*surpasses kino*

>*surpasses kino*

Attached: k3.png (400x451, 168K)

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could we ever achieve these levels of kinography again?

I hope so. I actually like 2049 a lot more than the original in terms of story, even though the original obviously set the look for cyberpunk pretty much ever since. 2049's still my favorite movie in years.

more like *passes kino on a rapid slide down into the bin* lol

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This movie was super predictable, other than looking good idk why everyone sucks this movie off

Because I want to eat out Luv

If you will inspect my credentials you will see that I am fully qualified to demand you delet that.

Attached: 1533148181626.jpg (2118x1600, 1.31M)

Honestly the third quarter of the film is a fucking mess. Also luv is shit.

Attached: Blade Runner 2049 - Aaaaahhhhhhhh.webm (1920x1080, 1.69M)

>exploitative sequel/reboot of classic film
>literally meant to rival star wars
>makes shitty happy ending of theatrical cut canon
>replaced vangelis with generic hanz zimmer soundtrack
>somehow still kino
Grow some taste user

>literally meant to rival star wars
Cmon user, even you don't believe that.


Attached: 1553895990283.jpg (1704x1600, 1.12M)

>luv is shit
She's one of the more explored deeply characterized tragic antagonists in recent cinema history.

Attached: Blade.Runner.2049.00_41_41.jpg (3840x1600, 1.87M)

Attached: capsbro-2019-07-14-20h28m30s964.png (1920x1080, 1.89M)

I'm glad we could come to terms, let's chill out and have some drinks.

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Attached: capsbro-2019-07-14-20h34m35s040.png (1920x1080, 1.61M)

Is that Electric Youth on the vocals?