famous outside of New York. You're fucking retarded.
>Please, someone validate me
you're the reason the left is losing
>no. you are a huge faggot. your ilk disgust me.
>reality tv watchers should be rounded up and put down. that inclunds any genetic droppings they may have spawned as well. cant have the retards fucking up the gene pool and culture any more.
kim kardashian will be the first female president of the united states of america, as a republican.
Imagine how wrong you are as a foreigner about Trump being some nutso dictator, now multiply it by a million
the camps at the boarder are a big story along with court stacking and deregulation across several sectors
he's kind of doing a lot of fucking nothing actually
>dat projection.
Stay scared user!
I'll be knocking on doors by the end of the summer for my local candidates and will be working to make American great!
You accidentally hit the meme arrow
You see, the problem is that he will read that and think nothing of it and continue with his "smug twitter" approach to politics. No point in trying to convince people like him that their approach is hurting the left, they truly don't believe it and just want to see you dead and dragged across the street.
Remember when Britain was the Great British Empire?
meanwhile in the USA
>the people are attacking/killing each other because political views
>the people are being poisoned by their water having lead/natural gas in it
>infrastructure is woefully outdated and crumbling
>trust in the government is a all time low
>rights are being stripped away while people applaud because it makes other people mad
dark times a head.
enjoy the shit show we are all about to be witness to. and remember, Reality TV is the direct reason.
Is he running? He looks tired of the job honestly.
>she a good choice cause i see her on the TV
morons everyone.
>dat fucking projection
Aren't the "camps" just holding facilities that most countries have? How else do you deal with a large number of migrants? I'm sure he could be handling it better, but why do people act like it's Nazi Germany concentration camps? I've seen you americans say some absolutely crazy hyperbolic shit online about this.
>the people attacking/killing each other because political views
the USA is not the city of Portland Oregon
>the people are being poisoned by their water having lead/natural gas in it
the USA is not the city of Flint Michigan
I suppose europeans can't bank because just about every bank in latvia has been laundering money and has closed
Wow we found the biggest fan of Handmaid's Tale
Don't forget that our media and politicians are completely bought and paid for by large corporations that dictate the direction of the country for profit.
What kind of litter do you use? I’ve been using the 24/7 stuff in the jugs but I’m open to suggestions.
I hate him but he's going to absolutely kill it.
Only person who could beat him is Tulsi Gabbard but she won't get the nomination.
Black have hair like that
He had a surgery that basically fused the parts of his scalp that were still growing hair together to fight baldness.
This is now massively obsolete, but was considered the best option at the time for fighting baldness.
>No point in trying to convince people like him that their approach is hurting the left,
literally what the fuck are you talking about. Trump specifically tweeted out support for Nancy pelosi by attacking freshmen dems. The 2 party system is rigged in favor of the rich, trump is participating in the exact same frauds he accused hillary of (if not worse). Every time the right shrieks "you can't do that" it means the left is doing something correct, because 3 years ago the liberal establishment had the exact same reaction to trump and he won.
This entire thing is a joke and every time the right panics its a sign the left is doing something good. The trump-era conservative pepe retards literally proved that the twitter outrage strategy works.
it would probably just be best for you to look it and decide for yourself. complicated issue. the holding conditions are generally very bad
They're purposefully using harsh conditions and child separation to deter asylum seekers. Something most first world countries would frown upon.
Presidents are quasi figureheads that more or less enact policy put forth by the House of Representatives and Senate. They have say in what happens and can enact certain extrajudicial liberties but when it comes down to it, he’s there to shake hands, sign bills, and eat food with other countries leaders.
>>she a good choice cause i see her on the TV
>morons everyone.
i didnt say anything about her being a good choice. i said she will be the first female president of the USA. because shes working towards it, and she always gets what she wants. she has more followers on twitter than every single US politician combined and understands social media better than any of them. obama won because of social media. trump won because of social media. kim kardashian will win because of social media.
>Only person who could beat him is Tulsi Gabbard but she won't get the nomination.
lol, while shes not the worst of the democrats offerings, she would still stand no chance against trump based off name recognition alone. shes a literal WHO.
>he thinks its only happening in Flint
>charlottesville never happened! fake news!
demonizing your fellow americans is actually why you lost friend, being clueless about everything else is only the other part
low effort and sad.
thats why it was a perfect idea to cut out the middle man and just hire the people who have been fucking the nation in to the dirt to line their pockets.
Lmao Pelosi is a slow term Marxist and the new breed of purple haired freaks are trying to do it for Daddy Soros when he's still alive. Get a clue before posting again
>literally what the fuck are you talking about. Trump specifically tweeted out support for Nancy pelosi by attacking freshmen dems.
he thinks trumps "support" of nancy pelosi is geniune and not a joke to divide the dnc establishment and the upstart communists nutters.
yikes and teenager pilled.
do you understand how water tables work?
No he won't
oh you aint wrong.
that is the worse part.
retards literally vote based on popularity on the TV/social media.
>Presidents are quasi figureheads that more or less enact policy put forth by the House of Representatives and Senate. They have say in what happens and can enact certain extrajudicial liberties but when it comes down to it, he’s there to shake hands, sign bills, and eat food with other countries leaders.
what is executive privilege and executive orders and the trend set by the past 3 presidents. lol
If you're cats will allow it, pine pellets for horse stall bedding.
It breaks down into saw dust when wet, big stuff starts on to to scoop easily, it's super cheap, and it destroys any odor.
Some cats refuse to use the stuff though, and it can be hard to get in some places.
You have any footage I can see? It's hard to know what's actually happening because everything I read just claims that the other side is lying. Do you have pictures or video of the people suffering? Its hard as fuck to find out what's actually going on in your country lol
>Tatiana Ali
Bleached by an ugly motherfucker.
Trump is playing the same shell game the GOP has used since Ronnie where they bitch about immigrants, welfare, unfree markets, and the deficit and then just enact policies that will make all of those things even bigger problems.
Nobody cares about this because everyone is so caught up in "muh trannies" or "muh guns" to notice it.
is this a joke post
You idiots should stop getting your political news from Yea Forums
go though em and see what you think.
this article has pictures. it triggers trump cultists to see them
there are pictures of one of our more vocal nitwits in congress forlornly looking in the direction of a fence that sits parallel to an empty road a mile from a detention center
what the fuck is that dog?
>What kind of litter do you use? I’ve been using the 24/7 stuff in the jugs but I’m open to suggestions.
schweat scoop, its natural, made from wheat, flushable, biodegradable, and digestable(because your cats do end up consuming some of their litter while cleaning their feet/butts/etc)
Yeah I know a lot of Trump haters with $130,000 in student loan debt for bullshit degrees.
>Its hard as fuck to find out what's actually going on in your country lol
that should be a hint something dodgy is going on
I get that, but I just don't see how he's so much worse than the other politicians. Seems like same old shit honestly, he doesn't seem much different from other republicans. I just don't understand the whole "this country is now fascist and we have to punch nazis in the streets" approach
lol @ those poor people who could just GO HOME . but no, they get to stay in air conditioned tents and detainment centers, given free food and blankets. omg its another hall of cost.
>phantom cities made of bootleg buildings nobody is dumb enough to move from their villages into
>massively inflated economic bubble
>rampant corruption that makes Amurrka and Ruskies blush
>the fucking Petition Village existed
>attempting to implement a social credit system fit for a Black Mirror episode
>Hong Kong's citizenry actually managing to get Beijing to back the fuck off
>the peak of modernization in China is a dystopian Foxconn factory complex in Zhengzhou
>China will far surpass the US in the next century
I welcome them to try. A successful China would probably look a lot less like a bunch of pitiful ants crushed underneath the heel of their authoritarian government and our own corporate interests and more like Americans with a youxia mentality.
and can you imagine, the beans and tortillas they're given aren't the ones they like to eat!
That is just it. Nothing. Democrats are insane for the most part when it comes to Trump. It is this built up imaginary boogey man they have built up of some weird power fantasy of them fighting this war against thier dad who has grounded them and taken a thier toys away from them and won't let them play with thier brown friends and run around naked and fuck thier same sex brothers and sisters (and they call the fly over states the backwards ones)
Anyway, they are so fucking buttblasted they lost an election they thought they had it in the bag they are stomping and raving mad. That is all. They will never get over it, ever, they were forever btfo.
Trump has never been against immigrants though, he's only against illegal immigrants. He's open for talented people to move to America and he's not insane enough to shut down America's immigration process entirely. What he's entirely focused on is illegal immigration and with the democrats all pushing for open borders, free healthcare for illegals and so on it's a far worse situation than what Trump's reasonable skilled immigration programs is doing.
Damn that does look shitty. What should they do differently though? How do they even manage so many people at once? I feel like they don't even have time to build new facilities because of the rate of migration
They can't leave.
I think it's more that democrats pull a fire alarm at every turn, it confuses everyone, especially when we have a long discussion that wastes time and distracts everyone as it turns out to be totally fucking nothing
The media was fascinated with Trump in the 80s because they were pushing the narrative that the Reagan era was all about being a selfish, greedy yuppie asshole and Trump was the perfect poster boy for that because he sought out attention and publicity.
They eventually lost interest and began to ridicule him for his behavior and failures in the '90s, but the previous media coverage had cemented the idea of Trump = rich businessman in the minds of millions of people, which was why NBC decided to give him The Apprentice.
He personally put children on the Holocaust rollercoasters after enticing them to travel 4000 miles alone across the desert with a churro.
>attempting to implement a social credit system fit for a Black Mirror episode
Im pretty sure they've already fully implemented it entirely.
there's a city's worth of people trying to come into this country every fucking month
I hate them
>Indictments are nothing
>I was sucking more cocks than you can even imagine kiddo.
>The usa will be fine!
>gets in to another war in the middle east to fight for Saudi Arabia's holy civil war
>trillions more in debt
>dont accomplish anything
>5 years down the line another group of terrorists rise like ISIS causing more instability in the area
this has happened 3 times so far in my life time. each time the USA has come out much weaker. there is a pattern but everyone wants to ignore it.
>They can't leave.
yes they can. they are only kept in the detention centers if they are claiming aslyum or refusing to state their home country. if you tell them your home country and state that you want to go home, they put you on a bus/plane and send you home.
1) he was famous for being rich after losing everything
2) he wrote a best selling book about it you retard
He wasn't just propped up, he had made many evocative multi multi million dollar deals since the late 70s. He was a force in real estate at the time that wasn't just a curiosity, he was rapidly becoming someone that couldn't be ignored in NYC,
the thing that's different is the political climate and the types of people who support each side are starting to mirror what fascist countries looked like. The moderates (most dems) are basically just pretending nothing is wrong at the border and don't want to impeach him. The far right people are killing a lot of civilians and are also being assisted by the police during protests. Congress hasn't been able to achieve anything in 10 years meaning more government decisions are being left to the president.
It's not that trump himself is a fascist just that the conditions for fascism are increasing.
You might say they were on a Road to Nowhere
sure seems that way, since they're handed out like candy and have lost any fucking meaning
I have zero respect for democrats, none.
After misplacing their children.
I like it.
wew lad
you mean he payed Tony Schwartz to ghost write the book
What the fuck
that book was not written about his bank woes friend, it was much earlier than that. He was kept on by the banks because without his name his properties weren't were as much to them.
Trump is based. I dont agree with most of his politics but he pisses off the same people i dislike so regardless of the fact. I hate that this dude is president, glad he beat hillary, cant wait for him to finish second term so he can shit all over the preceding 8 years. I am really drubk right now please forgive any grammatical errors
We've already avoided war with a few countries so far and nobody's paying any insurgency groups to fight the war for them like the previous administrations so we're doing good so far.
reminder that Karl Rove's fat ass is to blame for congress being the fucking mess it is now.
You do know that most of them pled guilty or cooperated, right?
>The far right people are killing a lot of civilians and are also being assisted by the police during protests.
>The far right people are killing a lot of civilians and are also being assisted by the police during protests
Please cite proof of your blatant lies...
The Art of the Comeback is his book about losing everything.
I guess from the outside, most of your post just seems like hyperbole. You guys are nuts and there's some weird shit in your water or something. "The far right are killing a lot of "civilians" seems like such an exaggeration
He was famous for being in Home Alone 2 on the dvd extras there was an extended scene where he rapes Kevin dunno why it was cut from the movie
please ignore bullshit like that, we have a lot of 20 year old political science professors in the 21st century
Do people unironically believe shit like this? Your perception of reality is so beyond fucked, holy shit
>he's terrible but he upset people
This is the problem
>graduated bottom of his class at the academy
>killed shitload of sailors by crashing his plane
>gave NVA flight paths
>was given cushy perks for being a traitor
>married a mafia heiress
Yeah, "Bomb the Iranians" McCain was a fuckin hero right sure
There is no late stage capitaliam, Communism is a (very hot) incubator for Fascism. Marxism leads to Fascism literally every time to the point of being almost a Scientific Law. However liberals have deluded themselves into thinking right = racism
You still believe that bullshit? Did Tony also consult Trump on all his negotiations?
mccain didn't crash his plane, he was on the flightdeck when a misfire from another aircraft detonated a dump of munitions
>court stacking
This is partially the Dems' doing. There was a massive number of vacancies in the federal judiciary at the district and appellate levels, some dating back to when Bush was in office, after the Democrats used filibusters and later a Senate majority to halt most of Bush's nominees after 2006. Obama slowly filled some of these vacancies over his first term, when the Democrats had a supermajority in the Senate in 2009 and 2010, but shifted into overdrive on getting judges in the federal courts in 2013 and 2014 when it became obvious that no major legislation would be forthcoming from Congress. To confirm some of Obama's strongly liberal judges for the DC Circuit, Harry Reid nuked the filibuster for appellate level and below. Then the Democrats lost their majority after 2014, and couldn't fill any vacancies. Since Congress has mostly been unable to function legislatively since Trump won, the Republican-controlled Senate has had nothing to do but fill federal court vacancies, and a bunch of Bush appointees retired so that Trump could appoint their successors.
>What should they do differently though?
basically the US has been fucking up south america since WWII and only now that the country is moving away from industrialization and needs cheap labor their choices are coming back to haunt them
>There is no late stage capitaliam
Well, that settles it.
National Socialism is the real socialism that has never been tried and will lead to Reddit's much awaited automated luxury space communism.
youre talking to retards... better to not respond
No that is what chumps like you WANT the president to be. Just some goofy mascot. Oh no he said mean things and supposedly denigrated the office when he's supposed to unite everyone and make everyone happy in fairyland. Rather than let China run over us with a bulldozer and actually defend American borders.
A "real president" would have flown by on a magical chariot and said "you are all Americans now" and fly away to Heaven with Muhammad.
That is why Obama is the GOAT president to Democrats and then anyone else knows him as basically a propped up terrible leader who was only scandal free because the press refused to cover what the fuck he was actually doing. Well at least he apologized to people and then had a feelgood smile and world respect for the USA went up, that's really all that matters. /sarcasm
no. he had others for that. it is like you dont know how negotiations work.
you think they happen like how hollywood shows?
He didn't write the book. He can't even string together a current sentence.
>Everybody is always blaming me for everything
the word you want is coherent
That doesn't answer my question though. What can they do about the immediate problem? The rate of migration is so high, how do you manage that many people at once?
I'm not seeing how that's a bad thing. Union should've broken up when the south wanted to leave but that faggot Lincoln forced it on them.
Your faith in hyper-macho posturing is noted.
Politicians used to pay lip service to things that they thought most people wanted to hear even if they had no intention of legislating towards whatever the fuck it is they were talking about. Refugees are a good example of this; normally you'd have a politician go up there, say he supports the right of honest asylum seekers to seek asylum due to WW2 and shit, but that the system must be fair and filter out illegitimate claims. This would tell you basically nothing about how the refugee system would actually work under their administration. Bleeding-hearts like Obama would deport a lot of people because he's worried about the safety net, and red-meat conservatives would let them stay because of cheap labor. People couldn't keep straight what was actually happening and therefore couldn't come up with a strong opinion on how it was being handled.
Trump goes up there and says the infiltrators need to fuck off as bluntly as possible and its a breach of civility, yes, but it makes it plain as day to the people who don't like asylum seekers that this guy really shares their opinion, while the liberals, who are used to the previous decorum, are shocked that someone would reject it and figure this guy must be Hitlerian in his hatred of refugees to go that far.
the constitution gave them no right to secede and it's been settled
Even fucking factcheckers say you're a lying nigger shithead
Back to r/t_d McCain apologist
I honestly don't understand what's so bad about national socialism. Why is putting your country first and using the government to serve the people a bad thing? Do people just automatically associate it with Nazis?
Communism only shows up after late stage industrialism and 100 percent of the time leads to Fascism at the levels Orwell would laugh at. Debate me if you wish.
We need a Teddy Roosevelt.
>The conditions which have told for our marvelous material well-being, which have developed to a very high degree our energy, self-reliance, and individual initiative, have also brought the care and anxiety inseparable from the accumulation of great wealth in industrial centers. Upon the success of our experiment much depends, not only as regards our own welfare, but as regards the welfare of mankind. If we fail, the cause of free self-government throughout the world will rock to its foundations, and therefore our responsibility is heavy, to ourselves, to the world as it is to-day, and to the generations yet unborn.
why do you post a link that says you're full of shit?
>A third was destroyed on the deck of the carrier USS Forrestal when a missile fired accidentally from another plane hit either the plane next to McCain’s or, less likely, his own aircraft, triggering a disastrous fire that killed 134 sailors and nearly killed McCain.
Yeah so right the the constitution was squashing their freedom of association thus making everyone's talk about how "free" the US is complete and total bullshit.
>asylum seekers
When did we start calling illegal immigrants jumping the border "asylum seekers"? Most of them are just people that want to cross into the country illegally and hopefully live here without getting caught, simple as that.
>The far right are killing a lot of "civilians
see pic related. There was also a GAO report that said the fbi was burying right-wing terrorism investigations. The mainstream media mostly covers it up or says "both sides have some extremists" because at the end of the day, the people who own the liberal media companies like NBC or CNN are corporations and rich people. They want to compromise with republicans and if they talk about republicans connection to far right groups the general public will no longer want that compromise.
He sought it out. The media doesn't give an ounce of shit about people way richer and more economically important than Trump, but he was young at the time and always happy to work with the media to drum up publicity and attract attention. He was a socialite as much as a businessman.
National socialism is associated with Hitler.
Call it something else.
he'd mog all the tech bugmen who are ruining our country too by trust busting google and all the other shitters
>what are (j)ews
well shit, you cracked the code, a man with a business that survives and thrives on promotion sought out media exposure, well done
bastardization of words or language
Carlin had a bit about it. Even the more syllables added to something though im not sure that was him
>shell shock
Yeah, autocorrect is a bunch like that.
nothing in your sentence is rational, or coherent, may God have mercy on your soul
It was probably around the time NGOs and the Mexican government told illegal aliens they could just say they were asylum seekers and be allowed to stay for decades while their claims were processed.
Call it "the economic and social policies we had from 1932 until 1964 under Presidents from both parties"
Telling immigrants "fuck off, we're full" is what Britain, France, and the US did before during and after WW2. Bringing in immigrant labor to work themselves to the bone in jobs Westerners don't want was more akin to Nazi policy. response
yep. he would actually get to work helping the american people.
im also 90% sure he would kill Citizens United.
what am I supposed to do, you're not even trying
Post some of these right wing domestic terrorism incidents specifically, please.
soft language.
He's supposedly a real estate developer. You don't need household name recognition for that. Plenty of skyscrapers and towers get built by ultra-rich developers you've never heard of.
No, adding the name Trump onto shit is not a necessary part of developing real estate.
undocumented immigrant is the most annoying fucking example of this shit
>where's your proof of attacks
>n-no those don't count I want the specific names so i can call them jews
nazis on suicide watch
He honestly isnt. I am the guy you quoted. He is a better president than hillary, romney, kerry and gore couldve ever been. McCain had a shot but he picked a braindead cunt as his VP and she didnt even know which koreans were our allies.
Unironically this dude has done a lot more than obama did.
There were two option for 2016.
>Habitual liar, who had everything handed to him and even though hes incredibly dishonest he is one of the most (ironically enough) honest politicians.
>A cunt, who has been for 3 decades a cunt, the politicians politcian, who was smug, emails blablabla, but mainly I am sorry I respect no man or woman who stays with someone who cheates on them. Let alone be the laughing stock of an entire nation.
The fact that hillary, her supporters and trump haters were so sure she would win that not even half the countrys population votee this election.
The redpill in all of this. And I say this as someone who up until mid 2016 leaned left and still doesnt lean right
>a bunch of people who claim to want to better the world and country
>a bunch of old people who have beeb voting decades for their self interests.
>"old racists" showed up to the voting booths and the future of America didnt show up to the voting polls because they are lazy and they underestimated the right wingers and their drive to push their agenda forwards
>That NONE of this would have ever happened if obama lost
>this retard completely missed Trump negotiating with Kim Jong Un in front of the world
He can’t. Journalists like Andy Ngo debunk this lie by actually investigating hate crimes.
shows what you know
TDS is a hell of a drug
You do realize he uses typos intentionally to attract media attention toward subjects he wants to talk about, right?
Better than Clinton's method of "just bomb some Africans or towel heads"
>the retard thinks the stage show was real
the real talks were done behind closed doors.
well it's not like you need to be a big brained board boy to figure that one out, but a ceremony for the public to see interaction is kind of party to the whole thing.
>ignore reality!
>watch the dog n pony show!
the source I posted is terror attacks not hate crimes. if you think there were only 400 hate crimes in 6 years in a country of 300 million you have no idea what you're talking about
>he missed the beginning where Trump antagonized Kim and postured in a way to get him to come to the table in a way no NK leader ever had before
Yeah, and that """"stat"""" has been debunked a hundred times. The "right wing terrorism" includes non political actions and ones by people who are openly leftist.
>>the people are attacking/killing each other because political views
Actual deaths occur so infrequently across the breadth of the whole nation that when it does happen, the news makes a huge deal out of it, which is why it seems so prominent when it really isn't. Domestic terrorism is nothing new, incidentally. Timothy McVeigh happened long before the current climate - before 9/11, even. It's still less frequent than in Europe by a staggering margin. Pic related.
>the people are being poisoned by their water having lead/natural gas in it
This is shit, but it only happens in a handful cities and towns in a nation with over 35,000 of them. For 85% or the the US population, pure and definitely safe drinking water is ensured. Well water actually tends to have a higher chance of being contaminated, but even then, contamination can amount to mineral particles which aren't actually dangerous to health. Furthermore, point of use water filters can solve these issues for the majority of the remaining population. This leaves a few well-documented cases of tap water being chemically tainted. The US has never had a crisis in this regard on the level of the Minamata disaster.
>infrastructure is woefully outdated and crumbling
Physical or organizational? Physically speaking, everything works fine across the board. We could use some upgrades here and there - more efficient, cleaner power, for example, has proven to be effective in Europe. Organizationally, the smaller the bureaucracy is, the better.
>trust in the government is a all time low
And yet it's still significantly less shady than its supposed competitors.
>rights are being stripped away while people applaud because it makes other people mad
There's all sorts of things you could be talking about, but overall things are still pretty fucking great. Sure there's a culture war, but Americans have been very good about calling out bullshit on all sides and rejecting impositions on muh freedoms.
>divided left thinks it can beat unified right
discord trannies and neolib boomers won't vote for the same candidate, but libertarian types will vote for an evangelical if the alternative is more gibs more war and more immigration
Incidentally, as the pic indicates, the amerifat meme is a way stronger criticism than anything you actually mentioned.
so what you're saying is leftists have principles and people on the right don't actually care? interesting
I can’t even imagine what kind of piece of shit would treat immigrants worse than this president.
Every American should be grateful for American liberty and opportunity. But the average immigrant citizen did more to earn their place than the average natural-born citizen.
They generally:
1) Exercise courage and grit to get here;
2) Learn a new language;
3) Stay out of trouble and build a new life;
4) Become productive members of the community;
5) Take a test most Americans would fail; and
6) Swear an oath of allegiance.
Here’s what everyone on /pol/ including myself had to do to enjoy the blessings of American liberty:
1) Survive labor and delivery.
And that’s literally it.
So who should be the most overwhelmed by gratitude? The person who had to do actual work in the real world to earn citizenship or the person who enjoys the fruits of the sacrifice of millions entirely by accident of birth?
debunked by who? andy "concrete brain truama" ngo? lmao
the idea that you have principles is laughable
>illegal aliens
you are posting this as bait? or seeking to discredit the left?
i wasnt the guy you were arguing with so i dont know
just gay response and billy madison cant even save how gay it was
well that's like your opinion man
why are incels obsessed with AOC?
nigga it's a two party system
you either indicate which choice you consider the lesser of two evils or your vote is essentially useless
poor fren
and they would rather sit out the process than participate in the election of someone they disagree with. that is called sacrifice for beliefs or "principles". The idea that I need to walk you through the definition of what having a moral principle means just shows the sad state of politics
>treat immigrants