Who was really in the wrong here???

Who was really in the wrong here???

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>this video is worse than any gore

Attached: 1521822852734.png (454x520, 13K)

it is

linky or you stinky

video is older than you. Was reposted about 9 billion times. If you have not seen it you are kid. And i dont speak to kids.

It affected me to the point where every time I'm behind a truck with seemingly loose building material I think of this video. I've seen countless gore threads and they've never had that sort of effect.

Neck yourself, zoomer scum newfag

Family driving somewhere in europe. The mom gets killed by a flying brick from a car ahead of them. There's no blood but you can hear the screams from the husband and children.

I dont get it, did the brick impale her? How did she die from just getting hit in the face, especially if the windshield slowed its trajectory? Ive seen tons of rekt videos of people walking away from worse

force was probably so big it split her head open. This is why family started to scream because they knew she was dead on the spot.

The brick mashed her head.

I havn't seen this video and I'm older than you. Kill yourself nigger. Slit your own throat I'll piss on your gaping neck.

if you have not seen it then i doubt you are older than 12.

>how did she die from a fucking brick smashing into her face at highway speeds
This is not one of the smarter boards

Come and try faggot

> in europe.
It Russia

You dont deserve it, but here, newfag ape

Been here longer than you faggots


First year the pass was available newnigger
better than filling out captchas for jewgle for free.
Go ahead and solve a few to reply to this kike

vid came out in 2012 so double neck yourself nigger