>what is that?
>must be new this year
>that's our glider!
What are some movie technologies that actually became reality?
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remember the stories a couple weeks ago about the air force detecting flying objects that change velocity at rates impossible by any natural or man-made thing? there are only two possibilities; aliens or secret tech. this is actually very interesting because even the boring option is exciting.
we will be seeing more advanced aviation tech leaked in the next few years before the government unveils the true extent of it, and then it will be able to be commercialized.
basically, they're conditioning us for the reveal of actual hoverboards or flying cars and shit.
I would fly around on these jacking off onto poor women below me. If I'm lucky some would end up in their mouths!
Absolutely fucking based.
That would be really neat. I want an ayylien wife
If they could get flight time up to an hour it would be sufficient for the American war effort to retake France from the caliphate.
i love how smooth it is. i like how hes just power stanced in the sky with a fucking machine gun. he looks like he FUCKS. like if you talk shit about him online and he will appear like this 50 feet over your house and would say "hi, bitch"
some of the soldiers are holding real gauss rifles.... holy fuck this can't be real.
Gauss/rail guns aren't some super future tech, the only real problem comes down to storing enough energy to fire them more than once in quick succession
saw this shit mid-report on the news and didn't have a fucking clue what i witnessed
>"wait, do you hear something? sounds like a buzz"
>"it's getting louder"
>"wait, is he saying something"?
>*muffled sounds in the distance*
...comprises only thirteen PERCENT OF THE POPU-
>*flies out of hearing range*
Whats the point of french holding all this tech when their land became such a shithole? the opportunity to use this has come and gone, they lost, it is just there for show offy suicide.
>that derpy tiny robot middle right
what is that even for?
they're building it for ahmed
HAHAH fuck you
We future now
the future is now, old man
Where's the actual video of this thing?
found it
Thank you user
Heh, sugoi, SHIGASHI very shitty for akimbo maneuvers, i already won baguettu joe
HAHAHAHA the sound is so deafening it holds basically no military purpose other than comedic.
What practical use does this thing have?
Leave it to frogs to come out with this retarded goofy looking shit
Well the french are famous for being stinky and thats no good for stealth missions, so in order to stimulate your other senses they made a loud noise machine with the secondary function of flying so the french are held up high to make aiming on them better.
im putting this in my VR video game and you guys can't stop me
will post results in an hour or so
>What practical use is there in the ability to FUCKING FLY
We all know what's coming.
Please, for the love of god, i want you to put this device into a military scenario, imagine afghanistan hills, enemy fire from unknown location and there you have your flying machine, eliminate threats safely: go.
>slow loud buzzing target with zero cover and one hand busy
You're a brainlet if you cant see the use. It's basically a portable helicopter.
Can get soldiers on inaccessible rooftops in urban warfare. Etc, dont strain your brain trying to think of examples
Also making this is the first step to making fast, quiet ones
Yes, but don't flex your shitty prototypes.
>get torn to ribbons by flak fire
but this is not glider - this is HOVERGLIDER FROM REBOOT
>tfw im 115kg
>tfw such thing probably is not for fat people
You must lose weight fren
>dont strain your brain trying to think of examples
Have you any idea of how dumb this quote is?
>dude just stop thinking of the possibilities
>dude just turn your brain off it flies lol
suck a dick.
>MGS is becoming a reality again
Yes i know there were prototypes of this post WW2
And what exactly stops the operator from being blown out of the sky with a shotgun like a fucking bird?
im sure there will be a mobility cart version
it's cool you neanderthal
you're too stupid to think of possibilites
leave the thinking to the professionals
The germans don't have to go through belgium anymore.
He is a faggot
Gliders will have a gf test
>jets are quiet
>guns are quiet
>missiles are quiet
>war is quiet
Can a car even support your weight?
Yet its being quiet and sneaky that vietnam managed to defeat the highly advanced usa, how?
nope but your mom does lolololol
Yeah? We'll the Nigger Store called, and you're back in stock.
>France saying NOTICE ME SENPAI to Japan yet again
US did defeat Vietnam. Shit, it took civilians protesting to stop that slaughter.
Shitty anime?
We've been able to fly for decades.
This thing leaves you unarmored, uncovered, extremely obvious, almost guaranteed to be difficult to use meaning you can't just hand it out to grunts, takes away from your ability to focus on combat, is heavy and cumbersome adding a ton weight to already overburdened soldiers, is probably noisy making it useless in stealth operations, and guaranteed to cost a pretty penny as well.
It's fucking useless
>Can get soldiers on inaccessible rooftops in urban warfare.
Gee, one thing that we can already do without spending a ton of cash and making soldiers carry even more weight? Wow, truly amazing.
KYS brainlet, that's practically the only use
>he's holding a rifle
Holy shit I saw the headline about a dude on a jet board but I didnt know he was armed.