>Sherlock Holmes: released in 2009
>Directed by Guy Ritchie
>Sherlock Holmes 2: A game of shadows: released in 2011
>directed by guy ritchie
>Sherlock Holmes 3: to be released December 22nd 2021
>directed by Dexter Fletcher
What the fuck happened?
>Sherlock Holmes: released in 2009
>Directed by Guy Ritchie
>Sherlock Holmes 2: A game of shadows: released in 2011
>directed by guy ritchie
>Sherlock Holmes 3: to be released December 22nd 2021
>directed by Dexter Fletcher
What the fuck happened?
Who the FUCK is Dexter Fletcher. I only saw him in The terminal
He directed Eddie the eagle and bohemian rhapsody
Nah, it was the other homo film. Eddie the eagle looks painful
All I know is I can do a great impression of Lord Blackwood
those movies are my guilty pleasures
Thought the same but its actually alright.
No Ritchie makes this sequel worthless
Why are they making a third movie 10 years later
oldfag brits will know him from press gang and gamesmaster
no idea he was a director until now
Anyone can with a long enough rope
They want that zombieland 2 audience
No Guy Ritchie? That's the only thing that made this series interesting.
The MCU happened. After these movies, RDJ got a bigger paycheck by sticking with The Avengers.
People actually liked Zombieland though
I like the movies, but it ain't Sherlock. Brains over brawn, Ritchie, not the other way around.
He's in Band of Brothers and Layer Cake off the top of my head
He's soup from lock stock. The bloke with all the knives
because rdj was busy with marvel, he kept the sequel going until he was free from the mouse
>I like the movies, but it ain't Sherlock. Brains over brawn, Ritchie, not the other way around.
Benedict Cumberbatch > RDJ > Puke >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jonny Lee Miller.
He owns a diner on Coruscant.
>Benedict Cumberbatch
>Boomerangs in your general direction
You never read the books. Sherlock is also supposed to be strong as fuck. When he's talking to John, he bends an iron or steel bar or something
holy shit. Jonny Lee Miller is probably the best Sherlock ever and Benedict and that whole crap series on the BBC is worthless drivel.
I find Miller to be kind of boring, but that's largely because he's stuck in a police procedural instead of a television event like Sherlock.
you never read the books
Is this guy even capable of emulating Guy Richie's style?
Not an argument
>What the fuck happened?
that police procedural allows Sherlock to investigate many different crime scenes... rather than say the BBC Sherlock where everything not Moriarty still is somehow about Moriarty in some way, wait holy shit what's that ...Sherlock's secret sister. lol
First RDJ Holmes movie had nothing to do with Moriarty, he was literally just name dropped at the end for sequlbait
Seasons 3 & 4 didn't have much to do with Moriarty either.
>that police procedural allows Sherlock to investigate many different crime scenes...
I'm 14 episodes into Season 1. The only deviation in the standard murder formula is the bank vault episode.
the second had everything to do with him. And I was comparing Elementary to BBC's Sherlock.
I don't even consider RDJ Sherlock to be real canon Sherlock.
I agree.
The show is always like...
"I know who the killer is!"
go to killer's house
"you won't believe it, he's dead!"
now whose the killer?!
but still I think Miller puts the best effort into creating a Sherlock of his own. RDJ is RDJ in whatever role he's playing. Same with Benedict.
Solid kek
>I don't even consider RDJ Sherlock to be real canon Sherlock.
Of course he isnt, Arthur Conan Doyle is fucking dead
RDJ is charismatic, but he's a little too normal when you compare him to this kino.
Oh shit, he's my personal "that guy". He's a director as well?
Here's what I think about the various Sherlocks,
>Guy Ritchie movies
They look fantastic, they're cut really well, the acting is great, and they have some really cool moments. I suppose I agree that they don't feel 100% because RDJ is clearly just doing a poor accent and they definitely have flaws, but I could watch both movies over again without feeling bad about it. 8/10.
>Sherlock BBC series.
The performances are largely pretty good, the chemistry between Cumstonthatch and Bilbo is solid but narratively they don't hold up very well. Also I think that a non-trivial number of the episodes are just bad in the sense that the material is bad. The mystery, the reveal, the procedure, it all just isn't very good, and it goes complete shit in the last season which actually actively retroactively makes the previous seasons even worse. That's not something shows usually manage to do, but somehow they did it. 5/10.
>Elementary series
I thought it'd be shit at first but surprisingly I don't hate having an Asian MILF onscreen all the time and Miller competently pulls off autistic detective for the most part. The fact that it's a shitty procedural and thus has all the bad things that family cable TV requires, it's hamfisted asspull solutions to a lot of problems (every time I hear "Everyone" I cringe) and it's insistence on making it about the cops in the show more than anything else drag some of it down. But still, it's decent for cable TV standards. 7/10.
Good bait.
Like any procedural the good parts is not the cases but the interactions between the main cast, and Elementary manage that a whole fuckload better than Sherlock, because they actually focus on his addiction and rehab in a really good way, instead of Watson's secret superspy bullshit or secret sister bullshit etc etc. The addiction story only gets better with the seasons, whereas most procedurals instead go for a "will they get together finally???" which gets tiresome the longer it goes on. That's the shit I thought we'd get when I first heard they turned Watson into a woman, but I was pleasantly surprised.
A Game of Shadows was patrician
>Like any procedural the good parts is not the cases but the interactions between the main cast, and Elementary manage that a whole fuckload better than Sherlock, because they actually focus on his addiction and rehab in a really good way,
The cases are the most important part. If they're interesting, the audience's attention will be held a lot better than any old piece of shit cop show with marginal character development.
>and it's insistence on making it about the cops in the show
You're now remembering the cringy end of watch shit where they poignantly stop the entire precinct to send out some radio calls to a dead policeman. And the black cop hesitates to date a woman because she's internal affairs, because in tv land it's always a BAD thing to be investigating crooked cops, can't admit there's bad ones dontchaknow. You can REALLY tell that they want to fellate either the cop that's advising them on cop stuff, or the NYPD for letting them film in places.
Good taste.
>having an opinion this wrong
These movies are complete garbage.
Game of Shadows' ending is sublime
The way RDJ faked his death>>>>>>dog shit>>Whatever way Cumberbatch bullshitted his way out of his after Moriarty went full retard
And on that note, someone wouldn't have the vertical where Cumberbatch fakes his death by having Falkor the luck dragon swooping in to save him mid-fall?
There are some parts of Elementary I think work really well. As you said, the whole rehab thing is decent enough, all the other Sherlock interpretations have either only used addiction as a single momentary plot point or pushed it away entirely, but leaning into it is an interesting take. Plus the killer from AA meetings was solid. I also like the occasional moments when Sherlock is given gifts and stuff by rich people because they're often interesting to him and that makes them interesting, I like that he's constantly shown practicing or trying various things related to learning more useless facts (though they seem to love lockpicking a lot). I like his dad, John Noble is great in everything.
Like I said, it has moments that shine but I don't think it really rises above.
>Guy Ritchie directed Aladdin
>I also like the occasional moments when Sherlock is given gifts and stuff by rich people because they're often interesting to him and that makes them interesting
That vaguely shell/bone-like thing sitting around his place? 700-1000 dollaridoos. For just a nice-looking prop around the place.
Step aside ye olde men! Millie will be the sherlock we all need!
Yea, just saw that too!
I can't believe "Soap" from Ritchie's Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels took over >Sherlock Holmes, WTF!
He was busy with the MCU. The films are well regarded by film academics, and I think they sell well.
based and patrician pilled
What was the brainstorming session that led to these films?
>No, see we make Sherlock Holmes an ACTION HERO
>Because he, like..... calculates.
>Where his, like, fuckin' punches. Are gonna land.
>And we see it in slo-mo.
>Yeah! Like we see him calculate it first in slo-mo because he's like, fuckin' SHERLOCK HOLMES and he can do that shit.
>And then we see him actually do it.
>So he's a superhero but not a real superhero. Because he just calculates his fuckin' punches. Because he's SHERLOCK HOLMES.
just shoot me
>What the fuck happened?
Robert Junior inches Downy is back on the menu
He was too busy filming in Marvel shit and grabing mounts of cash now is free
kek imagine actually being tasked to try to follow on from Guy Ritchie
Fletcher might as well kill himself now his career is done
Eddie the Eagle and Rocketman are better than anything Ritchie has made in over a decade
Well played, user
*King Arthur and Man from U.N.C.L.E blocks your path*