Having dinner with parents

>having dinner with parents
>they say i should stay and watch some movies they recently picked up with them
>they spend the whole time talking about random shit, on their phone, or other dumb shit not focusing on the movie at all
This shit happens every single time. What the fuck is wrong with boomers that they cant sit still for even an hr during a movie?

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Just in case this isn't bait, it's because the movie is a justification for a shared social and cultural experience, you sperglord

>What the fuck is wrong with boomers
This is pretty much everyone outside of those who'd fit on Yea Forums, really.

the experience is watching the fucking movie not talking over it

>boomers need an excuse to socialize

any film worth watching is worth watching alone first, and then perhaps with a friend later if it is worth rewatching. when you pay money to a theater and go with friends it's more of a social experience than a cinematic one

>when you pay money to a theater and go with friends it's more of a social experience
>when you pay money
I fucking hate when people do this, especially loud ass fucking blacks who never shut the fuck up the whole time. One reason why I don't bother anymore at all.
The other is TLJ.

it’s a parents spend hours loudly reading facebook posts to each other episode

>its a social experience
Fucking horseshit. No its fucking not. The "social experience" happens after the film. During it you are all suppised to be enjoying the experience of the film so you can discuss it afterwards.

Why not play a board game instead then?

>all these seething NEETs who still live with mommy and daddy

i wish it were like that for me
>visit home
>"watch a movie with us user!"
>its secret life of pets / some shovelware movie / literally who movie
>start it up
>20 mins everyone is asleep
>i watch all of secret life of pets alone
>its exactly as you would expect. there is almost no plot to the movie, its just wacky hollywood animation schlock pieced together for children to giggle at
>everyone wakes up 5 minutes before the end of the movie
>"oh that was pretty hgood, i think i would buy that!"

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Yea Forums has become as autistic as Yea Forums it seems.

kill all zoomers

Not for NPCs.

High IQ detected

>"well that was a fun movie"

Isnt that what the dinner in the OP was for? Isnt watching a movie together to share the experience of watching the movie together? Isnt the social experience supposed to take place AFTER the movie?

trips of truth

id betcha they do ambien

Sounds like they do adderall

Glad I don't live in Niggertown, USA

My parents just fall asleep. I don't think my mother, specifically, has ever sat through a whole movie. I don't really think it's a bad quality. She reads a lot.

This is why I stopped watching movies with my family. They can't concentrate on anything and just fall asleep or get distracted by other things.

Why? Why do boomers do this? Is it because they arent used to being able to do stuff that lets you stay still?

why not talk and fucking socialize then? fucking NPCs and their background noise.

I go home every week to visit my parents and do my laundry. Don't forget to visit your parents user, they miss you

Have you ever been though? The bbq is good


Yes user?

>watch movie with potato tier son
>i have to occasionally check on something else because i am an adult with responsibilities
>occasionally talk to family members during the movie because i have to coexist with them and my relationship with them is more important than watching every second of this fictional media world
>fucking retard kid keeps quizzing on the damn movie because he has nothing else going on in life and gets mad that i can't follow this shitpile he put on
>linda shoulda got that abortion

>zoomer attempts to justify his snapchat-tier attention span

Dont you mean boomer?

My friend always tells me about “great movies” he watched and says we should watch them together and literally as soon as we start watching them he whips his phone out and starts snapchatting roasties and swiping through Tinder and shit. If I say anything about it he just says “well dude I’ve already seen this movie”. I love the guy but goddamn he’s an Uber Normalfag

I trained my family. They're literally too scared to not pay attention.

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>shovelware movie

I gotta remember this one

I can kind of understand this to a point (although if the movie truly is so good it should hold up to multiple viewings). But my parents do this sort of shit with movies they've never even seen before, but are evidently interested enough in to spend money to rent it.

Went to my gfs house today. Her mom wanted to watch the new pet semetary movie since she hadnt seen it. Not 10 minutes after we put it on she went to the park for a walk.

>Not having a patrician dad

I feel for you. He showed me El Topo when I was 14, I wasn't prepared but appreciate he thought I would enjoy it.

My grandparents constantly talk during movies and even went so far as to turn off A Quiet Place 15 minutes into it because there wasn't any talking

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