Defend this

Defend this.

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Have sex.

because nig.

Have kids

Have sex

I'm an american so I need americans on my screen or I will get sad

It makes manbabies on Yea Forums seethe immensely. Therefore it is /ourarielle/ by default. You know, something that Yea Forums would approve of before Reddit took over.


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lose weight

Remember when there was a black Cinderella movie back in the 90's?

I'm going to be honest, black women are not as interesting to look at as european women

>there are no redheaded white girls in america
kys gaslighting y*rocuck

She is white you idiot

Fuck off huemonkey.
The Brandy film? Yes. It's actually better than the OG in a lot of ways. The fact that Yea Forums manbabies think Disney has finally dipped into the diversity pool just now is almost mind-boggling. They've been adapting to societal changes just like all of us have.

I'm going to be honest, you're an incel and you need to have sex. But since you're a manbaby on Yea Forums, no one will ever want your fat manlet self, so end yourself you colossal faggot.

Back in the 90's shit like that was perfectly fine because it wasn't about replacing the white race. That and it was an all black cast so I can't fault them for that. In this political climate, where identity politics is on high, this kind of bullshit doesn't fly.



You can't defend this filthy shit. Jews always had a thing with Red Heads. They saw them as evil.

I cant

>First 30 minutes of the film is Ariel not wanting to get into the water because it will ruin her hair

hahaha holy fuck man get a life.
anything said about niggers that's literally not worshipping them is met with overly defensive crying by you faggots. kys

redheads were often accused of being jews

Most of (((them))) are redheads though

We are replacing /pol/tards like no fucking tomorrow. You faggots have yet to win a debate regarding black Arielle and have lost every last debate over Based Brie and Captain Marvel, and all you manbabies can do is seethe and shit in your mandiapers.

Gingers are one of the smallest minorities on the planet, pandering to them earns nothing.

Blacks are one of the largest populations of the planet, pandering to them makes millions.

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Daywalker freak

it's just another Disney cash grab for mongoloids who do not accept that childhood is over

once again, kys y*rotrash

As a ginger who tans you don't get it man, everyone wants to Fuck redheads

Why do people that fight for "representation" celebrate when a black person takes over a redhead character, and then don't give a shit that some little redhead girl no longer has someone to look up to?

mmmm gimme dat cosplay

tv looks like a hooker

Disney pays billions to experts predict the future, the future they see is nothing but low IQ mulattoes, ergo they retool all of their franchise for the future cattle.

If you're really angry you should really stop voting for politicians who are in the pocket of capital and want to extinguish the white middle class and replace it with a lower class slave labor force

because "representation" and "diversity" just code for anti-white

>live action disney
I couldn't care less

Laying the bait a little thick, user. Revise and try again.

Old live action disney was based, That movie where the kid shoots his dog, treasure island... fucking uh... others.


white tears makes it all worth it

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anything said about niggers that's literally not niggermeme posting is met with overly defensive crying by you faggots. kys

Ariel is a Hebrew name

I think it's a good choice.

Once we reach peak globalization, we'll all be one race of non gendered people and we won't need """diversity""" anymore.

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are you trying to defend niggers while calling them niggers?? now you just outed yourself so you have no choice but to kill yourself kid

i'm saying your bitching is as bad as their bitching. Suck another dick