Star Wars is dying

>zero hype for the last installment in the new trilogy
>toy sales are shit
>Galaxy's Edge is fucking abandoned after a week

What went wrong???

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Anything that's not MCU is dying****

me on the right

This is some serial killer shit right there.

Me on the right.

Welcome to the burden of blockbustering and binge watching.
Nothing, or the mayority, last anymore than 1-2 weeks after release.
Back than people could digest the series or movies better. You had time to analyse it and have your own theory. But now you watch the whole season, no suspense.

he is gonna kill her.

wtf i love stoya now

all those asterisks don't change the declining box office numbers for SW movies.
We've already dropped below prequel levels.

The Last Jedi happened.

That fucking hairline ROFL

>The Force Awakens happened

The woman with the hat? Why are you so shy trying to aoid the camera, user?

Women as usual, I mean werent the Lifetime and Hallmark channels enough for the ladies? Any intelligent women I know like to go see documentaries about Mongolian hair dressers or whatever the fuck, they aren't waiting for Bond to be black or a woman.

So who is to blame? Disney? The Chinese? Tried to warn everyone here in 2012 that those two were in cahoots as to destroying it, no one listened.

I wonder what lines they gave the actresses to use for when a guy hits on them

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Those two make Marvel do gangbusters though.

God I want to sniff Rey’s sweaty panties after a long day in the California sun.

Mediocre writing.

"My boyfriend Kylo will literally forcechoke you and then blow up this entire park and the galaxy if you don't back off."

>Arnt you a little bit short for a stormtrooper?

Disney and China will just find another franchise to gangbust after Endgame. Question is what will they do next? Will further MCU movies become stale and pure cash grabs in comparison?

'no touching nerd'

>rogue one was looking interesting until the reshoots began
>that's when little user (age 30) realized it was a soulless creatively bankrupt cash grab

You can trace the death of Star Wars all the way back to when Disney de-canonized the old star wars EU.

She's visibly leaning away from him kek


TFA was bad but it wasn't franchise killing bad.
TLJ was.

me on the right

Most likely Disney's live action films, but I think they've run out overall. My worst fear is Detective Pikachu starting something along those lines.

>$500 for one hour

wouldn't you?

Nihilists in charge don't understand the following:
>Established canon
>Themes that touch and affect people

Retard, Disney isn't involved with DP.

Kristy black man go with Kristy black best ass since young jada Stevens
Kristy black Legal porno best porn in years

>but I think they've run out overall
>sequel to Maleficent soon.
You underestimate the mouse.

what did they change with the reshoots?

Yes, but it's funny to point it out.

>What went wrong???


They told audience to grow up and kill the past. Also they said that SW is not for typical manbaby white male. Audience listened.